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Democrats double down on open borders.WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? 

Democrats double down on open borders.WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? 

One of the issues that transitioned Trump from former President to President-elect was the abject and obvious failure of the Biden/Harris administration – and the Democratic Party, in general – to secure America’s southern border.

Not only did he not close the border, but Biden reversed a slew of Trump’s Executive Orders that tightened the border.  Biden literally made the border more open than ever.  Polices to provide education, welfare and many of the rights of citizenship to illegal aliens created a greater incentive for millions of migrants to enter the United States illegally.  For his entire term of office, Biden promoted open border policies, resulting in record numbers of illegal border crossers.

What ensued was a multi-faceted national crisis of crime … drug addiction …  and the overwhelming of social welfare systems.  It created an understandable anger among American citizens who were victimized by the crime and drug abuse … forced to subsidize the migrants with tax dollars …  provide jobs … and surrender much needed housing, schools, parks and recreation centers to large groups of migrants.

While crime and drugs have been major subtexts of the Democrats’ open border policies, we need to keep in mind that more than 80 percent of those entering the United States illegally ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR ASYLUM.  And even when courts order people to be deported, the Biden administration has not done it.

Every election poll showed the Biden/Harris team – and the entire Democratic Parry – to be in disfavor with the vast majority of voters over the obvious open borders — and the ensuing crisis.  Claims by Biden, Harris and Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas that the borders were NOT open was incredulous to a public that saw reality with their own eyes – or felt the harsh reality of victimization.

The American people have now elected a President with a plan to again shut down the border and deport the undesirables (criminals), those who have been ordered to be deported by immigration judges, and those who are in illegal status by not appearing for their asylum hearings.  Trump is also calling for asylum seekers to remain in Mexico pending their hearing.  Presumably, he will resume building the wall.

Having had their ass kicked (referring to the Democratic Party symbol, of course), one would think that Democrat leaders would reconsider their unpopular and harmful open border policies – and they’re protecting even the worst of the migrants from justice and deportation.  But noooooo.  They are doubling down.

Even as a lame duck President, Biden is still encouraging illegal border crossing.  He has recently waived the requirement that migrants check in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when they arrive in new locations.

Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker has organized a group of left-wing Democrat governors to push back against Trump’s deportation plans.  Among the policies being considered or already implemented are expanding the sanctuary city programs and refusal to cooperate with ICE. Progressive district attorneys as insulating migrants from prosecution. They are proposing increased welfare assistance.  The city council of Los Angeles has recently passed a sanctuary city law even as Trump has announced his plans to eliminate them.

All the efforts to maintain open borders and protect illegal aliens from prosecution and deportation have proven themselves to be dangerous public policy.  They also have been proven to be disastrous politically – as witnessed in the recent election.  Of all the things Trump is proposing, his immigration policies are the most understood and most supported by the vast majority of the American people.

The Democrats plan to flood the United States with illegal immigrants – for whatever reason — has become a political third rail.  It is such bad policy – and so unpopular – that it is incomprehensible why Democrats would double down on their open border policy.

According to legend, the ancient Greek playwright Euripides wrote “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”  Maybe that explains why Democrats keep pursuing insane policies that have led to the recent loss – and will most certainly damage their future prospects.  They have simply gone mad.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. WillyB46

    President Trump. Please on day one, cut off all assistance to illegals. Disable their phones remotely and turn off the service. Notify those providing housing that federal money ends January 31. Cancel their SNAP cards, prepaid debit cards, bus passes, and Biden Airways free air transport. Only life threatening injuries treated at hospitals. One the sanctuary cities and states have to pay, I suspect they’ll change their minds. It will be easier to deport, too. ZERO benefits.

    Use the money saved to assist states in their deportation activities. Make it a federal crime to hire an illegal alien or to assist in getting fake I.D.s. Then put Mayorkas in prison.

    • Andrew Gutterman

      I wish he would. Then I can watch the economy sink like a stone when all these workers get kicked out of the country. The Republicans, instead of making babies to replace our population, spent years complaining about all the illegals coming into the country to create demand so the economy can grow. All these people pay taxes but get very little benefits back. Net plus for the country, so when they go, so does the country. I cannot wait.

