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Biden “outraged” over murder of American hostage.  Yeah, sure.

Biden “outraged” over murder of American hostage.  Yeah, sure.

Upon learning of the murder of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, the White House released a statement from President Biden saying that he was “devastated and outraged,” and “heartbroken by the news of his (Goldberg-Polin’s) death.”  He assured us that “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.”

Biden concluded with, “And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.”

Biden’s statement oozes his characteristic weakness that has emboldened America’s enemies … led to global hostilities … and has resulted in the death of yet another American citizen at the hand of Iranian-sponsored terrorists.  And … the statement made no reference to the other 5 murdered hostages.  Not a word.  Was Biden not devastated and outraged?

It is irrefutable that the statement lacks the strong language one expects of an American President in such a situation.  First of all, Biden’s statement was “issued” by the amorphous White House.  He did not show his outrage in a live televised statement.

Biden’s issued statement referred to “the death” of Goldberg-Polin as if it was some sort of normal passing.  No! Goldberg-Polin was MURDERED by Palestinian savages.  Language like that would have shown real outrage.

Biden’s boilerplate threat that “Hamas leaders will pay” is as empty as all his previous threats against those who attack American assets and kill American citizens.  All talk and no effective response.

What was most galling in Bidens’s carefully crafted statement-by-committee was the closing line. It read: “And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.”

That is what he tells the world – and those who murdered Goldberg-Polin.  America is still committed to pressuring Israel to accept a deal to end the fighting against Hamas terrorism ON HAMAS TERMS. 

We know that because Israel has put forward a proposal to end the conflict and it is Hamas that is refusing to accept it.  Hamas insists that a deal must include Israel abandoning Rafah to Hamas.  That is a critical issue because the Egyptian border is the terrorist’s access to supplies and weapons.  They want that region to regroup and rebuild.  And for what?  To live peacefully side by side with Israel?

Once again, Biden issues a wimpy statement with no specific plan for a real response. Just more talk sans action.  He does not even say that America WILL respond to Goldberg-Polin’s murder.  Only a vague and toothless claim that Hamas leaders will somehow pay.  

Biden’s weakness over the years has resulted in an invasion of Ukraine … the worst attack on Jews (and others) since the holocaust … the killing for American military personnel … the rise of Iranian-sponsored terrorism … the resumption of North Korean long range missile testing … Houthi terrorist attacks on shipping in the Strait of Hormuz …and the increased aggressive behavior of China in the South China Sea and against Taiwan.

None of that was the result of America’s real or perceived strength under Biden.  It is the result of perceived weakness.  Aggression against America and the free world has been escalating over the past four years as American adversaries have tested the depth of Biden’s weakness in foreign policy.  And they have yet to find the bottom.

The good news is that there are only a few months more of the enfeebled – figuratively and literally – Biden presidency.  The bad news is that a more radically left Harris administration will only worsen the problems at home and abroad.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Darren

    Biden will do or say anything of substance as his words or actions will
    have to be explained by Harris.
    The Weak supporting the Weaker!

  2. Robert Richey

    All of these statements supposedly issued by Biden are not things he could conjure up with his mental state. Put Biden out front on stage with questions coming from every direction and see his ineptness. Who is running our country and who has been running it for the last three years and nine months?

  3. frank stetson

    Yeah baby, let’s get the other old man out there so we can talk Hanniballs, sharks, electric boats, and my totally untouched ear……

    We need a felon who sexually abuses and defames women for sport.

    • Jim wampler

      He’s my choice even if he butt raped your wife

      • Frank stetson

        You’re a rude little man Wampler.

  4. Wayne Thorson

    Republicans have ways of making problems out of problems. They never give a better solution. Just twist it around and make a good leader like Biden look bad. So let’s hear a solution.

    • Jim wampler

      Solution??? Elect Trump

  5. Tom

    I am not rating this article because I am so disgusted by it!!

    Leave it to Larry Horist to attempt to profit off of the unfortunate murder of six hostages.

    Leave it to Larry Horist to turn the deaths of six people brutally executed into a anti-Biden anti-Dem viscous screed! These decedants are not even buried yet and Larry is already turning them into an opportunity to vent on Dems and Biden.

    Leave it to Larry to turn the deaths of six people into a hawkish call to attack Iran and get more people’s sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters killed. Where was Larry when his man Trump got hundreds of thousands killed due to his lack of response???

