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Immigration: Biden changes catch-and-release to catch-and-legalize

Immigration: Biden changes catch-and-release to catch-and-legalize

It is beyond obvious that Democrat policy is designed to flood America with millions of new residents no matter who they are or how they get here. One can debate why the Biden administration wants to enable and promote such widespread disregard for immigration laws and safe borders, but the fact that it is the result of WILLFUL policy is beyond refutation.  No level of incompetence or stupidity can explain the unresolved crisis at the southern border.

One has to understand the progression of this policy.  Step one was to allow unlimited numbers of people to cross the border illegally – and to remain in America under the false premise that they are legitimate refugees seeking asylum.  According to the records, more than 85 percent of the illegal border crossers are ineligible for asylum under American law – and therefore ineligible for permanent residency or citizenship. 

Democrats want the illegal border crossers to remain in America since that would enhance the chance that they will matriculate to citizenship, according to Democrat proposals.  It is why Biden reversed 90 of President Trump’s border security Executive Orders … why he stopped the building of the wall, even those portions already paid for with the wall sections rusting on the ground … why he ended the Title 42 program that restricted the flow of illegal border crossers … and why he ended the agreement to hold migrants in Mexico until vetted.

A path to citizenship is an integral part of the Democrat program. Which may give evidence of the motivation behind the open border policy.  It is widely assumed that the migrants will overwhelmingly vote Democrat if given the opportunity.  (Personally, I am not convinced that the Democrats’ assumption will be the case.)

Step two of the Democrat strategy is to increase the flow of migrants to the southern border with a broad range of incentives – that have been increasing over time.  Democrats have created sanctuary cites to protect illegal aliens from law enforcement.  In addition, Democrats are providing an increasing number of advantages and benefits – including jobs, housing, general welfare, driver licenses, schooling, limited voting rights (more evidence of motivation?) and even cash.

The incentives to enter America across the southern border are so strong that it has not only attracted Mexicans (the initial border crosses) and Central and South Americans (the second wave) but has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people from more than 150 nations – some of which are from nations banned or severely limited from immigration into the United States.  Some are terrorist nations – and some of the migrants are on the  Terrorist Watch List.

Step three is to undermine the entire LEGAL immigration process by providing Temporary Legal Status (TLS) to categories of illegal border crossers. 

We have heard many times that the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are here illegally – implying that they have come through the legal process.  Au contraire.  They crossed the border illegally, but Biden has used (abused) presidential power to grant them Temporary Legal Status.  Technically they are now here legally but are not any more vetted or processed than any other person illegally crossing the border and being shuttled to communities throughout America.

The Biden administration has granted legal refugee status to Afghans fleeing that nation after Biden’s ill-advised and botched surrender to the Taliban.  One of them was recently arrested for planning a major terrorist attack on Election Day.

Biden has given legal status to Venezuelans fleeing their strongman dictatorship, including members of the violent Tren de Aragua gang that is terrorizing communities across the nation.  And now he has granted such legal status to Lebanese – a nation controlled by Hezbollah terrorists.

As if the abuse of the TLS program is not enough, we have the DED program – the Deferred Enforcement Departure program.  That applies to folks who should be deported but are not. That has been used for certain Palestinians, Liberians and others.  As of March, of this year, more than a million individuals have been included in the TPS and DED programs. 

The facts are simple.  We are allowing too many people to enter the country — more than we can accommodate.  Most of them are not qualified for asylum. They are inadequately vetted, if at all.  Among the millions of Illegal border crossers are hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions – or undesirables who are committing crimes of every sort.  (For the pathetic partisans and clueless attack dogs, “undesirables” is not a racist dog whistle, but the traditional immigration language that applies to folks of all backgrounds who are not suitable to be allowed into the United States.)

What President Biden has undertaken is nothing less than a violation of his constitutional oath to protect and defend the United States from external adversaries.   His immigration policy has inflicted grave damage on the United States – which will take decades to repair, even if we start now.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. stranger danger

    “Millions and millions and millions.” Not any more, not since June.
    You just gotta love a story talking about how many of something and there’s not a number, a statistic, or a source.

    “According to the records, more than 85 percent of the illegal border crossers are ineligible for asylum under American law – and therefore ineligible for permanent residency or citizenship. “ Which sources? Unnamed? Anonymous? Maybe your friends at PBP? Not any more, not since June. How about some current data?

