Liz Cheney coulda been a contender … she coulda been somebody

If the headline has a familiar ring, you may be recalling Marlon Brando’s iconic lines from the 1955 classic Oscar winning movie, “On the Waterfront.” Those lines remind me of Liz Cheney. Allow me to explain.
Prior to her vote to impeach Trump in the second round of impeachments, she was arguably the most important and powerful woman in the Republican Party. She was the daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney – who served under the very popular Ronald Reagan. She had an impeccable conservative record while serving in Congress. She had risen to the leadership post as chair of the House Republican Conference – making her the highest-ranking woman in the GOP House caucus. She was one of the most gifted speakers in the entire Republican Party. She was winning her elections in Wyoming with up to 70 percent of the vote.
Then her political career took a turn to the left — and down the path to political oblivion.
Initially, her fall from grace was not her fault. She was the victim of a maladroit decision by then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. As retribution for her vote to impeach Trump, McCarthy fired her from her leadership position. At the time he did that I called it an inappropriate and boneheaded decision. It was an excessive punishment considering her longstanding conservative record and loyal service to the GOP. McCarthy needlessly created the lady scorned.
Had McCarthy allowed her impeachment vote to pass as a vote of conscience — and allowed her to retain her leadership position – there would have been no Liz Cheney to serve on kangaroo January 6th Committee. Without Cheney, it is very unlikely that Adam Kinzinger would have had the testicular fortitude to sign up. And without Cheney and Kinzinger, Pelosi’s committee would have been seen for the partisan fraud that it was.
Most likely, Cheney would have been reelected to her seat in Congress – and still a good candidate for a leadership position in the future.
All the blame for how the events unfolded cannot be assigned to McCarthy’s initial blunder. Cheney took the woman scorned position a ran with it. The fact that she would even consider playing political patty cake with Pelosi revealed a flaw in her character.
Not only was Cheney anti-Trump, she devolved into an anti-Republican and anti-conservative activist. He was on the campaign trail endorsing and raising money for left-wing Democrat candidates. In endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, Cheney made herself a pillar in the radical left-wing establishment – as did Kinzinger.
Cheney’s and Kinzinger’s full blown apostasy appear to have been calculated on jobs and money. I have no doubt that Cheney was the Republican Harris had in mind when she said she would appoint a Republican to the Cabinet. And Kinzinger seemed to be looking for a face job on left-wing media – following in the tradition of other former GOP congressmen, such as Joe Scarborough, David Jolly and Joe Walsh
But Harris lost, and Cheney is now left out in the cold. She will get a job. Maybe as a college professor or left-wing think tank.
In this tale of a political downfall, one can speculate on the “what it.” What if McCarthy had not booted Cheney out of her leadership position – and what if she had not taken her bitterness to the extreme?
I think it is safe to say that Cheney would be a contender for the presidency – with the potential of being the first female President. After all, it was President Clinton who said that the first woman President is most likely to be a Republican.
Yes … Liz Cheney could have been somebody.
So, there ‘tis.
Maybe an ambassador, but I pretty doubtful. She would’ve gotten an active role in the Harris government.
I take no joy in watching you all eat your own.
After all, you’ve been tossing your own out on the sidewalk for years.
Only something like polio has provided a cause for people to rise up in your party and actually say no. And even there, they had to either have it or no someone who did before they get too upset.
And you call us sheeples.
What I like is seeing is Matt Gaetz say everyone who wrote the terrible report about him didn’t like him.Matter of fact, I believe he said they hated him. What Matt doesn’t understand yet is that almost everyone hates him. He and Ted Cruz can form a partnership in most hated. Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio can form another one for wimps. I guess you feel Kinzinger can join them although I don’t quite see that. Just withstanding the death threats alone says he’s pretty brave.
she will get absolutely nothing as the greedy wannabe dictator she is. Decent people don’t “Eat each other” as the left wing does, and decent people don’t go around telling others that “They’d better be scared” because liberals can and will “Go into your home any time we want” and do anything we want, while You have no recourse, in Violation of Civil Rights and Common Decency. Decent People ALSO don’t cause Millions of dollars in Damage from Arson and Looting, only to have a Failed Candidate tell the Media “The Destruction will continue until they get what they WANT!”, as “Kamela” did in 2020. That’s called Aiding and Abetting, which is Itself a Felony. Now she thinks she can TELL America “Don’t Investigate Me!” as though she’s Above the Law?!! Absolutely NOT!
Eating your own? Isn’t that what you are doing?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing bigtime right now in the House and Senate? How many did he promise to primary?
Kamala never said that in 2020, and you offer no other proof for your other accusations.
Kamala never said “Don’t investigate me”
It sounds to me like you should be scarred. Scarred of your own party if you are scarred of what you claim is our failure. Or maybe you are scared and that’s why you write all this unsupported accusations. No people, places, or dates. No sources. Trump has repeatedly said “dictator for a day,” and “retribution” as that’s just fucking a skippy for you though. *https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/26/trump-campaign-election-retribution*
We will see how big a man you are to stand up for the rule of law as that happens. Something tells me you will put your little brownshirt on and join the Trumpmush movement for revenge and retribution.
Trump and his boytoy Musk just attempted to pass a spending bill that raised the amount of spending, debt, and, amongst other stupid things, attempted to reject the debt ceiling so Trumpy could run it as high as he wants. The House said NO to which Turnip and Mush said: ““Any Republican that would be so stupid as to do this should, and will, be Primaried.” Sweeeet vote your conscious. Turned out Trumpmush forgot the first rule in Congress: talk to people, count the votes, before you bring it to a vote. Hubris killed many a bill. Guess you have to vote for it without reading it. So much for blaming the Democrats for eating their own. Although last time I checked, Liz is not on our side.