    • larry Horist

      Tom … More hateful bitter old geezer rage and personal attack. You real have to get me — or that imaginary me you create — out of your obsessive mind if you have any grey matter left. You are becoming a very sad and pathetic human being.

      • Tom

        Again, another BS response where you do not defend your inappropriate article but rather seek to belittle a responder with ageism and psyche comments that thinks what you did was immoral as hell!!! Way to go Larry!!! What is sad and pathetic is a man who claims to be a writer and cannot wait for the bodies to be buried to use their deaths for his own petty political gain. You are a very sad man Larry, very inhumane, very cold. I cannot find anyone else who did what you just did!!! What does that say about you Larry???

        I hope the family of the boy does not read your article and see what you did using her son’s death to push your petty political attacks on our legitimately elected POTUS!!!

      • Frank stetson

        Horist and Tom.

        There are two sides in your argument. Tom says here’s what Horist means. Horist says Tom makes up what Horist means

        Either Tom can’t comprehend or Horist can’t write well.

        Horist says this to many who respond to his musings. Are they all wrong?

        Can’t wait to misunderstand his old new book. Rumor has it the working title was Spanky Does Democrats.

        • Tom

          Yeah Larry does not respond with counter points. He responds with counter insults. Thus I conclude my fact are correct as stated, otherwise Larry would rebut.

          Yeah, it will not be long and the book will be on Amazon’s used copy list for $1.95. LOL But I admire the accomplishment all the same.

  6. Frank stetson

    +1 Tom: I will delete mine.

    Biden met with the family. Trump went to Arlington to get his picture taken for a campaign ad. Biden said walks softly and carries a big stick and we will get them. Trump likes to be at the moon.

    Let us remember who also walked softly and carried a big stick and got bin Laden.

    Actions speak louder than words. Israel is getting all the health and needs from us and I can’t imagine us doing much more. That would be a value over what Israel is already doing.

    Many believe that it’s time to make a deal, get the hostages out, and then continue our effort to decimate Hamas starting with the money and support. As the perpetrators of this crime, we can provide information to the Mosad and they will do the rest.

    Personally, I think this whole affair was started by Trump and the Saudi prince so that Jared Kushner could develop condos on the Gazza beachfront. Saudi prince has given Jared billions in return for Donald Trump having given the soggy prints hundreds of billions in arms so that he could attack the civilians in Yemen where Trump also lost an EV seal. Perhaps this is the final solution they had in mind all along. of course, I might be crazy.

    • Frank stetson

      I certainly must be crazy after dictating that typo filled mess. Hopefully you can decipher the code.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … Funny you should mention the family of the dead soldiers. You omitted the fact that they invited Trump to attend — along with Biden or a surrogate. Trump accepted and what White House did not respond. What the family members say is more important than your or my opinion. Did you hear what they said — or are you just pretending you did not?

      • Tom

        Larry, read the law on visiting military cems. It does not matter who does the inviting, the laws are clear. Trump disgraced those fallen heroes and by the way, he did what was not allowed by regulations/law, and, a family of a fallen Green Baret has lodge a formal complaint because his tombstone showed up in Trump’s published pictures.

        Gee, Biden is handling a country and several conflicts and negotiations while meeting with parents of the slain young man – meanwhile Trump was just golfing and planning a fund raiser for jailed J6 insurrectionists that he has cancelled as of today!!! Why don’t you ever tell the FULL truth Larry!!! Yeah, you bitched about Kamala on this topic and raising money for the legal fees of those protesters arrested in 2020 racial riots, but are silent about what Trump was trying to organize in partnership with the wife of the J6 insurrectionist that got 70 months and a $35,000 fine. And that is why he did not meet with the parents of the slayed hostage. And you know every time Trump raises money for a cause, he gets a healthy cut of the funds raised!!! When Trump was fundraising for Hershel Walker in GA, Trump got 90% cut of money raised for the Walker campaign. You never published that!!!

        Again, another insensitive disgusting comment from the inhumane hawk Larry Horist!!!

        • larry Horist

          Tom …. If you saw the statements by the families of the fallen soldiers, i think they would agree with my commentary. They were very critical of Biden and supportive of Trump’s participation. It is you who have no respect for those killed in Afghanistan because you are too busy defending Biden. You politics is trumping your honesty and decency. But you just make stuff up to spew your irrational and obsessive venom. I understand … and I know you can no long help yourself. You anger has taken control. Take a break and calm down … for your own sanity.