    “Democrats want the illegal border crossers to remain in America since that would enhance the chance that they will matriculate to citizenship, according to Democrat proposals.” This is the poison pill hinting that the Democrat plan for immigrants is to get more Democrats lying that immigrants are a homogenous group of liberal voters. All I can say is most are Catholics; do you really think all Catholics are liberal? Not my experience with Catholics, Latino’s (especially the author’s Cuban neighbors), or anyone.

    “Biden reversed 90 of President Trump’s border security Executive Orders … why he stopped the building of the wall, even those portions already paid for with the wall sections rusting on the ground … why he ended the Title 42 program that restricted the flow of illegal border crossers …”

    The fact is Biden ended 90 of Trump’s boarder EO’s. Other articles the author talks about the unconstitutionality of EO’s; singing a different song here. Biden added over 200 immigration EO’s in his first year alone.

    The fact is Trump scurried during 2020 to build his failed wall with American, not Mexico paying 450 miles for $6.1B leaving $4.7B on the table because the master developer couldn’t finish the job. In total, he got 664 miles. But for 2020, the master deal maker, mr. developer paid closer to $14M per mile. At $200K loaded salary, we could hire 14 guys per miles or 6,300 guys instead.

    Much of the wall was used elsewhere or sold. I am sure they did not profit on the sale. I am not sure about rusting on the ground. Do things rust in Texas? **

    Yes, border crossing was out of control under Biden. The border is not and never have been open. The EO’s can only do so much, the Congress will not act and, for a campaign boost, Trump tanked the vote for the bipartisan immigration bill. So, Biden went back to the EO’s and more. As of June, asylum requests are mostly denied, unauthorized crossings are down 40%.

    Why is the author so one-sided, out-of-date, and out-of-focus?

    Rather than contradict, the blather, here’s a nice FACT-BASED piece that details this, with facts, stats, numbers and other evidence: **

    How to fix, we need legislation, not executive orders.
    1. Make e-verify the law of the land. Only those with authorized SSNs can work. No work, no come.
    2. Pass the bipartisan immigration bill OR fix it. The failed House bill is not bipartisan; modify the bipartisan bill with House elements but COMPROMISE and pass a bill.

    It’s a start.

    • larry Horist

      Stranger Frank. Have to admit, I do wonder why you made such a pronouncement about being “out of here” and then simply changed your screenname –and then lie about it. Weird behavior on top of your weird and pathetic obsession with me and PBP. But it is what it is. As far as your responses… same old Frank. I deal in facts and you spin … spin …. spin merely to be the counter PBP and Horist. Virtually everything you wrote above is simply your opinion — which you seem to believe is fact — or is simply wrong. And I do not feel the necessity — nor have the time to waste — to go point by point with you — because you have little impact in the bigger picture or on me personally … AND I do believe readers are intelligent enough and informed enough to see through you petty points and mendacious rants. Your greatest motivation seems to be some sort of self satisfaction. It Is why I have called it intellectual masturbation in the past. Still applies. Be calm and enjoy.

      • Tom

        Larry, I am back from overseas Larry. Expect that when I get caught up on life here, that I will once again continue your ethics and morals training, as well as my rating system that did you much good. I am afraid you are backsliding my friend. But I am here now, you will be rescued from yourself!!!!!

        This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 5. This article is written to Trump’s base and not with any regard to the truth. Thus the 5+ STS rating. Here is why:

        1) The picture cannot be verified as being New York.

        2) Prove “WILLFUL POLICY”, especially after Trump killed the Immigration Border Bill of 2024.

        3) The border crossers were released into society pending an asylum hearing of their case, this was viewed as compassionate and in agreement with our asylum laws. In some cases, good Americans took them in. The question for Larry is “Where is Larry’s compassion?”

        4) The real question this Independent has is, “Why didn’t Trump complete this wall like he said he would?” Why didn’t he get Mexico to pay for his wall like he said he would? What Larry does not mention is the years it iwill take until they go from asylum through green card to citizenship is at least 6 years or more. In that time, those (the 15% that do qualify) will contribute to our economy.

