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January 6 Committee Hid Exonerating Transcript to Frame President Trump

January 6 Committee Hid Exonerating Transcript to Frame President Trump

The manipulation of evidence by the anti-Trump January 6 Committee is increasingly becoming evident as Republicans continue to dig through official records. A recently released transcript of President Trump’s deputy chief of staff at the White House, Anthony Ornato, has confirmed that President Trump indeed offered the DC administration 10,000 troops for protecting the federal Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On March 8, The Federalist broke the news of the transcript of Ornato’s interview conducted on January 28, 2022, by the January 6 Committee released by the current House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight. The transcript, which was until now kept hidden from public view by the January 6 Committee, shows that Anthony Ornato told the Committee that President Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had requested D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to formally ask for 10,000 National Guards to protect the Capitol on January 6, 2021 – an offer Bowser declined.

He also testified President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021.

The Committee, comprising anti-Trump Democrats and their choice of anti-Trump Republicans like former Congresswoman Liz Cheney of WY, suppressed the transcript from the public view. On Monday (March 11), Tristan Justice wrote in The Federalist that the J6 Committee claimed in its final report that President Trump “never gave any order to deploy the National Guard on January 6th or on any other day. Nor did he instruct any Federal law enforcement agency to assist.”

Justice wrote that by hiding the transcript, Cheney falsely framed President Trump as the mastermind of the January 6 Capitol riot in 2021. He noted that Cheney excluded this part of the interview with Ornato from her biography wherein she dismissed Ornato’s testimony as evidence of Trump’s White House dismissiveness regarding the security situation in D.C. on January 6.

The Epoch Times cited Republican Congressman Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight that released the transcript, saying:

“The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative.”

The transcript of the interview with Anthony Ornato was not the only important document hidden by the anti-Trump January 6 Committee. On Monday (March 11), The Epoch Times reported that the J6 Committee did not release the transcript of the testimony by the driver of the SUV carrying President Trump on January 6, 2021.

The unnamed Secret Service agent driving the car had testified that he did not see President Trump grabbing for the wheel. This counters the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide, who claimed to have learnt from Ornato that another agent told him about President Trump reaching for the wheel of the vehicle.

The story cited the March 11 House Report on January 6 Committee (page 36) as:

The select committee hid the driver’s full testimony and only favorably mentioned his testimony in its final report, it did not release the full transcript.

Following the release of the report, The Epoch Times says it reached out to Cassidy Hutchinson’s lawyer for comment but did not receive a response.

About The Author


  1. Frank stetson

    This is a repeat and has been suggested that the House should actually complete an investigation before you start lynching folks

    See previous duplicate story.

    • Richard

      Trump was and is beings railroaded. But even you lefty assholes will suffer from it. But we would totally ignore Joe and ho.

  2. Good Luck

    Charge Cheney with Treason, and the rest of the Jan.6th Committee. This out and out lying and a big cover up. Everybody on the Jan 6th Committee should be charged with Treason.


    Good luck proving this and this did not prove it in court, or even in a House inquiry.

    They ain’t got the stuff, so they publish the fluff in the MSM which suddenly is your gospel.

  4. LMB

    This is nothing more than a Coup by the Dem-o-rats/RINOs against the Republicans/Trump!!! Willfully/Intent to hide evidence is criminal actions at the highest level of government!! Every member of this corrupt committee needs to be charged and/or sued!!!

  5. Darren

    No, Charge the news media outlets who covered the story as the they stated it must be the
    Truth with ( an accomplice participant after the fact )
    Maybe that would bring the news media to be more careful when promoting Lies!
    I have said it in the past. Cheney is up the Bushes ASS HOLES so deep, this wreaks of
    Bush interference.
    With the glad permission from the Clintons!
    Just wondered why no one has been killed yet.
    Who has been on the 373 MAX planes who worked for the Clintons.
    Check DEEEEEEEP!

    • Jack

      Uhhh – 737 MAX


    Guys are pulling those tin foil hats hard.

    You got democrats and RINOs working together; that’s like Horist and I teaming up…..

    Your blaming the Clintons? Cheney’s and Bush working Clintons

    Even tossed guilt in for the Max737

    You’re either on drugs or need drugs because these hallucinations have no foundation in reality.

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