As we head once again to a government shutdown, even before he ascends to thorn, we see foreshadowing for the next two years: chaos. instability. rage. incompetence. more rage. I just wonder how long until the first stimulus?
Remember he promised to end the Ukraine war before inauguration. Then again, he promised on day one to have the largest deportation efforts ever. That ain’t happening either as he adopts the Obama/Biden plan to deport criminal immigrants as his first priority. Guess that’s what happens when you elect the Felon King of the Sex Abusers, or, as the judge put it on the record: the digital rapist in the common sense of the word. Wonder where he will stick those fingers in his next “probe.”
I do not completely agree with this article Larry.
Liz has been up the asses of the Bushes for years ever since Trump appeared on the scene.
The Fact that Bush joined the Kamala Camp proves he and alike are all in the, we
are the ones running your world Club!
Liz taking her ques from the elite only puts he in the position she took
all along.
Nothing would have changed as her actions would never have changed.
And yes, Kinzinger’s position was a sell out to the Trump base as expected.
This will always happen when someone weak with no back bone is offered step up.
History is full of fools and they are both likely to be lost in the list of fools
the Democrat’s have created trying to retain power.
My take anyway!
Darren … In terms of Kirzinger, I know him personally. Ran the campaign of his opponent int he first primary. He was never a principled conservative. He was an establishment guy. He would have never gone any further than his House seat. Ironically, it was not his impeachment vote that ended his congressional career. He was ousted by the Illinois Dems redistricting in 2020. It was then he went completely over to the dark side to maintain some semblance of fame and fortune. He sold out completely.
You push the wrong button and you lose. Thank God that Trump won for the United States.
Lizzy is just another two-faced RINO with an inflated ego. Time to stick a fork in Lizzy, she is DONE. The Republicans must get rid of all the RINO’s like Cheney.
John Warren … No need to worry about getting rid of RINOs, that have already gone on their own.
Yes; she might have been somebody, but she chose not to.
An apt comment in its objectivity and frank assessment up to a point. The point where it’s no longer an objective observation. I began to think Larry had turned over a new leaf and was in an epiphany moment, but he lost the advantage of a positive momentum with his ending.
Cheney is a contender, still. Larry should have held with that.
If the Republican Party can stomach Trump’s RINO characteristics, then Liz Cheney’s minor faults should be a cake walk.
ABC capitulated wayto early and in so doing it set a precedent which the litigious Trump will undoubtedly misuse again and again.
He who shall be Chief has repeatedly proven himself to be a bully intent on retribution and revenge by any means at his disposal. As President Trump what he will have at his disposal is rightfully worrisome and should be scary for us all.
And that’s the big club in his hand, POTUS Power. That, in its self ie what instills weak kneed fear and drives justice numbing hesitancy in Congress and SCOTUS’ six majority Trump judges.
Trump’s predictable yet unpredictability gives his presidency a dangerousness never seen previously done by the Executive Branch, this places our nation in uncharted turbulent waters.
Already a month before he is officially president Trump has pressed ahead with his bewildering agenda: nominating candidates to his cabinet, appointed ambassadorships, and being silly with co-president apparent Elon Musk.
If his plans include him disappointing voters who flipped to support him, or his having discouraged and angered donors, and getting set to send government back 20 years, then he’s gone and done it up right.
Should Trump continue on his current trajectory downward what more will he wreck on well established conventions which are material to keeping our republic solidly democratic? One fact that unites us all is our singular claim that are proud Americans.
As Trump continues his devastating march through the pages of the invaluable U.S. Constitution he is like Sherman’s march to the sea during the American Civil War.
Question presents itself, has what divides the country become that critically important for we the people that we no longer fight for all the people and maintain the by the people solidarity.
Any president who talks like governing is by him, and for him and has designs on change circumventing Congress, this should be unacceptable for every American.
Ordinarily, our duly elected Presidents are experienced politicians who are credentialed leaders in government. No matter what major political party that person is a member. At the presidential level they understand what the country expects of them and honor their responsibilities and accountability to we the people, every one to the youngest among us but not ever regarded to be the least of us.
Trump’s closest and most ardent acolytes may believe Donald is that POTUS who considers every person’s welfare. However, as his first month’s news reports show his transition period starting In controversy, questionable appointments, and moments of pandemonium, Trump 2.0 appears like a reaction stance by Trump readying himself for the weaponization of each bureau in the Executive Branch for purposes that carry out his personal vendettas.
What may well happen could be contrary to the brash oversell promotion style bravado Trump is infamous for, which is his brand. Trump’s bark many times is worse than his bite, although his associates in business know how bad he can bite. With the whole world watching his presidency with curiosity. Trump the schoolyard bully could be like that bully who looses his fight once confronted with hard realities.
Circumstances are changing and not the same as in Trump 1.0. He did not do famously well at his first rodeo. Since then, objectively rated, he has grown older and not in better control over his habitual practice of stating falsehoods with conspiracy theories following in the wake of the falsehoods.
Trump promises to be the most unpresidential of all other American Presidents including Nixon. Both of the GOP not grand at all.
Your Hate is Obvious, as is your Disinformation.
yeah, get rid of the rhinos. off with their heads. retribution against liberals, get em out of here. deport anyone with an accent, to the buses with you. homo’s, lezzies, and trans, good bye. establishment, elites, educated, managerial class —- get em out by friday, we don’t need that shit. vote no and you gotta go.
pretty soon you will be all by yourselves. then who will you blame?
can you guys build anything? is it infrastructure week yet?
Is that all you got, Republicans. It’s not the right stuff for governing legally and democratically.
The next four years will prove painful for all Americans. There’s no way around that fact.