        5) Larry, you seem against a path to citizenship? Why? That is our American way. My father was an immigrant son and he won the Distinguished Flying Cross in WWII not just once, but seven times! And he served in Korea and Vietnam. Immigrants do great things, so why not offer them a citizenship! This is our American way EXCEPT for the GOP who wants our country to be just for white Europeans. Your comment Larry is a bit racist. But you are incapable of recognizing it!

        6) Larry, you keep talking about Dem strategies and plans. Where is the documented evidence of this? If they are here because they are awaiting their asylum case, they are entitled to economic advantages and work as sustainment until their case can be heard!! Check the asylum laws Larry!!! Larry wants them to starve, be disenfranchised, and be isolated – this is a common GOP strategy often deployed in election years! Shame on you Larry!!!

        7) Larry has no documented proof for Step 3 or any other of his imaginary steps. This article is actually proof of Larry’s desire to intellectually masturbate. Title 42 timed out. Biden allowed it to expire which means he did not renew it. It simply ended.

        8) Larry avoids talking about the 99% of immigrants who are law abiding and makes the few that are violent seem like all are violent. Truth is that the statistics by the federal government state that domestic violence cases are twice the rate of immigrant violence cases. We do need to punish the violent onces, but Larry does not seem in his writing to advocate for this.

        9) Then Larry continues his senseless rant with saying “perhaps millions of border crossers” are undesirables. Larry, there are people that consider you undesirable too!!! LOL

        Larry bloviates about Frank not having any “impact” (in his comment to Frank) but Larry forgets that he has little impact as well. LOL And then he criticizes Frank for leaving but not really leaving when Larry ought to be glad (based on the low response level) that he has Frank as a reader at all. More of Larry’s over-inflated opinion of himself.

        • larry Horist

          Tom … You combine arrogance and ignorance in what seems to be a desperate desire for relevancy … self proclaimed as it is. The real Waldorf and Statler have an audience and you have … Frank. LOL Perhaps your greatest weakness is that you are just repetitious and booooooring. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Tom

      Frank, you asked, “Why is the author so one-sided, out-of-date, and out-of-focus?” The answer is simple, its Larry Horist. Its who he is.

      I agree with many of your thoughts. I would add to it that those with SSN’s or ITIN’s be allowed to work. I would also add that I would link the Dept. Of Labor to the immigration system. Any job posting not filled within six weeks can be filled by an immigrant that is qualified. This way, we could import the labor legally for jobs Americans do not want to do, and send them to where they are needed to do the country some good. I would also require that anyone hiring a legally present immigrant must pay a living wage and define the value per hour of that wage. GOP states like TX and AZ are really big on bitching about illegal immigration while not telling folks that their factories and fields are full of them!

      I am back from overseas Larry. Expect that when I get caught up on life here, that I will once continue your ethics and morals training that did you much good. I am afraid you are backsliding my friend. But I am here now, you will be rescued!!!

      • larry Horist

        Tom .. You are back from overseas? Has the rest helped you mentally? I had to laugh that even you know that Stranger Danger is Frank. Why he invented the bs about leaving PBP forever only to immediately come back under a new screen name is a mystery. What is that all about? Very weird — sort of unhinged.

        I see you came back with all your standard insults and arrogance — and bullpoop. Also your iconic bromance line to Frank … “I agree with you …”

        I am flattered that neither you nor Frank have given up your fascination and obsession with me and with PBP — pathetic as it may be. Good to know that the PBP Waldorf and Statler balcony buddies are still a comedy team. Nothing funnier than two old cranky geezers venting. LMAO

        I will enjoy ignoring you as much as ever. Actually, more so, since I am busy promoting the book.

        • stranger danger

          Didn’t Mr Horist say he never reads Frank Stetson.

          Didn’t Mr. Horist say he has no time to read StrangerDanger?

          Sounds like he’s even counting the words; that’s a huge effort :>)

          I continue to say: StrangerDanger is not frank, he’s obtuse.

  2. stranger danger

    “Migration at the border remains at its lowest level since the fall of 2020, according to new CBP data released in August, following a crackdown on migratory movements that Mexico launched in early 2024 and a June Biden administration ban on most asylum access between border ports of entry.”


    “The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the latest available government statistics. That was a 77% decline from 249,741 encounters in December 2023, the most ever recorded in a single month.”


    Seems you are the spinner.

    Do I counter PBP. NO. I put facts on the table. You avoid facts, current data, to paint a picture that benefits your goals. Spin.

