Doubletalk from Biden – Now Acceptable for Ukraine to concede land to Russia

It should not be acceptable. To allow Russia to invade Ukraine, take territory, and exhibit naked aggression in the face of U.S. and NATO opposition is a major blow to the prestige and influence of the West. It is unthinkable to allow him to succeed.
Or is it?
The ineptness of the Biden Administration allowed this to happen. The sanctions levied have not crushed Russia as Biden promised (and then un-promised). The West is feeding guns and other armaments into Ukraine, without realizing it is too little too late, that the Ukrainian Army doesn’t have enough trained soldiers to execute a war.
The Biden Administration doesn’t seem to realize that Russia already won the war a couple of months ago, created three brand new countries, each of which has voted for its independence. Is Biden going to force them back into Ukraine? Putin has outplayed him there.
In short, the outcome of the war was decided long ago.
So now the Biden Administration is hinting that maybe it’s OK if Ukraine negotiates a settlement and gives up the land that Russia is going to keep no matter want (the parts that are declared independent but are really Russian clients states now).
In other words, Biden will accept surrender.
Biden floated this idea in early April, through leaks to the media We have already noted signs that Biden is tired of the war and wants to move on.
But now he is making much stronger signals.
“From the beginning, I’ve said and I’ve been — not everyone’s agreed with me — nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,” Biden said. “It’s their territory. I’m not going to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.
“But it appears to me that at some point along the line, there’s going to have to be a negotiated settlement here,” the president added. “And what that entails, I don’t know. I don’t think anybody knows at the time. But in the meantime, we’re gonna continue to put the Ukrainians in a position where they can defend themselves.”
If Biden is sending these “signals” you can bet the pressure on Zelenskyy is enormous.
Signs of a chicken shit He would give our land away
Ben you are right, he has already given our country away, to all the illegals, released criminals and his un- American cabinet. This includes the Democratic Party as far as I am concerned.
I like the Les-Ben team, very woke. But Les seems confused. Les, being, you say “……he (Biden) has already given our country away, to all the illegals,” what does that even mean? “…. (Biden) released criminals,” which ones??? “…. and his un- American cabinet.” what, he gave the country to illegals, released criminals, and his traitorous cabinet? Not only that, but you then say: “This includes the Democratic Party as far as I am concerned.” Let me guess, you are trying to say ALL Democrats are illegal, released criminals, traitorous, and now we have the whole country because Biden gave it to us?
wtf are your trying to say? Your thoughts seem as confused as your gender identity :>). Even illegals sperak better English……
Les that last post was from another Ben. Pay no attention to him. He’s just another commie with his head up his ass. That idiot really thinks that Biden is a good president. What a dumbass!!!
Les, that last post was from another Ben. Pray for him. He sees commies everywhere, which is really hard for him while his fascist head is up his racist ass. This idiot really thinks Trump is still President. What a dumbass!!!
Fake Ben what makes you think that the real Ben is racist? Can’t you liberals come up with something more original? By the way, Juneteenth is coming up. Let’s cut a watermelon and celebrate. Boy.
Fake Frank, are u still happy being a total dick?
You Ben had. I am as real a ben as real ben who replaced alpha ben, the ben who is no ben no more by being anything but ben.
You just gotta keep up. Trumplicants are just so slow.
Joe’s story doesn’t seem to match his sources. He seems to wax poetic on Biden and then source other people except when he sources himself as the source for himself…… wait to you see my comments with myself as the primary source…. you just gotta believe those posts…. :>0
His top source is himself in his pbp story of conjecture.
His next source is ny post story titled: “Biden says Ukraine might have to give Russia land in ‘negotiated settlement” which the title says it all”: might,” “negotiated.” At the very start, there is no “So now the Biden Administration is hinting that maybe it’s OK if Ukraine negotiates a settlement and gives up the land that Russia is going to keep no matter want.” Instead of conjecture, maybe JG could give JB the honor of just quoting what JB said: “From the beginning, I’ve said and I’ve been — not everyone’s agreed with me — nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,” Biden began his answer. “It’s their territory. I’m not going to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.
“But it appears to me that at some point along the line, there’s going to have to be a negotiated settlement here,” the president added. “And what that entails, I don’t know. I don’t think anybody knows at the time. But in the meantime, we’re gonna continue to put the Ukrainians in a position where they can defend themselves.”
WTF, where’s the double-talk you see? Where’s the hint? Where’s the OK to the giveaway? It seems to be firmly rooted under your special tin-foil chapeau.
And JG’s third support piece is, of all things, “The Daily Beast,” are you allowed to read that JG? It’s says what Kissinger, is he still alive, from the Nixon days, says, and mentions Biden once. What does Nixon’s Kissinger have to do with Biden?
Joe’s piece is total conjecture, supported by good pieces having nothing to do with the conjecture that is Joe’s alone masquerading as coming from other legitimate sources, saying things in the area of joe’s imaginings.
This may happen, but Joe is just spinning based oh his preconceived Trumplicant views.
Again, I applaud the sourcing, it’s about time, appreciated. Now you just need to come up with better support for your spin front the sources you select. This time, IMO, you are:
You’ve never busted anyone in your pathetic life you damned idiot
Why would you imagine that Nathan?
Did I say something you can prove untrue?
Do you believe anyone who does not agree with you as pathetic?
You threw a lot of shit, can you back any of it up.
Frank, I’m sorry this overwhelms you. Let’s see if I can simplify. The Biden administration has been saying they can’t let Russia win, but in the background they are doing the exact opposite, pushing Ukraine to negotiate a win for Russian.
That’s what you say. But your sources, beyond yourself who agrees with you, one article says something else and the last is kissinger, so yeah, I am overwhelmed by your conjectures being underwhelmed by your sources.