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Biden’s polling is creating chaos for political analysts

Biden’s polling is creating chaos for political analysts

Trying to give meaning to President Biden’s cratering polling number is driving the political strategists and pundits crazy.  What inferences can be drawn from the polls?  How can the prognosticators prognosticate?

The first thing to consider is the numbers themselves.  In the latest Rasmussen poll, Biden has suffered a 14-point swing in favor of Trump.  Biden’s previous 4-point lead over Trump has become a 10-point lead by Trump.

Biden is hemorrhaging support from blacks and Hispanics – two of the Democrats’ most loyal core voters.  His flip-flop on Israel has cost Biden support from both Arabs and Jews.  According to Rasmussen, Biden is losing with young voters, and independents going for Trump by a 53 to 30 – an astonishing 23-point margin.

None of that makes sense.  And that is what is driving Democrats and the left-leaning media bonkers – leaving them creating even more ridiculous and outrageous end-of-America narratives against Trump and Republicans.

Democrats are claiming that a Trump reelection will literally be the end of the American democracy.  He will become a dictator. Despite all the pumping up that fearmongering narrative gets in the media, polls put Biden and Trump within the margin of error on which one is the better defender of democracy.  Biden has a mere 3-point edge.  How is that even possible?

Biden is under water on most issues that voters care about – the economy, border security, crime.  His only winning issue is abortion, with climate policy as a breakeven.  And if Rasmussen is right, Biden is losing the women’s vote. Really?

Though Biden is only a couple years older than Trump, the President is getting clobbered on the age issue.  Why the difference in perception?

The situation for Biden is particularly grim – or “dark” as Democrat advisor David Axelrod put it – in terms of the all-important battleground states.  According to the recent Bloomberg poll, it is 46 to 42 in favor of Trump in Arizona … 49 to 43 in Georgia … 46 to 42 in Michigan … 47 to 44 in Nevada … 49 to 40 in North Carolina … 46 to 44 in Pennsylvania … and 45 to 41 in Wisconsin.  If the election were today, Trump would carry all the swing states.  How do you explain that?

Biden has the worst numbers at this time of any presidential candidate who ultimately wins. Does that mean he cannot win against Trump?  How do you build a case for Biden?

On the other hand … a lot of the numbers are within the margin of error and it is 11 months until the election.  These numbers may only be a moment-in-time.  Politics is an impossible game to predict this far out.  Anything can happen to dramatically change the election outcome.   In 1992, President George H. W. Bush had an insurmountable lead in the months before the election – until he did not and lost.  In 2008, Senator John McCain was looking good until the recession hit – and then he was not and lost.  Hillary Clinton was heading into a coronation in 2016 – until she was deposed and lost.

Seventy percent of the American people would like to see someone else — anyone else – bearing the standards for the Republican and Democratic Parties.  So, why are these guys viewed as pre-emptive candidates?

So, how do the folks with the crystal balls see the future when everything is so unprecedented?  How do they explain the inexplicable?  The job description of those of us in the political analysis and prognosis business requires us to analyze and prognosticate.   It has become like asking a doctor to make a diagnosis when none of the symptoms make any sense. 

Will Trump win the GOP nomination?  Will he win the General Election?  Will he go to jail?  Will Biden turn around his numbers?  Will he decide not to run?  Will he pick a different Vice President candidate?  Will Christie, DeSantis or Ramaswami get out of the race?  Will the economy recover or go into recession?  Will the “no names” folks put up candidates for President and Vice President? Will Joe Manchin run as an independent?  Will Robert Kennedy, Jr. take votes away from Biden?  Will there be a big turnout? 

Based on years of experience – and a pretty good record for insightfulness – my answer to all these questions is a definitive …. MAYBE

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Jim lucas

    The desperate democrats are pulling out all stops since Biden is sucking in the polls. Seriously? Using courts to try and stop him because they are too stupid to figure out how to beat trump. Is this the way we want to run elections? Put all of the candidates on the ballot and let the voters decide. But the Colorado case is just another means of stealing elections. Ok Frank. Your turn.

    • doug

      Can anyone help me by providing the case number of the trial in which Donald Trump was convicted, or even charged, with insurrectionary behavior? Maybe the local not-seeboyz can provide that enlightenment. Oh, here’s a text from Tom&FrankIncest. He or she says it’s 00.000000/000. Thanks, dood.

      On that subject, well before 1/6/21, Nanny Pelosi was offered 20,000 National Guard security forces on Inauguration Day. She refused. Capitol Police officials have cited other instances of Donks responsible for Jan. 6 security being offered security forces, and the response to their offer was “neigh.”

      The Bidet administration continues to block release of information about Jan. 6, such as how many FBI agents, intelligence personnel and other feds were milling in the Jan. 6 crowds. Yesterday I read about busloads of very official looking individuals who arrived in the area at 5 or 6 am and marched off smartly in a very official manner. Regular bus drivers nailed them immediately as government people. Their buses were recently painted white, top to bottom. Carrying no signs or hats or such, they exited the location and soon disappeared; the buses drove off. The feds won’t address who they were or might have been.

      Apart from that, why aren’t we charging Groper Joe with insurrection? He allowed and even encouraged the George Floyd violence nationwide that caused deaths and destruction in the billions of dollars.

      And he’s encouraged and enabled the movement of millions of law-breakers that are entering the U.S. across the virtually non-existent border. Those acts are felonies. Trump, in contrast, urged observers in Washington to be peaceful. Groper Joe, in contrast, deluged George Floyd protesters with incendiary rhetoric about how they’ve been victimized.

      Oh, yeah: Responsibility for public order Jan. 6 belonged to District of Columbia’s government and Nanny Pelosi’s office. It was Pelosi who was informed of warning signs that disorder could erupt and who blew it off. When the Floyd insurrections occurred, and even after multiple murders and attempted murders, Groper Joe didn’t lift a finger. When protesters locked a police precinct from the outside and tried to set the building on fire, Groper Joe offered no warning or apology or support for embattled police and firefighters.

      When miles of a city was taken over by force, including federal buildings, and people within the district claimed sovereignty, Groper Joe and his minions took no action and offered no support, even after people started being killed within. When vast numbers of violent protesters were arrested, Groper Joe’s political allies released almost all without any investigation, and Joe’s response was “atta boy.”

      Speaking of following the law, Texas’ lieutenant governor or deputy attorney general — presumably the latter — is reported to be considering filing criminal charges against Quid Pro Joe Bidet for violating his binding legal pledge to not allow overrunning of the southern border by hundreds or thousands of terrorism suspects and millions of just common criminals. This trial will be an exciting case to follow. I sure hope Say-It-Ain’t-So Joe gets himself a good lawyer. And maybe a good spokesperson, like that Pierre woman who wears a thatched roof on her head or maybe Humper, who Joe venerates as the smartest guy he ever knew.


      There’s too much quasi-literate breast-beating above to do more than just sail bemusedly over the rhetoric on this thread, but I did catch a remark here and there, such as that states have some kind of immunity to place whatever they want on their ballots.

      Isn’t that strange, LOL. The central government, not individual states, gave women the right to vote. The federal government, not individual states, changed the voting age. If women waited for individual states to approve women’s suffrage, they’d still be waiting.

      Changing direction briefly. I’ve been on a mission to expose mincing, jack-booted not-seeboys on this sliver of the ‘Net. I’ve exposed Tom&FrankIncest and his alter-ego by cornering him or her on his sympathy for the KKKlan, for the German Workers National Socialist Party, for his denial about racism existing in the U.S. and for promulgating such an insidious form of collectivism.

      I’m not accusing anyone here of insurrection, but it’s strange how Tom&Frank waddles away in desperation each time I ask different questions. He not only runs for cover but he refuses to explain WHY he takes the Fifth on simple questions, such as, oh, these:

      * Would he have stood by the US or his German motherland if he were around during WW II? (response: I refuse…)

      * What are a few, or even one, disagreement does he have with the standard beliefs of the KKKlan and not-see Germany? (I refuse)

      * Who are any of the most brutal and influential racists in U.S. history? (I refuse…)

      * Offer any rebukes, denunciations or even the mildest differences of opinion with the KKKlan, Fascist Italy or the Third Reich? (I refuse…)

      * Is there any U.S. foreign war in history in which you would not have supported the enemy? (I refuse…)

      Perfect. Five questions, fifth amendment. Wut? Another refusal?

      Why such fear and loathing? Why so many tears? What’s with the four Swastika tattoos (one for each cheek)? This won’t count on your grades, little feller. I’m just trying to start a conversation. uld they have supported the Allies or the Axis powers in World War II? And beyond WW II, in which foreign wars would they have supported the United States, since the USA was created?

      C’mon, Mustafa. We just wanna understand. Inquiring minds and all that.


      • doug

        Omissions department (nocturnal and otherwise): I neglected above to specify that the offer for 20K Guard troops to maintain order in D.C. on 1/6/21 came from Maryland. And that wasn’t the only offer of help that was spurned by SanFranNanny.

        Could she have wanted maximum disorder? Perish THAT thought.

        • doug

          Link to intimate photos of Tom/Frank/Klaus: try to figure out who’s who —


          (insert period into empty space before “youtube”)


        Double-take Disinformation Doug says: “our resident multiple-personality gnat-seeboy again demands proof that he’s a not-see.” Sure, seems like a fair question that, to date, you have come a cropper on. You no stuff except fluff. Bad words and bad intents do not make for actual facts. Where’s the proof that I am a NAZI?

