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Horrific Sexual Effects of Prescription Drug Kept Hidden from Patients

Horrific Sexual Effects of Prescription Drug Kept Hidden from Patients

Some really alarming side effects of a certain class of common prescription drugs have recently surfaced but the mainstream media is playing deaf and blind over the story. The class of drugs called dopamine agonists can cause deviant sexual behavior as it can alter one’s internal sexual chemistry to a dangerous level.

Dopamine agonists are prescribed for two medical conditions – restless leg syndrome (RLS) and Parkinson’s disease. Recently, the BBC reviewed reports by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline revealing that dopamine agonists are linked to deviant sexual behavior. A number of case studies reviewed in the reports revealed one alarming case of such effects on a man who sexually assaulted a child while being on one of these drugs.

Reporting the story, the New York Post wrote that these drugs consumed by millions of patients in America can cause sexual deviance including pedophilia.

In other reports of such sexual deviance linked to the drug use, a number of women reported that their lives were ruined by these drugs for causing risky or erratic sexual behavior. One woman, named Claire, told some details of how her life was destroyed by Ropinirole, a commonly prescribed dopamine agonist, which she took for RLS. The drug gave her uncontrollable sexual craving and she used to go out to lure men for sex with exhibitionism despite having a partner.

Claire said it took years to connect these urges to her medication — and they disappeared almost immediately when she stopped taking it. She now feels “shame” and is “mortified” at the dangerous situations she put herself in.

Ropinirole is described on as a drug used not only for Parkinson’s disease and RLS but also for other purposes not specified in the guide. It has a long list of common side effects including but not limited to: high blood pressure, headache, flu like symptoms (fever, chills etc.), swelling in legs/feet, nausea and upset digestion, and a mental confusion or hallucinations. The side effects section notes:

You may have increased sexual urges, unusual urges to gamble, or other intense urges while taking ropinirole. Talk with your doctor if this occurs.

BBC also published a story (March 12) about Phil Stevens, a 66-year-old man from Hampshire, who developed a gambling addiction after he was prescribed Ropinirole in 2018 and he took the drug for four years. When he learnt of the drug’s gambling effect, he sued his doctor for not warning him about it:

He claimed his GP did not warn him about the side effects of the drug and after taking legal action against his doctor he received a £70,000 settlement – but they did not admit liability.

The mainstream media, with the exception of BBC, seem to have entirely ignored the story of the damaging sexual effects of dopamine agonist drugs. The New York Post and The Western Journal are two of the few conservative news sources that have reported the story.

After the handful of media stories about this effect showing at dangerous levels in many patients, the question arises of the patient’s right to be told ahead of the drug’s use by the doctors. It is also a call for the health authorities to investigate the reported suppression of information by doctors and/or the drug manufacturer. Thus far, there is no official response to these stories by any of the health agencies in the U.S.

Health-conscious people have every reason to be worried now about their loved ones or acquaintances who have been prescribed these drugs but were kept in the dark about its sexual or gambling addition effects. And if they have hidden these effects from the public, one can only imagine what else and how much of the risks associated with prescription drugs are still kept secret by the pharmaceuticals and their allies in the medical practice.

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  1. frank danger

    More garbage from The Dumpster; this time he copies a NYPost story in a mere four days. It has the words deviant sex explaining the earnest speed. The story’s headline is a complete lie. Ernest Dempsey is a liar. There is nothing hidden here and the quality of Dempsey shines again — substandard.

    Ernest Dempsey is such a poor journalist. He has zero value add over just reading the Post or the UK paper where the story originated. If this jerkoff had even a partial brain, he might have at least searched America, this Pakistani’s adopted country that he loves to hate for the real truth. He would have found that the US has, for years, through NIH and others warned of deviant behaviors due to the drug. They recommend short-term usage only for RLS, etc. and talk of routine monitoring. No shit Sherlock. Note to The Dumpster: any drug with the words antagonist, blocker, etc. as in mood-altering potential should be monitored. Welcome to the year 2000 and our new classes of drugs. Grow up son, learn your craft, be an actual professional.