          • Tom

            Larry, I was on the Arlington National Cemetery site reading the rules. It is spelled out clearly that no photography, especially in Section 60. Trump was in the wrong and it does not matter if the famiily invited him there or not, nor does it matter how many think Biden did poorly in the withdrawal. Larry, you do not get to break the rules and sanctity of such hallowed ground just because you were a past POTUS or because someone related to the deceased soldier invited you. Again, you are making light of Trump’s violation nor do you mention the families that did not give him permission to photograph their loved one’s headstone. That is how rediculously stupid you really are. Like the rest of MAGA, it is ok to break rules if its for Trump. Your zealousness for Trump is blinding you to the truth as it seems to do quite often. I am quite calm Larry. I am just speaking for the deceased soldiers that have nobody to speak for them. They gave their lives for a system of law and order – something you have drifted away from because you, like Trump, choose to make your own rules. Again, more and more you are becoming quite pathetic.

            Many gold star families, and veterans still living have spoken out against what Trump has done. Of course there will be some families that politically support Trump. But the greater numbers are against Trump. You fail to say this! See *The statement and videos defending are Trump’s latest attempt to respond to criticism from other Gold Star families and veterans, the Army (which operates the cemetery) and Harris for taking photos and video in a restricted section of the cemetery, known as Section 60, where service members killed in recent wars are buried, on the third anniversary of the bombing last Monday.* and purge yourself of your incorrect feelings.

            And you still have not addressed your vulgar use of the hostage deaths to justify your attack on Biden and Dems. You were very wrong in doing this and show that nothing is sacred to you nor do you have a sense of decency!

      • Frank stetson

        I said “Trump went to Arlington to get his picture taken for a campaign ad.”

        I should have let it go.

        And now you want to exacerbate with division exactly what Trump expected us to do over the fallen this time. I did not mention the families as you say. I omitted anything but what I said. And now you want to discuss more.

        Of all the issues on this one, here’s where you want to debate by extending the statement to jab at me to pick a fight.

        Sure, I will play. Give me a moment to research.

    • Tom

      Frank, did you happen to notice that Larry was so eager to us those murders to jump on Biden and Dems that nowhere in the article did he mention how terrible the murders are and denounce the murders as shameful and horrid. He just jumped right into “damn Biden and Dems”. This is just another example of Larry’s cold inhumanity that I have criticized him for several times now. And then what really pisses me off more is that he uses the murders as a way of bashing the USA. This article was very divisive!!!

      Yes, I agree. Sometimes I think Larry goes off the rails with his anti-Dem Hawk attitude while never having served Iday in the military just like his man Trump! What the heck can Biden do. He is trying to do his hardest already with Bibi who has often thwarted Biden’s efforts but realizes Hamas will one day come roaring back if they are not wiped out, and Hamas that wants the war to continue and does not care how many civilians are killed. And hostages is just another way of them prolonging the war by keeping others under the illusion that the hostages will be release healthy and well. Well, we see that as soon as a peace deal gets close and Biden is about to have success, Hamas finds a way to blow it all up.

      So what the heck is Biden supposed to do?

      So what does Larry do? He allows his hawkish irrational personality come out and screams at Biden when those six poor folks are not even buried yet.

      I agree, make a deal, get the hostages, and then print another deck of cards!!! Just like with Iraq and Bin Laden and his gang.

      This whole thing started with Iran being displeased with how close the Saudis were getting to Israel and the USA. Despite Saudis trying to work an agreement with Iran, those bastard Iranians used their proxies to create instability between Israel and its neighbors. Iran does not want to see Israel get along with anyone in the region because it thwarts Iran’s power and shifts Middle East political dynamics. And it would not surprise me if somewhere in the whole mix is Jared, DJT, and a golf course as well as maybe a few resorts.

      What also pisses me off is Trump is trying to play president and is causing Biden issues and difficulties in negotiations. If Trump cared at all about the USA and those hostages he would support or at least stay silent on this problem and let Biden and Bibi solve it. But no, damn Trump had to have a meeting with Bibi in Mar-a-loco which does nothing more than undermine Biden and may very well have put these lives at risk. We do not know because we do not have a transcript of what was said. They could have discussed something that got leaked (you know Trump’s lack of security concern) and may have pissed off Hamas who took it out on six very unfortunate young folks. Why Bibi met with Trump we will never know but he should not have done this and Trump should not have extended the invite. The situation is too volatile to screw around like this so that Trump can get a few campaign points and photo ops – you know that was what it was all about for Trump!!!