    You note that Frank left and made “such a pronouncement.” How can that be, you said no one reads Frank, didn’t you? But I am not frank, I am obtuse.

    But those are the facts, which you don’t care about, but make your story obsolete at best, spin fer sure, and a lie at most.

    Oh, and FYI: ” I do not feel the necessity — nor have the time to waste” to read your silly book, but I did post a better one that people actually buy.

  3. Americafirst

    Wow! What an ego. God’s gift to the world. The one and only little man who rules all of us and the entire world. We all are so wrong. We all lie about everything. Little man is always correct. Never lies. The only one who tells the truth is SD little man, aka Frank. The URL on the post proves who SD/Frank really is. Now there is a lie in action from SD. Who cares about statistics. We all know there are way too many criminals coming into this country along with those that only want a better life. We ARE being overrun. I’ve been seriously thinking of giving up my citizenship, going to the border, cross into Mexico and get in line to recross into America as an immigrant. IF I get caught, what are they going to do? Deport me to my birth country? LOL. Larry is not wrong. We all feel the pain of the immigrant saga. I wonder if SD or Frank knows the difference of what a Citizen of the United States is and what is an American is. He doesn’t care, though. To him the immigrants are so much more important than we all are. Look how he stood up for THEM and not us. When did this site become a FACT site? It was designed for chit chat and conversation which according to SD Frank, it is only facts. I wonder if SD Frank is an immigrant with how he shows his hatred for Americans and love for the immigrants. My own ancestors were immigrants, one of which is a very famous man who lived at the time of George Washington and was best friends with Washington which is how I got my Native American heritage that I am so profoundly proud of. I believe in living life the best way possible where SD Frank only wants to live life with facts and statistics as if we are all robots and not human. And maybe the spin game SD Frank likes to play is – pin the tail on the donkey. I almost used that other word for donkey. LOL.

    • stranger danger

      I present some facts, you respond “what an ego,” “little man who rules all of us,” and you lie, I am always correct.
      Speak to the facts, dear, speak to the facts.

      But I think I get it. I am Spock and you are a touchy-feely-snowflake. That’s OK. You have my URL. Keep it, I did not know I had one. And then you drop some really funny lines like:

      “Who cares about statistics.”
      “When did this site become a FACT site?”
      “It was designed for chit chat and conversation.”
      “I believe in living life the best way possible where SD Frank only wants to live life with facts and statistics as if we are all robots and not human.”

      Now I get it; wrong site. Joe’s ABOUT says:

      “The Punching Bag Post (PBP) is news from a conservative perspective, with hard-hitting commentary, investigative reporting, and the latest and most important news of the day. PBP uses the latest technology to analyze the news for the most important and most relevant stories.
      Punching Bag Media LLC was formed to provide a new strategy for providing fair and balanced news. When television news was king, journalists prided themselves on being impartial, one could trust Walter Cronkite with the truth and the news icons known throughout the country were never questioned.
      It was never actually true, however. Every journalist comes with their own biases and most do not even realize it.
      With the rise of the internet, today’s news is dominated by “infotainment” sites, focused on “link bait” and “viral” stories that draw the (at least temporarily) small minded reader. This is inevitable and we all (even the Punching Bag staff!) are attracted to it, its fun, it’s interesting, it’s design to outrage, to pull on heartstrings, to relate to some inner emotion.
      But infotainment makes no attempt to be impartial because impartiality simply doesn’t add to the bottom line. Some news sites focus on only this kind of story, but even the major news networks succumb to the more profitable infotainment segments on a daily basis.
      The term “low information voter” was recently coined to represent citizens who have not taken the time to learn the issues in-depth and who are vulnerable to infotainment perspectives. Unfortunately, most issues are clouded by such irrelevant arguments most people form an opinion without knowing truth from fiction.
      This is especially true in the political world. Pundits and politicians craft their perspectives in an infotainment wrapper and symbology overrides facts. This group often misleads or takes advantage of misunderstanding to get the crowd behind them. The following is a quote from Jacque Ellul, from his 1961 book Propaganda:
      “The third characteristic of public opinion is that this opinion is formed by a very large number of people who cannot possibly experience the same fact in the same fashion, who judge it by different standards, speak different language, and share neither the same culture nor the same social position. Normally, everything separates them. They really should not be able to form a public opinion, and yet they do. This is possible only when all these people are not really apprised of the facts, but only of the abstract symbols that give the facts shape in which they can serve as a base for public opinion.”
      The only way to get close to a balanced perspective is not to attempt to be impartial, but to take both sides to their extremes and get the widest possible view. Let’s let experts present their arguments and allow the readers to deliberate and judge for themselves. In the meantime, let’s identify and throw out the arguments known to be false, misleading or irrelevant so issues can be judged based on the remaining true, straightforward and relevant information.
      The purpose of Punching Bag’s opposing site strategy is to provide the reader with both sides of an issue, spark debates on today’s news, throw away the crap, and get to the real issues at hand. We believe this is the only way to get to all perspectives, to have real advocates for each side bringing information to the reader.
      We are not quite there yet, but stay tuned!”

