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Ignorance and Hatred – Liberals Mad at Flags

Ignorance and Hatred – Liberals Mad at Flags

Out of an open display of ignorance and hatred, radical liberals in America are going after flags that they baselessly associate with their political vendetta against conservative values. The recent incident of a boy temporarily banned from classes at a Colorado school comes as evidence of the left’s sick obsession with politicization of educational institutions.

On Tuesday (August 29), Libertas Institute’s President Connor Boyack, a conservative author – who is a conservative author and public speaker – posted a video to Twitter/X showing what happened to a child at a Colorado Springs school. 12-year-old Jaiden is seen being removed from the class by a school administrator at the Vanguard School in Colorado Springs, who explains to the boy’s mother that her son’s backpack has a Gadsden flag on it so he can’t attend classes until he removes it.

The administrator goes on to tell Jaiden’s mother that the school doesn’t allow the flag because it has its “origin in slavery and slave trade.” As Jaiden sits in the room watching the exchange between his mother, Eden Rodriguez, and the school employee, Rodriguez is heard explaining that the Gadsden flag with the slogan “Don’t Tread on Me” has nothing to do with slavery and that it was waved during the Revolutionary War. She wondered if the school administrator was confusing it with the Confederate flag, which has repeatedly been associated by the left with slavery.

Boyack’s video went viral on social media, gathering millions of views, and started making news. An emergency meeting was called by the school’s board of directors that decided to let Jaiden attend the classes without having to remove the Gadsden flag on his backpack. Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis, a Democrat, soon chimed in defending the Gadsden flag. The Harrison School District reportedly took issues with other patches on Jaiden’s backpack, like those of guns. Colorado Public Radio reported:

In a statement to the media, Harrison School District 2 defended the action — arguing that the Gadsden flag was only part of a dispute with the family that involved other patches on the backpack.

While Jaiden was allowed to attend the classes and the issue was resolved, the incident highlighted the left’s attack on symbols of freedom and patriotism. Acclaimed Hollywood actor James Woods, a vocal conservative, tweeted to explain the meaning of Gadsden flag, apparently to point at the ignorance of liberals about American history.

Comments from conservatives took a dig at liberal educators in all things history in their schools. One Twitter/X user wrote:

“You don’t actually expect professional educators to know such fine points of history, do you, James?”

The story of the Colorado school’s incident with flag on the child’s backpack came a day after independent journalist Andy Ngo posted a video of an angry liberal woman in New York City stomping on an American flag while another hater sets fire to the flag. The woman started screaming that migrants are welcome in the country and housing rights are for all before she threw the American flag down to the ground, saying “Fuck this flag!” and stomped on it.

In July 2020, radical leftist protesters gathered to form a crowd despite COVID-19 emergency, violating the mask and social distancing recommendations, to burn the American flag near the White House under Trump’s presidency and chanted, “America was never great.” The reaction came after President Trump’s Independence Day speech and showed the hatred of the far left toward America.

UPDATE: Colorado School Board Votes to Allow Young Kid to Wear “Don’t Tread on Me” Patch on School Grounds

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  1. frank stetson

    I just don’t get Dempsey. That’s probably not his real name, he has no resume for this name, I think he’s from Pakistan, and he’s got a hard-on for American Democrats and liberals; targeting them is how he makes his buck. He’s not a newsman, he’s a political advocate newsman. And he advocates conservative hatreds, in lieu of logic even. His headline wonders “Hatred or Ignorance” as possible left wing outcomes — I suggest Dempsey is closer to home than that, should look in the mirror, don’t throw stones from you glass house…..

    In this one his headline reads: Liberals Mad At Flags. Wow, I’m a liberal, I fly the flag proudly on many days of the year. Right on the front on my house. Not mad. Proud. Liberal.

    Then he claims he has the case where “radical liberals in America are going after flags that they baselessly associate with their political vendetta against conservative values.” Except the victim has a Gadsden flag which is from the revolution. The student, the victim, is not referenced as a conservative, Dempsey is guessing and projecting his bias upon his story. Not to mention the victim, he’s 12, a little young to declare party affiliation.

    Along the way Dempsey, the guy without a professional resume or bio, displays the kid’s picture, full name, school attended, mother’s name, and more. Is it relevant to out minors in PBP?

    Apparently, this was part of a bigger school/family dispute about inappropriate patches like semi-automatic weapons, etc. The kid was pulled out of class, shortly reinstated after patch problem solved, and Dempsey concludes: “the incident highlighted the left’s attack on symbols of freedom and patriotism.”

    Again, we don’t know that the 12-year-old, or his mother, are conservative. I am a liberal, I have a Gadsden flag, I am patriotic and believe in freedom. The Gadsden flag does not belong solely to conservatives, it belongs to all Americans.

    Dempsey concludes this lack-of-evidence is “evidence of the left’s sick obsession with politicization of educational institutions” without a scintilla of proof of any politicization, that the student was a conservative, that the administrator was from “the left,” or that it was anything more than a mistake in flag recognition, a one time event, specific to this Colorado school.

