Harris says she is for strong borders … LMAO

Harris is doing an unprecedented political make-over, unlike anyone since … since … uh … ever. She is literally reversing herself on every stated policy position in the past – and claims that her “values” have not changed. That can only be true if her only value is unprincipled pragmatism.
She is taking a two-faced Janus approach. When she says, “we are not going back,” she is referring to examining all those things she said in the past. There is the against-and-for fracking fiasco. The defund policing policy. A soft-on-crime prosecutor who is now the reincarnation of one-time New York District Attorney Thomas Dewey. And there are others.
There are so many, I may have to do a future commentary on the broader issue. But for now, I am focusing on her immigration flipping and flopping.
Let us start by looking back at the old Kamala Harris. She was a member in good standing of the open border Democrats. The old Harris was a staunch supporter of sanctuary cities and counties. She was in favor of providing a wide range of benefits for illegal aliens – providing greater incentive to cross the border illegally. She wanted to curtail the activities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – tracking down the hardened criminals among the illegal border crossers. She called for the decriminalization of illegal border crossing. She supported Biden’s allowing Title 42 – when it was keeping migrants in Mexico — to lapse.
Harris was fully on board with President Biden’s open border policy. She showed no concern when Biden stopped the construction of the southern border wall and on day one issued Executive Orders reversing those of President Trump that had actually reduced the number of illegal border crossers.
Biden chose Harris as his border czar – knowing she would continue her reputation for not accomplishing much. Harris supporters now claim that she was not a border Czar in the broadest sense but was limited to giving away taxpayer money to Central American nations as bribes to reduce the number of their people heading north. We did not see a lot of activity even on the limited role.
In keeping with her assignment, Harris did make a trip to Guatemala and made one visit to the quietest location on the border for a photo op. The alleged focus on Central America was a lie or an absurdity. People from more than 40 nations around the world have been illegally crossing the border – including terrorists from the Middle East. Biden signed an Executive Order facilitating the acceptance of Venezuelans crossing the border – resulting in a spike in drug and gang-related crimes in communities in which illegal Venezuelan border crossers are relocated.
As a result of the Biden/Harris border policies, there has been a RECORD NUMBER of illegal border crossers since they took office. That is the result of policy – the Biden/Harris policy.
In an attempt to turn the issue around politically, they have created the narrative that Trump and the Republicans have opposed immigration reform for political reasons – referring to a bipartisan agreement in the Senate that never even became an introduced bill.
As the Democrat narrative goes, the idea was defeated at the order of Trump to keep the immigration controversy alive during the campaign. That is the narrative, not the facts.
The first FACT to be considered is that a bill that was PASSED by the Republican majority in the House and sent to the Senate almost two years ago – the only immigration bill to have actually been passed by a chamber of Congress. Instead of being taken up and considered by the Senate, Chuck Schumer, using his power as Senate Majority Leader, simply refused to allow the bill to be considered – not even assigned to a committee for consideration. Schumer killed the bill following consultation with the Biden White House.
With regard to the so-called bi-partisan proposal, it was not introduced because it would have been debated and defeated. Trump’s opinion of the bill was irrelevant. It was a very … very … very bad bill.
The proposal would not have required ANY border security action by the President until the number of illegal crossers reached 5,000 per day. That would allow 4999 to arrive every day without consequences. That is Approximately 1.8 million illegals every year – or 7.3 million in four years. That is close to the current record number under Biden’s open border policy. Rather than drastically reduce the number of illegal border crossers, the proposal would make the high number the accepted norm.
To put this in some perspective, we need to look at two figures – 1000 and 200,000.
The first is the number of illegal border crossers that President Obama’s Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said was an unsustainable CRISIS LEVEL. And the proposal favored by Biden — and even Harris to this day according to her campaign statements –would support legislation that would set the acceptable level at more than seven times the crisis level.