        What multiple personality? Tom lives in NC, I live in NJ, you live in delusion. Three people, only one delusional. Proven by his blatant lies and terrible spelling.

        He whines: “tries to ream me out for poop spelling,” oh, cry, cry. Cry me a river. However, I cannot ream you out for poop spelling. You nailed poop. You know poop. Priceless. But……….you really are a terrible speller:





        “Swisher-boy” (ghetto talk from darky Doug perhaps?) try rasta boy and relive that famous Jimmy Cliff scene. You know the one…..

        “not-see twoll” which if you say with a lisp makes sense. Must be phonetic for Doug with the lisp.

        And you gotta love: “More commonly than not,” as spoken by a good little comrade. In America Doug-doo, we say more common than not.

        Or “sheet-for-brains,” another term commonly found when Russian’s speak English, or try to.

        When did I “acknowledged that he (or she) would have sided with U.S. enemies in every foreign war since the founding?” or just another Doug delusion?

        When did I state my “goal of destroying America?

        Easy one, you said “directly.” When did I “directly concede that they would have stood with our enemies in every foreign war?”

        When did I “endorses the most egregious racism that has ever existed in U.S. history — against native Americans, blacks, Jews, Asians, Christians.” And what are the Jewish and Christian races —- white, off-white, and kinda white?

        And what exactly is: “promulgating that insidious form of collectivism?” Socialism? And when did I support socialism?

        When did I exhibit or write about my “sympathy for the KKKlan, for the German National Socialist Workers Party, for her/his denial that racism exists or existed in the U.S. and for promulgating that insidious form of collectivism.

        Double-take Disinformation Douche Bag Doug finally explains his meaning in life: “I love it because it allows me to crush him.”

        “Some things in life are bad
        They can really make you mad
        Other things just make you swear and curse
        When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
        Don’t grumble, give a whistle
        And this’ll help things turn out for the best
        Always look on the bright side of life
        Always look on the light side of life”

        Monty Python

        • doug

          Nyuk. Look at Klaus’s (AKA Tom&FrankIncest’s) newest river of tears.

          It’s hardly a surprise that — with German as his mother lingo — he’d have so much trouble, such as embarrassingly not comprehending the words “common” and “commonly” have different meanings.

          Or not being able to detect that “poop spelling” is an obvious instance of a typo, with a single letter typed in error — a “p” instead of an “r.” That’s a definition of a typo — the typing of a single erroneous letter, number or faulty punctuation key.

          There’s probably some benefit to having a mincing goober in the outhouse, compulsively searching for typos, but there must be better candidates than admitted not-see swishers like fuhrer-slurping Tom&FrankIncest, who represent but two in a plethora of different incarnations of a single self-pitying gumball marinated in Jew envy, fear of blacks and loathing of Asians, native Americans, the BaHa’i and other minorities.

          The proof is hard and fast. FrankenTom, who speaks with an identical Teutonic accent, acknowledges that they/he/she would have sided with the Third Reich against the U.S. and her WW II allies, that they would have sided with all of Americas in all of our foreign wars, that they have no bone to pick with the KKKlan and that they have absolutely no disagreement with any basic tenets of the KKKlan and the Third Reich.

          Every time they’re quizzed on those and related points, they assert the Fifth, and as everyone knows, the Fifth automatically incorporates an admission that answering such questions would incriminate the person (or multiple personalities) invoking the right to stave off incriminating questions.

          Anyone reading this can test the process themselves. Not-sees NEVER give direct answers to questions about their connections with genociders and other hatemongers. That’s how I was able to guarantee many months ago, when first yanking the sheet and hood from this prancing pony, that he or she would not give straight answers — just meaningless diversions and salty tears. And that won’t change in the reply to this post of mine.

          Several paragraphs above, Klaus&Company provides us with a quote reflecting Knot-see discourse seemingly intended to get my goat: “Ghetto talk from darky Doug perhaps?””

          I take pride in being called a “darky” (which Merriam-Webster defines as “an insulting and contemptuous term for a Black person.”) I’ve been called a “Detroit N-word” and any number of anti-Semitic names. Wait till Tom+FrankIncest gets a hold of my stump speech on Asian achievement.

          I’ve never revealed to any of these bwain-addled twinkies my heritage or religion, which tends to push them over the edge into particularly intense bouts of profanity, mouth-foaming and psych-outs.

          A poster asked me recently on an old thread if I knew how thorough a beatdown I’ve been administering to the local “Mein Kampf” slurper. Well, I have suspicions. It’s all for a good cause.


          To any patriots still reading this thread, Merry Christmas and a belated Happy Hannukah.

      • frank Stetson

        Double-take Disinformation Dubious Doug:
        The closest to an insurrection charge is the Swalwell civil case. But your point is moot in regards to the Colorado decision so meaningless in intent. Section 3 of the 13th amendment, if you had take the time to read instead of picking corn from blogosphere turds, does not require insurrection; they string a bunch of crimes together using the word OR. Do you know what or means? That’s special. Are you enlightened? No. Thought so.

        Dumb Shit Doug states: “Nanny Pelosi was offered 20,000 National Guard security forces on Inauguration Day. She refused” when he knows that Pelosi has no more authority in that regard to Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, or the current speaker. The Guard request was made to the Capitol Police Board, was denied with the request to see how fast they could get there. There have been process improvements made there. The defense that was present had withstood decades of protests without a breach.

        “Capitol Police officials have cited other instances of Donks responsible for Jan. 6 security” is another piece of Doug-shit. The responsibility lies in the Capitol Police Board of which Double-take Doug has no idea of their political affiliation. No changes to the CPB have been made by the current Republican speaker.

        “The Bidet administration continues to block release of information about Jan. 6, such as how many FBI agents, intelligence personnel and other feds were milling in the Jan. 6 crowds.” This is fake news with no links or sourcing to confirm.

        “Yesterday I read about busloads of very official looking individuals who arrived in the area at 5 or 6 am and marched off smartly in a very official manner” and I read that pigs can fly and Elon is a jew hater. So what? Doug accepts rumors as truth if they lean in his direction.

        “Apart from that, why aren’t we charging Groper Joe with insurrection?” Perhaps because you don’t have a clue? Perhaps you’re one brick shy of a wall? Or maybe one bubble off top dead center? Or just an ordinary everyday loon.

        “He allowed and even encouraged the George Floyd violence nationwide that caused deaths and destruction in the billions of dollars.” Let’s do the time warp again with the Douglas Horror Picture Show. The summer of Floyd was 2020; President Biden took office late January 2021, about six months or more later….. Twas Trump at the helm, genius.

        • doug

          Lookee what the twat dragged in: a goosestepping cretin with an Iron Cross and fully soaked Depends.

          A cretin who apparently can’t abide the fact that the Floyd insurrections lasted at least long enough that part of Minneapolis was occupied through mid-2023. Lessee: Trump scooted out of the White House in January 2021. Of course it’s not certain that anyone has been in control in the White House since January 2021, other than an unelected delegation of Third Reich revivalists.

          The bottom line is that leftniks like Biden encouraged the Floyd riots. To keep faith with rioters, they rebuffed offers for federal help. They invoked false narratives, including the official causes of Floyd’s death, to fan the flames of violence. Quid Pro Groper Joe Bidet was just one of the cheerleaders for violence. In contrast, Trump appealed to the D.C. crowds to remain peaceful Jan. 6. Most complied.

          In other corrections, the 14th Amendment’s “disqualification clause” for removal from office or barring the holding of office hinges on having “engaged in insurrection or rebellion … or (having) given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” Clearly Groper Joe and his minions gave aid and comfort to rioters whereas Trump publicly discouraged illegal behavior. Accordingly, Trump has never been charged with, let alone convicted, of insurrection. Stay tuned to see if state officials don’t charge Groper Joe with criminal behavior at the southern border and other offenses.

          During the Floyd uprising, federal troops were offered to some localities, mainly to protect federal assets. The Bidet clones, by and large, rebuffered the offers, just as SanFranNanny, who was the ultimate authority for policing authority in D.C., rebuffed advance offers to increase police strength on Jan. 6 on the basis of alarming warning signs of major trouble ahead.

          Many of us have seen Capitol Police video footage of dozens or more police officers welcoming so-called insurrectionists into congressional buildings and even providing them with guides and personal security. We haven’t been told who green-lit that activity, though obviously the administration knows, leading to the logical assumption is that the instructions originated with Iron Fist Nanny Pelosi. Blaming underlings who carried Pelosi’s water is a transparent ruse. It’s like saying Hitler was faultless in the Holocaust because he didn’t carry nerve gas pellets into the gas chambers. Just another demonstration of how Goebbelsians operate.

          In other news, the Bidet Justice Department continues to refuse to honor congressional demands for information such as how many FBI assets infiltrated the ranks of the inaugural crowd. The House is responding by preparing to seek subpoenas, which wouldn’t bother the White House if it weren’t withholding and/or destroying official records sought by Congress and the public.

          In other gnus, the local delegate from the Aryan Brotherhood, colossal Jew envier T&F, continues to hide meekly behind the Fifth to escape the drumbeat of questions proving his sick identification with the KKKlan, the Third Reich and his all-around cheerleading of hatemongers.

