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GOP States Fight Biden’s Vaccine Mandate 

GOP States Fight Biden’s Vaccine Mandate 

Attorneys general from 11 states are suing the Biden Administraiton over its unconstitutional vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees. 

Several nonprofit, religious, and private groups including the conservative news outlet The Daily Wire have also filed lawsuits over the mandate.

“What the government is asking us to do is discriminate against our own employees over their own personal healthcare decisions,” argues Jeremy Boreing, co-CEO of The Daily Wire.

As announced Thursday, businesses with more than 100 employees must force workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo regular testing and wear masks. Starting January 4th, businesses that refuse to comply will face fines of up to $14,000 per violation.

In the state of Missouri, the mandate will affect an estimated 3,443 private employers and 1.3 million workers. 

“This mandate is unconstitutional, unlawful, and unwise,” wrote Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, adding that he sued the Biden Administration to “protect personal freedoms, preserve Missouri businesses, and push back on bureaucratic tyrants who simply want power and control.” 

The controversial mandate was issued through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal agency that was granted the power to set minimum workplace safety requirements in 1970. Opponents hope the mandate will be struck down based on the understanding that OSHA was established to deal with workplaces hazards such as chemicals and heat sources, not disease. 

“Over the past 20 months, my employees have showed up to work and served their communities in the face of COVID and hurricanes,” argues grocery store owner Brandon Trosclair. “Now I’m being told by the government to insert myself into their private health decisions?…That’s wrong and I won’t stand for it.”

In his lawsuit, Schmitt portrays the vaccine mandate as a federal power grab and asks the courts to decide whether the government is usurping states’ authority to set their own public health policies. 

Joining Schmitt in the suit are GOP attorneys general from Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming as well as Iowa’s Democratic attorney general, Tom Miller. States to join the lawsuit as coalitions include: Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Kansas, Kentucky, Idaho, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Indiana. 


11 States File Suit Against Biden’s Business Vaccine Mandate 

Lawsuits over workplace vaccine rule focus on states’ rights 

About The Author


  1. Feank sterson

    Only an asshole would force inoculations to serve the public good. Like this asshole:

    America is just full of it:

    I especially like the part where they’re suing because the federal government should not trump the state government when it comes to vaccine mandates. In other words it’s OK for the state, but it’s not OK for the federal government to do this. I guess they figured that Covid stops at the state line…

    The bottom line here is:

    the shots are safe,
    the shots work,
    we shouldn’t need a mandate,
    Americans can be real jerks.


  2. Dan Tyree

    Retard joe shit his pants while visiting with the pope. And he farted in the presence of the royal dutchess. Look it up frank and Joseph. You guys still proud of your president?

  3. frank stetson

    Why would any adult look that up? It’s on you to prove, if you feel it’s that important for others to know. Obviously you are in Castaneda’s second category of humans.

    In the late 1700’s George Washington issued the first inoculation mandate so we could win the Revolutionary War. Throughout our history, the US has mandated inoculations and vaccines for private, public, and defense sectors. The courts have always sided on the legality of mandates.

    Have there been push backs; oh yeah, otherwise the courts would not be involved. This time, the State’s Rights arguments seems the most disingenuous given a national pandemic for a disease that crosses State lines as easily as citizens do.

    Let’s go Big Bird!

    • Dan Tyree

      Not on me to prove anything. I didn’t report the news story. Are you after to face the truth about the retard?

  4. Feank stetson

    Maybe it just didn’t happen. Who knows. You can’t provide a source for it. Just not important. .

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