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Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Dangerous

Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Dangerous

While President Biden is myopically focused on domestic policy – mainly how to grow the federal government into an authoritarian behemoth – the foreign scene is going to Hell. Biden has basically canceled all of President Trump’s tough foreign policy measures to return to the speak-softly-and-carry-no-stick policies of the past.  This guy cannot even talk tough.

Virtually every nation in the world today knows well that America under Biden and the left-wing establishment will play a passive role on the world stage. It is even worse than President Obama’s oxymoronic “lead from the rear” policy.  Or was that just moronic? 

Recognizing the incompetence of the United States under Biden’s leadership, the pieces on the international chessboard have begun to move to America’s detriment.

The two big players – China and Russia – pose the greatest threats.

Not only directly, but through their client states North Korea and Iran, respectively.  Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang is starting to play with his international nuclear missiles again. Iran is moving ahead with speedier nuclear enrichment. This is a violation of the nuclear agreement that is still theoretically in place with the other signatories.

The Biden foreign policy regarding North Korea appears to be unarticulated inaction.  In other words, the Trump policy has been replaced with passive acceptance of whatever Chairman Kim wishes to do.  It is even worse than the pre-Trump policy of talk tough and do nothing.  This is say nothing and do nothing.

Biden’s North Korea policy is a gift to China – but not the only one.

Trump used a get-tough foreign policy on China to mount pressure in two directions.  First, pushing back at Beijing’s aggressive consolidation of power internally and externally. As with the Uyghurs in southwest China, the crushing of democratic institutions in Hong Kong, the more aggressive posture in terms of Taiwan, and hegemony over the South China Sea.  Second, to pressure China to end its unfair trade practices – including the outright theft of intellectual property.

There is growing belief in the international community that China will assume control of Taiwan – one way or the other.  The other is military force.  China is already flying military jets into Taiwan’s defensive air space.

The United States has a defense agreement with Taiwan. But Biden has conceded that he is reluctant to enter into a full-scale defense.  That is correctly seen in Beijing and Taipei as no defense agreement at all.

Biden has expressed America’s opposition to the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong but will do nothing to stop it.  That is the same position with regard to China’s claims over the South China Sea. And the constructing of military islands to enforce their claims.

Then there is Iran.

Rather than doubling down on the pressure on Iran, the Biden administration is back to appeasement.  The President has authorized negotiations with Tehran to re-enter the one-sided nuclear agreement–  and is considering relaxing sanctions on Iran.  If there is anything positive to say about the Biden approach to Iran is that he has not proposed the sending of money to the terrorist regime as did Obama – at least not yet.

This is not the only gift to Russia.  Trump’s tough policy on Moscow has prevented Russia from taking over Ukraine by force.  The incursion into the Crimea was brought to a standstill with Russian separatists essentially holding the coastal region with occasional skirmishes – deadly skirmishes.

In the advent of Biden’s weaker foreign policies, Russia has begun to send massive military forces to the Ukraine/Crimea border.  They claim it is merely a military exercise – but an exercise that has only one potential application.

There is a biblical saying that no one heeds an “uncertain trumpet.”  In many ways, it was a problem even in the Trump years.   But the Biden administration has taken dangerous inaction to a whole new level.

The Biden foreign policies have an unfortunate ancillary – but equally dangerous — impact on our allied relationships – from NATO to South America and Africa.  As our allies see America withdraw from world leadership as a military force, they are more amenable to diplomatic and commercial overtures from China and Russia – especially with China’s growing power as an international economic force.

All over the world, China is using its financial resources to build relationships. 

They are deeply involved in many African nations that the United States has largely ignored for generations.  China is also moving into South American nations that were once subject to the Monroe Doctrine. They are warning other nations to keep out of the Americas.  For more than 60 years, Russia has had Cuba as a foothold in the west.  Moscow has expanded its influence in places like Venezuela.

And speaking of Venezuela, the Biden administration is yet to reaffirm our rejection of President Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate head of state.  At this time, Maduro seems as secure in Venezuela as is another “unacceptable” head-of-state – Bashar al-Assad of Syria. Credit Obama with backing down in Syria.

Though the United States is NATO’s primary source of financial and military support, various allies are finding it more advantageous to be pragmatic in their international relationships.  Germany has already cut a deal to purchase gas and oil from Russia – an important boon to Russia’s oil-dependent economy. 

When the United States withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal, one could expect signatories such as China and Russia to object.  But America’s strongest allies – Britain, France and Germany – remained in the Deal and rejected further sanctions on the rogue regime in Tehran.  They were not following America’s leadership.

While Biden keeps his attention focused on his big-spending domestic programs, the world is sinking into an anti-American abyss.  In the long run, that could be a much greater threat to American security and leadership than the Pandemic – and even those crumbling roads and bridges.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Mike

    Oh, but isn’t it so much better without Trump’s mean tweets? (SARC)

  2. Ben

    Larry, it’s gotta be tough going through life so afraid of every bogey man.
    Talk, Trump did exactly that. I mean, they were barely comprehendible spewage of word salad, but he talked and tweeted no F’ing stop. But as you have demonstrated through your columns, just because you’re vocal, doesn’t mean that it’s worth saying.
    Iran didn’t magically develop the ability to enrich uranium to weapon grade quality over the last 3 months. And quite frankly, they are under no obligation to limit their enrichment capabilities, trump absolved them of any incentive to curtail their activities.
    Trump campaigned on ending forever wars ( One thing I completely agreed with him about). But like everything else, with the exception of tax breaks, he was all mumbled talk. Biden is actually following through. The Republican President Bush shoulda finished one war before he started another unnecessary war.
    I have seen former allies openly breath a sigh of relief over a steady foreign policy as opposed to the chaos that trump created.

  3. Dan Tyree

    Mean tweets? Your pet monkey Maxine Waters is at it again trying to increase violence. So stfu Mike and Ben. Go hide your faces in mad Maxine’ crotch

    • Ben

      Dan, mean tweets? I didn’t saw anything about mean tweets, that must be your interpretation of trumps tweets. I didn’t think they were mean, I thought they were enlightening. They told an awful lot about the man’s character and the character of those that voted for and support him.
      It is telling that you didn’t refute any of my points and instead responded with a whattaboutism and some misogynistic B S.
      I would expect nothing less from a reader of this blog.

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