      I wait for my invite to be a featured columnist….

      • Americafirst

        Danger man, you are not correct. You should read all the websites you get instead of deleting them. AMG News is fantastic. Says the opposite of your lies. Sunny’s Journal, too. Ben Fulford – another one. There are so many more that tell the same things in their own ways. All get information from the Marines. Marines do not lie. You do! I do NOT have your URL. How can I get that without a Sopena? See, you lied again. I never said I have your URL. Larry does because he sends you this site and you responded. Your email or website address is attached. You should have known that, but you didn’t. Real smart, man. Who are you to say what PBP was formed for unless you are Larry in disguise. HE knows. But you? What makes you think I care how you form your opinions? I have my own. I hope you stay on this site with your opinions. PBP strategy? How would you really know that? You are not Larry or work for him. Or have you planted a bug in his office? LOL. See – conversation works. That EBS/EAS signal is supposed to go off this weekend. The disclosure movies will prove everything I have ever said. My advice? When you see those recordings, have a bucket in front of you because you may get sick unless you are part of the elite underground child trafficking sickness which then you won’t need that bucket. Then you will see all the arrests that have happened already and find out who’s next. All your rich elite friends are going to have a new home for a short while. Then they won’t need those homes anymore. At least, you lead me to believe you are part of them with your sick rhetoric that your words are so much like theirs.. YOU did that to yourself by being such a hard a__.

      • larry Horist

        Stranger Frank … You ARE a featured columnist on PBP … and paid exactly what you’re worth.

        • stranger danger

          There does seem to be a Stanger Frank on your site; is that you?

          As to this one: very funny. really.

  4. Americafirst

    SD Frank, I have another question for you. I have the feeling I know the answer, but let’s see . . . .Are you disappointed Trump wasn’t killed in the assassination attempts? Your answer will be very telling no matter how you phrase it. Thank you.

  5. Americafirst

    Well, I figured the coward would not answer my question which leads me to believe he wants Trump dead! By not answering, he told on himself.

    • stranger danger

      “Well, I figured the coward would not answer my question which leads me to believe he wants Trump dead! By not answering, he told on himself.” As the kids say, you are not the boss of me.

      If you want to dialog, be polite. But if you continue to call me silly names like coward, if you continue to project my comments back on me, if you continue to take a non-answer as an answer claiming this time that I want Trump dead, the discussion will be over.

      As to your request: “You should read all the websites you get instead of deleting them.” I am at a loss what this even means, can you clarify?

      AMG News has the worst rating for media bias and lies that I have ever seen. The site is out of Romania. Frankly, I would shower after reading and cleanse thy PC as well. While Romania is not a terror state, this site is bogus information, beyond conspiracy theory. Sunny’s Journal flies under the radar so no rating, but again — it’s just conspiracy and lies. Ben Fulford is a well-known conspiracy guy, was Forbes editor in Japan where he still lives. I give you points for consistency but would suggest second sourcing the claims since dubious at best. And no, I do not follow conspiracy theories or theorists once debunked by fact checkers.

      “All get information from marines.” What the hell does that mean and why would the Marines be in the know for conspiracy? Gitmo is a navy base that houses some Marines, but Gitmo is not solely run by the Marines, but by the Navy. And where in the pecking order of military intelligence, do the Marines come out on top? Gitmo is a naval station with 2,000 military and 6,000 DOD/civilian workers. They can’t fix new cars there, only get 87 octane gas and cash ATMs are at Marine Hill Mini Mart. So, sure, big time secrets and intelligence shared with civilians at the mini-mart. Frankly, pretty rough tour of duty, no place to go in Cuba.