          He STILL won’t divulge why he refuses to offer even the briefest of answers to questions like these: Would he have stood behind the U.S. or behind der fuhrer in WW II? In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he have backed the U.S. rather than the enemy? Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

          That’s just a start. Knowing with absolute certainty that we won’t get straight answers to the first batch of queries, I just might add more to the list, including: Why won’t he identify top racists in all of U.S. history? Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, that not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he marched hand-in-hand in Occupy Wall Street uprisings? How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies? When will he break down and confess the obvious, LOL? And how many boxes of tissues does he have to buy or shoplift before each Horist column?


          • FRANK STETSON

            Duplicitous deceitful demeaning Doug has the balls to say: “Trump, in contrast, urged observers in Washington to be peaceful.”

            I quote Trump on that day: “You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen.” ‘If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.’ Sure, we all know the “peace” comment Doug weakly alludes to but cannot figure out how to source, but there was so much more. Trump used the word “fight” 21 times that day:

            “you have to get your people to fight. If they don’t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don’t fight.
            We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us.
            But it used to be that they’d argue with me, I’d fight. So I’d fight, they’d fight. I’d fight, they’d fight. Boop-boop
            But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech and others is just getting started.
            And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

            Doug’s statement is total spin, using one line out of context where the context is fight, fight, fight.

            Maybe his one use of the word peace overshadowed the almost two dozen requests to fight….emphasis maybe? The proof is in the pudding and even though Doug hates the truth, or anything that supports the truth like facts; the FACT is that many of the people convicted are convinced they were doing what Trump ordered them to and have said so, in court, on the record, without one lawsuit from Mr. Trump, or Doug. Why is Doug letting all these scoundrels demeaning his demi-god Don off the hook? Does that prove he’s a NAZI? Or pedophile?

            To fulfill his desire to overturn the election while he watched, munching on and toss at walls some burgers, for over three hours and DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Russians like that. Doug likes that. As of this summer, over 200 people, of the 700 convicted about at that time, on the record, said there were responding the words and calls of Donald J. Trump, their President.

            Got more on Doug’s blatant fabrications, but being censored for length. That’s right, for Horist, size apparently matter.

          • FRANK STETSON

            You idiot. The only “protests” were basically annual remembrance’s in 2021, 2022, and 2023. They were peaceful. Your asinine comments know no bounds.

            Last scrape of the recent Doug-shit off my crocs:

            “Oh, yeah: Responsibility for public order Jan. 6 belonged to District of Columbia’s government and Nanny Pelosi’s office.” This a pretty big and obvious lie. Doug excels at that. First the lie of omission leaving out where the buck really stops. It stops at the top of the pile with Doug’s kind of guy who watched the insurrection at the Capitol while tossing burgers at the wall for the poor food providers had to clean up after, he watched on TV for over three hours, the leader of the largest military muscle in the world watching, waiting, tossing, doing nothing, as calls for help from HIS TEAM poured in.

            The comments Republicans made the first day represent their first take on the horror.

            But simple sniff test: why would the Speaker of the House be responsible and not the Senate Majority leader be responsible? Oh yeah, that was McConnell and that does not make a great Douglas Lie. It’s just Dubious Doug hacking away with lies again to fit his special tin-foil narrative.
            More important, these were Trump people, Republicans, who he SENT to the Capitol, and then watched the mayhem his people were causing, for one hour, then two hours, then three hours and change before deciding —– hey, maybe I should send a tweet….. Ultimately, he is responsible for his acts as well as the acts of those he charges.

            “Groper Joe and his minions took no action and offered no support,” Uh, again, not President yet….. Try two weeks later and see what he do.

            “even after people started being killed within.” Uh, person, not people and ditto on the guy who sent them, watched them, and waited, and waited, and waited.

            “When vast numbers of violent protesters were arrested, Groper Joe’s political allies released almost all without any investigation, and Joe’s response was “atta boy.” Delusional Doug seems to be having a bad dream. I did not think Joe’s allies were arrested on 1.6.2021? Segue?

          • FRANK STETSON

            Doug Doo Doo Wrong is on another rant.

            Oh yea, segue…. “Speaking of following the law, Texas’ lieutenant governor or deputy attorney general — presumably the latter — is reported to be considering filing criminal charges against Quid Pro Joe Bidet for violating his binding legal pledge to not allow overrunning of the southern border by hundreds or thousands of terrorism suspects and millions of just common criminals.” And it’s reported that Don is considered Doug to be his new pool boy and top secret document xerox king for Russia.

            “There’s too much quasi-literate breast-beating above to do more than just sail bemusedly over the rhetoric on this thread,” bwhaaaat. “sail bemusedly?” who does that? Talk about a word sandwich….. Hemingway just puked.

            “Isn’t that strange, LOL. The central government, not individual states, gave women the right to vote. The federal government, not individual states, changed the voting age. If women waited for individual states to approve women’s suffrage, they’d still be waiting.” OMG, I think Doug got a liberal mind-meld.

            “Changing direction briefly.” Exsqueeze me — when have you had a direction?

            “but it’s strange how Tom&Frank waddles away in desperation each time I ask different questions.

            Answered one more time somewhere in here with the punchline still waiting for you to prove one thing about Frank or Tom. Or prove we are one person. You’re the pussy who can’t put up. So either put up or shut up. Answer the question. I answered yours

          • darkky doug

            Without a “reply” button I simply can’t directly post in the proper place about the most recent fairy+ tales (emphasizing the “fairy”+ portion) of empty rhetoric within — none of which is even close enough to the truth to be recognized and none of it substantiated. So I’ll make a short stand right here.

            The always-annoying, occasionally entertaining delegate from the Aryan Brotherhood — colossal Jew envier T&F — continues to cower meekly behind the Fifth to escape the drumbeat of questions proving his sick identification with the KKKlan and the Third Reich plus his all-around cheerleading of hatemongers.

            He STILL refuses to divulge why he refuses to offer even the briefest of answers to questions like these: Would he have stood behind the U.S. or behind der fuhrer in WW II? In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he have backed the U.S. rather than the enemy? Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

            These and other questions are back by popular demand.

            Other questions such as: Why won’t he name any leading espouser of racism in all of U.S. history? Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, that not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he marched hand-in-hand with woke leftwit activists in Occupy Wall Street uprisings? How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies?

            On a personal note, I also wish to thank the poor, quivering not-see goober for the new nickname he has fashioned for me in collaboration with his mentor Davey Duke — Darkyy Doug. It’s ducky. I wear it with great pride.

  2. Jim wampler

    The desperate democrats are pulling out all stops since Biden is sucking in the polls. Seriously? Using courts to try and stop him because they are too stupid to figure out how to beat trump. Is this the way we want to run elections? Put all of the candidates on the ballot and let the voters decide. But the Colorado case is just another means of stealing elections. Ok Frank. Your turn.

    • Jim lucas

      Frank knows that’s. a true statement. Even Frank doesn’t have the smarts to dream that up. The rat party will fall and then they will pull another amendment out of their asses. We might have to pull the 2nd amendment out of our asses. I’m seeing things behind the scenes and we ain’t putting up with it anymore.

  3. frank Stetson

    Horist knows my mind so well, I will let him answer for me. After all, no one reads my stuff here. No one.

    • Dan tyree

      I read your posts for laughs. But do you think elections should be held this way? If’s scary. And it shows that you democrats think that your presidential candidate is an idiot.

      • doug

        Dan, you report that you “read (the twoll’s) posts for laughs.” But don’t dismiss his/her posts lightly. They’re also good medicine. When someone is constipated, those posts cut through bowel obstructions like a lava flow through a hayfield. So keep a couple of hard copies in your medicine chest.

        At this very moment, Santa is probably feeding some copies to the reindeer to lighten their load tonight; Rudolph usually is the most constipated, so when copies of Ditzy Stepson’s and his alter egos’ posts are fed to the poor deer, it not only stretches out his antlers but leaves him all aglow for a day or two, as is common knowledge, or in Ditzy Stepson’s case, commonly knowledge.

        But I digress.

        The bottom line is that everyone with half a brain is anxious to distance himself from the local swishee twolls. I trust I’m not being too Frank about that.

        • frank Stetson

          Doug, I am sorry that you are constipated, sure answers a lot, and I truly, deeply, and regretfully, hope my posts help you get better. WE all realize how full of shit you are. Full of crap to the point of rotting what little biomass of feeble brain is left, as your delusional Frank-n-Tom haunts you 24×7 because you can’t bear thinking of others as individual American citizens that might just have a different point of view to your septic look at life. 2:30 am, eastern, and you’re still banging away on the keyboard in full attack mode. Your admission to having only half a brain may be your first step to recovery. But I doubt it as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Or am I being too frank?

          Keep it up ass wipe, I can do this all day too.

    • AC

      I’m here to say, that’s not true, for I do.

      • AC

        For what it’s worth. That I do.

      • doug

        FrankenTom acknowledges that they/he/she would have sided with the 3rd Reich against the U.S. and her WW II allies, that they would have sided with all of Americas in all of our foreign wars, that they have no bone to pick with the KKKlan and that they have absolutely no disagreement with any basic tenets of the KKKlan and the Third Reich.

        Every time he/they are quizzed on those and related points, they assert the Fifth, and as everyone knows, the Fifth automatically incorporates an admission that answering such questions would incriminate the person (or multiple personalities) invoking the right to stave off incriminating questions.