The second figure, 200,000, is the approximate number of illegal border crossers entering the United States in 2020, the last year of the Trump administration. The annual number of illegal border crossers soared after Biden reversed Trump’s border policies and allowed Title 42 – that blocked millions from entering — to lapse. In the last year of the Trump administration, there were 137.000 gotaways – a particularly dangerous group. In 2022 – the first full year under Biden policies – there were 600,000 gotaways.
Harris has avoided responding to questions about her past policies – or to present the American voters specific detailed policies in most matters – just platitudes. But … she has been specific in this one case. She would attempt to resurrect a very bad proposal and sign it into law – essentially making crisis level illegal border crossing the norm.
Harris is in lockstep with the left-wing Democrat’s policy of open borders – and even a sham bill that would institutionalize the current level of illegal border crossings rather than reduce them.
When Harris is not flip-flopping, she is flimflamming.
So, there ‘tis.
Having 600 thousand get away from identification does not surprise me as they can not keep 1 guy with a riffle off a roof!
This is truly the most inept government we have seen in history.
This is if all the disasters were not on purpose.
I have said it before, this high up in government, NOTHING is done accidently.
Form Afghanistan withdrawal to the border.
The American people deserve better, or at least, the truth.
Yet the Sheeple will stand in line give this dumb ass their vote!
I agree Darren! I still think the attempt on president Trump’s life was an inside job! we are just lucky that the shooter was a bad shot. also the democrooks don’t do anything by accident. everything they do is on purpose and calculated. what gets there are jewish people that will vote for them even though the democrooks are against Israel. i just can’t wrap my head aroiunf all of these democrook loonies
Feels like you boys are getting a tad nervous. Remember, you can only lose if we cheat like you cheated in 2016 and 2020.,
And we thank you for doing so much to make sure we show up at the polls.
On this one Horist is talking immigration and then talks everything else, which amazingly, I can summarize his errors in a few words. Yeah, it’s that bad.
1. She’s VP and, as such, by definition, supports the Biden agenda, now apparently known as the BIden/Harris + plan as she announces changes for her administration on top of the current plan. That answers just about everything Horist has stated beyond immigration.
2. She was never tasked with the border. No matter how hard you try, you cannot prove that and never have. You just keep tossing the mud hoping for stick. She was tasked with root cause assessment and recommendation for three Central American countries, as you noted, so you seem to know, but just have other weird ideas. She failed in that impossible task. One country was in total turmoil, and no way could she fix root cause in our lifetimes. Yes, she visited the safe one. But never tasked as czar.
3. The HOUSE bill you mention was doa in the Senate which is why is was not brought to the floor for you kabuki theatre antics. The bipartisan SENATE bill was not brought to the floor because it was DOA. One reason — Trump publicly announced it was DOA with peril for any Republican voting for it. The Democrat author brought a modified version to the Senate floor where, indeed, Republicans trashed it.
There must be compromise. The chance of a Republican-only HOUSE bill passing the Senate is slight. Apparently, the chance of a bipartisan Senate bill passing is slight too.
However, your entire story is rendered moot because you did not mention current status: BORDER CROSSINGS HAVE BEEN DROPPING FOR FIVE MONTHS AND ARE NOW BELOW TRUMP’S NUMBERS FOR HIS LAST MONTH IN OFFICE.
Since Biden EO’s the asylum restrictions, Biden/Harris have this in check although a slight increase is expected in August. Biden is also moving to make the EO law to pass that on to Harris. If successful, she will get the benefits, but he can take the jabs from the open border crowd.
Moot. I won’t say mission accomplished, but certainly much improved. You should of looked, mentioned, but not ignore.
What is sad is that you actually believe your post. Biden might not have directly said it, but he did say he was tasking her with the Southern Border. But no matter what you still deny, deny, deny. Hillary taught you well. She burned it into the democrats soft skull. She then said herself, that she was assigned to find the root problem for the mess at the border. We know the problem. Democrats!! That is the problem. They aren’t very efficient at their jobs, but they are efficient to create chaos and screw up. They act without thinking.
