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Biden and Trump agree on Ukraine War … unfortunately

Biden and Trump agree on Ukraine War … unfortunately

If you believe the narrative, you might think that President Biden is on the side of Ukraine and President Trump is on the side of Russia.  In fact, Biden and Trump are on the side of a very similar negotiated peace.  They are both pursuing the failed Neville Chamberlain policy of containment and appeasement.

(The photo atop this commentary is British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain waving the agreement with Adolph Hitler – agreeing to allow the Fuhrer to keep the recently conquered Sudetenland in return for “peace in our time.”  And how well did that work out?)

Neither Biden nor Trump supports a victory for Ukraine and the defeat of Russia – as meaning Putin withdraws from every inch of Ukrainian territory, including the Crimea and the eastern regions.  Russia pays reparations and Ukraine joins NATO.  That is probably too much to hope for, but that is what justice and victory look like.

Biden has never pursued a policy of victory for Ukraine.   As is his habit, he talks tough but never follows through (think Israel).  His too little/too late policy has dragged out the Ukraine conflict – while pursuing a Putin face-saving negotiated peace agreement.

Trump has been more direct in his reluctance to continue to fund the Ukrainians, but his fundamental policy is for both sides to reach a mutually acceptable negotiated agreement. 

The only way for a negotiated agreement to be reached is for Ukraine to cede the lands Russian soldiers currently occupy to Russia.  That means Putin wins. It is short of a total victory for Putin but the Madman of Moscow comes out ahead – with plenty of time to ponder and prepare for his next conquest.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio – reporting on his conversations with Trump – says that the former President wants to put Ukraine in the strongest possible negotiating position before proceeding with actual negotiations.  That suggests that Trump is not the patsy for Putin as claimed by Democrats and the left-leaning news media – but not on the side of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy either.

However, making a negotiated compromise the goal instead of a clear victory for Ukraine is still beneficial to Putin – just as is Biden’s too little/too late policy behind which he pushes z as he seeks a negotiated settlement along the same terms as Trump.

Instead of pressuring Zelenskyy into a compromise settlement – in which the nation loses 20 percent of its most strategic real estate and resources – Biden and Trump should be lock solid in expressing America’s repudiation of Putin’s strategy of rebuilding his old Soviet Union.  Just the fact that it is known that America’s policy is compromised encourages Putin to carry on.

Yielding to Putin’s aggression in any way further weakens American influence and power in the world – as did the disastrous surrender to the terrorist Taliban in Afghanistan.  It will be just another example of the United States not being feared by enemies or trusted by Allies. That means more assaults on the free world in the future – maybe in Taiwan … or coming after the rest of Ukraine … against American bases in the Middle East … Chinese bases in Cuba.

What Trump and Biden appear to be proposing is the old “containment policy” that resulted in the conflicts in Southeast Asia when President Truman imposed it in the 1940s.  Accepting each incremental advance by the Communist nations led to their expansion throughout the world.

That ended when President Reagan changed course.  Rather than contain the authoritarian nations to whatever land they could seize, he and his advisors developed a policy of aggressively pushing back those who were dreaming of world domination.  As a result, enemy interests were driven out of areas – culminating in the collapse of the entire Soviet Union and the liberating of what was then called the “captive nations.”

That is the lesson to be learned.  Not the containment and appeasement of Neville Chamberlain.  Russia must lose just as Iran must lose – or America and the free world lose.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Joseph S. Bruder

    You can’t seriously be trying to equate Biden’s Ukraine policy with Felon Trump’s?

    Trump has unequivocally stated that he would have ended the war in the first week – in other words, he would have given it to Putin, and cut off all US aid to Ukraine. That was his policy when he was President, and he got impeached for trying to extract favors from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Felon Trump absolutely revered Putin, and would have given him anything he could. If Felon Trump were still PResident, Putin would already have Ukraine and would be marching into Poland by now.

