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EU Presidential Hopeful Calls for Worldwide Ban on Disposable Plastics

EU Presidential Hopeful Calls for Worldwide Ban on Disposable Plastics

German EU candidate Manfred Weber said this week he would propose a global ban on single-use plastics.

“We have just banned single-use plastics in the EU, but that is not enough,” he said, referring to Parliament’s March vote to ban single-use plastics in all member states. 

“If we don’t globally act quickly and decisively against the polluting of seas through plastic, the next generation will have immense problems…I will propose a global treaty to ban single-use plastics.”

Weber currently leads the European People’s Party in the EU Parliament and is affiliated with the Christian Democratic CDU party and the Bavarian party CSU; he is hoping to succeed outgoing president Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission. 

Weber’s extreme proposal is part of a 12-point plan he is expected to unveil Tuesday during a speech in Athens. Other unrealistic goals include:

  • Ending child labor worldwide
  • Creating 5 million jobs for young adults in Europe
  • Convincing banks to offer low-interest mortgages to young families
  • Adding 10,000+ agents to Europe’s Border and Coast Guards
  • Cutting down on bureaucratic red tape by abolishing 1,000 EU laws

The 2019 European Parliament elections will take place from May 23rd-26th.

Editor’s note: This is a typical liberal play to impose impractical, impossible, draconian restrictions on the rest of the world.  He is either a blithering idiot, or he is pandering to young ignorant environmentalists. He is either dishonest or just stupid.

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  1. Linde Barrera

    In my opinion, Jean-Claude Junker is a piece of junk and I think he has been a terrible leader. I do not know who this Weber guy is, but it is neither stupid nor dishonest to try to protect our planet. I guess the plastics lobby has a good hold on a few writers. Just remember please, science is factual truth. Science is not “liberal” or “conservative.” Who wants to swim in waters that are polluted? Should we expect ocean/lake/river animals to live in polluted waters?

    • JC

      I understand that the vast amount of plastics centers mainly in the Pacific and that asian countries are the mani contributors. They are the key to cleaning up most of the mess!

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