      • Larry Horist

        Andres Gutterman …So you hope for the economy to crash so your opinion will be justified. Nice. You are misrepresenting the deportation plan. The first priority are the criminals — the murders, rapists, gang bangers and drug cartellians. You prefer that they remain. The second priority are those who immigration judges have ordered out of the country and those who have failed to show up for their court dates… but Biden let them stay. You think they should disobey the court orders, The third priority are the new arrivals who do not qualify for asylum. But you think our immigration laws should be ignored. The Trump plan covers several million illegal aliens — not all those currently undocumented.. What will not happen is mass deportation of tens of millions of migrants by raids in the middle of the night. That is just fear mongering. And the economy will be just fine with a growing number of those entering legally. There is a reason record numbers of Latinos have voted for Trump. They are the community most negatively impacted by the flood of illegal aliens — and criminals.

  2. Frank danger

    I will miss the empanadas.

    Posted twice, but got zapped twice. Only miss can tell, screwed up email or Joe’s software screwed up.

    Bottom line is Larry wrong on facts.

    Not all migrants, just asylum seekers. Not entire country, just NY C. And Trump can kill in two months. Obviously Larry’s system not better. At least not for NYC moves to Georgia…..

    However, not sure Larry noted, the agents can do crime checks, new system does not. Course in my book, criminals should be gone on crime day one. Don’t even need court. they ain’t citizens yet.

    • Larry Horist

      Frank Danger … It seems you agree with Trump’s priorities for deportation. Criminals first … those ordered out of the country by immigration judges second…. those not showing up for their court hearings. As many have pointed out, there are not enough agents and money to deport all undocumented migrants — and thee is nothing in the Trump plan to do so. I am sure all the speculative fear mongering will fizzle away when the plans are implemented — just like the end of the Republic bullcrap — and the economy will not take a hit. You will still get your empanadas.


        Larry, I think criminal illegals should be removed as soon as first arrest, citation, whatever. Not sure we need more than a cursory court; they are not citizens. That’s where my agreement with Trump may end; we still don’t know his plans, just concepts. There is nothing in what I say about the end of the Republic, you are bloviating a confluence that does not exist for this commentator. Starting at the end of your comment: will I still get my empanada’s? Gee, that’s what the Germans said about blintzes and knishes. You see, dear friend, when you deport over 11,000,000 of a similar demographic, other folks leave including some legal folks associated with the demographic leave. Illegals associated leave even if not in danger. Tis the way of FEAR. Righteous fear in this case. That was the supposed rationale for child separation too: FEAR. They did it for PR, not for function. I think America can do better, be kinder, and still get the job done. And the job is certainly NOT to deport 11 million, not in my book.

        The thought of deporting a good worker, here for a decade seems the stupid way to go. The fools who say, deport them and let them work their way back, are just that: foolish. Just make a plan, path, for citizenship, get em community service as penance, and let’s be Americans together — we already were so WTF.

        From the beginning, for a guy who hates those who attempt read the mind of the Horist based on the writings of Horist, what makes you think that either YOU or I can read Trump’s mind to know his planned priorities for deportation? All we have is “Trump’s concepts” as utterances at different times in different places as part of his policy “weave.” Most certainly, I do not agree with his priorities; I have not even seen the plan. And you “divine” what you believe as you always have in your love of policy, not so much the plan. But there is no plan, not even a cohesive concept below 30,000 feet. I think you even said you agree with most of Project 2025; now, about those Germans…..

        What is our best look at a plan? According to the NYT, Trump aides say, yes, he will focus on the hundreds of thousands of illegals with criminal records, as you stated. For most of these, that can be done pretty fast n easy in that the federal government already knows where to find most of these people, thanks to their previous contact with law enforcement. That’s hundreds of thousands, not 11 million.

        Trump has said he’ll next go after people with Temporary Protected Status, the Federal program that allows specific migrants from specific countries to stay in the United States legally. That’s his second priority for the boot. These migrants will be harder to find than the criminals; they are legal so don’t have to report in. And this is where he will try to get cities and states to help; some will not, others may even block, legally. This is the beginning of the sloppy slippery slope where people get hurt. Americans too.

        Now he needs the court as these folks have some level of due process. He has the Supremes, but basically, he’s reneging on the legality previously offered by the United States. As long as there are lawyers, there will be pushback. And still he has millions to root out, just regular, non-criminal, working undocumented, some here for a decade or more.

