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Have Democrats lost their number one campaign issue?

Have Democrats lost their number one campaign issue?

For the past year, there have been two evergreen threads in the Democrat’s political dialogue – that President Trump’s rhetoric can and has promoted violence (although the evidence and connection to him is very tenuous) and that he is an evil and demonic heartless Hitler-style individual and an asset of Vladimir Putin whose election will destroy the American democracy and lead to an oppressive dictatorship.  These descriptions of Trump were not intimated but declared as facts on a daily basis by the most prominent left-wing political and media personalities.  He had to be stopped from regaining power at all costs.

Even as the folks on the radical left were declaring that Trump’s language could, would and did provoke violent actions, they ironically and hypocritically carried out the most vicious and mendacious scaremongering attacks on Trump – AND his supporters.  They set Trump up as THE existential threat to the nation and even to the welfare of world democracies.  He must not be allowed to return to the White House under any circumstances, they warned over and over. 

True … they did not call specifically for Trump’s death.  But for the gullible and mentally compromised, arriving at that conclusion was a very short leap.  And apparently 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks took it.  As of this writing any motivation has not been discerned, but he is politically engaged and did try to kill Trump.

The motivation for the attempt to kill Trump is complex –as it always is when dealing with mental illness.  One thing is clear, Crooks wanted Trump removed from the political scene.  As with Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth, Crooks saw some perverted noble purpose in eliminating Trump.

Those on the left say that line can be drawn between the unprecedented hyperbolic fearmongering rhetoric they have been using against Trump – even as they have been alleging that Trump’s far less provocative language has incited virtually every act of violence in the past several years – and always a spin to the right.

Those who have pointed out the Democrats’ hypocrisy and potential culpability have now been attacked by the left – even as they are now forced to call for a cooling down of the political rhetoric.  CNN’s Jake Tapper called for the end of the “demonization” of our political leaders even as he absolved left-wing rhetoric as a possible provocateur of the attempted assassination.

In a virtual admission of the excessive provocativeness of its programming, MSNBC took the Monday broadcast of “Morning Joe” off the air out of fear that some of its overheated panelists would carry on their vicious rhetoric demonizing Trump.

President Biden has called for a toning down of the rhetoric.  Does that mean an end of the strategy of labeling Trump an existential threat to America?

Tapper, MSNBC and Biden are all correct.  The demonization of our political leaders must stop.  But will it?  Does this mean Democrats will not abandon their dangerous and bogus claims that American Democracy ends with the election of Trump?   Will they stop calling him a Fascist and comparing him to Hitler – calling him evil, heartless and existential danger?

In a backhanded sort of way, we now see indications that Trump’s political opponents see the political danger in carrying on with their extreme attacks.  The Biden campaign has canceled its vicious attack ads on Trump for the next week or so.  They are said to be evaluating the strategy of demonizing Trump with hard-hitting extreme ads in the future.  They understand that the extreme and dishonest messages will not be received by rational voters in the same way after the attempted assassination,

That is a serious blow to the Democrats’ strategy since viciously demonizing Trump has evolved into their core – and arguably their only – potentially winning strategy.  Unfortunately for Biden, that strategy may no longer be effective in a post-assassination attempt world calling for the reduction in such provocative language.

The dilemma for Democrats is how do they stop referring to Trump as an evil existential threat to humanity without essentially conceding that all that end-of-the-world rhetoric they have been spewing for months was nothing more than hyperbolic political bullsh*t.  Or can they continue the provocative fearmongering messaging to an audience that is less receptive – an audience that is now calling for cooling down the more outrageous rhetoric? 

How ironic, that suddenly the Democrats’ over-the-top extreme and provocative rhetoric leveled at Trump is now being seen – in the wake of the attempted assassination of their “enemy” – as … an existential threat to democracy.

If nothing else, Crooks unintentionally provided Trump with one of the most powerful and enduring political images of recent years – up there with the flag raising over Iwo Jima, the sailor’s kiss on Broadway and President Bush in front of the collapsed World Trade Towers.  If is the one at the top of this commentary.

It is still too early to know how all of this will impact the campaigns – although I personally see it as a boost for Trump since Crooks may have nullified the Democrats’ number one campaign message.  It will be interesting to see how all this plays out.  Stay tuned.

So. There ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Frank stetson

    You should be ashamed of making premature conclusions about the shooter and his motivation that the FBI nor any reputable media outlet with professional journalists has dared to utter.

    And the rest of your theories rest on that foundation.

    BUSTED for misinformation.