      • larry Horist

        Tom .. Yet another anti Hornist old geezer diatribe. At least you admit to your anger — pissed off, as you say. As I recall from Psych 101, anger is a lost of rational thinking. And of course, you make up shit as if you know something. One — I did call out the terrorists for the murder of the hostages and as I have corrected you in the past, I did serve in the military — more than a day…lol. You wallow in speculation, hypothetical narratives and invented events — a lot of “maybes.”. Imagination over knowledge. Any worse, and you would be downright delusional. You’re losing it, Tom? Or just a pompous bullshitter.

        • Tom

          No anger here Larry, except the anger I have that a cheap tabloid writer named Larry Horist used the deaths of six people to initiate another petty political attack while not caring about the families or the rights of the deceased that their families and friends have proper time to grieve without having to be exposed to cheap irresponsible articles like yours. This one is your new low.

          Again, how do you feel about using their deaths as a springboard to bash Biden/Dems without even denouncing the executions at brutal and inhumane. Oh that’s right, you are inhumane so maybe you could not recognize yourself.

          Yes you called out the murders as a matter of fact, but you did not denounce them. You are some kind of pompous ass to use their deaths like this!!!

          When did you serve in the military, list the dates. What I see says you are born in 1943 and graduated from Knox College where you went to school from 1961 to 1965. With a degree in economics, Horist went to work for Illinois Bell in 1965. The corporate culture of the time demanded a blue-suit, white-shirt, red-tie uniform. Horist wore sport coats, blue shirts, and patterned ties. As 60s rebellions go, this wasn’t exactly dynamiting the Pentagon, but it did show an individualistic streak. It got him lateraled from the “fast-track” management training program to snail-paced marketing and sales.

          It does not appear that you would have had the time for the military, as you would have entered college in your 18th year in 1961. What did you do, a 6 month training course with the Illinois National Guard? Or did you do a highschool ROTC club?

          Why is it no articles, no linkedIn or other resumes list your military service?

        • Americafirst

          Larry, you said exactly how I felt when I was posting until Tom and Frank bullied me off this for the most part. They both talk big, bully the rest of us including the editors. I don’t understand why they don’t start their own treasonous website to spew their own pure unadulterated hate speech at their own expense. Their words are disgusting hate in every sense of the word. How do they even sleep at night? They want to say whatever hate they want but not allow any of us to say ANYTHING without them telling us off. That is a violation of the Constitution, pure and simple. What right do they have to put us in our place when it should be the other way around, but we don’t do that. I tried, it did not work and both of them laugh at all of us behind our backs. And as far as your article today, my thoughts are that is just like Biden, a Democrat and all Democrats to want to start a war, again for their own selfish monetary reasons where they become richer off Americans pain. I am checking with some Constitutional lawyers who are experts on the Constitution and mentioning those two traitors. Have a great day, Larry in spite of the parasites that hate you and us.

  7. Tom

    great job at misdirecting the discussion Larry but we are still talking about the despicable thing you did to publish such an article before the victims are even buried! Shame on you.

  8. frank stetson

    It appears Horist can read into the hearts of man to determine that “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes” does not mean Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. The man who supports the ultimate consummate liar extends this to Biden as he basically terms him the consummate liar and is unable to believe anything Biden says. This from the same crowd that couldn’t get Bin Laden so they tied us up in a 20-year war instead. And then bitched when we left based on their plan and their troop drawdown, saying that we should stay some more too.

    Something about being on Biden’s watch even if Trump’s drawdown, Trump’s plan. He’s upset now that the Biden statement on the American death is about the American death. Feels every hostage should be included. Of course, Biden notes the deaths but focuses on the American death and what America will do about the American death.

    For some reason, Horist continues to want America to be the world’s protector, to be the world’s top cop, to spend our tax dollars and our young soldiers to go in wherever evil confronts some other country to protect all as we would protect America.

    Laudatory idea from a guy whose party does not even want to fund the Ukraine war against Russia. Horist wants to go in, his party wants to stay home. And he wants Biden to undo that.

    Horist seems to feel, although one cannot read another’s mind, but he seems to feel “And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages” is a bad idea too even though much of Israel itself is crying out to seal the deal, end the war, and bring the hostages home.

    He’s miffed that we didn’t say more bellicose things to Hamas. From the statement: “I am devastated and outraged.

    Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel on October 7. He lost his arm helping friends and strangers during Hamas’ savage massacre. He had just turned 23. He planned to travel the world. I have gotten to know his parents, Jon and Rachel.

    He planned to travel the world. I have gotten to know his parents, Jon and Rachel. They have been courageous, wise, and steadfast, even as they have endured the unimaginable. They have been relentless and irrepressible champions of their son and of all the hostages held in unconscionable conditions. I admire them and grieve with them more deeply than words can express. I know all Americans tonight will have them in their prayers, just as Jill and I will. I have worked tirelessly to bring their beloved Hersh safely to them and am heartbroken by the news of his death.

    It is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.”

    Walk softly and carry a big stick. We got Bin Laden; we will get the killers of Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Somehow being more bellicose, perhaps screaming a few Trumpian names, dropping some more bombs, and maybe even feet on the ground is called for. Of course, that’s what precipitated this tragedy, feet on the ground going in to save the hostages. Trump-style antics do not help. Netanyahu not dealing, and yes, Hamas too is not dealing, and then Israel going in sealed this fate. It is totally the fault of Hamas. It is their evil deed, yet dealing while attacking, trying to free hostages puts hostages at risks. This time, Israel did not free these six.

    Yes, during Trump, America entered no new wars. We did not end any either. We did draw down Afghanistan, tell our enemies our plan and timetable to leave giving them a lot of time to plan and recruit, and then left without enough feet on the ground left to support adequately against a well-planned and fully recruited Taliban. Yeah, Trump dumped that as well as covid on Biden to fix. And now the lament is to do the same in Israel…..

    Yes, no new wars under Trump but more American deaths under Trump than under Biden. Yes, Trump lost more soldiers in his four years than Biden did in his four years.


    Horist is election year pandering attempting with hawkish rhetoric demanding we do more, say more, and act more in Israel. Maybe he can get Netanyakillyou to dial it down and quit saving hostages to their death. Much of Israel disagrees with Horist. His party agrees with Horist and thinks this gets them the Jewish vote. It won’t.
    Biden walked softly; we carry the big stick. He said we will get these guys. We will, just like we, not Republicans, we Democrats got Bin Laden. You talked; we took action. You jumped up and down and got nowhere, we quietly got the job done.

    Yes, during Trump, America entered no new wars. We did not end any either. We did draw down Afghanistan, tell our enemies our plan and timetable to leave giving them a lot of time to plan and recruit, and then left without enough feet on the ground left to support adequately against a well-planned and fully recruited Taliban. Yeah, Trump dumped that as well as covid on Biden to fix. And now the lament is to do the same in Israel…..

    Let’s review Trump on terrorism. For his entire four years, Trump did little against the Houthi’s except give his buddies, soon to give billions to Jared and the Trump crime family, all sorts of missiles and arms so they, in turn, could wreak havoc on Yemen’s civilians putting them into famine. Hundreds of billions in arms. Under Trump’s not involved, involved war, 13,000 civilians died from conflict and 85,000 kids died from famine. Trump loves to separate families, one way or another. A Navy Seal died in Yemen under Trump. After the late 2016 attack on two of our navy ships, Trump launched 59 tomahawk missiles into Yemen, only 16 dead but nine civilians, four kids. Under Trump’s support: “UN reports say that 17 million Yemenis, about half the population, are “food insecure,” and 6.8 million are “one step away from famine.” In the midst of this crisis, Trump’s response was to put the Houthis on the terrorist list effectively ending global famine support. Biden, the pussy in Horist’s eyes, condemned the Houthi’s, but took back the terrorist ranking so famine support could resume because people need food more than police. It is estimated that Trump’s actions killed thousands by starvation, not a pleasant way to go, at all. Oh yeah, Russia was in Yemen too, but Trump was silent on that. So, give me a break with the chest thumping like you are the protector of the world. The civilians in Yemen think different. And the Saudi’s paid the Trump crime family off in billions and you say nothing about it.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson …. I have acknowledged that you have given up the childish name calling, but you still see to be obsessed with moi more than the issues. Horist is this .. Horist is that … Horist thinks whatever … etc. etc. You seem to address every issue with sarcasm and me. That is why I call it an obsession … a personal thing in your mind. I will admit that you are not as bat poop nutty as Tom has become. His string of serial insults is looking more and more like a Tourette’s thing. But you say crazy stuff. You call out Trump for putting the Houthis on the terrorist list and praise Biden for removing them — even though they are active terrorists attacking Israel, the United States and world shipping. You think sending in food is humanitarian. Maybe you would like to send them money to buy more weapons, like Biden does with Iran — the chief sponsor of all that terrorism. The lack of food is the fault of the Houthis just as the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza is the fault of Hamas. But I do get a laugh when I see your obsessive attacks. Makes me see the importance you place on my writings. I am flattered. My general custom of not responding to you in detail (as you and others beg) should tell you the level of importance I place on your writings. But I do get a kick out of some of that Stetson sarcastic humor. Keep it up.

