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Federal Agents Busted for Illegal Drugs as Biden Grants Clemency to Drug Dealers

Federal Agents Busted for Illegal Drugs as Biden Grants Clemency to Drug Dealers

The past week brought some off-putting developments involving illegal drugs and the federal government. On the one hand, federal agents were busted for selling illegal drugs; on the other hand, Joe Biden granted clemency to many drug traffickers.

The Associated Press (AP) reported on Wednesday (December 11) that two Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents were busted for selling illegal drugs called “bath salts” and making at least $300,000 off the illegal sales. One of the agents was identified in the court documents as Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent David Cole, who was arrested in Salt Lake City on Friday (December 6). The other agent was not identified by name but referred to as “Person A.”

Cole and Person A reportedly employed the assistance of a criminal while he was serving his prison sentence to work for them upon release. The convict in question eventually became the informant for the FBI and told them that he was pressured by the DHS agents into their illegal drug sale.

Cole has been criminally charged and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. However, it was not clear whether Person A would be facing any charges, as per the AP story.

The involvement of federal agents in the illegal drugs sale has quite a history in America. In the 1990s, investigative journalist Gary Webb exposed the involvement of the CIA in drug trafficking, mainly cocaine, to fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua against the leftist Sandinista regime. Webb was targeted by the federal government and ultimately he was found dead in 2004. His death was ruled suicide with two gunshot wounds to the head, though questions about it remain. The federal government has also been linked to cross-border drug trafficking by other means. Earlier this year, former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced in New York to 45 years in prison for drug trafficking. Fox News anchor Jesse Watters slammed the US government for sending at least a billion dollars to the Hernández regime over the past decade and praising him as a loyal ally while he plagued America with illegal drugs, mainly cocaine.

At times, state law enforcement officials have also been found involved in the dark business of illegal drugs. In March 2023, Joanne Segovia, executive director of the San Jose Police Officers’ Association, was charged with importing illegal drugs. Segovia was accused of using the police association’s supplies to import and distribute fentanyl for as long as eight years.

In addition to directly running and partaking in drug trafficking, federal government has furthered the illegal drug business in other ways. On Thursday (December 12), Joe Biden used his presidential authority to commute the sentences of nearly 1500 criminals many of whom are serving prison for drug trafficking. Tampa Free Press named some of the drug traffickers and distributors from this long list who received the clemency from Biden. Jesse Watters also named some other notorious criminals who’ll be freed by Biden’s clemency orders.

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  1. Darren

    The True Definition of the word Thief = BIDEN!
    And fools voted for him!


      What exactly did Biden steal? Your side spent over 4 years and millions of dollars to prove that you are stupid. You found nothing prosecutable. So far. Now you have another four years and a long list….. And lots of Federal Judges and the SCOTUS. In the words of the immortal Mickey: “what you are waiting fer?”

      Meanwhile: news from The Dumpster.

      Our President-to-be is a renown felon on dozens of counts, personal and business, is a sexual abuser, a digital rapist in the judge’s common sense of the word and on the record as the reason Trump’s defamation countersuit over the term: rape – was shot down. And a defamer of women but Dempsey won’t ever write that story. I bet he has the mug shot framed, or at least still believes Trump was framed, ho ho ho….

      What Dempsey fake-connects here is two busted DHS agents on drug trafficking charges magically connected to Biden’s recent pardon of 1,500 pot smokers and other low-level incarcerations, most of which have been under house arrest since covid because of little risk. How he links these totally unrelated actions is anyone’s guess; there is no logical linkage except I guess Dempsey needs some column inches and believes two non-stories equal one half-assed one. And anything he can do to turn us one against the other is fair play for The Dumpster and his enabler J. Gilbertson. Based on his incredible investigative reporting skills, I made a few more linkages myself using the “Dumpster Method” of logical connections.
      Beyond our President-to-be’s lengthy criminal record, in other crime news, two DHS agents busted for dealing drugs = connection to Biden bad for pardoning pot smokers = Dempsey writes story connecting two = drug connection for Dempsey being from Pakistan = Pakistan has a high number of drug users, with 6.7 million people using drugs and almost 2 million of those being addicts. This is one of the highest numbers in the world = Pakistan is a transit point for heroin trafficked from Afghanistan. It is estimated that 110 tons of these drugs are trafficked through Dempsey’s Pakistan each year = Pakistan’s illegal drug trade is estimated to generate up to $2 billion a year from Dempsey’s home. Dempsey is Pakistani.
      Yup, it’s a small, connected, worlds all right. Two DHS drug dealers = Biden pot pardon = Dempsey’s drug ridden country = Dempsey is just the man to make these linkages.