        He has to house, adjudicate, and deport these millions to countries that don’t want them back in these numbers either. VZ already says no, other countries too. The issue is, after the criminals, how does he gather, incarcerate, and adjudicate up to 10 million people. Because while he will prioritize the criminals, that’s a few hundred thousand. That leaves over 10 million and the TPS folks are not that many either. Until we see his plan to snatch them off the street, we just don’t know? And what about the children? Keeping families together this time, or separation again? We don’t know.

        We do know that Trump keeps a checklist of promises and, independent of new information, will lean into the promise no matter how unfeasible or irrational a clusterfuck it turns into. As long as it looks good to the base, and let’s face it, he has whipped the base up to want blood.

        “As many have pointed out, there are not enough agents and money to deport all undocumented migrants — and thee is nothing in the Trump plan to do so.” And there you go again: Trump has said 11 million and you, and others, CHOOSE to believe something else. He knows he has two years to the midterms.

        Trump and his allies say this will revitalize the economy. American workers “will now be offered higher wages with better benefits to fill these jobs,” Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s top immigration advisers, told The Times last year. Come on man, do you think that will happen? What happened to increase wages = increased prices = inflationary tax on America Republican mantra? They are huge hypocrites to say this will help the economy. We can factually show that on a global basis.

        Larry, one of the key strengths of a good economy is stability. This is a massively destabilizing process no doubt to be done in a destabilizing fashion. There is no way to get away from that at 11 million deportations, whether in a year or in four years. There is no way that magically American workers take these jobs at higher wages and the consumer is just fine. It’s a clusterfuck waiting to happen. And there is no plan, no experience; Trump’s experience is less than 300,000 deportations a year. Even Obama laughs at that low number.

        So, Larry, I said get the criminals out ASAP; not even sure what rights they have on due process, but certainly they do not have the full rights of a citizen —- get em out of here. And if the Fed knows where they are, what are they waiting for. But the rest, we don’t know but the “concepts” look horrible to me. Not to mention the $$$$. What’s the estimate on Trump’s plan —- over 80 billion now? Think we will make up $80B by backfilling jobs picking fruits and vegetables? Flipping burgers? Bagging groceries?

        Trump has said 11,000,000. He will start with the criminals. Then I am pretty sure it all turns to shit for the undocumented and for American citizens too. Miller’s stupid comments pretty much tell you this will not end well.

  3. Frank danger

    I have three posts killed here

    • Larry Horist

      Frank Danger … Why does that happen to you? I have not read other complaints, and I know the site does not censor except for extreme things, as you know. And you post more attacks on PBP, the owner, the writers than anyone, In fact, you and others have companied about what is allowed on.


    Larry, why do you start from a place where I am wrong? Why would my complaints about a lack of decorum or out n out physical threats, my posting, which you falsely claim are often attacks, have anything to do with this except sooth your emotional side. And why would you hear complaints, if they saw how Joe summarily dismisses it, why would or should they complain? But there are many complaints of being zapped, just look.

    Fact is you can see an approximate of the post in the third try above, starting with empanada’s. Perhaps one was email address typo, but those usually turn up post moderation I think. But nothing incendiary here.

    In the past, I have offered to send Joe the offending pieces, have tested it down to the sentence offense but nothing stood out. But if you think I made it up, have buggered my entry, gee —– after participating in so many Bell Labs beta tests, having helped Bell Labs discover and diagnose many a bug, pretty sure I can tell an oops. I just point it out, don’t expect Joe to ever make it better.

    But I truly doubt that I am imagining things. Hasn’t happened for awhile. Happens more on your stories than others, but that might just be because I point out more of your errors than others. Errors, not attacks.


    much like the continuous lie about man made global warming (they changed the name to cliamte change because man made global warming was proven false in the 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s) Democrats believe if they tell their lie often enough you will believe it. Everywhere in the world this is the standard for leftist (use to be liberals) governments.

    Once people finally get to the point where the lie is too obvious to continue to accept it the leftist governments fall. That is what is currently happening in Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, Canada, and Belgium. that is what happened to the democrats in this election. The wieght of their lies toppled their control.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…