Hunter and Papa Biden take opposite paths on gun control
The Hunter Biden case is filled with nuances that loom larger than the case itself.
As noted in a previous commentary, the confirmation of the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop – and its contents – exposes the conspiratorial lies by President Biden and the left-wing media.
Democrat leaders, high ranking officials of the intelligence community and major tech companies maliciously hid the truth from voters on the eve of the 2020 election – the crony media complied. They made up a false narrative – that the laptop was the product of Russian meddling — and successfully fooled the American people, just as the Hillary Clinton campaign created the bogus Steele Dossier as a political dirty trick in 2016.
Now that the truth has been established, all that incriminating information on the laptop can be used to pursue accountability for the false narrative, open up investigatory paths on Hunter’s business dealings, — and the possible involvement of Joe Biden, the “big guy.” Some of the information may come into play in Hunter’s upcoming tax evasion trial in September.
Another nuance is the question of gun control and the Second Amendment. Hunter was being convicted of illegal possession of a gun and lying on federal application forms even as his father was giving a major speech in support of greater restrictions on guns.
But the story goes beyond that ironic coincidence. It was Hunter’s claims in court that are significant and surprising. Hunter’s legal team was alleging his innocence because … (drum roll, please) … banning gun ownership by drug addicts is … UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
The lawyers said that there is nothing in the Second Amendment that restricts gun ownership. They pointed out that the Amendment says the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed.”
If you follow the logic of Hunter’s legal team, current restrictions on convicted felons – or people who have spent time in mental care institutions – would also be unconstitutional. And what about those “red flag laws” that enable law enforcement to seize guns from people identified as potentially dangerous by family or friends without adjudication?
What the lawyers said in court is officially considered to be the claim and opinion of Hunter himself. Suddenly, Hunter Biden becomes the most high-profile defender of Second Amendment rights. He is in the forefront of gun owner rights, and the unofficial representative of the National Rifle Association. In fact, his stated position is more extreme than many Second Amendment rights activists.
Hunter’s claim in court is so in line with conservative defenders of gun owners’ rights that many of them publicly agreed with the defense arguments.
Okay … we know Hunter is not on the side of the Second Amendment. If he has any opinion on gun control, it is likely aligned to his father. The arguments In court were just legal bs advanced by lawyers grasping at straws to mount a defense against the overwhelming evidence.
If there is anything to be drawn from the Hunter defense argument, it is that the lawyers and the politicians are full of … (to use Papa Joe’s word) … malarky. So, there ‘tis.
The Biden family probably has a private arsenal
You can flip this, given the support of Hunter’s claim by the gun lobby in this and other cases, and wonder, since most of these cases never go to court without an underlying or associated crime, will Hunter’s loss, and I expect he will lose, cause law to create more order in this manner. How many gunnies who do drugs and lied on the form will be at more risk once the Hunter precedent is set. Might be worse than training Fanni Willis how to extend rico beyond organized crime……
How many druggy , gunnies actually apply for a firearm ??? Probably NONE.
I am guessing on a significant percentage unless they are freakishly un-American. If a drug user, not admitting and taking that risk is more than pretty common. Most alcoholics don’t confess either when asked.
Average drug use is 10-20% of America. Do you think gunnies are special in this regard?
As a 50 year pot smoker, don’t think twice about answering just say no. After decriminalization, still do and when I don’t and later they comment, I start shaking. Muscle memory from living in the shadows for so long. Even here, would not be discussing except for the anonymity and a good vpn.
Anyone who ever believed the Steele dossier or the Russian collusion on Hunter’s laptop is naive and has been duped by the most untrustworthy media since the Nazi propaganda machine.
This article gets a Stop The Spin rating of 1. Basically it must have been a slow day at the bottom of the barrel where this article originated from. Who cares what path Hunter takes?
Article says, : “The lawyers said that there is nothing in the Second Amendment that restricts gun ownership.”
NEWSFLASH: Supreme Court disagreed in an 8-1 decision against the above statement. SCOTUS says that the government has always had a role to play in determining who can possess a gun and who cannot in order to keep the public safe. Clarence Thomas was the only dissenter. I guess he owed the NRA.
Tom … LOL You start of with your now characteristic gratuitous and sophomoric insult. Then go on to demonstrate that your “newsflash” is nothing of the sort. You go on to state what most people already know. I was commenting on the argument raised by Hunter’s lawyers, not endorsing or supporting it I even said their argument was malarky. You seem to have a progressing reading comprehension problem. It may be your mind and not the day that is slow.
Incorrect Larry. LOL It was a slow day and the article was damn boring. And I seriously doubt that anyone cares if Hunter’s opinion differs from his father’s opinion – most children do differ from their parents. So there is nothing new there Sherlock Horist! You can do much better. I never said anything about you. Just a boring article, that’s all. Tell me where you see the name Larry or Horist? Its not always all about you! You have an overblown opinion of your importance.
And it seems to be you that has the comprehension problems because my comment was about what the lawyers said compared to what the SCOTUS said.
By the way, foxnewspoll now has Biden ahead of Trump 50% to 48%. 🙂
Tom … You still do not get. First of all saying my commentary was the bottom of the barrel is an insult. It is obvious who you mean, And what about the “Idiot Horist Award” you invented to give Olivier? You are bordering on sanctimonious hypocrisy — and I will refrain from saying which side of the border you are on. And you still fail to comprehend the commentary — even after I tried to explain it to you. You seem to have missed the irony of the commentary. Hey …maybe that is why you personally found it boring. You did not get it.
I have that FOX poll in an upcoming commentary for your edification. In that, I am always the eternal optimist.