      Trump not only pardoned many felons, many who pled guilty, but even a family member that will soon have great job in government. The grift is only beginning.

      People like Darren lap this up like dogs to the bowl. He sees the linkage before it’s even put in The Dumpster. The Dumpster revs him up and he’s ready to arrest Biden since two DHS agents dealt some drugs. Weird logic.

  2. AC

    Sources besides Fox News, backstory, and context investigation, the usual presentation for a story before making public accusations and innuendo statements apparently was overlooked.
    Jesse Watters does not happen to be an objective source of reliable information. His reputation as a Fox host carrying water for the anti-Democrat team and Biden hater’s club.
    What else do you have that has not already been proven to be Fake News, to use a Trump dodge mechanism.
    Bring on the allegations about Biden, court is in session for about four weeks. Your case is flimsy and evidence is circumstantial at best.
    Save your powder until needed when Trump is in the hot seat. Then your eagle eye will surely seek out wrinkles if not deep crevices in Trump’s uprightness as presiding POTUS after January 20.
    What are You and your cronies at PBP about to focus your negativity and salacious commentary upon when your fear of the president elect’s wrath against those perceived as disloyal.
    Your safety comes with PBP’s anonymity that gives it a low profile in media’s information stream. Although, being a sapling in a dense forest of old tree growth is safe when you can be hidden among the other much more prominent members in the forest, but the down side for the sapling in this situation is lack of notice. The small fry in its loudest voice and stern message has little or no chance of being heard above the incessant roar coming from the strong winds blowing through larger limbs on well established trees called legacy media. Fox, too, is adding its own offense brand to the info winds’ T4 category force that’s tearing at this ol’ forest.
    PBP’s commentary has been safe and sound as it stands in a windless eddy far below the tumult going on in the tree top region where headlines are created and journalists’ well accepted ideas and adaptable theories are listen to and are being championed.
    Smaller posting entities are a niche market in the large general scheme that captivates a great majority of online cyber traffickers.
    PBP is among the smaller posting entities.My happening upon PBP came by accident while doing a search for commentary which posted stories from a decidedly 180 decree opposite political position to my own world view regarding politics and the state of society in general. PBP billed itself as politically conservative. That its participating authors’ commentary would be formed around the conservatives’ political perspectives.
    Exactly the particular perspective that fits my objective of a polar opposite to my own.
    Larry Horist’s commentary landed on my monitor screen initially. I don’t recall what the title was for that one which became the first impression I had of PBP. Interesting to me is still these four years since stumbling upon it ha been what the initials PBP stood for. Punching Bag gives a picture of aggressive style attack posture that an individual assumes when approaching the subject “bag” and the first jab at the bag is intentionally fierce and laser focused. That first smack is instantly followed by a quick succession of similarly hard thrust and jabs. It’s individual combat with an inanimate object attached to its designated post.
    What is unique about the punching bag exercise is the puncher’s expectation of that bag taking hit after hit and its bouncing back for more. That this bag does not hit back but it complies with its treatment.
    This appears to be the expectation of PBP’s opinion commentary writers. Every jab, hit, slap, and closed fist punch is meant to be aggressive and a one sided exercise.
    At the outset when a particular subject is approached It becomes individual pounding with relentlessness and intent to score a solid hit with each swing of both wrists in a a right- left sequence. The point being, the outside world is the bag and its name varies but in general the brunt of their punching is against: all any one perceived to be of the Left, the Democrats, and particularly if the Executive Branch is of the Left Democrat, liberal. and progressive political persuasion. It’s a no holds barred barrage no contest match.
    Should a reader of PBP commentaries think they might find there some appetite for a back and forth discussion there is none.
    Commentaries have covered a writer’s opinions regarding Presidential Candidates’ debate and Vice Presidential candidate debate viewed by millions in real time , so, those watched could have their own opinion.
    I find it ironic the whole idea of a real debate is not under consideration the televised debate came down to an absence of serious debate and each fielding questions and failing with answers of point or return to a campaign point unrelated to the question or any subject issue nearly relevant for debate. Why even call what the meeting of two opposing candidates a debate? That what this meeting has evolved into, especially in Trump’s case, is itself the debatable question.
    Under the huge shadow cast by the popularized sparring contest misnamed as a debate is PBP with its writers’ commentaries about which candidate came away with the win and why that candidate prevailed. Then these writers continue with their uninterrupted soliloquy detailing the other candidates faults as evidence that proves the writer’s opinion alone is truth.