    Dempsey must know he’s serving up some weak tea and so, to bolster this bold inaccurate conclusion based on scant, projected, or imagined evidence, Dempsey covers a radical leftist flag burning, in NYC a day earlier than the Colorado Gadsden flag school incident where no flag burned. The NYC protest involved immigration policies, not conservatives and the flag was not the Gadsden. Frankly, immigration policies are currently Bidens, not conservatives. Next, he features a flag burning by the radical left which was actually burned by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party, not exactly liberals or Democrats, a US flag, not the Gadsden flag of note, in protest of Trump, not in protest of conservatives, at Lafyette Square, DC, not a Colorado school, a place where flags have burned for a century. It was 2020 and has absolutely nothing to do with the case highlighted by the story. It is a quintessential red herring.

    But Dempsey sees a trend where US-hating liberals are burning flags and attacking all conservative values by picking on flags. It’s a growing trend that’s been going on for over four years now. What a scoop. Amazingly he has yet to uncover any issues in patriotism with folks storming the Capitol and defecating on our Nation, literally. Just saying.

    Dude, the first reported flag desecration was in the civil war, becoming more popular in the 80’s as a form of protest. I, myself, was beaten by what passed for conservatives for wearing a flag in the 70’s, an apparel choice which is now apparently approved upon by the same conservatives that ganged up on me in my youth. Lost the battle but apparently won the war. Pretty funny that the team that wants to defund the FBI, fire DOJ, drain the swamp, attack the Capitol, overturn an election, has their knickers knotted like Dempsey, over a flag that’s not even a US flag. Probably are flag festooned knickers…..

    Dempsey should learn the art of investigative reporting before he attempts his next foot in mouth exercise. Khan.

  2. Robin w boyd

    Liberal minded American citizens allow themselves to become angry over everything these days. Most of their anger derives from hateful, divisionary deceit spewed out constantly by Progressives. Why so many otherwise rational citizens who are somewhat liberal minded continue to allow themselves to be deceived is a question I can’t find an answer to, but they do. We need to stop listening only to those who cause us to become angry, regardless if they are extreme right or extreme left ideologically.

    • Dan tyree

      That’s because of lack of common sense

  3. frank stetson

    OMGoodness, it’s the panty bunched bunch, the knicker-knotted kids, rebels imagining a cause. It’s one unique case of a 12 year old with patches of the Gadsden Flag surrounded by semi-automatic weapon patches. It was a mistake on the Gadsen, they held an emergency meeting, it was resolved the patch remained. The gun patches were removed by the student. It was a teachable moment, but a moment nonetheless. Not a call to arms. Nor a cause celeb. Except for asswipes like Dempsey that conflate a single data point into a national trend but associated dissimilar items over a long period of time to scream at you that the sky is falling and it’s a liberal sky. That’s right, we own it all, we own the sky…… Sigh.

    It’s not a nefarious plot by the school, the school district, or liberals. It’s one unique case of handling an inappropriate patching with a Gadsden mistake, almost immediately rectified, embedded.

    Then the author used two non-sequitur red herring cases of flag burning over three years by two different groups not associated with this kid to exemplify his false notion of a anti-conservative conspiracy based on a patch incident.

    I don’t know why conservative minded American citizens allow themselves to become angry over the slightest thing these days. Most of their anger derives from hateful, divisionary deceit spewed out constantly by political hack conservatives, a number of who have been found liable for defamation, fraud, and worse. Ask Alex Jones, Tucker, and the others. The other day Tucker brought on a conman, felon, convicted fraud artist who claimed gay sex with Obama. Tucker claimed it was all true, the man took a Polygram. He did not note that the man failed the Polygram. That’s the bullshit you are lapping up. Look it up, it was on X. X where Mush claims he’s suing the Jews for Twitter’s revenue loss. Really? That’s how far over the edge we are. Everyone can see he’s lying, will never even bring the case, but hey — it was a slow X day, Mush needed attention and racists are a huge rating for him now that he’s fucked over the Jews.

    Why so many otherwise rational citizens who are conservative continue to allow themselves to be deceived is a question I can’t find an answer to, but they do. Worse yet, when it gets pointed out, like in court, they shrug and go back to BAU. Alex Jones is still popular. So is Trump. We need to stop listening only to those who cause us to become angry, regardless if they are extreme right or extreme left ideologically. Start by tuning out anyone who says a sexual abuser digital rapist can be President. FYI: his second defamation case is already in the penalty phase as in: liable, liable, liable. If I can turn off MSNBC, or at least the volume, you can do it too. FYI: Horist is right on this one, with the absence of Maddow, they just keep playing the same DC news pitch with a different talking head every hour, on the hour, 24 times a day. Turn off the noise at least.

    Come on folks, Dempsey gets paid to incite you. It’s probably not his real name, he’s probably from Pakistan, he has no credentials, no bio, no resume, just a fake name and a touched-up picture. It was a single incident that proves absolutely nothing about the left, the right, or anything in between.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…