    FYI: An internal report by drugs firm GSK, which makes the medication, reveals the manufacturer was aware of the link with impulsive behaviors in 2003. This information was shared with drug regulators, according to GSK. GSK says leaflets contained within the medicine’s packaging have mentioned a risk of “altered” sexual interest since 2007. IMO — twas the doctor and patient that needed to monitor the drug. Potential results were well known, publicized, and warnings given. In today’s drug world, best to read the warnings and believe them.

    And in America, from 2009 peer reviewed NIH paper: “In summary, our case-control study demonstrates that 17% of patients treated with modest doses of dopaminergic agents for RLS will develop ICDs. Physicians treating RLS should be familiar with this potentially serious side effect and counsel patients prior to initiation of therapy.” Message received and still the benefits of the drug currently outweigh the issues. But you must MONITOR. Remember, developing ICDs and raping little kids are not the same. The 17% goes well below .1% when it comes to acting out on the ICD.

    Pakistan does not give a shit about this drug.

    In 2017, NIH wrote: “Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are a well-known adverse effect of dopamine agonists (DAAs).” I think we got it. The Dumpster missed that piece of news.

    I just can’t understand how The Dumpster can write such an article, based on the UK which he hates, based on BBC, a liberal media outlet which he hates. It does not even bang on Democrats. Course it did say deviant sex, that must be the tag that tugged at Dempsey’s desires. Why he didn’t even investigate the issue from the US is not a question. It’s The Dumpster after all. But the bottom line on this is well beyond The Dumpster and that is: check your drugs. Check them more if modern, antagonizing things, blocking things, and you know, modern drug tricks. It ain’t just penicillin anymore. And skip The Dumpster, he lies. A lot. As evidenced.

    • Seth

      White people start bedtime stories with “once upon a time “. Black people start with “Hey!! You motherfuckers ain’t gonna believe this shit”!!

      • WeeEEE The People

        Are you saying Danger is from a ghetto?

        • Seth

          Yes. He’s a hood rat

          • frank danger

            Seth and WTP, thanks for the interest in my personal life and not talking about your favorite fetish, the imaginary daughter of your dreams. YES, I was born is what is now considered by Republicans as “the hood.” Newark laughed at us. My grandparents family Maytag store was also located in what became known by Republicans as “the hood” in Philadelphia. Great times going there as a kid, very interesting and kind folks. Then again, my Uncle fixed their washers for trade. Had a few 5lb bags of rice I think might have been WWII issue :>) Myself, no I was too young to realize where I lived, the apartments look pretty grimy to me today and, trust me, no reason to drive there for a look-see. Although there are nicer parts today.

            Can’t imagine anyone calling me a hood rat though, that’s funny. My first car was a 305 v8 4-barrel high output Camaro with all the z28 spoilers, unique pinstriping, and custom etched windows of my own design. I bought it plain, put all the effects on myself, had a guy acid etch the windows with him saying “I only break one out of four” as I turned white. First drill for the trunk spoiler shot a scratch right across that thank God the spoiler covered. With girlfriend’s crystal beaming rainbows from the mirror, they would catch the etching and make pretty-pretty lights. In the mid-80’s, I moved closer to West Virginia and on Fridays and Saturdays, they still cruised “the loop” in town ending in a parking lot to hang. Even though I was a bit old for this crowd by this time, the Camaro fit right in.

            No dudes, I have always lived in the hills and fit right in with the mountain folk of Western Maryland or West Virginia although over time I dropped the muscle car and went for Japanese high tech sports machines. Loved have ground effects. All have been sleepers though, I like the quiet, hate tuning for sound effects, and it made me laugh to blow em away in a hatch-back. Went for the higher tech bikes too. Not quite hood rat rides.

            Keep trying though, you will say something humorous soon I am sure. Especially once you decide demeaning folks just lowers yourself.

  2. WeeEEE The People

    Very important article and indeed very alarming! The doctors need to be held responsible for such criminal neglect. Also media that killed the story are no friends of people. I bet the media knew as well and played along for cash.