      “The URL on the post proves who SD/Frank really is” what you said. Sure sounds like you had it. Emails do not have URLs, except the Gmail, Yahoomail, etc. URL. Emails have addresses. Mine, like most, is fake so good luck.

      “Who are you to say what PBP was formed for unless you are Larry in disguise. HE knows.” Larry Horist does not own PBP. Joe Gilbertson is not a real name, but the real guy underneath owns PBP and runs it out of his house in Florida. Ernest Dempsey is not a real name either, but the real guy underneath operates out of Orlanda, looks like bars mostly :>).

      The rest was written by PBP, you can find it under ABOUT from the menu or the page bottom links. It was verbatim. The rest of your threats are unnecessary and boring.

      No, I do not have anything but sympathy for anyone facing violence at the end of a gun or any other weapon. Lock the perpetrators up. As well as those threatening others with violence, forced incarceration without due process, and even taking their houses as you suggest.
      The founders, and Joe, appreciate a vigorous discussion of the issues of the day. Unlike Joe, I feel a sense of decorum, rules, guidelines, should exist just like the Founders had a process for debate and discussion. Jefferson was a parliamentary scholar who served on the committee that created the Continental Congress’s rules of order in 1776. He also compiled a manual of legislative procedure for the Senate that changed the way the Senate operated. The U.S. House of Representatives later adopted Jefferson’s Senate Manual as a partial guide for its own proceedings.

      “Your answer will be very telling no matter how you phrase it.” You got that right. You seem to be in your own reality that relies on conspiracy theories as fodder.

      But you proposed that PBP was for chit-chat, I proved to you, with PBP words, presumably owner Joe’s words, or his real person, that you are totally wrong, off base, misplaced. And you doubled down, sweeeet. “Danger man, you are not correct” is correct. It was not my words, it came verbatim from PBP or Joe.

      I think this turkey is roasted. I do not chit-chat. Please stick to the issues, or even the issue tangents, but please avoid the personal attacks and threats if possible. I will not respond to those. They bore me. And remember, I did what you asked, I answered your questions, please return the courtesy. IF you don’t like facts, figures, statistics, just avoid my posts. It’s easy to do.

      • Frank Stetson

        Are you a dangerous stranger that parents tell their kids to stay away from? I hope you’re not a short eyes. Your daughter would be ashamed. I hope she’s ok. I’m not accusing you of anything. But strangers are to be avoided by kids

  6. Americafirst

    Dangerous man – every damned time I recommend a site, you say it has the worst media bias. Every one so far! From way back. You are the worst excise of a human that ever walked this earth that is if you are even human and not a Democrat plant AI. I would have to shower every time you post, that how bad it is for you.
    Are you stupid> You said, what does this even mean. It is totally clear, even a second grader can figure it out, but I guess you never made it past pre school. What an idiot you are. You do this to me on purpose to prove what a big man you want people to think you are, but all you do is show how incredulously dumb you are. We all see it. AND it was NOT a request, it was a statement! AMG news is not the only one saying what I said to you. There are dozens and more in videos from very good people. You lied again. You have a real problem telling the truth. That is a fact and not a lie!

    You go 1000% out of the way to hurt EVERYONE! That is what kind of jerk you are. You are NOT a nice, good person, you are nasty, hateful and nearly a criminal with your offensive disgusting rhetoric. You and you aka Frank started it a long time ago and we all fought back. We fight to redeem our own selves, but you will not allow that. Who the Hell do you think you are, Mr. God! You very well know you think of yourself as a god and you HATE women.
    If your URL is fake, then you are a dangerous hacker.

  7. stranger danger

    “That EBS/EAS signal is supposed to go off this weekend. The disclosure movies will prove everything I have ever said. My advice? When you see those recordings, have a bucket in front of you because you may get sick unless you are part of the elite underground child trafficking sickness which then you won’t need that bucket. Then you will see all the arrests that have happened already and find out who’s next. All your rich elite friends are going to have a new home for a short while. Then they won’t need those homes anymore.”

    It’s Saturday, do you know where your EBS signal has gone?

    Only one conspiracy shopping day left before, like all before, this dog don’t hunt. Where’s my dinner and a movie followed by arrests announcements? Send in the Marines! Gotta gitmo to get-along.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…