And now we have the Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes. And what are the democrats doing about it? Not a darn thing. its as though they want terrorist and thugs to take over our country. They can kill cops, rape women, loot and burn, and that is alright. You bunch of traitors need to be fired and fired on by the rifle squads of years gone by when America handled traitors by execution. Democrats have no business in American politics.
Yeah, Fonz, you find the Biden statement, document, whatever, that supports your claim.
You say: “Biden might not have directly said it, but he did say he was tasking her with the Southern Border” which is a form of logic I am not familiar with. Trump did not directly say attack the Capitol either, but he did say fight, fight, fight over 20 times and then “let’s go to the Capitol.”
Come on Man, what Biden tasked her with is on record and as I stated.
Harris is for whatever will get her elected by the weak-minded fools that are going to elect her, then the destruction of the United States will accelerate!
RC: gee, listening to the will of the people. What a novel idea Harris has. Oh wait, you say the people are weak-minded fools whose ideas with accelerate the destruction of America. Gee, I didn’t know we are on the glide path. Oh, I know why:
– Trump murdered 250,000 with his weak covid response. Check covid deaths by country on a per capita basis to see Trump’s response get us the 222 position out of 268 countries. We killed more with Trump’s response targeting the destruction of our citizens
– Trump spent the most of any President ever running up the biggest deficit and debt ever. And he was well oh his way before covid hit. Check deficits by President or gdp/debt ratio by year
– Trump’s tax cut did not raise gdp to 4% or higher as committed to by Trump, his lie precipitated our YUGE deficit because Trump kept spending more with self-imposed shrinking tax revenues. His gdp stats and deficits beat Hoover’s piss poor performance
– Trump’s job creation faltered and he promised a lot but added few American factories. More announcements than buildings.
– Still waiting for infrastructure week
– Trump claimed oil independence even though we imported much from Canada. EIA says his oil independence was covid caused.
– Trump is a felon who paid a porn star to keep salacious spanking sex stories out of the press to rig the 2016 election by curtailing free speech
– Trump is a sex abuser who is liable for the digital rape of another human
– Trump is a felon business cheat
– Trump’s lawyers pled guilty to attempting to rig the 2020 election and they will testify against Trump for the same. They were IN THE ROOM.
– Trump stole from his University students and had to pay and shutter the place
– Trump stole from his own foundation and had to pay and shutter the place
Remember, child care is child care and Trump is a criminal. Adjudicated as such. Multiple times and more coming.
Smell the coffee. The man is a hustler crook and you’ve been hustled. Can you really hate us this much to win this way with this joke of a man?
Frank, you are such an arrogant ass. Trump was handed an unprecedented situation in COVID, such as the world had never seen. He reacted competently and even had the first vaccine within mere months, where it would usually require years (but of course you could have done better, right Frank?).
He hand all of this to the incompetent Joe Biden, who then had a vaccine, a boatload of data and a working mitigation process, and who proceeded to lose more people than Trump di and prolonged the crises for much longer than he should have.
And then of course Joe took credit for “creating jobs” after it was over.
Joe, no need to lower yourself by calling me names. Your comment reads the same without them. Thank you.
Many a President faces an unprecedented situation. Each country in the world faced the covid unprecedented situation. Character is revealed in the response. Many rose to the occasion. We failed. On Trump’s watch. My point is factual; statistically, using death as the metric for response. Trump’s response returned a result that places us 222 against 268 nations.
Tramp handed Biden a failed vaccine distribution program and half a country that thought the vaccine was wrong due to Trump’s response messaging. Many people still think the vaccine is very bad for you or useless and unnecessary. I think you just need the ole sniff test to realize, WE SUCKED IN OUR RESPONSE: period.
I don’t need to dredge out the chlorine, UV lights, Fauci sucks, and all the other Trumpian misstatements. I don’t need to detail a man who got his vaccine in secret, out of the public’s eyes. Death is the final arbitrator of who did well in response and those leaders who did not.
