Caught on Cam: Pentagon Contractor Talks about Sabotaging Trump

The Pentagon has anti-Trump operatives of the deep state who plan to sabotage President Trump’s upcoming term starting day one of his presidency. A new undercover video revealing this plan by a top military command advisor was released this past week by investigative journalist James O’Keefe.
O’Keefe posted the video on January 15 to his social media and video channels. It shows the secretly recorded conversation with Jamie Mannina, a Pentagon contractor and former FBI agent, who told the undercover reporter that he was in conversation with a couple of retired generals to try to explore what can be done to protect the people from Trump.
Mannina called Trump a “sociopathic narcissist” and when asked whether he worries about himself in the upcoming Trump presidency, he said he was a little worried but that he’d be “fine for now.”
Mannina’s history of work shows all the marks of a long association with the deep state. He worked for well over a decade for Hillary Clinton in various positions and after her 2016 presidential defeat, he joined the FBI as a “spy hunter” with the mission to catch the alleged Russian spies that helped Trump win the election – a deep state conspiracy theory that has since been debunked but nobody held accountable for it. Ultimately he became a Pentagon contractor.
Conservative commentator Clayton Morris offered his commentary on O’Keefe’s video of Mannina, calling it evidence of the deep state’s plan to undermine Trump’s presidency like they did in 2016 when they failed to stop him from winning the election.
Soon as the O’Keefe Media Group’s video exposed Mannina’s anti-Trump plan, he was fired by the Pentagon contractor firm Booz Allen Hamilton where he had worked since 2020. The Daily Wire cited Joint Staff spokesman Joseph R. Holstead commenting on Mannina’s statements:
“The alleged comments by Mannina do not reflect the positions of the Chairman or the Joint Staff. Furthermore, the Chairman looks forward to working as President-elect Donald J. Trump’s principal military advisor in the next administration.”
The story wrote that Mannina would likely have continued working at the Pentagon had the video by O’Keefe not exposed him.
Unsurprisingly this bombshell of a news story was killed in the legacy media that serves the deep state. Not only did the leftist media outlets ignore the story but popular right-leaning channel Fox News did as well. A number of international English-language papers reported on the video.
Is he stupid, evil, or both? I contend he is smart and knows exactly what he is doing. His degrees would indicated that.
Certainly is a piss poor excuse for a journalist even of the political pundit variety. Guy would not last a minute in a live debate. I mean I can disagree with Horist, but his “lies” are generally not of fabrication, but, like me, of omission or shading as he creates his spin. IMO, most of that is legit, although sometimes we all omit perhaps a bit to much or lean things, even statistically, in a certain direction. That’s why only Dempsey is special amongst PBP authors as the worst. He cannot respond because he fears to respond, and instead just continues to vomit spurious spew with no recrimination from his publisher for the frequent and flagrant lies.
On this one: oh my, you can just read the header and realize it is from The Dumpster and will feature disgraced sneak-attack shock-journalist O’Keefe doing his candid-camera sucker-punch sting.
First, everyone deserves an opinion, and this guy is not out of line with a lot of America. You may not like it, but I keep telling you, we are out here, we have big numbers, and you have two years to prove us wrong by doing good for all, harming few, and needlessly attacking none just for their beliefs. But if you continue to come at us, if you continue to operate in partisan fashion, it will not end well for you. Trump and company have already proved they are not up to that task. They think bipartisan is a four-letter word, like Seth, and only think of America First, unfortunately, their America, and the rest of us can just suck eggs if we do not like it.
Two years. It’s all you got.
This guy has his opinion, that’s OK, that’s legal. He expressed it in his work with his customers. That’s legal, but not professional and his company fired him. It’s a brazen CLM. O’Keefe said it was based on him; The Dumpster or we don’t really know that; the Generals could have called on him, but we do know they know, and he go. As it should be.
The Dumpster knowingly lies when he says: “The Pentagon has anti-Trump operatives of the deep state who plan to sabotage President Trump’s upcoming term starting day one of his presidency.” His proof is one guy who was fired faster than Trump grabs a pussy.
The Dumpster lies when he says: “Mannina’s history of work shows all the marks of a long association with the deep state.” This dumb fuck can’t tell you that a Deep State even exists, much less who any of the members are. Instead, if you are Democrat, Dempsey views you as Deep State. He can’t take his head out of his ass long enough to actually find it though. The best conspiracies are the ones that can neither be proved or disproved. Some say fantasy. I say Dempsey is a fucking low life liar.
The Dumpster lies when he says: “Unsurprisingly this bombshell of a news story was killed in the legacy media that serves the deep state.”
Posted 3 days before The Dumpster’s trash: *https://www.msn.com/en-in/politics/government/secret-meeting-on-trump-with-retired-generals-pentagon-fires-contractor-after-hidden-camera-bombshell-watch/ar-AA1xeddd* Guess The Dumpster considers MSN as not “legacy media that serves the deep state.” Color me unsurprised!
Amazingly, Pakistani owned The Express Times, a non-biased center bias publication got it and also published three days before it fell into The Dumpster: * https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-express-tribune/*
Knewz also had it, they are right of center and highly factual.
There are also two dozen stories across the ragged right blogsphere. Not much of a story though since it’s one guy, mouthing off personal political crap in business, gets fired on the spot basically, so how that determines a deep state plot, that the deep state is everywhere, and that all democrats support, belong, and work for Dempsey’s fantasy deep state is beyond me. Then again, Dempsey is a proven, frequent flyer of liars, as shown three times in this story alone. He does not comment, he does not refute, he does not mind apparently. Neither does Joe the publisher who continues to support lies as a hearty meal for free speech. I guess “extreme” means fake in this regard.
I just don’t get it; no other PBP author is this unprofessional without the proper ethics for the job.
TO: Frank Danger
You are sooooooo full of crap. Too bad for you loser. Maybe you can get a job changing Biden’s Depends.
John, yet once again you spew, but where’s the proof? All blow and no show once again.
Thank you so much, FS that you finally described perfectly your own self. We all now expect nothing from you but pure hate, being a traitor and a dictator. You have no idea who is listening to all of these posts, do you? What a disgusting monologue you always give. At least we know how much you hate America and everyone in it now. You did a great job of telling us. You really think Trump is so bad. You really think Dempsey is what, a spy? You really think only what you say is the truth? What are you really trying to accomplish, Mr. CIA plant? Take America down with only your idiot words? You are a disgusting, low-life, scum traitor. TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wil take a while, but all the corrupt in dc will be removed. too long have the few ran the many. now, it is time for the few to show the many exactly why we have elected trump to clean the waste that is dc. all who work there think they are some kind of elite, far above the rest of thee country and that the law never should apply to them. will be a big wake up call. cant wait to see what it looks like with all the filth and scum gone. s