  2. Darren

    Morning Joe lamented that they are PERSONAL friends of Joe Biden and family. Yet they were shocked at
    his inability to lead or even debate?
    Other Commie new outlet hosts Claim they were on the phone with the Obamas during the Debate.
    How are any of these people considered New Journalists with impartial views who
    have the ability to just deliver FACTS ONLY!
    They are fighting for their Friends and do not care were the facts take them.
    They too feel they are above the rest of the America people.
    The hell with all of the elites’ and their lying words!

    • Frank stetson

      Both Trump and Vance are elites.

      DeSantis is an elite.

      From the outside, and based on past performances, the debate was a shock. Can’t say for insiders.

      Trump is older and sounds weirder too. And a Felon. And a sex abuser of the digital rape. With a corrupt business. With a lawyer in jail. With his cfo in jail. His business with many felonies. Two other Trump lawyers guilty of rigging the 2020 election. They will testify against him. He cheated his university customers. He stole from his own charity while taking tax breaks for it.

      Joe did the right thing to step down, albeit late.

      Horist makes claims about this shooter against Democrats that he fabricates and not substantiated by the FBI. Claims to spread this manure to thousands of followers.

  3. AC

    Larry. you say yourself, no one can know what is in another’s mind. What was in the shooters mind is a question that will never be fully known because he is not talking from the grave . He did not leave a written statement of intent. He may not have thought out the probable consequences that follow someone attempting an assassination of a prominent figure in politics.
    We are in agreement on the issue of the shooter’s insanity. It was illogical and unhinged thinking on Crooks part to follow through on a perverted thought as wrong as assassination. What motivated an insecure 20 year old young to act so violent with an AR style rifle?
    In your estimation the fault for the assault must surely be lain at the feet of the left wing. You reasoning is predictably faulty, buy not in the least surprising, given who and what you have focused all your opinion commentary pieces on. The Democratic President Biden, the left, and all who don’t heave-to your particular shade of conservative point of view are wrong minded, anti- democracy agents, and evil provocateurs.
    Whatever your perceptions of the left, it’s does not add up that Crooks’ shooting Trump had anything remotely connected to Biden, or any influence from the left, or some subjective force of others drove him over the edge, emotionally.
    This piece of your opinion has the ringing false note which in my hearing sounds off like a conspiracy theory. Your words are not true to the reality that has been revealed by objective professional analysis.
    Objectivity is a point of view made impossible for you and all others who are blinded by political bias and deep prejudice from a particular perspective. You, Larry, have that bias and deep prejudice against those you perceive are politically on the wrong side. Therefore, the wrong side must be the root of all evil. The assassination attempt on Trump is an evil deed. The shooter, then, was evil. In your words you give the frame of mind of one desperately clinging to an unreal perception into which you toss thinking error after thinking error. This one is more of the same negativity indicative of your dark minded prose. And, your writing has become darker still during Biden’s presidency.
    It’s early days since Biden took himself out of the race. But, no doubt in my mind your castigating ways will persist while Biden and Harris are the raw political meat in the public square.
    The only evidence alluded to in your pieces is circumstantial at best and conjecture in the main. The sad part is, intellectual integrity demanded in serious journalism presumes it practitioners are objective who revere truth as fact. I assume everyone has their own personal opinion driving a perception. Serious professional journalism stability rests on its member’s writing integrity as observed in the reader/viewer market.
    PBP happens to publish in a niche market online. Its main business is tailored expressively for the individual identity of a person of a conservative bent.
    In regard to PBP and journalism all bets are off. Objectivity is suspect, serious professional not practiced, integrity is personal perception based, and its writers’ grade as journalists is indistinct.
    What are writers who produce politically biased pieces, have pride in their prejudice, show no grace for comments from individuals with a different perspective than conservative and pro-Trump.
    Again, facts and truth do not have application in the conservative’s world view, as is apparent with PBP writers’ product online. It’s the Wild West all over again on niche media blog territory.
    Finally, Shooter in attempted assassination of DJT was mentally unbalanced to the extreme degree that caused his violent behavior, and distorted his realty.
    It’s unlikely a self professed Republican even an unbalanced one who attempts assassination of the top Republican, Trump, would not act out against the most prominent Republican out of revenge for actions done by the left. Logic, common in objective fact reasoning, does not work to prove this piece’s thesis.