  9. frank stetson

    Carryover from Horist’s comment to me on his Israeli hostage lament.

    The issue here is simply Trump’s breaking of the Arlington photo ban to further his political campaign which manifested itself in an attack by a Trump employee upon a Arlington worker trying the enforce the Arlington rules. Team Trump said the employee was suffering a mental breakdown.

    PERIOD, as Horist is fond of saying, just not doing sometimes.

    The rest is Trump being Trump, all about him, all about staying in the news, all about pitting us against each other so he can continue to stay in the news while we battle about everything over nothing for him.

    Trump looked to take advantage of these families for his own personal gain, got caught, and denies everything. He’s using them as puppets to get Biden and we are using Section 60 parents against Trump’s pandering as puppets to defend against Trump’s shameless political pandering over the bodies of the vanquished.

    Saying “what about Kennedy, he did it,” is exactly that. Everyone knows two wrongs don’t make it right. There are reasons for this rule, there is a rationale. IMO, it not only makes sense, but the Trump trauma proves the point for the rule. In spades.

    So let the Trump desired division begin. Let’s bicker over the unimportant. Let’s fight over nothing. It’s what Trump likes. Disunity. There is at least one, maybe more asks for a House investigation.

    Let’s haul that cemetery worker in and grill them. Let’s get Arlington management in there for a verbal drubbing by both sides. Subpoena the Whitehouse to determine what happened on the invite. Bring the families in that attended, let’s hear their story again and then cross examine. And the parents that did not attend, come on down to DC. And some Section 60 parents —- book em Dano. We are examining all in the press. The families there are speaking, the families not there are speaking, others with loved ones nearby are speaking, Republicans in office are taking a stand, Democrats too. It’s all over the airwaves, it’s important, it goes to the heart of it all, whatever it is, it’s all Trump, all the time, all the news. Blocking the sun of the rational truth, reality if you will.

    In the end, there is a rule, there is a reason, Trump broke it, got caught, and threw a tantrum.


    And now we all play at his game attacking each other to his delight, a verbal cockfight for Trump’s delight as being in the news, being important, and pretending it has meaning. I too made a comment, Horist jumped to Trump’s defense although he probably thinks he’s being a patriot or some other misguided rationale. Who knows, we can’t read Horist’s mind and his comments rarely help in that. In this case, we are both Trump’s tools and fools in this.

    We, in America, have serious issues in war and debt. Our enemies have not been this strong in decades, our coffers never more empty. Our institutions are seen as rotten, one side hates some, the other side hates others. We trust no government agency. Our schools are target zones for crazies, our public areas too. Crime is down and we arm ourselves to the teeth and carry 24/7. Our borders are insecure, we can’t work together to change the failure that is immigration. Our cities are failing, our rural areas feel slighted and losing control. Abortion yes, abortion no, as we seek to physically control women, is ripping us apart as we still offer access provided you can travel 1,000 miles in many cases. With all of these serious issues, somehow, we have decided the biggest issue is the other side. The other side is the root cause of my side’s issues with the issues. They can’t be reasoned with, there is no compromise, they must be defeated, decimated, and destroyed. This is the Trump era.

    For four years you have investigated Joe Biden, the garage documents, Biden China policy, Hunter Biden, his whole family — kids and all, as well as DOJ weaponization, FBI weaponization, IRS weaponization, border security, Afghanistan withdrawal, and now, even Tim Walz, and you got nothing. NOTHING. Having lost sight of your objectives, you redouble your efforts knowing full well that being totally lost, any road you choose will get you there. We were not much better, but at least we indicted some Russians, we impeached twice, and we put a bunch of people in jail for you to pardon.

    Let’s get down and do the real work on the real issues, and let Trump’s shock news stay in the gutter where it belongs. I am sorry for my comment BUT since Horist wants more, here it comes…… in his double-down article top of queue this morning. Guess he feels it’s more important than his book.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…