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China’s Brutal Communist Party Chief Chen Quanguo – No Chance of Isis Attacks in the Xinjiang Region

China’s Brutal Communist Party Chief  Chen Quanguo – No Chance of Isis Attacks in the Xinjiang Region

It’s all about control, but control doesn’t happen without economic dominance.

Just look around the globe. U.S. is number one. China is number two, in terms of economic size. Control of the populous is something that the Chinese are quite efficient at, and it all leads down the Silk Road. Economic mercantilism is alive and well in China, particularly in the Xinjiang Region.

The policy that is designed to maximize the exportation of goods at the expense of rival nations has worked well for China in recent history. It promotes government regulation of the nation’s economy for the purpose of augmenting state power. This “Butterfly Effect” has rippled across the seas and has landed in the board rooms of many large U.S. multinational corporations. Okay, that’s a big pill to swallow. We must first look at what’s happening in China to see how it is affecting American corporate earnings.

There’s no secret that under Chairman Xi, China is moving forward economically to fulfill its ancient desire for global dominance. In order to make this a reality, all must genuflect to the same God, which in this case is the state, not Ala.

What Joseph Goebbels was to Hitler and Germany, Chen Quanguo, Communist Party chief for the past 2½ years, is to Chairman Xi. His hardline crackdown on ethnic Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in the industrial region of Xinjiang has created a propagandist police state the size of which had never been seen in China.

I think you’re starting to get where I’m going here, as Mr. Chen’s methods have filtered to other parts of the country, amid President Xi’s efforts to reassert Communist Party dominance over Chinese society.

This is where the West becomes entangled in Chinese social re-engineering, as they have a footprint in the region. What might seem like a minor cog in the supply chain wheel of multinationals like Adidas, Kraft Heinz, Coca-Cola, the Gap and others, the ethnic turbulence in the area is performing a multi-functional act for the Chinese. On its most prominent level, it acts as an indoctrination camp for the local Muslim population, many of whom work for the companies previously mentioned.

One might picture a daily satire unfolding such as, “Hi honey, how was your day at the plant? Great, I was forcibly dragged off the assembly line and got to watch a presentation on the importance of the Communist Party and national unity. They told me to get rid of my conservative clothing and stop praying so much. How was yours? Good as well. A family from Beijing will be visiting us this weekend and installing listening devices in our home and will determine whether we are enemies of the state. The goat is ready!”

In classic doublespeak, the international companies are told there is no forced labor in the region and called any talk of it “rumor and slander,” but noted that worker production had increased since indoctrination had begun. All you blithering socialists out there take note. Companies like Adidas are not standing down to these human rights violations. An Adidas spokesperson said, “It has advised its suppliers to suspend yarn purchases from Huafu pending its investigation. Adidas had already banned its suppliers from hiring workers through Xinjiang government agencies in 2016, saying it was concerned about forced labor and discrimination.

Several years ago Islamic militants were blamed for bombings and other violence in the region, and were swiftly dealt with by Xi. There have been no more radical uprisings from the religion of peace in that area.

Just sayin.’

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1 Comment

  1. James J Fitzgerald

    Chew on this fact. The average income in U.S. is 50,000+. The average income in China is 7,000. Hmmmm? Does that tell you anything about China?

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