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Col. Douglas Macgregor: Congress is Part of the Military-Industrial Complex

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Congress is Part of the Military-Industrial Complex

The endless wars in the world are the fruit of a huge industry that does not make headlines in legacy media. But patriots like seasoned combat veteran Colonel Douglas Macgregor have pointed to its key role in keeping the bloodshed going in foreign lands. As he pointed out recently, congress is part of the trio, along with military and the defense industry, which perpetuates wars like the one in Ukraine.

War translates into profit that is incentive for those funded by the taxpayer money to fuel endless wars and thus keep the money pouring into their pockets at the cost of human life and peace. Joseph Heller’s classic novel Catch 22 explored this reality in the early ‘60s, around the same time when President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term “military industrial complex” in his farewell speech. But given the authority of the representatives of people in powerful countries like the United States, the Congress has been part of this complex without its name included in the term.

In the United States, the Congress holds the power of the purse such that the President needs congressional approval of funding for wars, which would go to the military and the defense industry. Given the exceptional unity of the otherwise divided Congress when it comes to approving big bucks for wars, launched under certain narratives, hints at the representative body’s self-interested motives. And while traditional media is a facilitator in this game, Colonel Macgregor calls it what it has been: the “military-industrial-congressional complex.”

Talking to Scottish anchor Neil Oliver on GB News last week, Colonel Macgregor opined that America has no strategic interest in Ukraine and the “threat from Russia” is a huge lie. He added that D.C., meaning the Congress, has its share of people who are “bought and paid for” and vote for funding the military-industrial complex, thus making it the military-industrial-congressional complex. Going back to Eisenhower, Colonel Macgregor told that President Eisenhower’s original speech had the term “military-industrial-congressional complex” but he was advised against using the term for fear of making enemies in the Congress and thus getting obstruction in passing legislation. “So he backed away from it, which is unfortunate because it’s very much part of the problem,” said Macgregor. “We’ve got a lot of people simply profiting.”

In January 2020, The American Prospect published a piece under the title “The Members of Congress Who Profit From War” to reveal that several members of Congress have personal investments in the defense industry and some that profit from the same industry via their families. The story published a list of Senators and Representatives in the House from both parties who have investments in defense stocks. The story also noted that high-ranking defense officials secure positions of lobbyists or senior executives for defense contractors through the revolving door connecting the industry and the military. Five main contractors where many of these officials moved included: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman.

Last year, the Pentagon failed its sixth annual financial audit in a row, revealing nearly $4 trillion in unaccounted expenditures. Republican Senator Rand Paul called for accountability and wrote on Twitter/X: “No institution is above scrutiny, especially the DoD w/ the largest budget of ANY fed agency.”

About The Author


  1. frank stetson

    Dumpy wants to defund Ukraine and get our, not his, our troops out of there. Ask yourself why is that important to a Pakistani expat?

    “The endless wars in the world are the fruit of a huge industry that does not make headlines in legacy media” is an unsubstantiated claim made by a failed journalist for Earnest Dollars. What is legacy media? Mainstream news plus FOX? Oh well. Wouldn’t that make this the military-industrial-congressional-legacy media complex? Or is that too complex? Not that I don’t have emotions in that direction, but Dempsey’s claim to fame on this one is an ex-colonel with more Fox spots than MTG whacky wardrobe choices. He’s been up a few times for Trump administration spots and is putting his resume in again for 2025. His military record is extensive. His politics are extreme right, he is a Trumper. Nouveau media headline: people disagree with this guy. A lot.

    Dumpster claims “congress is part of the trio, along with military and the defense industry, which perpetuates wars like the one in Ukraine.” First off, Dumpy, nouveau newsflash: we didn’t start the Ukrainian war. And suck on this headline: we are ready to stop anytime Putin is. Any perpetuating going on here is from the other side, like you perpetuating your traitorous attacks against our righteous actions in Ukraine.

    Dumpster also thinks: “War translates into profit that is incentive for those funded by the taxpayer money to fuel endless wars and thus keep the money pouring into their pockets at the cost of human life and peace.” Again, Dumpy, we did not start this war, we do not perpetuate this war, just tear up your green card and go back to Pakistan.

    And you have shown a possibility of a danger, not the proof of any wrongdoing. That would be investigative reporting where you trade in rumor, allegations as fact, and opinions for entertainment.

    He notes: “Colonel Macgregor opined that America has no strategic interest in Ukraine and the “threat from Russia” is a huge lie” which Dumpy leaves on the table, unchallenged, like the huge stinking turd of a lie that is. Dumpster says the threat from Russia is a big lie. Think on that.

    While Dumpy is off in la-la land using whacko “give me a job, Don” Fox-wanger Macgregor comments to lobby against our actions in Ukraine, this time as part of some conspiracy between congress, the defense industry, and the military itself, not covered by the media for some reason, he does not and cannot prove that, he does not even try. Nor can Dumpy tell the big story, or show the big picture of what he is talking about.

    – It’s too easy for Congress to invest and make money in companies they either regulate or make decisions that could profit companies they invest in. It’s the Captain Obvious moment going right over Dumpy’s head.

    This issue is bigger than war and covers every market Congress might invest in. If Dumpy was a journalist, he could have looked and see where currently, based on publicly available Congressional investment information, that over 100 Congress peopled are currently possible beneficiaries of voting issues that make money on their personal and family investments. The problem goes beyond the military and defense.

    Dumpy could have noted all the legislation pending to end such practices, but he didn’t. He chose instead to highlight a far-right colonel who chases jobs for Trump by appearing on Fox to pitch the gospel of the extreme right. The man is experienced, accomplished, there is no doubt of that. But he holds many opinions not agreed upon by many experts on the defund-Ukraine rap that Dumpster takes with hook, line, and sinker. No pushback or counterpoint, heck, he could have interviewed Larry for a differing view.

    The man is a very poor unprofessional journalist. Not busted on this since he did spell the man’s name right, but not much of a story either as Dumpster missed the point in his zealous desire to defund Ukraine.

    • Seenitall

      Maybe not started the Uke war,, but certainly promoted and egged it on.

  2. Ron C

    Congress is corrupted with few exceptions, and the war is the number one racket in this nation! Though congress the military complex steals the taxpayer’s money…. period! And the alphabet soup agencies are the grease that facilitate the theft!

  3. frank stetson

    Would love to see Ron’s list of the uncorruptable. Wonder how many Democrats or Independents made his cut…..

    Can’t get over how we told you all this stuff in the 60’s, blamed both parties or “the establishment,” and now, somehow, we became the establishment, the elites….

    Makes me think you guys could fuck up a wet dream.

    Ron has a nice opinion, can’t wait to see some supporting fact cuz if I had that opinion, I would storm the Capitol :>)

    • Richard

      No democrats. They are reprobates. Very corrupt. Just like Frank. A total scum bag. And Frank. Don’t deny it. You have been found out to be a liar

      • Frank stetson

        Prove it dick.

  4. Darren

    I have been saying this ever since Biden has been trying to RAM his Ukraine Bill down the throats
    of the American Tax Payers!
    Its all to help our WAR Manufactures.
    This is why Bush, Biden, Clinton, Obama all had a war going on to keep the money flowing.
    Wonder why Trumps era of peace was frowned upon!
    No War, No tax payer money to Steal!

    • Richard

      Frank is corrupt. He spouts lies and misinformation every day

      • Frank stetson

        Prove it again dick.

    • Richard

      Frank is right. We should always believe him. He would make Trump a great vp

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