  4. AC

    P.S. Thomas Crooks motivation is now and has been under study from numerous angles by the agencies responsible for Trump’s security and protection. One of the angles being looked into is Crooks’ politics. At present nothing indicates that Crooks’ motivation had a one to one direct connection to what you refer to as the left.
    The right and left, both, are culpable in creating the negatively charged emotional atmosphere plaguing our culture in America. Commentators from Fox News to CNN to MSNBC to little PBP are churning up the bile in humanity that produce lies, hate mongering conspiracy theories, distrust, tortured facts, misinformation, and lawless behavior.
    Whatever and whomever you, Larry, take comfort in these days. You’re wrong if you think you are the truth and light of knowledge in an ignorant society. Your teaching is no more enlightened than that spread by your nemesis on the left. You with your friends on the left have everything to do with contributing to the social instability that caused Crooks to plan, gather materials, and proceed with intent to lay on that roof. From there he took aim and fired upon Trump and innocent people. His multiple shots nick Trumps ear, killed a beloved father, and wounded two others.
    Crooks behavior was wrong and insane, but the flame of discontent that’s burning deep in America’s consciousness. That flame is being fanned by you with your cohorts in media.

    • larry Horist

      AC … When a person attempts murder, the first thing they look for is the motive for trying to kill that particular person. He obviously was motivated to kill Trump. Whether it was mental illness — which it obviously is — or his potential hit list included others — is pertinent. But he acted against Trump specifically. He wanted to kill Trump. That is factually the most relevant issue. It is fair to question whether all the dangerous rhetoric against Trump was incorporated into his thinking. It is ironic that you would discount the vile rhetoric from the Democrats and at the same time suggest that Trump’s rhetoric is responsible for violence far less directly connected. And then you go so far as to suggest that people like me are responsible for violence. That is just loony political bs. Your writing reeks of geezer rant. Try to get on the reality wagon, if you can.

      • AC

        Larry, apparently what’s on the reality wagon is debatable these days. Republicans have their own perspective and presumed reality. Reality in GOP dominated mind set folks is dictated from the top, namely Trump. Objectivity, the only though processing method to distinguish True Fact from fiction.
        Reality has only Truth based on True Facts. You probably find comfort in your history while following your particularly determined perception, otherwise known as a World View. I am not saying you and your perception are wrong. You are guaranteed certain rights and freedoms. These are set and protected in laws for every American’s use and enjoyment.
        Therefore, together with every other individual in the USA, you, Larry Horist, may develop any opinion you desire and perceive your world as you see fit. and, so, may everyone else. Those who predetermine reality is as they see it and then set about creating a fence around that version. When adherence to that subjective reality has been demanded of other persons, there’s a term for that. it’s called autocratic and dictatorship, fascist, and other anti-democratic terms. For your happiness, life is a one way street going your way only. How is that going for you?
        Point being, Larry you may have and keep your perception and create a world as you see it But, you are wrong headed thinking you can demand that myself and others accept your reality for True Fact. True Fact is your perception has become colored thorough and thorough by whatever political brand philosophy fits in your mind. Politics as your brand shapes it is mean, angry, spiteful, disrespectful, revengeful, self-centered, power hungry, insatiable, incorrigible, and that all is the short list. Hateful was not include. I take you word on that one. You profess you bear hate for no one

  5. frank stetson

    AC: since he appears to be looking at Biden, Trump, maybe others, this may be suicide by cop by convenience in that it was local and a decision made just before the shooting. He may have had dark thoughts, did a little snooping, but when opportunity presented itself, he went into high gear. No long range plan or target it looks like. And we still don”t know his depression, the causes, or anything. Or why his parents didn’t see it. Still early and this is still a guess..

    Also, the SS issues allowing 150 yard clear line of sight, allowing drones to fly, allowing a guy with a long gun to walk around, and other failures need to be investigated.

    But at this point, seems like a depressed local kid looking to escape his life. Why he chose notoriety over privacy we may never know. Again, still a guess at this point.