        Anyone reading this can test the process themselves. Not-sees NEVER give direct answers to questions about their connections with genociders and other hatemongers. That’s how I was able to guarantee many months ago, when first yanking the sheet and hood from this prancing pony, that he or she would not provide straight answers — just meaningless diversions and salty tears. And that won’t change in the reply to this post of mine.

        Several paragraphs above, Klaus&Company provides us with a quote reflecting Knot-see discourse seemingly intended to get my goat: “Ghetto talk from darky Doug perhaps?””

        I take pride in being called a “darky” (which Merriam-Webster defines as “an insulting and contemptuous term for a Black person.”) I’ve been called a “Detroit N-word” and any number of anti-Semitic names. Wait till Tom+FrankIncest gets a hold of my stump speech on Asian achievement.

        TFI should be back momentarily with more failed insults on the level of “darky Doug.” Better “darky Doug” than David Duke any ole day.


          David Duke Doug is dancing delightfully daily.

          He lies, he fabricates, he has no supporting facts except Doug-doo which I scrape from my screen with a simple point n click..

          He can’t prove a thing except he likes to hear himself type stupidity repeating upon repeating.
          He can’t prove a thing except he likes to hear himself type stupidity repeating upon repeating.
          He can’t prove a thing except he likes to hear himself type stupidity repeating upon repeating.
          He can’t prove a thing except he likes to hear himself type stupidity repeating upon repeating.
          He can’t prove a thing except he likes to hear himself type stupidity repeating upon repeating.

          I would call him out for being a squibodian tiffwa, but the truth be known, he is more like a twiffwaddian squibo. I think his Mom must have been full twiffwa though. As he barumpidites his posts using hertophicles and obnoticities to aid his apparent muyisental tendancies.

    • Tom

      Awwww Frank. Don’t be down. I read your stuff. Doug reads your stuff.

      • Frank stetson

        Did you say Doulas Calls?

        Slowly I turned.
        Step by step, inch by inch,
        I walked up to him and……BUSTED

        Just can’t scrape that guy off my crocs….😁

      • larry Horist

        Tom … But that maybe more than half of his entire readership. LOL

        • Tom

          Only you know for sure Larry! :>)

          Ok, here we go. You knew this was going to happen! Just read it this morning!

          In a bold move that has ignited political discourse across the nation, Republican state lawmakers have initiated a campaign to draft bills that would potentially bar President Joe Biden from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballots in several pivotal swing states. This legislative push, which targets Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, is a direct counteraction to recent events where former President Donald Trump faced disqualification from the Colorado ballot.

          The lawmakers’ strategy is not merely a tit-for-tat response but a calculated effort to highlight what they perceive as a double standard in the application of the law. They argue that if the rationale used to challenge Trump’s eligibility is valid, then by the same logic, President Biden’s actions, particularly concerning the southern border and his family’s dealings with China, should also be scrutinized under the same legal framework.

          I agree with the GOP on this one! But they are skating on just as thin ice as Colorado!

          • larry Horist

            Tom .. I see the effort to toss Biden off the ballot as symbolic effort to show the nuttiness of trying to boot Trump. It is a good opportunity for the Supreme Court to settle the issue once and for all. Eligibility and ineligibility of federal candidates should rest with the federal government … period.

          • Frank stetson

            But it’s good Horist watches and counts even as he skips the read.

  4. frank Stetson

    Dan, think about it. You want my response. You tell me you read me “for laughs.” Is that your icebreaker? Enticement? A smack in the meaningful aspect of my tomes? In all honesty, I’m pretty sure you read for more than a laugh. I am just not that funny. But really Dan….. We have different ideas. Neither is all right or all wrong. But we are both Americans, we both believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, etc. And neither of us interprets those 100% incorrectly. Just differently.

    It’s not “democrats,” it’s the Supreme Court in Colorado. That was a split 4-3 decision with two Republicans, I think three or four Dems and the rest Indy’s. Thus, the decision is half-assed by definition. All picked by Dem gov, but all reaffirmed by Colorado voters of all parties. Not sure if reaffirmation is simple majority or not.

    IMO, you guys screwed the pooch when you absolved him on the second impeachment where IMO, he was guilty, guilty, guilty. You could have put your party back together and moved forward, inclusively, and probably would have had either DeSantis or Halley at the helm to move forward. Frankly, that’s good for me. DeSantis is worse than Trump for me since he actually knows what he is doing. Halley I might even vote for. Now, you are stuck with Trump you have your vocal minority and silent, yet confirming, enabling majority and a guy with severe legal challenges that will be going down for criminal activities including trying to rig the election by cheating. It may look good now in the polls, but there are lots of storm clouds there. And yeah, we have troubles, big ones, that cannot be cured with better messaging. Younger voters especially.

    IMO, Section 3 of the 14th applies adequately. The man sent them, perhaps not to stop the election, but all signs point to his trying to overturn the election with a number of plans. His lawyers in GA pled guilty to that crime. BUT — to me, the part in Section 3 that really should get your goat is: ” shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” It’s the three PLUS hours he watched on TV, talked to people calling in to beg for help, and did nothing that should disqualify him according to the standard.

    HOWEVER, I cannot speak to Colorado’s reading nor standing in this affair and I am struck by the Section 3 stipulation that it takes a 2/3rd majority from each house to deploy. So, Federally, this would never fly. I just can’t speak to how Colorado Supreme court got there.

    I will look more but I do wonder how they got there from a Constitution that requires a 2/3rds vote in the houses, both of them.

    But who cares. I think Trump can still be on the national ballot in Colorado so, technically, what’s the point? Hopefully the SCOTUS will take it up, that will be fun. But even if they strike it down, technically, what’s the point? But, to your entry, I will read it for a laugh.

    • Dan tyree

      This has nothing to do with lawyers pleading guilty. It’s about upholding the law. And maybe Trump didn’t always do that. Me neither. It’s been a long time but I’ve been jailed before. Small shit alcohol related. No felony. None of us are perfect. But Trump should be on all ballots as should Biden

      • frank Stetson

        Dan, first you tell me I’m only good for laugh, but please share my opinion. Then you basically, without even a fact, tell me your opinion is that my opinion is wrong….. Not exactly a people person?

        You are correct, it has nothing to do with Trump being guilty in Georgia of trying to overturn the election via cheating, via fraud. That only would only go to his character, prior acts, and propensity to perform such heinous acts as was perpetrated on 1/6/2021 at the Republican Violent Insurrection at the Nation’s Capital that killed one and wounded over 140 police and who knows how many protestors. As in if he did it there, could he do it over there….. IT would come up in any court where adversaries were addressing these arguments, IMO.

        The point is, although not guilty yet, given his lawyers are guilty, given they will testify against him, that looks very bad. They all are guilty, they were in the room with him, Ghouliani-the-broke, and Eastman, and heard all and should tell all. At that point, he’s toast. He did it. He will be convicted and she’s going for gold. She will not plead him out. He made that bed, and he will sleep in it. But your point is taken that not guilty yet, can’t really make that conclusion, but MY OPINION is that it is coming, it is relevant, and he did do it. When any Supreme Court looks at it, they will look at that case, it’s current status. Even if not amissible, it will be in their minds. But it may be admissible too.

        FYI: I really doubt any other Democratic State with both houses and the governor will follow suit: that’s CA, CT, DW, HI, IL, MA, MD, Maine, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, RI, WAm and NM for a total of 16 possibilities.

        As to upholding the law, the Colorado Supreme Court is the highest law determination in Colorado. They are the law. The law in Colorado has been upheld. At the highest level. He can appeal and I hope he does.

        As to your anecdote, I am sure I have done far worse and just not been caught, nor jailed. As Trump would say: “I don’t like people who get caught.” That was a joke that I hope you read for a laugh……

        According to Colorado, Trump will not be on the primary ballot. Big deal. Don’t matter based on the numbers. Probably won’t even be counting by then. As to your slight over the affair —– seen it, felt it, been there. It’s a blood sport, that politics is. As it should be. It’s important stuff.

        • Dan tyree

          It’s a good joke. I was a newly wed and served 5 days in jail. A long time ago and I still hear about it. Some things we never live down. No more problems with the law except a couple speeding tickets

          • Frank stetson

            Dude, I won’t send that one to the wife lest she think you equate marriage with jail….. I’ve got a life sentence!!! 39 years and counting. .

    • Tom

      Ok, Lets start be reading the 14th , Section three: Section 3.

      No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

      Now, we must realize that the USA is 50 SOVEREIGN states united together under on constitution and federal government that was created to serve the states in cross state issues.

      So first, Did Trump “engage in an insurrection”. This is probably a no since it has never officially been called an insurrection. Larry calls it a protest or riot that got out of hand. But then by definition where an insurrection is “a violent uprising against an authority or government.” this was an insurrection since there were deaths, property damage, and around 150 assaults on police. But Trump was NOT there engaging in the violence!

      Now comes the second part: “or given aid or comfort to the enemies”. Who are the enemies, the voters? Yes in this case since they did the violence. Was aid or comfort given by Trump? Maybe in that he stalled for three hours and did nothing which aided their time to violently act, or which means he did not defend the constitution from domestic enemies – the court will have to decide on this question. The question is, “Is doing nothing for 3 hours an act of giving something, like aid?” Can any of us “do nothing and in the process be giving something?” Did he give comfort to the enemy? I doubt it since Trump did not do any “overt acts” to aid or comfort the “internal domestic enemy” such as give arms, maps, writing help, etc. , that is if the voters who rioted are to be legally determined to be enemies. For more, read ** its a good read!