I did screw up when I said it was 268 countries in total — it’s 238. And our ranking is indeed 222 meaning we suck even worse than I indicated. Does not take a rocket scientist to conclude how many lives were saved if we had the response of say: 130 for Norway or 138 for Palestine…. Maybe we can blame geography but Canada is 158, Mexico is 198 so we still suck.
If you can’t measure response by deaths per million, what measure are you using?
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_death_rates_by_country*
On the vaccine, yes that was marvelous that the folks had a rapid technology that had been worked for over a decade and that Trump cleared financial, medical, testing and bureaucratic barriers. Remember, Product Manager, I get it, I was impressed. But if you can’t get it into the arm, so what? That’s part of the response too.
Trump waffled on the safety and importance of using the vaccine. Trump failed on the vaccine distribution process and then dropped the failed process turd on Biden as he ran like a thief in the night. You can develop quickly, but if you can’t get it into people’s arms, you failed. BBC states the record: “However, the US fell far short of the target set by the Trump administration to vaccinate 20 million people by the end of 2020. By 31 December, fewer than three million had received one.” The die was cast, people died, and by 2021, Republicans who listened to the messaging from the Trump era died far more often than others.
* https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55721437*
I am sure Biden lost more lives than Trump, he fought covid longer. But to quote —– you: Biden “was handed an unprecedented situation in COVID, such as the world had never seen” in any vaccine rollout. A complete vaccine distribution disaster Biden had to fix on the fly without even a decent transition from team Trump. No plan, no transition, no support from team Trump as tens of thousand died needlessly. So, much of Biden’s early numbers are on Trump, same as we normally assess Presidents with the economic numbers, budgets, etc. But Biden’s response is dramatically better than Trump’s in one respect —- Trump left a disaster; Biden calmed the storm.
JAMA released a statistically valid study in 2023 to emphasize this point with facts. They concluded: “In this cohort study evaluating 538,159 deaths in individuals aged 25 years and older in Florida and Ohio between March 2020 and December 2021, excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before. These differences were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio.”
Again, this is primarily due to the Trump response which not only failed in it’s vaccine distribution at the most critical side but the response messaging set the stage for even more death amongst Republicans than Democrats.
Excessive deaths — the ultimate result of the Trump response. Child care is child care though.
A “failed vaccine distribution program”?? Is the the Democrat verbage now? That’s rich. You blame Trump for all of the problems that Biden and Harris handled incompetently, you tried to impeach him twice, each time on charges that were later shown to be bogus. You canceled the wall, and now Harris has repented and wants it back. Trump made the country energy independent, and now suddenly Harris wants fracking again. You blame Trump for the Afghan situation, probably Biden’s most embarrassing mistake. And of course you claim to have created more jobs than anyone in history, pretending like Covid never existed.
And now of course you are cherrypicking Democrat narratives, half truths and conspiracy theories. Not sure why you can’t see past this…
Frank Stetson … You fail to give Trump for the unprecedented and monumental achievement of producing a vaccine in record time. Vaccinations were started in the last days of the Trump presidency. Upon taking office, Biden promised to have 70 percent of the population vaccinated by June of 2021. He fall far short …and nothing near the number was reached for more than years after he took office. The Biden administration fumbled the pandemic recovery — health wise and economy wise. It took years into his presidency to get past masking and to get job levels up to what they were before the pandemic hit.
Joe/Larry — two birds if you don’t mind.
First, yes, the Trump distribution program was a failure based on Trump results. Yes, it’s a Democratic talking point that there was no plan, but I did not say that. Trump tossed the plan to the States, State’s rights and all that, and the States were of confusion. Snopes has a nice assessment: *https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/vaccine-biden-trump/*
As to the rest of my “conspiracy theory,” not me Joe — try BBC and the ever-prudent JAMA — statistically valid study Joe….
The rest of Joe’s lament is deflection, prior acts, all red herrings to the subject at hand: DEATH, where Trump’s response delivered us a 222 out of 238 country ranking. Deflect that Joe.