  6. A C

    Larry, your question in the title attached to this piece, was not answered.
    Then, the piece goes on about the left as the main factor causing Crooks’ actions that day.
    I realize your cynicism is peaked by events you think are directly attributed to the left. So, this story becomes a prime candidate for use as a bludgeon in your attack on what you perceive the left has done that contributed to Crooks’ falling deeper into the state of mind that had right and wrong cross over each other.
    You nor I are able in our sane minds to unravel a mad, sad, grieving, confused, and tormented mind like Thomas Crooks had to have had. He did not become irrational from philosophy espoused by the left, as you imply. Nor was he influenced by any extreme right conservatism.
    Why a shooter does what Crooks did is up to mental health professionals. It’s not by your judgement or my intuition that either either of us may assume how the mind plays out in a horrendous vicious unprovoked attack on other human beings.
    Reading you commentary brought sadness into my mind. Thinking that you represent others’ interpretation, judging spirit, and conspiracy theory conduit.
    Neither of us have all the facts in hand nor the true context that may tie the facts into a conclusion. Would you be sure enough about your conclusion that yours would be appropriate as the real cause of death on the death certificate. The quick and easy answer as to the cause could be “ gun shot wound to the head”. But the easy answer will neglect telling the real terrible story about a young man whose short life came to an end to abruptly. This event did not need to happen. Thomas could have been stopped in time and the shooting avoided. In fact, he had been seen before climbing the ladder and stepping onto the first roof. He should have been caught when the first reports came in, and the proper authorities take control.
    A sad chapter in the nations history when un-necessary injury and death happens caused by a homicidal person’s handling of an AK-15 style long gun. An event as wrong as this had several factors that require notice.from specialists. That by itself rules out others opinions and speculation.
    Your comments published on PBP I see as purely speculative in nature as each one comes from your opinion, not substantiated by evidential proof of truth.
    Since. these are your stories drawn from your opinion and without adequate substantiation. I could think you wrote these story’s from your imagination’s huge idea inventory and wishful thinking.
    You defend the lack of evidence to back up your claims made with mocking prose that insults a persons intelligence. In saying that well read informed intelligent persons would know.
    Truth in fact is your readers who question your statements are well read informed intelligent persons due your respect rather than disrespect.
    It’s a free country supporting a free press and you are free to write and comment as you wish. However, that door swings both ways. It opens your direction, then reverses direction for others comments. Rare if ever are comments made from PBP writers or comments in reply anything like, let’s just listen with the understanding that we agree to respect each other as persons and agree that we disagree on many subjects. Here what makes for non-judgement is common civility in action. Its practice is seldom seen and its skill few appreciate. Rude, self centered, I, me, mine attitudes I see and feel sounded by. Why individuals think because another does not seem to be like them the first individual then concludes the worst about the other person, fells wrong to me.

  7. AC

    Title; Who is the Real Geezer? Please, stand!
    Who knows the appearance of a Rant?

    Larry, referring to my comments with words like geezer and rant strikes my funny-bone making me smile. Apparently you have no self realization. When one sees the term GEEZER what first comes to mind is someone’s age. Then, at what age does one become a geezer, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85+? Making inquiries of folks at different ages and stages in life asking the question, what makes a person a geezer?
    After compiling my results we’re not surprising. Of course advanced years of age is a first consideration.
    Additionally, geezer is a relative description, depending on age, mental acuity, emotional flexibility, and physical ability (ambulatory, feeds self, etc). Further, distinction is made within the geezer classifications; for instance High Geezer indicates low functioning persons in physical, mental, emotional abilities. Possibly this person requires the aid of a cane or walker. Fair Geezer status means a person aged 70 – 85+ functions within the moderate range; physically, mentally, and emotionally. They do not require aid. Low Geezer rating happens to be the entry level qualifier in one’s general outlook and intersection with others, general flexibility across functions required by society
    Definitely, the designation no one wants and the meanest thing someone says about another is, OLD GREZER.
    Don’t get me started on the idea of a RANT. That’s a rabbit hole that goes nowhere and gains nobody anything. But, maybe this I will say, one persons idea of a rant is another persons picturing a soliloquy. Isn’t it all in the minds eye of the beholder.
    From where I am coming from, one’s age and one’s stage in the geezer range is relative. Depending on how able a person is relative to others at a particular age. Suppose, as an example, a person at 81 is high functioning for their age. In the geezer scale they rate somewhere between High and Fair. Compared to Judge Clarence Thomas at about your age, it’s to close to call.
    I have an advantage. I have good information about your date of birth and I naturally know my birth year
    You know the half of it, your own info. About mine you do not know for certain. But you may speculate on my details.
    In short (mercifully) the geezer/rant characterization of me and coming from you is ironic. It’s you the kettle calling me the pot black. You see, in age difference I have nearly a decade ahead of me before age 81. As for your geezer reference, you brought if up in the first place. Therefore, both words, geezer and rant are on the table.
    Larry, rants are your stock and trade, your readers expect your commentary will be a rant. The topic will alway contain negative assessments and Democrats will be in your sights.
    Trump probably has no knowledge of you, Larry, or your commentaries, but if Trump has been following your entries. He would know that he and his receive nearly zero attention, copy space, or mention. However, name Trump is a ghost that does not materialize in print. But Trump’s influence is here and his handiwork is evident.

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