  3. frank danger

    WTP: GSK revealed this in 2003 to regulators, put it on their drug leaflets since 2007. NIH reported it in 2009, again in 2017 and recommended, in the USA, only short-term used for RLS and other ailments saying monitoring for these side-effects is pertinent.

    Perhaps the doctors in these cases can be sued. But I do not think you will tag GSK, NIH, UK regulators and most assuredly, you will not win against the press.

    If you could sue the press over this, Dempsey would have been locked up long ago for the shit he spews.

    As I said, if you take modern drugs, like blockers, antagonists, etc., you best be knowing the side effects, the effects with use of other drugs and foods, and you best be monitoring just in case. The drugs can be life savers, benefits might outshine downsides, but the dangers are there and can be severe. Oh yeah, and no vaccine is 100%, never has been. Be careful out there, take care of yourself.

    • WeeEEE The People

      NIH “reported” it? To whom? Did the NIH distribute a press release to mass media to beware people of these effects? If so, what is the date and title of that release? Dempsey correctly cited the BBC and NYP – and I just looked up – so your attempt to discredit the story feels like agenda-driven. The question is what agenda are you following here if different from racial/ethnic hatred of this guy? We do know how racist lefties are while pretending otherwise. The BBC also referenced the man who got paid by the doctor. I feel very concerned that the doctors are not warning patients ahead of use of this drug. The health agencies are no friends of people. They are owned unofficially by the pharma. Benefits of drugs will also be debatable. NO vaccine is any percent effective and never has been nor will ever be. Best care of your health and safety – keep pharma out of your life, like I do. 🙂

      • f

        NIH publishes peer-reviewed documents regularly until Trump kills it. You have the report dates, they have the website. I am sorry, what is the mass media reporting mechanism they should submit to? As to the dates, I am sure they are in the year of publication, which I noted above. I did not search to see if the papers covered it. Perhaps you can?

        The warning is also on the product leaflet, just like I said.

        As to my discrediting NYPost or BBC, I noted ‘this time he copies a NYPost story…” and I think I said ” He has zero value add over just reading the Post or the UK paper where the story originated” which is not discrediting the stories except in your mind. I just said he had zero value add to the stories.

        Then I list some value add facts like the fact that the US recommendation is for short-term use only. That there were plenty of US peer-reviewed studies showing just how dangerous, and how there is need to follow recommendations with proper monitoring. So I really am having issues with whatever you think you problem with that is?

        Then you go full hard-on delusional with

        “The question is what agenda are you following here if different from racial/ethnic hatred of this guy?” We do know how racist lefties are while pretending otherwise.” He’s Caucasian. Didn’t you know?

        ” The BBC also referenced the man who got paid by the doctor. I feel very concerned that the doctors are not warning patients ahead of use of this drug.” That’s good, but this is the UK. What evidence do you have of this happening in America?

        “The health agencies are no friends of people. They are owned unofficially by the pharma.” Prove it.

        “Benefits of drugs will also be debatable.” No they are don’t. It’s called science. It’s called evidence. It’s not called “debatable,” that’s emotional.

        “NO vaccine is any percent effective and never has been nor will ever be.” No shit Sherlock, and probably every fucking medicine out there. For example, look that this rant of yours, can it ever be cured?

        “Best care of your health and safety – keep pharma out of your life.” No shit, Sherlock again….. That’s what I said when I said: “But the bottom line on this is well beyond The Dumpster and that is: check your drugs. Check them more if modern, antagonizing things, blocking things, and you know, modern drug tricks. It ain’t just penicillin anymore. And skip The Dumpster, he lies. A lot. As evidenced.”

        Not only would I agree to “best care of your heath and safety – keep pharma out of your life,” but I would add: never let anyone over 60 go to the doctor alone: someone else needs to hear this stuff. and ….. when you do need to take drugs, check the side-effects, the interactions with drugs, food, and especially supplements. And get the vaccines. Come on folks, can you really tell me you think the covid vaccine is still not safe? How many years, how many jabs, how many countries, come on —— still yelling danger, danger, danger?????? And the measles vaccine —- fucking ditto and more so — it’s really effective.


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