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Harris to Biden: “I Don’t Want Your Help Joe”

Harris to Biden: “I Don’t Want Your Help Joe”

After helping Democrats to unceremoniously get him tossed off the top of the ticket, Kamala Harris has snubbed Joe Biden, saying she does not want his help on the campaign trail. Apparently, the VP does not want voters reminded of the failed presidency of her former boss as Election Day looms.

Biden has been trying to get out and campaign for Harris in the home stretch of the 2024 election but keeps getting told by her campaign that she’ll get back to him, Axios reported over the weekend.

“He’s a reminder of the last four years, not the new way forward,” an unnamed campaign staffer told the outlet.

As of this writing, with less than two weeks to the election, there aren’t any publicly scheduled events for both Harris, 60, and Biden, 81, to stump together prior to Election Day.

The sitting president has been on the campaign trail a few times, including on Oct. 15, when he delivered remarks to the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee Autumn Dinner, last Monday when he stumped in New Hampshire, and Saturday, when he campaigned in Pittsburgh.

Biden’s solo outing in Pittsburgh surprised some on Harris’ team, Axios reported.

This apparent slight against the president is significant considering Biden’s endorsement of Harris immediately after he announced he was dropping out of the race helped her quickly lock up the Democratic nomination with almost no fight.

“There is always speculation in political circles, but this is not accurate,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement about the report.

“We are in close touch with the campaign to determine when, where, and how the president can be helpful.”

Additionally, some of Harris’ allies were riled by the president’s off-the-cuff remarks that “we gotta lock [Trump] up.”

“Politically, lock him up — lock him out, that’s what we’ve got to do,” Biden quickly clarified, but the remark fed fodder to former President Donald Trump and other Republican critics.

Moreover, Biden has generally garnered less attention and fanfare compared to other prominent Democrats, such as former President Barack Obama, who was just in Georgia last Thursday and Michigan last Tuesday, among other recent stops.

Biden has also reportedly been mulling campaign work for Democrats facing Senate races in Delaware and Maryland.

Looming over Biden, reportedly being kept at arm’s length, are his dismal ratings, with a 40.8% approval to 56.6% disapproval score, per the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate.

Harris has navigated questions about Biden carefully, publicly hailing his record and largely refraining from disparaging him despite a flood of polling pegging him underwater with the public.

“To be very candid with you, even including Mike Pence, vice presidents are not critical of their presidents,” Harris previously told NBC News, referring to Trump’s veep and describing the approach as a “tradition.”

She famously said in The View that there is “not a thing” she would’ve done differently than Biden” and has yet to clarify how four years of Harris-Walz will be any different or better for the American public than the last four dismal years of Biden-Harris.

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  1. Stranger danger

    So, Biden stumped for Harris open till October 26th and has been told to step down for basically the last week. He gaffed at the last session and had to double back and restate his silly statement. And in the last week, seven days, somehow you expect Kamala to say “please sir, can I have some more?

    Although it wasn’t a giant pile of floating garbage called Puerto Rico type bad, I’m sure Harris does not want to gain attention in this way nor does she want to put Joe in a bad light at the end of his term.

    Oh, the horror of it all.

    Kamila did say she would not take back anything that Joe did. She did say she would pretty much follow the Biden path forward. Most certainly, that does not say much.

    And yet, to many, it still says more than Trump. And less. I’m like Trump, she firmly does not planned to build giant incarceration camps in order deport every undocumented immigrant as well as the legal immigrant asylum seekers. she also has no plans to destroy the enemy from within. Nor is she a convicted felon and sexual abuser of the digital variety. And, she actually did work at McDonald’s. It was not an act. What jobs did Trump have growing up?

    Seems like a bit of a slow News-day in Gilberson land.

    • Americafirst

      Frank, you mean, just like Kamal’s FEMA camps being built to house ALL Trump supporters, Conservatives and Republicans? Are you one of those that will do that to we good Conservatives, under God’s roof? Same thing spelled different!