    Biden, on the other hand, has fought against Republicans who want to cut aid to Ukraine. As soon as he outfoxed the Republicans, another billions of dollars in aid went to Ukraine. In fact, a new aid package of $8B was announced yesterday. He has met with Zelenskyy multiple times and has pledged full support to Ukraine. Yes, he is cautious about giving Ukraine unfettered access to US weaponry, but we haven’t gotten in a nuclear war with Russia yet either. Harris has also given her support for getting Russia out of Ukraine. Nothing Biden or Harris have ever said indicates a “containment” policy with Russia.

    You saw Felon Trump’s last meeting with Zelenskyy a couple of weeks ago, right? Zelenskyy stood about as far away from Felon Trump as he could. Vance said about Ukraine “Everything would be on the table”. In other words, Felon Trump would sell out Ukraine to Putin in a New York minute. And in two more New York minutes, Trump would be putting up hotels in Moscow as his reward.

    • larry Horist

      Joaeph S Bruder … Biden has slow walked aid to Ukraine … denied jets …denied no fly zone .. denied long range weapons …barred attacks inside Russia … and piddled out ineffective sanctions for the past two years. Yes.. under pressure from NATO allies, Biden has had to ease up on some of his restrictions. He does not talk about victory as a goal, but a negotiated compromise. Same as Trump. And you build your case such sophomoric examples as a photo of Trump and Zelenskyy standing apart — ignoring photos from the same event where they were standing shoulder to shoulder. Yes… Biden pledges full support for Ukraine … just never delivers. Same with Israel. And all the tough talk about the Taliban before he surrender unconditionally. Biden talks the talk, but never walks the walk. If Biden had and balls, he would have stopped Russia from invading, but he assure Putin that the US will not get involved. Essentially giving Putin a green light. I have been critical of Trump’s Ukraine statements — including in this commentary. But only a gullible partisan fool would think that Biden is better.

    • Seth

      When are you going to join Frank and take your bullshit somewhere else?

    • Dave

      Bruder, you f’ing dummy!! Explain to me how Ukraine “wins” against Russia! It CAN’T happen! It WON’T happen. Ukraine is outmanned…..russia has more nukes than anybody. Ukraine can’t win this war….it has to end, and end soon. As soon as they get an adult in the room, it WILL end.

  2. AC

    Establish Ukraine’s sovereignty as a nation with land Putin stole included. That’s what a Ukrainian victory should be. Putin’s Russia must not benefit from Putin’s mad invasion and war crime atrocities. His aggression needs to cost him its consequences. Putin getting away on the cheap if he is allowed to keep which he has taken to date is unacceptable. Negotiating with Putin would be a fool’s errand.

    • larry Horist

      AC …. OMG … a short piece … on topic … coherent … no insults… and we totally agree. The age of miracles has not passed. LOL

      • AC

        Larry, will wonders ever cease? I hope not.

  3. Americafirst

    Felon Joseph – You have evidently not done proper research. Do you even know the real reason Putin is going after Ukraine? Even though Ukraine used to, a long time ago, belong to Russia, that is NOT the reason Putin is taking out Ukraine. Putin does not want the Ukraine back. There are many tunnels under Ukraine that have been used for human and child trafficking. There is at least one biolab under Ukraine, too. The tunnels and biolab is under the 200-acre property that Biden owns. Biden, his family, other Deep State criminals, and Zelensky himself have used those tunnels for their sexual satisfaction, all done to little ones who cannot defend themselves. I am now thinking you also are covering up for this. Everyone knows about this as it has been out for many years. Are YOU covering up for this? Have you done this, too? Putin is taking out the criminals that used those tunnels. He is blowing them up to smithereens. If you think Putin is a criminal and that Donald Trump is a criminal for ending those crimes, then you are a bigger criminal than anyone that has been down there to gratify themselves. I am appalled at your answers and for forever referring to Trump as felon Trump which is why I call you felon Joseph. You carry a Christian/Jewish first name, yet you constantly are for the criminals. That is a terrible travesty. Grow up and do the REAL research or continue to look like a brain-dead idiot!

  4. Americafirst

    I really didn’t expect Felon Joseph to post back. He is a coward. Afraid of being wrong. He needs help.