      I join in Frank’s hope that Trump sues and the SCOTUS takes the case. There are several issues that must be decided once and for all, and should have been decided after incidents years ago – this is not the first incident of problems in the democracy. Where I differ from Frank is that Colorado is one of fifty SOVEREIGN states and it makes its own decisions. It has decided by its supreme court that Trump is guilty of acts involving the 14th, Section 3 – but where is see a difficulty is that according to the 14th, Section 3, there should have been a jury trial. And since this is an issue that will spread across state lines to other states that wish to keep Trump off their ballot, this should be fast tracked to the US SCOTUS for quick resolution.

      • Frank stetson

        Right after Smith’s escalation…..😁

        • Tom

          Not sure what that is Frank, but ok. There’s nothing like a juicy SCOTUS battle!!!:)

          • Frank stetson

            Smith is trying to bump Trump’s claim of immunity to short the appeals process to get it on for the public good to know the adjudicated truth before the election.

        • Tom

          Well that sounds like a good thing! Go Smith!

          • Frank stetson

            Tom, Smith lost, the SCOTUS passed which will make CO interesting as to is it brought to them for fast tracking, they reach out and grab it or what. Apparently thevRoberts court does both more than other courts.

  5. AC

    Tough luck, analysts, really tough, Trump is the root of many a migraine headache in the general population. So, why shouldn’t he be for the, so called, analysts. After all, considering they are paid and the rest of us are just pained. In addition, their analytical output is on par with weather forecasters in Cleveland on Lake Erie, hit or miss on a daily basis.
    Unlike your analysis, Larry, which is a wandering mess lacking analysis by any definition, politics, economics, and so many other metrics. Senoritis, in your case. Set in when Biden was Vice-President and his becoming President your condition worsened to the a point of incredulity
    Senoritis, a human condition in individuals who are in their last semester, school and life. Those with the condition present differing behaviors in a range between lethargy and hyperactivity. However, one over riding constant is cognitive ability lapses prevalent in appearance across the entire range.
    That of which you claim Biden is in his behavior and mental ability to perform his duties as President, you must draw your commentary’s notions from personal experience. In fact, that railing ideal against Biden comes from that place in you that holds contempt for consequences felt in your own aging and your fear of the ramifications you believe are imminent should Biden and Democrat’s policies continue.
    An angry spirit within you is a life sustaining energy.
    However, anger and frustration in all cases, especially in matters political, are the biggest deterrent in one recognizing truth as opposed to fiction. Which, truth or fiction, the one that more suitable as proof supporting your argument’s points.
    The following you’ve assembled with your politically provocative posts on PBP’s blog, have shown up and produced content both for and against. But, not always on topic. Your showing up infrequently in reply is proof for your sign off, So, there ‘tis.
    That implies totality and completeness on the particular subject issue at hand. So, you see no room, or reason, for debate.
    So. there ‘tis. In the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say on that”. There is a remarkable similitude in closings.

    • Dan tyree

      My earlier post said Biden and Trump should be on all ballots. Then Biden will lose a we will MAGA. I hear the talking (dick) heads vilifing the movement. But there’s no way in hell that those people are patriots. I’m particularly referring to Joe Scarborough and his bimbo wife and idiots like carol mcklusky along with other puke bags. If Biden wins,or steals again I hope he and his idiot son embarrasses the hell out of the country.

      • Frank stetson

        The only G you got was Trump being Trump and borrowing us into the shitter to fool you into thinking it’s all just mana from heaven as he sold our financial soul in hell.

        And then lied to you about so my accomplishments.

        Biden did not steal votes in 2020; you are a liar on The Big Lie and next year, it could be adjudicated.

        In any case, you really don’t want America to fail just because you lost an election? I’m going to let that one slide.

        • Dan tyree

          I said embarrass. Not fail. But we probably would fail as a nation

    • AC

      Frank, Horist reads your replies, is my guess.
      I am sure he doesn’t care to see mine. To that end, that Horist cares not for me and mine. It matters little, if he reads or not. What real value do I gain for anyone reading a reply of mine. None. As this blog is a backwater place where the right shows its stuff to mostly right readers hangout in silence. The smattering of others, left and independent, who brave PBP’s echo silo cold waters come at their peril.

      • Frank stetson

        I read them ac. I find many quite lofty but don’t care when you guttersnipe. Good without that baggage.

        • AC

          Will bear that in mind going forward. Thanks.

      • larry Horist

        AC … You guess wrong.

    • larry Horist

      AC … Thank you for your diagnosis Dr. AC. I got a good laugh out of it. Of course, you are so wrong merely because you are making statements about someone you do not know. That is just stupidity in overdrive. As Frank might ask, where is the evidence of what you say. Of course you have none. You comments are just a old man venting. And you would be disappointed to know that most of what you say about me is inaccurate — so it has no meaning to me. And I do not concern myself about the impact of your writings on others, because you have a very very small audience Only a small fraction of those who read commentaries bother to read the comments — especially if they are long and repetitious. Windbags do not win online. That is why you serial insults do not anger or upset me as you like to believe. So, there tis … you old fool. LOL


    Cleveland weather, wow, that made me smile….. I’m a Lake man myself, dreary Erie, the mistake by the Lake, which is having a fun time being the swing county for 2024…. We agree with your weather assessment, however we blame Cleveland for Erie being the second best sunsets in America. It was better before factories went overseas……

    I am up there the year after a certain movie came out and we are heading home, via car, from the beach before dusk, and a thunder bumper is coming in from the west so big, black with red from the sunset behind. It’s bad and I am joking with the kids using a Shatner halting voice to repeat over and over: IT’S THE PERFECT STORM…..

    Get home, it’s about to hit, and I look up and can see the funnel cloud forming. Kids are laughing, yelling it’s the perfect storm, I am anxious, have a full stream “shut up, shut up” meltdown as it unforms and passes….. Funny. Then it passed and we were off for some body surfing on huge t-storm waves. I love that Lake.

  7. Tom

    Larry, it is too early. Too me these polls mean nothing but a show of how the public opinion ebbs and flows. The only thing that has been constant among most of the polls most of the time is your statement, “Seventy percent of the American people would like to see someone else — anyone else – bearing the standards for the Republican and Democratic Parties. “. What amazes me is that both parties know this to be true yet ignore We The People and do not give us two better candidates. And that is the saddest thing of all. IF you were to ask me what might cause the end of our democracy as we know it. My answer would not be Biden or Trump. It would be two parties in a two party system where neither party listens to We The People!

    • larry Horist

      Tom … I am said the same thing in my commentaries. Too early to take the polls as predictors of the outcome in the future. I agree that the polling on not wanting either guy will probably hold up. I also believe that the polling on Biden’s age issue will hold up –or get worse. I think there is something to be drawn from Biden consistent decline in recent polls. Trends can be important. Finally, keep in mind that voting does not start in November of 2024. There is early voting. Most Americans will have already voted by November. Eight states start voting 40 or more days prior to election day. That means voting starts in mid-September for some people. That means we are about 8 and one-half months away from the start of voting — not eleven Not sure why none of the TV smart folks never mentions that. It is a shorter runway for Biden to take off on. There is also another unknown. I am sensing that people are making up their minds much sooner. they are not wavering as much. The undecides and leaners are fewer this season. I have not come across anyone who is undecided. If it is a Biden/Trump race, everyone’s cement seems to have hardened. That makes a Biden recovery more difficult. Hmmm. I should write a commentary on that.

      • Tom

        Yes I think Biden consistent decline can be an early indicator but he can luck out with a better economy throughout 2024 and maybe a few policy changes that might get him a small bump. Hard to say.

        Yes I did not know some states start so early! If that is the case then yes, Biden has a shortened recovery period. I am still undecided because I do not know the teams yet. Seems like Biden and Harris, but that could change as well. But for GOP, who? Even if it is Trump, who is his VP pick. If Haley, same thing, who is her team mate.

  8. frank Stetson

    Here’s the CATO Institute, a right-leaning think tank that I always enjoys because it’s rated Highly Factual.


    The punchline: “Agree With It or Not, Colorado Supreme Court’s Opinion Disqualifying Trump Is a Triumph of Judicial Engagement” Uh oh……

  9. Jim lucas

    In the Georgia case Trump contested the election. Does he not have a right to question the outcome. And I don’t believe that he asked governor kemp to pull 11000 or whatever phony votes out of his ass. Trump’s only crime was beating killery Clinton and daring to run for office again. This shit wouldn’t be going on if trump had given up the idea of running again. So this witch hunt that is causing the left to have daily orgasims is a bunch of phony bullshit. Maybe it’s time for the patriots to show what an insurrection is It’s hilarious watching the punks on morning joe. It’s almost like a damned orgy.

    • Frank stetson

      Actually if you read the transcript, he pretty much does ask Raffensberger to pull votes out of his ass as Raffensbeger basically refutes all of the Trump claims.

      Plus, as the rest of the Grorgia 19 are about to testify, there were plans afoot to replace electors, etc. It’s a mess.

      Unfortunately, the drop dead date for pleas is next summer so it will heat up then.

      And yes, feel free to show us another insurrection rather than just bloviate about it. That’s what the 2nd is for, right? Violent overthrow when baby no like the outcome. Bring it on motherf-er.