      • Tom

        Don’t worry AF. Everybody will realize quickly that you are a kook and send you back to the place embossed on your wristband. Now go take your meds, attend your CBT sessions and have a nice day. 🙂

        • Americafirst

          Takes a kook to know a kook, but I do think you have mental problems. Did you get the shot? Could explain why. I take no meds at all. None at all. They are poison. Pretty damn good for an elderly woman now, isn’t it? How many do you take?

    • Gary Tobin

      How did it all work out for you… 🙂

  2. Darren

    NO SD, it is Biden calling half of America Garbage.
    Now You stand corrected.

    • stranger danger

      Darren, yeah, that makes sticking your fingers up a stranger’s vagina OK.

      The difference is Biden was referencing a Trump-authorized comic who told a joke referencing Puerto Ricans as floating garbage in the Atlantic. It was pre-planned, digitally stored on the teleprompter ahead of the rally, had to be vetted, and Trump was totally unaware, as he is about most of the things happening in the real world.

      Biden immediately apologized, indicating what he really meant, and where he linguistically gaffed and it makes sense.

      Trump immediately and initially forgave Biden: “”You have, remember Hillary, she said deplorable, and then she said irredeemable, right?” Trump said. “But she said deplorable, and that didn’t work out. ‘Garbage,’ I think, is worse, right? But he doesn’t know, you have to please forgive him. Please forgive him, for he not knoweth what he said.”

      Of course, then he did a 180…..because forgiveness is the way of the Lord, not the way Turnip rolls.

      At the end of October, the demented old man Trollop said: “”We’re a dumping ground. We’re like a — we’re like a garbage can for the world. That’s what, that’s what’s happened to us. We’re like a garbage can,” that’s right America, we are all just trash for the world.

      Of course, Trump does not apologize ever for any stupid, racist, demeaning comment. He just tells a bigger one on top.

      • Americafirst

        Oh my, Frank SD – you really are sick. You know about sticking your fingers up a stranger’s vagina )hmmm stranger danger”s?) You must have lots and lots of practice. You just told on yourself. Told you that you are a criminal and you blame Trump for that very disgusting thing? You make me want to throw up!

        • Seth

          Ask his daughter about that

    • Tom

      But there is one big difference. Biden clarified that he meant the comedian. You apparently missed that interview. Trump was given a chance to clarify what and why he does not agree with the comedian (and provide a little distance) and he did not. Also, all speeches were vetted by the GOP before they were put on the teleprompter. Trump did not have a problem with what his campaign put on the teleprompter.

  3. WillyB46

    So Biden and Harris hate each other. American taxpayers hate them both equally.

    • Americafirst

      WillyB46, I agree, but it seems SD Frank loves Kamala and wants all the destruction and death of millions, probably billions so he can be one of those that will reign supreme. That’s how I see it. Too bad the “other side” can’t live and let live in peace and harmony. Or is that just a dream? Hmmm.

    • Tom

      No Willy, they do not hate each other. That is what this goofy article is trying to get you to believe. The truth is that there is mutual admiration and affection between the two. And many American taxpayers are packing into her rallies while there are empty seats in Trump’s rallies.

      • Robert Richey

        Well, Tom, it’s all over now, and for all of those who packed into Kammies rallies, I guess they must have heard enough BS to go vote for Trump.



    • Tom

      Prove that Trump won the 2020 election.

      Perhaps you can call the lady referenced in NewsWeek when they wrote, “A friend of Harris, Wanda Kagan, told the New York Times that she recalled Harris having worked at McDonald’s around that time. That recollection was based on what Harris’ mother, who died in 2009, told her years ago, the Times reported. Harris first mentioned the summer job publicly five years ago, during her brief run in the Democratic presidential primary.” read whole article at **

      • Robert Richey

        The 2020 election results as flawed as they may have been can’t be proven either way, but seeing the slaughter in the 2024 election when the Republicans were aware of what happened in the 2020 election had poll watchers in place to make sure the Democrats were held to a minimum amount of cheating. If the dem’s hadn’t hijacked the 2020 election Trump would be out of the lib’s hair in a few weeks.