Larry says: “Upon taking office, Biden promised to have 70 percent of the population vaccinated by June of 2021. He fall far short …and nothing near the number was reached for more than years after he took office.”
WIKI says: “Biden had an immediate goal of administering 100 million vaccine doses within his first hundred days in office, and signed an executive order which increased supplies for vaccination. This goal was met on March 19, 2021. On March 25, 2021, he announced he would increase the goal to 200 million within his first 100 days in office. This goal was reached on April 21, 2021.
By July 4, 2021, 67% of the United States’ adult population had received at least one dose, just short of a goal of 70%. This goal was met on August 2, 2021”
Under Biden, deaths down by March 2021, vaccines distributed at his target by August 2, 2021, one month off. IMO, still not good enough due to hangover effect from failed Trump response where he promised 20 million, delivered 3 million.
On the messaging, here is what Brookings concludes: “Of Americans surveyed from Sept. 13-22, 72% of adults 18 and older had been vaccinated, including 71% of white Americans, 70% of Black Americans, and 73% of Hispanics. Contrast these converging figures with disparities based on politics: 90% of Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 68% of Independents and just 58% of Republicans.”
The death statistics followed the messaging adding up to being 222 out of 238 countries in our failure. HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN IT? Certainly not by saying Democrats failed at impeachment….
July of 22 for job levels, basically 18 months. Not too bad, would have been better if Republicans vaccinated……
Guys, I am not happy with Biden’s response and noting it’s better than Trump’s or suffers a Trump response hangover does not help. And I think his 2024 plan is bogus, vote pandering, and harming many. The death rate is down, but still many times the flu and Biden’s response is similar to that of the flu. Bogus. We had great tracking systems that we tore down. The CDC is whipsawed gun shy and feckless in it’s support. For example, did you know there are studies showing vaccines give you a 54% less chance to contract covid for 3-4 months and a incredibly low hospital rate for 2 freakin years. Massive studies and ssssssh, it’s a secret. That’s not a response, that’s a dereliction of duty. That does not absolve Trump whose response resulted in the US being 222 out of 238. Biden just did not make up all the Trump lost ground with those Trump’s response planted in said ground. Death is a pretty absolute statistic. (unless you go with they died from other causes and covid just happened to be there, or no one really knows why they died, too dangerous to test….)
joe and larry, PS: thanks for the decorum. appreciated.
Jeez, even Forbes is highlighting Biden’s recent success at the border.
“July Immigrant Border Arrests Lower Than Trump’s Last Month In Office
legal entry, based on border arrests, was lower in July 2024 than during Donald Trump’s last month in office, undermining the former president’s campaign message on immigration and border security. Government data confirm that recent immigration actions by the Biden administration and Mexico’s government have reduced Border Patrol encounters at the Southwest border, a proxy for illegal entry. Donald Trump argued he left office with the “most secure” border in history, but analysts pointed out that was untrue even before the July 2024 border numbers.”
Jeez, this story is a month old. Horist ‘s data seems outdated, wrong, and misleading.
Frank Stetson … Speaking of information that is outdated and misleading. You say “even Forbes” as if you are citing a more conservative publication. Are you unaware that the Chinese now own Forbes? Also, you are cherry picking apple and orange stats to create is misleading fruit salad. Border crossing goes in cycles. For Trump, the month you cite is on the higher side of the cycle. For Biden you pick a month on the lower side of the cycles. If you look at the big picture, the facts are overwhelming. Have you forgotten all those record breading caravans?
Biden opened the floodgates for illegals entering the country and the stats prove it — and his border czar did nothing/ And yes, she was assigned to stem the flow of border crossers. She spoke like a border czar when she talked and visited the border, For almost four years, she was routinely referred to aa the “border czar” by the media and political class without an objection or correction — until she was the Dem candidate. Is her rejection of the title a repudiation of the Biden border policies? I guess even she thinks Biden was doing a bad job –and wants no part of his policies..
Forbes august 8th story covering July immigration is dated? Weird. Your data that ignores it is current? That does not make sense.