      • Tom

        Yeah I agree Frank. And the phone conversation that they replayed for everyone sure seems to indicate that Trump is asking Kemp to find some 12,000 votes from somewhere! If not the ballots that were cast, then his ass is the only thing logically left!!

      • Jim lucas

        Keep your mother off the streets

        • Frank stetson


          Very stupid thing to say about the dead.

          May your words return to you, ten fold.

        • doug

          Highly inappropriate comment. You should have targeted Groper Joe Bidet, who doesn’t just wander the street but wanders the White House.

          At night.

          In the buff.

  10. Darren

    Trump is guilty of just Breathing air. If the Dems had their way they would stop that as well, incomes Hillary
    or at least we can hope her Death Squad stays out of it.
    Trump is leading in the Polls because the only ones beside Frank are those being employed by the Democratic base
    pushing any narrative that Biden stands any sort of chance.
    If your income was dependent on the facts that pigs fly, you would be digging up some story about
    cloning from Harvard. Only Politicians sucking on the Tit of the Biden Piggybank ever thought he had a chance.
    These were Yes men leading him and the Country down a path of destruction only to see their lies blow up in their faces.

    • Frank stetson


      Shaking my head. Sigh.

      You’re winning and you’re still one frustrated whiny guy acting likeca loser which is starting to appear to be your natural state.

      Just saying.

      • Dan tyree

        Frank you’re spoken of being from NJ of all places. Try to post like your people. When speaking of free speech say foist ammendant. You probably don’t have any trouble saying Larry’s name

    • doug


      Beware of overconfidence.

      Every election Republicans are completely convinced they’ll win the light house.

      They were sure Trump would win in ’20. That Romney would win in ’12. That McCain would blow Obama to Smithereens in ’08.

      Polls fed their certainty. But polls measure voters going in, not leaving. And there’s a gaping abyss between voting for a candidate and having your ballot counted. That’s the abyss of election fraud.

      In 2016 One Shoe Shrillary was edged by Donald Trump. We had a recount in Michigan. Sixty percent of Detroit precincts couldn’t even be included in official recount records because of ballot irregularities. Think it was a coincidence that Detroit produced the highest percentage of Shrillary votes in the country that year?

      A number of other Donk-run cities, from small to large, suffered ballot and ballot-tabulation irregularities and also were disqualified from being counted. In Republican-controlled areas statewide, only a handful of ballots had to be chucked because of ballot irregularities.

      Five hundred ballots was the difference between Shrillary’s official total and Trump’s. Had 500 more ballots been shifted, she would have won the state. It was that close. The exact same thing occurred in our neighbor Wisconsin, except that the winning margin for Trump was a few hundred more votes, but still a relative handful. Same story in another neighbor state, Pennsylvania. The margin remained 1 percent of the votes, or slightly more.

      That’s just for the part of the country in which I was living at the time.

      We all know that election fraud takes place on a significant if not grand scale. But for the intent to manipulate elections, voter ID would be required in all states, as it is almost worldwide in democracies. But for that intent, illegals wouldn’t be allowed to register to vote and registration would be required a month or more in advance. But for that intent, absentee voting wouldn’t be occurring at astronomical levels.

      I’ve talked to ballot canvassers who have gone house to house after the last presidential election, checking on whether voter roll information was consistent with what residents actually revealed about themselves. The discrepancies were very, very high, but there’s no legal pathway for using that information. And the secretary of state promotes election fraud on all levels while the attorney general has promised legal persecution of people who claim election fraud exists. A court ruled that the secretary of state broke the law when she instructed municipal clerks statewide not to compare signatures on voter registration cards with signatures on ballots. The law clearly stipulated that such comparisons weren’t only permitted but required. The secretary of state should be in prison, but she’s out and about, still working feverishly to destroy our democracy.

      In this atmosphere, how much confidence can you really entertain for your candidates next year?

      Even if Trump is re-elected, our work is cut out for us. Trump is a life-long Donk, at least until about 2015. He was to the left of Shrillary on most issues. He blew his stack when Obamacare passed — not because of its interference with our health care system but because it didn’t completely federalize health care immediately.

      Remember when repeal fell apart in 2017? That was primarily because Trump would initially only accept repeal of 10-15% of Obamacare, while congressional Republicans wanted 100%. Trump only signed on for 100% when a united Republican front in Congress dissolved and people like John McCain decided to vote against repeal of anything. Trump has also called several times for nationalization of banking and the thrift industry. I’ve got tons of specific left-wing initiatives Trump is or was behind.

      My distrust of politicians (I’ve worked with many hundreds on the local level and smaller numbers on the state and national level) is so intense that I have been distrustful of Trump from the outset, and my suspicions have almost always turned out as well founded. Did you know that at Chelsea Rodham’s wedding Trump sat in the front row with the two families? That’s how close they were. Trump registered as a Donk multiple times. His own children couldn’t vote for him in their state primary because they were registered as Donks or independent.

      If we’re lucky enough not to be robbed this year, our number one priority should be to pressure Trump hard, and I do mean hard, to abide by his promises and party platform. His entire base should do the same. Voting for him alone is only a first step, and I believe real patriots will work hard to insure there’s no repeat of his 2017-2021 patterns of behavior. Those who let him slide again, in my opinion, flatter themselves undeservedly when calling themselves patriotic.

      A lifelong amnesty shill, Trump ran in 2016 on deporting virtually every illegal alien. Once in power, he abandoned virtually his entire program vis a vis illegals. If he repeats that pattern of lies, he should be impeached and removed from office to spend his retirement will the Rodhams and Bidets.


        (think rawhide)

        Keep postin’, postin’ postin’,
        Postin, roastin’, toastin’,

        Though his threads are swollen
        Keep them dougies postin’. All lies
        Through rain and wind and weather
        Hell-bent wearing assless chaps of leather
        Wishin’ his mommy was by his side
        All the things he’s missin’
        Like truth, class, and dick kissin’
        Are waiting at the end of his chide

        Write ’em down, post ’em up
        Make ’em up, lie ’em down
        Move ’em on, lie some more
        Cut ’em down, ride ’em over
        Make up words, paste ’em out
        Call them names, put them down

    • doug


      Please beware of overconfidence.

      Before every election Republicans are completely convinced they’ll win the White House.

      They were sure Trump would win in 2020. That Romney would prevail in ’12. That McCain would blow Obama to Smithereens in 2008.

      Pollls fed their certainty. But polls measure voters going in, not leaving. There’s a gaping abyss between voting for a candidate and having your ballot actually counted. That abyss is election fraud.

      In 2016 One Shoe Shrilllary was edged by Donald Trump in Michigan, where I was living at the time. We had a statewide recount. Sixty percent of Detroit precincts couldn’t even be included in official recount records because of ballot irregularities. Think it was a coincidence that Detroit produced the highest percentage of Shrillary votes that year in the country?

      A number of other Donk-run cities, from small to large, suffered ballot and ballot-tabulation irregularities in double digits and also were disqualified from being counted. In Republican-controlled areas statewide, only a handful of ballots were chucked because of ballot irregularities.

      I was a volunteer tabulator in one precinct. I left after being instructed to sign my name as witnessing something I hadn’t witnessed. Every official there, including a high-ranking administrator in the secretary of state’s election division, went along with the fraud. Other volunteers and official tabulators either didn’t know about my episode or didn’t care.

      Five hundred ballots was Trump’s winning margin over Shrillary in Michigan. Had 500 ballots been shifted, she would have won the state’s electoral votes. It was that close. The exact same thing occurred in our neighbor Wisconsin, except that the winning margin for Trump was a few hundred more votes, but still a relative handful. Same story in another neighbor state, Pennsylvania. The margin remained 1 percent of the votes, or slightly more.

      That’s just for the state in which I was living at the time.

      We know that election fraud takes place on a significant if not grand scale. If not for the intent to manipulate elections, voter ID would be required in all states, as it is almost worldwide in democracies. If not for that intent, illegals wouldn’t be allowed to register to vote and registration would be required a month or more before elections. If not for that intent, absentee voting wouldn’t be occurring at astronomical levels.

      I’ve talked to ballot canvassers who have gone house to house after the last presidential election, checking on whether voter roll information was consistent with what residents actually revealed about themselves. The discrepancy rate for registered voters was was very high, but there’s no legal pathway for using that information. And the secretary of state promotes election fraud on all levels while the attorney general has promised and even tried cracking down on people who claim election fraud exists.

      A court ruled that the secretary of state broke the law when she instructed municipal clerks statewide not to compare signatures on voter registration cards with signatures on ballots. The law clearly stipulates that such comparisons weren’t only permitted but required. The secretary of state should be in prison, but she’s out and about, still working feverishly to destroy our democracy.

      In this atmosphere, how much confidence can you really harbor for your candidates next year?

      Even if Trump is re-elected, our work is cut out. Trump is a life-long Donk, at least until 2015. He was to the left of Shrillary on most issues. He blew his stack when Obamacare passed — not because of its interference with our health care system but because it didn’t completely federalize health care immediately.

      Remember when Obamacare repeal fell apart in 2017? That was primarily because then-President Trump would initially only accept repeal of 10-15% of Obamacare, while congressional Republicans wanted 100%. Trump only signed on for 100% after the united Republican front in Congress dissolved and people like John McCain decided to vote against repeal of anything. Trump has also called several times for nationalization of banking and the thrift industry. I’ve got tons of specific left-wing initiatives Trump is or was behind.