    • stranger danger

      JIM DALLY, via internet screaming, demands: “prove that she worked at McDonalds” because apparently he is not capable of proving elsewise. He wants a copy of a pay stub, tax form, owner, and location but is unable to do his own research so he demands.

      JIM DALLY, you should respond as to your belief that Harris worked at McDonalds is false: got proof — nope. Just the fact it can’t be proved proves all to you.

      FACTS: What do we know. We know that McDonalds, and most businesses, do not retain data on part-time employees for over four decades. There is no data trail. We did not ask, but can’t imagine that Harris kept pay stubs and who knows if taxes were even filed given, she was making pocket change for spending at college, a dependent, etc. I don’t have mine, does JIM DALLY have his?

      Remember, this is a rumor created by Trump, a guy who featured birtherism in his feckless attacks on Obama. What’s a little job shaming by a guy who only worked for Dad’s company? He often steps into the gutter and far away from what’s considered fair play in politics. He has been held liable for defamation before. Of course, I am claimed by him as living in garbage, like you, but I also get “the evil from within” piled on top of the garbage that you take part in too. And he claims he will use the military to lock me up for my protests.

      For Tulips MikeyD’s stunt at Latrobe — shoulda gone for Rolling Rock work IMO, everyone loves those ponies. Trump’s advisor said: “So that one candidate in this race could have actually worked at McDonald’s.” Point is Trump “worked” for less than five minutes at a closed McDonald’s. Customers had no comments because he served no one except himself. Howe typical.

      For Harris, her staff has said she worked at McDonald’s on Central Avenue in Alameda, Calif., in 1983 during the summer after her freshman year at Howard University, working the cash register, french-fry station and ice cream machine. They provided little else, because there is no data trail, but the facility exists and many Howard students still work there.

      According to the NYT: “The New York Times interviewed a friend who had known Ms. Harris as a teenager and remained in touch with the family for years afterward. Wanda Kagan, a close friend of Ms. Harris’s when they attended high school together in Montreal, said she recalled Ms. Harris having worked at McDonald’s around that time.” Her mother confirmed that story.

      Her resume has never included McDonalds; most white-collar folk don’t list summer jobs. Myself, I had steady jobs from age 14 on, never listed one of them on my post college resume, and never needed a resume before that. Nothing nefarious there.
      Frankly, this is the first time she has really mentioned a summer job and it came as she marched with striking McDonald’s workers. But it is really not hard to imagine a college student grabbing some part-time for spending money. Myself, I needed rent money, so in my Senior year, I held three part-time jobs to get rent money pending my graduation. One, crack of dawn, dining hall where I was a line-cook working alongside the Union workers, no students beyond me did that because of my full-time short-order experience at Holiday Inn and other establishments. In the PM, I planted trees with jailhouse work details and in the evening I was a Kosher caterer waiter where I could pick the work dates a month in advance. These were mostly parties, so breakfast on the state, then working with those incarcerated by the state, and then —- party-on Wayne. I missed a lot of classes that last year, but mostly intro level. I had completed most upper level in earlier years. Twas the plan. While I was unusual, I was not unique for those paying their way (I only covered part, but had to be on my own, day one of graduation), and most people I knew did have summer jobs at least. Trump did too, he just worked for Dad and did not have to get a job like real people.

      So, Jim, no hard proof, no proof of lying either, and totally possible and downright probable given the friend’s testimony. Her mother said the same too. Basically, almost everyone in college, except Trump and his rich buddies, did the same. But the real question Jim, is: who cares and why is this important? Remember, show your work. I did.

  5. stranger danger

    Seth has deep-seated sexual issues with his fascination with my fictional daughter. He has had this issue for awhile from what I can tell. Why he lusts after other people’s daughters that don’t exist except in his twisted mind. He is not a symptom, he is diseased. Stranger Danger has no daughter, real or otherwise. The real person behind Stranger Danger has no daughters either. Why do you feel the need to express sexual ambitions with my daughter that you have created in your mind’s fantasy? Truly weird. The fact you do it repeatedly, even weirder.