Actually. it’s a majority share for Forbes Chinese ownership by the Chinese since 2014. Have you sourced them ever? Its’ an investment group from Hong Kong, your buddy Steve Forbes is still a major share holder and editor in chief. Are you saying your buddy is a Chinese front selling the US down the river? I did say what I did because Forbes, independent of ownership, is slightly conservative, but I don’t think Steve has turned Chinese communist yet. He’s still in your resume as one of four names you drop. Did you not once lobby for the Chinese too? And is it Joe, you, or both of you that still do work there? Somebody was saying this, forget which of you, perhaps both.
Plus it’s news, numbers, facts, statistics —– not exactly an op ed. Easy enough to check, if one cares to.
You noted: ” Also, you are cherry picking apple and orange stats to create is misleading fruit salad.” Actually, it’s a Forbes article. I said nothing of the sort.
I think the point of the Forbes story is when they say: “Donald Trump argued he left office with the “most secure” border in history, but analysts pointed out that was untrue even before the July 2024 border numbers.” While you note Biden’s total numbers are far worse, the Forbes claim is for the current status which is right as rain and Trump’s lies which you do not say anything about.
As far as her being the border czar, tasked with border protection, yes, the media said it, mostly right-wing, but they misbrand many a person. There is no documentation, no Biden or Harris statement, and her task was as you rightly alluded to already when you said: “We did not see a lot of activity even on the limited role. In keeping with her assignment, Harris did make a trip to Guatemala and made one visit to the quietest location on the border for a photo op. The alleged focus on Central America was a lie or an absurdity.” I have stated on pbp a number of times this was an impossible task which she failed miserably at. But border czar, immigration czar. Not bloody likely.
Point was you left out that Biden has made a hell of a lot of progress on the border that you folks seem to ignore. His EO made a difference and he’s moving to make it law. You must stop that because it will make Harris look good while putting the blame on Biden — a win-win given the Congressional log jam on immigration.
And, as always, the best solution is an E-Verify mandate across the land, a Republican law awaiting action that also I think is included in the Bipartisan Immigration bill that Republicans hate now. That’s not in your stories on immigration either.
For the record, Forbes is not alone: here’s FOX, PBS, and US Customs and Border Patrol on the same topic:
One last point. A interesting measure on illegals is how many are still here. PEW has an estimate and the going rate is 11 million since 2005. It peaked at 12 million in 2010 and declined all the way through Trump in 2019 who rode the wave and, with covid in 2020, achieved about 10 million. Biden hit 11 million in 2022 and I would gather it’s up a bit since then. Weird how that works but the experts can show you how you get from apprehensions, asylums, to the current population, which is the end game in all this. Again, E-verify will get rid of the issue overnight. No work, no stay.
Good chat and yes, I agree Trump’s total is better than Biden’s. My point is Harris is set to be better than both given when Biden will leave her. And you seem to be living in the past instead of looking at the joy of a Harris future, heh, hey. Sorry. Just popped out.
Frank Stetson … For the record, I never lobbied for the Chinese. I was involved in putting together trade American missions to Harbin to explore business relationships of all kinds — and hosted delegations from China for the same purpose. . I also pursued some personal business projects. Those were the days before Xi Jinping when the relationship was good. What you referenced was one very badly written article — crappy journalism — that got it all wrong. I have dropped that portion of my business almost 15 years ago –mostly because of Jinping policies and my now known work for the CIA.
I see nothing to suggest that Harris will do anything to prevent the cyclical numbers to go up.
Horist, thanks for the clarification in your answer to my question. Just to further clear the air, what was your story for the Big Tobacco support mentioned in the same article. Bogus too? Sure sounds like you were making money off China though. Me too as some of my stuff was from our factories there. Plus I put in the first IP telephony link which is why I was there as the men in little green suits and big guns began to roam the streets. Was a bit questionable in that we were operating out of Hong Kong, but the install was just over the line into the mainland. But different China times, so would personally never hold it against you.