      My distrust of politicians (I’ve worked with many hundreds on the local level and smaller numbers on the state and national level) is so intense that I distrusted Trump from the outset, and my suspicions have almost always been confirmed. Did you know that at Chelsea Rodham’s wedding Trump sat in the front row with the two families? That’s how close they were. Trump registered as a Donk multiple times. His own children couldn’t vote for him in their state primary because they were registered as Donks or independent. For decades almost all of Trump’s political contributions went to far-left wonkies — Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Schumer and so on — with the Clintons far above anyone else.

      If we’re lucky enough not to be robbed this year, our first priority should be to pressure Trump hard, and I do mean hard, to abide by his promises and party platform. His entire base should do that. Voting for him is only a first step, and I believe real patriots will work hard to insure there’s no repeat of his 2017-2021 patterns of behavior. Those who let him slide again, in my opinion, flatter themselves undeservedly when claiming to be patriotic.

      A lifelong amnesty shill, Trump ran in 2016 on deporting virtually every illegal alien. Once in power, he abandoned virtually his entire program vis a vis illegals. If he repeats that pattern of lies, he should be impeached and removed from office to spend his retirement will the Rodhams and Bidets.


        Double-take Doug can’t remember what he wrote so has to post twice. Funny thing, each post is the same so why the repeat. Like a fart in the breeze.

        Still have not proved any of your lies
        But tell us more and why the English major can’t spell NAZI?
        And keep crying. Cry us a a river

        Doug, are you OK? You seem distraught, repeating yourself, sounding delusional and spewing so many fantasies. But you apparently are the king of cut n paste, no wonder there’s so much repetition. Do you repeat yourself when under stress, when under stress repeat yourself?

        You have claimed many things. About me, my character, whatever. You have proved none of them. Not one of them.
        Nada. Zilch, Butkus. Just saying it’s so does not make it so.

        I am not a nazi, I am a free man. I am not antisemitic, have lived and loved with those of the Jewish faith. But I do disagree with Israel just as many Jews disagree with Israel.. And KKK, well that’s just funny all things considered. I forget the other slanders, water off a duck’s back. Meaningless drivel. All lies. No substantiation except your word and your word SEEMS to be that of a liar.


        So, still no response, no facts, no sourcing, nothing but your claims about me (and Tom elsewhere whom you believe are is one with me. That’s another in your long list of lies that you cannot prove. I am betting Horist and Joe would disagree with you on that one too).

        You really should take to heart the words of Thatcher. In demeaning others, you just lower yourself. But carry on, I would just love to see how low you can go. I am betting a pbp award for free speech that never should have been.
        To answer your question, as I have a number of times to the sound of crickets from you: “Dougie, Until you respond to the request to prove ANY of the insinuations you have made in the other thread about Tom, about Me, I will not respond to this trash. You were asked, politely, without name calling to simply support a number of your asinine, unfounded, unproven, POS statements.”

        As I said when I penned it:
        WE WILL HEAR CRICKETS. Crickets and deflection I should add.

        That is the only answer I gave and the only answer you will get from me until you enter the arena, toe the line, and let’s discuss……..something….

      • larry Horist

        Doug … Good point about overconfidence. Since Trump arrived on the scene, Republicans have done worse than their polling. Before him, Republicans did better than polling. Folks tend to forget that going into the 2016 election, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and two-thirds of the governorships and state legislators. Winning the White House in 2016 was a virtual certainty. There were articles question whether the Dems could function as a national party without any power in DC. But would be relegated to a bicoastal regional party. There can be no doubt that Trump hurt the GOP brand. There was sufficient GOP momentum for him to squeak through in 2016 — but he tamped down what should have been a red wave. And the GOP has lost ground every since. The GOP has been lucky that the Dems have put up beatable presidential candidates and that the votes still lean to conservatives values — but not as much as in the past.

        • doug

          Had no idea you read any of my ramblings, Larry. I’ll take this opportunity to congratulate you for your mix of high readability, solid logic, good humor shedding new light on old topics.

          Following up on your post, it’s not just Trump; The Republican nominee for president has garnered fewer votes (if we set aside the question of election fraud) than his Demn opponent(s) in every election since Reagan was president except Bush Junior’s second race. Trump was outpolled by almost 10 million votes vs. Shrillary, Stein and Johnson collectively.

          Over the years I’ve sprung one question over 100 times vs. Trumpists nationwide: Name a single federal or statewide race (governor, senator, congressman, atty general, secretary of state and a smattering of others) in which a successful Republican candidate did not fare better electorally than Trump in 2016. It appears Trump had no coattails but rather was a universal drag on the ticket. Luckily, Shrillary shattered her party just as LBJ and Carter did.

          Something else I never hear/read people commenting on: There’s a lot of complaining and hand-wringing over the polls. I agree with much of it, but 2016 was an exception. Pollsters were blistered after the election about their prognostications, all or nearly all of which pit Trump against Shrillary, who was favored to win. But if you class together the leftoid triumvirate of Stein, Johnson and Shrillary as one candidate and Trump as the other, the polling numbers were respectable.

          It all goes to the presentation, as I’m sure you know. Ask the right questions, and the answers write themselves. If voters only understood that one truism, we’d be living in a wholly different society.

          As for conservative values, I’m not convinced. The great brainwashing has largely and almost completely succeeded.

          As for the future, I can lay that out for you with near-certainty. It’s taken me a lifetime to figure out what’s beset my beloved country, but I’ve gotten there. I can’t see that anyone else has. It was a matter of asking different questions than conservatives and libertarians ask. People constantly blame the culture for our backwards slide. But they can’t explain why that backsliding occurred when it did, why it beset the groups of people that it did, why the rate and type of change evolved as they did and other answers.

          I can answer all of that and more, and defend my conclusions with historical phenomena. But I can’t squeeze it in your comment boards. Provide me with a channel of communication without publicly revealing your phone number(s) or e-mail address(es) and I’ll share my discoveries.

          From Sun Tzu to Patton, great strategists have insisted that one must know their foe intrinsically to be assured of victory, not just their weaponry, tactics and such. Americans and presumably foreigners do not understand the left (AKA collectivists and statists) and are therefore unable to turn the tide.

  11. doug

    A few observations for the eloquent Mssr. Horist:

    * Rasmussen consistently develops poll numbers that rate Republicans higher than do other polls and rate Donks lower than completing pollsters. I’m not saying which is the more accurate. I’m just pointing out Rasmussen could well be unrepresentative of its industry.

    * Polls measure public support before the election. What actually counts is after the election. The missing ingredient is that election fraud, if significant, moves the scale. A candidate may be at 48/100 before the fraud and 52/100 afterwards, and only the afterwards count. Stalin or one of his cohorts said he was perfectly happy with any and all elections so long as he was in charge of the vote-counter. Bottom line, Don’t make expectations that are based on polls.

    * George H.W. was lynched. He waged a terrible campaign to boot. And he ruined his best issue and talking points, which stemmed from being the heir of Ronald Reagan.

    * McCain was recognized as being totally phony. And he ran a terrible campaign with such unforced disasters as not being to explain — or even count — how many homes he owned. His worst blunder was suspending his campaign in 2000 because of some problem somewhere in the world that prevented no one in Washington D.C. from doing their job. His ridiculous posturing was worse than Jimmah Carter’s Rose Garden strategy during the Iranian hostage crisis.

    As for One Shoe Shrillary, she lost only because she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and millions of his partisans responded by voting for minor-party candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. Almost all of those votes would have been cast for the Donk candidate in a normal election.

    • doug

      Having a bit of trouble with moderation software on this thread. So I’ll try again.

      With no “reply” button I simply can’t directly post in the proper place about the most recent fairyy+ tales (emphasizing the “fairyy”+ portion) of empty rhetoric within — none of which is even close enough to the truth to be recognized and none of which is substantiated. So I’ll have to make a stand right here.

      Would you believe that the always-annoying, occasionally entertaining delegate from the Aryan Brotherhood — colossal Jew envier T&F — is STILL cowering meekly behind the Fifth to escape the drumbeat of questions proving his sick identification with the KKKlan and the Third Reich plus his all-around cheerleading of hatemongers?

      He STILL refuses to divulge why he refuses to offer even the briefest of answers to questions like these: Would he have stood behind the U.S. or behind der fuhrer in World War II? In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he have backed the U.S. rather than the enemy? Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

      Obviously the answer is “no,” or he wouldn’t invoke the Fifth.

      These and other questions are back by popular demand.

      Other questions: Why won’t he name any leading espouser of racism in all of U.S. history? Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, that not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he marched hand-in-hand with woke leftwit activists in Occupy Wall Street uprisings? How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies?

      Answers should be directed to the deposit box on the left. Confessions can be taken to the box on the right. Or vice versa.

      • doug

        On a personal note, I’d like to express deep gratitude to longtime contributor TFI — who also answers to Aryan Al — for his latest suggested nickname for me — DarQuee Doug. I had to chuck the “K” and innovate a bit to prevent moderation software from blocking publication of the post. Hopefully it will work out now.

        Thank you, not-see boy. Or should I say Danke Schoen (spelling??) I will wear the appellation with pride.


          Living in doug-lusional world, darky, darky, darky….. PERHAPS. You do know what PERHAPS means:
          “used when one does not wish to be too definite or assertive in the expression of an opinion.
          “perhaps not surprisingly, he was cautious about committing himself”

          jerk-off (totally) You do know what that means, right? “masturbate” OR “doug”

          TFI – Thanks For the Info —– what a weird guy.