    America First is a frequent flyer and liar delving in personal attacks of the emotional kind. Her main source, American Media Group, is one of the most vile, fake news, conspiracy theory, sites in the world operating out of Romania. She believes information comes from The Marines, Gitmo, and worse. She spews wild stream-of-consciousness rants of hate and violence and then blames others for doing the same when they don’t. It’s her imagination out of whack.

    Recently she stated that EBS/EAS signals were about to be triggered, films would be played, people arrested, and more. We are coming up on a week and NO SIGNAL. We are still waiting.

    She claims Harris has an MK Ultra upbringing that there is no source for. The author is a liar who deals in conspiracy theories without merit. When shown the truth, with sourced material evidence, she claims: “I’m rubber, your glue, whatever you just proved about my lies means my lies are true.” Weird schoolyard logic of the weak and insecure.

    Here I provide FACTS on the Trump sexual abuse liability case where it was proven in court, under the threat of perjury, with many witnesses confirming her story from first hand accounts at the time, a number of other witnesses confirming Don’s frequent hands-on sexual abuse experiences with strangers. It’s all on the record, the jury, including at least one Trump Republican, believed her, did not believe the Don, and the Don could not refute. His return-defamation liability lawsuit not only fell apart, but opened up the judge to claim: “it was digital rape and only the NYS law requiring a penis insertion to be legal rape protects DON from what any common sense person would call RAPE. It’s on the record too.

    Sure, all these courts, all these judges, juries, witnesses, might be crooked, illegal, and bad. But you know they aren’t. It would only take one Republican to hang the case, that person did not come forward. Guilty, guilty, guilty, at least in a liability sense due to timing.

    Her response: “. You know about sticking your fingers up a stranger’s vagina )hmmm stranger danger”s?) You must have lots and lots of practice. You just told on yourself. Told you that you are a criminal and you blame Trump for that very disgusting thing?” AF uses the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” schoolyard logical fallacy as cover for her weakness and insecurity in dealing in facts in the real world. Instead she retreats into her world of emotion, crazy thoughts, and NO EVIDENCE. Her main news source is a bogus liar based in Romania.

    As Tom noted, “a kook.” Well, that’s personal and wrong, but certainly some kooky statements.

    Apparently Trump’s actions proved in court, not only mirror my fictional actions, unproven anywhere, found in the mind of America First who claims it’s so bad she’s puking. Yeah, right. Another lie.

    She also imagines, without a scintilla of proof that “it seems SD Frank loves Kamala” which is a lie. I voted for Harris, but there is no love, none stated here, and much push back on even anyone actually knowing WHO Harris is. America First further concludes that I “wants all the destruction and death of millions, probably billions so he can be one of those that will reign supreme.” I am retired, I am not reigning anywhere anymore. She says “the “other side” can’t live and let live in peace and harmony. Or is that just a dream? Hmmm.” Well dear, again you lie, it is your dream, it’s in your head and no where else. And we are not “the other side,” we are citizens with the exact same rights as you no matter how badly you want to take them away by treating us as “the evil within.” We are not.

    Other fantastic America First, without sources, without link, impossible claims stated here, in one thread, include: “Kamal’s FEMA camps being built to house ALL Trump supporters, Conservatives and Republicans?” Where? She’s not even President and she’s building FEMA camps? FEMA? Why would FEMA get political? Does American First believe there are no Trumpers in FEMA? That’s sad for Republicans that they have no FEMA workers, no teachers, just guys with guns and beer I guess.

    And again, she believes an old retired guys is: “one of those that will do that to we good Conservatives, under God’s roof? Same thing spelled different!” This is nutty make-believe from a person who frequents make-believe sites in Romania for her news.

    Is that the EBS/EAS signal?

    I suggest America First stays on point, sticks to the issues, and leave the weird logic and personal attacks behind. I know, I did it first, you cannot prove it and that proves it’s true. We all get it. Your act ain’t that professional not to see it.