Islamist Terror: Pakistani Immigrants Pleads Guilty to Terror Plot in NY

A young Pakistani immigrant, named Awais Chudhary, pleaded guilty last Friday to plotting a terror attack in New York City, in a reminder of the threat to national security that comes with the immigration of Islamists.
Awais Chudhary, now 22, was arrested in August 2019 for plotting a terrorist attack on people outside a Dunkin’ Donuts in Queens, NY. He planned to use either a knife or a bomb, though news sources reporting on his case say he had decided to use a knife. Chudhary had ordered a knife to stab people as well as tactical gear that would enable him to stream his terror attack online.
Chudhary’s alternative terror plot involved bombing traffic on the bridges above the Grand Central Parkway and the Flushing Bay Promenade. The bombing was meant to be carried out after the knife attack.
The motive for Chudhary’s terror plot has been known since his arrest: Islamic terror inspired by ISIS. He was 19 when he came up with his terror plot and seriously meant to execute it out of religious hatred for Americans in their country.
Breitbart reported that Awais Chudhary came to the United States as an immigrant from Pakistan and became a naturalized citizen. The details of his immigration and naturalization are not known but it is assumed that he came here as a family – the chain migration system where one family member gets into a country and sponsors his/her family members one by one or sometimes multiple ones together as “dependents” to the country after getting citizenship.
Chudhary faces 20 years in prison for his planned terror plot but it hasn’t been revealed when the sentencing is scheduled for or whether he would be stripped of his citizenship and lined up for deportation on the completion of his sentence.
The United States has suffered from numerous Islamic terror attacks and terror plots involving immigrants, mostly young men, from countries where radical Islamism is deeply rooted in society. In December 2015, immigrant Pakistani couple Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik successfully carried out a terror attack in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and injuring about two dozen others.
Former DHS whistleblower Philip Haney revealed in his book See Something Say Nothing (WND Books, 2016) that the San Bernardino attack was preventable but the Obama administration’s policy to soften rules for Muslims coming into the country enabled it. Haney was found shot to death in February 2020 in Amador County, California. Two years later, the authorities ruled his death a suicide, though questions remain about the death and its investigation.
Thanks a lot Democrats for all the radical BS you have done. You have screwed up everything you touch, I hope we can survive all this crap. This is why they want everyone disarmed.
So he will still be a young man when he gets out; gives him time to try again. where is the real justice?? Thanks to Biden & his ISLAMIC handler!
NO TRIAL ,just cut off his head and send it to his parents. A raghead like that shouldn’t be given a chance to take another breath of air