          • darrrrr q kee doug

            Chartreuse Alert: Hairless Twolll with Swastika tats on his 4 cheeks and azzlezz lederhosen reported as rapidly swishin’ southbound on the interstate on a pedal truck, harassing motorists of color with screams that they’re “darr
            keyz” and “Trump rigg

            If approached by an unhinged twoll with a head covered by whipping cream, attempt to move away from its path or just take aim. It’s open season for not-see losers.

          • doug

            Shaky Aryan Al has worked himself up in a whirlwind of rage that rivals anything I’ve ever seen on a comment board. Sure hope that insurance covers his post Trump stress disorder. I wouldn’t count on his kookie KKKlan brothers to be of much help.

            Speaking of the Fifth, TFI STILL refuses to divulge the reason (as if it weren’t clearer than a Christmas bell) why he becomes paralyzed when asked even the briefest and clearest of questions about his synagogue desecration and other religious and racial hate-mongering. Examples:

            Would he have stood behind the U.S. or der fuhrer in WW II?

            In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he have backed the U.S. rather than the enemy?

            Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

            Why won’t he identify top racists in all of U.S. history?

            Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, the not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he marched hand-in-hand in Occupy Wall Street uprisings?

            How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies?

            How many boxes of tissues does he have to buy or shoplift before each Horist column?

            Well, now. Aren’t those a good start? Impersonal, straightforward, on topic. Yet despite the scores or hundreds of times those queries have been posed, the only direct response has been taking the Fifth. The indirect response has been foaming at the mouth.

            He rants off all the time about people like the Trumps, the Huckabees, Clarence Thomas, Rand Paul and Ronald Reagan. But he doesn’t have a criticism, let alone repudiation of the most malevolent KKKlan and Third Reich figures that existed.

            It’s almost as if he zieg heils on command. Watch:

            What a good, little not-see slurper.


    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the site
    Not a creature was stirring, except one here to smite;
    His name calling was strung across the website with care,
    In hopes that a reader soon might be there;
    The readers were nestled all snug in their threads,
    While visions of a real life danced in their heads;
    And Doug in his basement, with jolt cola for snap
    Had just settled down to type his long bullshit crap,
    When out on the screen there arose such a clatter,
    He sprang from his key-bored to see what was the matter.

    Away to Windows, he flew like a flash,
    Tore open the post and spewed up tired hash.
    The moon on the breast of the new-written tome
    Gave the luster of truth to objects below,
    When, what to his wondering eyes should construe
    But a series of topics for him to prove true
    With Tom and Frank seeming as one
    He can’t prove it though, not even in fun
    More rapid than eagles his allegations they came,
    And he whined, and shouted, and called them by name;
    Now, “Gnat-seeboy,” now, “Not-see,” now, “Goebbelsian” and Swisher-boy!
    On Not-See Twoll, on Klaus, on Fuhrer Slurper and Goober
    To the top of the his posts, all covered with slime
    Now type away, type away, type a screed all
    As dry leaves before the wild hurricane flies,
    When Doug meets an obstacle, he starts up the lies

    So up to the thread-top, his typing fingers they flew
    A screed full of ad hominem, and lots of fibs too.
    And then, in a twinkling, I saw on my screen
    The prancing and pawing of Doug being mean
    As I put down my cup, and was turning around
    Deep down on the thread, he repeats again and again with a bound
    He is dressed libertarian from his head to his foot
    And most of his posts are all tarnished with facts that are moot

    A bundle of pastes from earlier posts
    As he looks for a reader beyond his own ghost
    His eyes – they’re bloodshot red, how merry!
    His cheeks were quite pudgy, his nose like a berry!
    His thin-lipped mouth was wizened and dour
    And his day old beard bespoke drinking for hours
    The stump of his crack pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
    He had a broad face and a fat man’s round belly,
    That shook, when he moved like a bowlful of jelly.
    He was chubby and plump, a right awful sight,
    And I laughed when I saw him, looking at him, in spite;
    A squint of his good eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    Filling threads with his bullshit; while being a jerk,
    And laying his finger inside of his nose,
    And after a fart, up mom’s basement stairs he rose;
    He sprang to his moped, to his mouth gave a whistle,
    And away went the readers like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

  13. darr quee doug

    Amber Alert: Hairless Twoll with Swastika tats on his 4 cheeks, wearing asssless lederhosen, reported as rapidly swishing southbound on the interstate on a pedal truck, screaming at motorists that they’re “darq keys” and “Trump rigggers.”

    If approached by such a twoll, attempt to move out of its path or simply run it over, this being open season on not-see losers.

  14. doug

    Amber Alert: Hairless Twolll with Swastika tats on 4 cheeks and azzlezz lederhosen reported as swishin’ southbound on the interstate on a pedal truck, harassing motorists of color with screams that they’re “darr
    keyz” and “Trump riggg

    If approached by an unhinged twoll with a head covered in whipping cream and feathers, attempt to move out of its path or just take aim. It’s open season for not-see losers.

    • Frank stetson

      Douglas declares open season on another American as is his tendency to use violence to ease his massive frustrations and extreme low self-esteem

      Tis the season Dougie-doo-doo.

      May you get more than you deserve.

      • doug

        Sure hope that insurance covers his Aryan Al’s post Trump stress disorder. I wouldn’t count on his kookie KKKlan brothers to be of much help.

        Speaking of the 5fth, TFI STILL refuses to divulge the reason (as if it weren’t clearer than a Christmas bell) why he becomes paralyzed when asked even the briefest and clearest of questions about his synagogue desecration and other religious and racial hate-mongering. Examples:

        Would he have stood behind the U.S. or der fuhrer in WW II?

        In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he have backed the U.S. rather than the enemy?

        Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

        Why won’t he identify top racists in all of U.S. history? if he didn’t know who they were and are, we could tell him.

        Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, the not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he gooosestepped hand-in-hand with fellow leftniks n Occupy Wall Street uprisings?

        How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies?

        How many boxes of tissues does he have to buy or boost before each Horist column?

        Well, now. Aren’t those a good start? Impersonal, straightforward, on topic. Yet despite the scores or hundreds of times those queries have been posed, the only direct response has been taking the 5th. The indirect response has been foaming at the mouth.

        He rants off all the time about people like the Trumps, the Huckabees, Clarence Thomas, Rand Paul & Ronald Reagan. But he doesn’t have a criticism, let alone repudiation of the most malevolent KKKlan and Third Reich figures that existed.

        It’s almost as if he zieg heils on command.

      • doug

        Another bier-swilling hotsy totsy not-see bites the dust. Even his plastic tannenbaum is shriveled and wilted, and his mothridden jackboots are terminally torn from wearing, tearing and not repairing.

        Who gnu that describing his woes, including expulsion from his own family, constitutes violence?

        But he’s an anti-violence fanatic. That’s surely why he maintains so passionately that Israel should be prevented from fully defending itself from “peaceful protesters” who openly boast they’ll compete the job that der fuhrer began.

        I accept the Aryan admission of defeat, such as it is.

        Merry Christmas from the poster that T&F likes to call “Darky Doug.”

        • doug

          A snazzy rendition of a most awkward attempt at poetry (possibly the Aryan Brotherhood’s anthem) by one of those racist Duke boyz, or should I say Duke of Earl boyz? No tears from me from being called the duke of darkies by Tom&FrankIncest. He or she is in the dark over being swept into a dustpan and flung into the woodpile. He’s been having LOTS of those dark moments lately

          Speaking of the 5fth, TFI, whose aliases include Zeke Hile, still refuses to reveal the reason he becomes paralyzed when asked even the briefest and clearest of questions about his synagogue desecration and cross-burnings. No one but not-sees and KKKlanstas cry a Danube River when asked these kinds of questions:

          Would he have stood behind the U.S. or der fuhrer in WW II?

          In which, if any, foreign wars in U.S. history would he NOT have backed U.S. enemies?

          Can he reveal any ANY disagreements he has with the basic tenets of the KKKlan and National Socialism?

          Why won’t he identify top racists in all of U.S. history? if he doesn’t know, someone can direct him to a mirror.

          Why is he joined at the pinhead with David Duke, the not-see figurehead and KKKlan recruiter who has laid low ever since he gooosestepped hand-in-hand with fellow leftniks in Occupy Wall Street uprisings?

          How often has he participated in KKKlan-sponsored rallies?

          How many boxes of tissues does he have to buy or boost before each Horist column?

          Despite the scores or hundreds of times those queries have been posed, the only direct response has been taking the 5th. The indirect response has been foaming at the mouth.

          Zeke bellows constantly about people like the Trumps, the Huckabees, Clarence Thomas, Rand Paul & Ronald Reagan. But he doesn’t have the least criticism, let alone repudiation, of the most malevolent KKKlan and Third Reich figures that existed.

          It’s almost as if he zieg heils on command.

  15. Frank stetson

    And Doug said “long haired freaky liberals should just die.”
    So I sloughed up a post, noted some notes, and put it down to ask him “why?”
    He said you look like David Duke, I think you’ll do.
    So I unleashed my muse and said imagine that, me bullshitting with you?

    Lies, lies,
    Everywhere Doug lies.
    Blocking the threads, his whining eyes.
    Can’t you read the signs

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…