    In the blank field below the where the writer’s commentary article appears PBP has graciously provided space for readers’ commentary in Reply. In the context that is PBP and its particular stand on political issue answers for which questions are many but PBP has just one corporate line it follows. It works out like this: the writers assessment and opinion on the subject in their article is the one correct and only right opinion on the subject of their commentary.
    Therefore, the mere notion that the article’s premise and argument is incomplete and up for debate PBP authors see as ridiculous, absurd, stupid, and uniformed. These are just a few of the denigrating attributes discrediting readers’ comments.
    I could report the outrageous applets of derision that accompany the authors’ reply to readers’ comments, but what writers’ responses have been is not fit for even PBP low editorial standards. Truth be told PBP’s draws line and does not entertain logical common sense debate on subjects the writers have weighed in on and that’s their last word. Nothing already judged and sentenced by PBP’s writers may be questioned or brought into debate. After all isn’t PBP’s philosophy the model of the laws are formed in the ideological sandbox called traditional conservatism. On the other hand is PBP’s editor and Horist himself claim that PBP’s censorship has radically liberalized interpretation when it comes to the First Amendment’s guarantee in one’s right of free speech. In regard to comments devolving into a word swamp monster’s dialect. It’s Progressive and the furthest from conservative practices than expected.
    Looking for the expected conservatism to extend into the devout conservative dogma reciting Republican Party loyalists daily walk and noting inconsistencies and variances. This is reminiscent of the good and faithful churchmen talking the righteous talk on Sunday’s in Church then dealing with the them individually during the week brought out the coarse language and disrespectful conduct in their businesses. Well to do large donation giving people, men and women, behaving unexpectedly away from church friends. They have the church clothes that give off the appearance of righteousness. And, as fast as a wink the Sunday glad rags come off and get hung in the closet with the skeletons and forgotten until the next Sunday morning.
    That’s blatant hypocrisy and plain to all who see the flip and think they aren’t like those people, fake it for social approval and flip back to make it day to day.
    I know and understand this of what I am voicing. The conservatives who believed the walked and talked Republican the looked like Republicans, then are they not Republican to their bones. Yes, in fact that true. The problem with righteous Republicans happens to be the thinking in error about themselves that their politics of choice has them better than those Democrats and Left wing un-American types, the poor and ignorant, unwashed. When some illegalities or cheating in business come to light, it the Left, naturally, Republicans are above the unseemly behavior.
    PBP happens to inhabit a small presence on the political scene. However its characters are playing out in microcosm how macro politics operates in our nation’s present Trump induced alternate reality cultural environment.
    That which is now was not present when society went about life in a form of normalcy. So, if events transpiring at this time are unexpected exaggerations of what was once present in life normally, then these events present as unprecedented rare occurrences.
    Unprecedented happenings, it seems, are in the news often enough that the descriptive punch in that word is losing its punch
    Then, odd circumstances and nonsensical choice making at the highest position of influence going on with each successive invention would reasonably be called unprecedented. However, when the same unusual and disorder producing selections keep being presented, how many unthinkable choices does it take until the unprecedented becomes “normalized”?
    When I witness behaviors and practices that had been thought to be extreme and intolerable for all but a few on the edges of normal acting people society. That these things that had social taboos are being or have been normalized and generally accepted even if not liked by nonparticipating persons.
    PBP has cut its posting death on their thinking that it’s PBP’s game and it’s PBP’s house. Which means that PBP makes the rules the rules favor the house, always. The writers’ opinions rule and establish once and for all they own their stories as posted are true and factual no substantiation required. No discussion is tolerated and no debate is sanctioned. That’s the rule on the front end.
    Below the fold lays the boxer’s ring where readers are allowed space for them to volunteer their own personal opinions on the subject issue being written up and its content is law and order. If a reader’s comment does not reflect the writer’s opinion all bets are off. The reader is in PBP’s house, remember, and the reader is at the writer bullies mercy, of which they have none
    While conservative values get the credit of any for their political opinions PBP writers discard the sheep coat disguise and bare their wolf teeth and penchant for devouring those readers daring confrontation.
    PBP is Trump’s miniature double.
