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Ukraine, Israel, the border … all of the above

Ukraine, Israel, the border … all of the above

As a conservative, I am very wary of throwing more money at problems … especially by the wasteful and corruption-prone federal government doing things it was never intended to do.  Currently, Washington is addressing three funding projects – Putin’s dirty little war in Ukraine, Hamas (and other) terrorism in the Middle East and the utter collapse of the southern border, with record numbers crossing.

The first thing we must understand is that all three of these situations are absolutely the responsibility of the federal government’s obligation to protect the security of the United States from foreign aggressors.  Russia and Hamas are aggressive enemies of America. That is obvious.  The border being overrun by hundreds of thousands of migrants is resulting in the expansion of the drug problem, deadly and other crimes against American citizens, and the destructive chaos crushing local government and social infrastructure.  The question is: Do these three issues involve the security of the United States?  Well, duh!


If Putin were to win – keeping even the lands his military currently occupies – he would gain strategic ground, enormous new natural and food resources, an expansion of international influence and power, and a platform upon which to extend his empire building ambitions further.  A victory over an American ally is a victory over America.


Israel is the only true American ally in the Middle East.  It is the foundation of American leverage.  It fights against Hamas is a key component of America’s and its allies’ war against world terrorism.  The tentacles of international anti-American terrorism come from primarily two sources – Iran and Afghanistan.   The Hamas War is not limited to Israel.  Iranian controlled terrorist groups in Syria and Yemen are attacking American military personnel and assets on a daily basis – almost 100 such attacks so far.  We need to take the terrorist mantra – “death to Israel, death to America” — seriously.

The border

The Democrats’ open border policies have resulted in millions of unqualified asylum seekers entering the United States illegally.  According to officials, 80 percent of those entering are not eligible for asylum – and should be either prevented from entering or expeditiously deported.  Even worse, the broken immigration system enables the ineligible border crossers to remain in America for years even before their bogus request can be considered.  Over the years, millions of illegal aliens have remained in America permanently by evading the system. Hundreds of thousands have been so-called “got-aways” – people who are beyond the knowledge of authorities.  The border is an international problem because thousands of those entering are NOT coming from poverty stricken Central and South American nations, but from nations all over the world, including enemy and adversarial states.  People on the terrorist watch list have been intercepted – and it would be foolish to think a lot of bad dudes were not among them.  The open border is one of the gateways for drug and sex slave traffickers.

Funding the fight(s)

With all three of these situations being international threats to American security and leadership, it is incumbent on Washington to handle them.  That means funding the fights.  The United States not only has a need to defeat Russia, terrorists and defend the border, it is an existential moral and Constitutional obligation.

The debate over funding has two elements.  Can we afford to fund all three crises?  And how, legislatively, should we do that?

There is no doubt that the United States has the financial resources to fund all three problems.  It is just a matter of prioritizing.  Republicans would like to see cuts in other areas to compensate for the money.  That seems to be the most responsible position, although Democrats see taxation or borrowing as the preferred means.   Nothing new there.

Anyone who does not think that there is not enough waste and misapplication (fraud) in federal government spending to pay for all three projects is simply not in touch with reality. 

Ironically, there seems to be bipartisan support for funding all three situations – to a greater or lesser degree.   So, what is the holdup?   Political gamesmanship.

Republicans want to fund all three projects simultaneously.  Democrats seem willing to fund Ukraine and Israel as a package but border security as a separate measure.  The reason is obvious – and the Republicans know the reason. Democrats do not want to make more than a symbolic funding of the border.  They do not want to stop the overflow by securing the border but rather more efficiently process the admission of illegal border crossers.  More social workers. More money for housing and welfare.  More immigration judges.  Not more guards and physical barriers.  Republicans want to restore the policy whereby asylum seeker apply in their homeland or in the nation of the first border they cross.  Biden ended that practice.

Republicans in Congress know that if they fund Ukraine and Israel separately, they will never get real border security from Democrats.  They also know that funding Ukraine and Israel is necessary – and they support it.  But they see this as the only opportunity to get real border security legislation through Congress and signed by President Biden.

While the media narrative suggests that Republicans do not want to fund Ukraine at all, that may be true of small factions on both sides.  The majority of members of Congress are all in on funding Ukraine and Israel – and that will happen.  It is only a procedural question as to which side prevails.  Separate Ukraine and Israel funding or funding all three.

If Democrats were sincere in the claims to want to secure the border, the simultaneous funding would be a slam dunk – as it should be.  It would be the easiest and most expeditions way.

Keep in mind that the failure to pass so-called immigration reform since the Reagan presidency has one primary cause.  Democrats do not want to do it.  The historic stalemate has been over the question of addressing immigration in a comprehensive piece of legislation or to handle it piecemeal.  Democrats’ symbolism-only approach to border security – and their myopic interest in only expediting the process — has been the legislative poison pill for more than 40 years.  And is again today.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Jim wampler

    Frank should help us get rid of Biden and his ho

    • frank Stetson

      Oh my Horist. It appears you write, but comments come to me.

      Guess who’s reading me now…….


      • doug

        This is a job for a highly experienced translater. The remarks below will have to be converted from gooberese. Let’s get a lingiust’s take.

        Original wording:
        frank Stetson on December 20, 2023 at 9:19 am
        Oh my Horist. It appears you write, but comments come to me.
        Guess who’s reading me now…….

        Translation in English:
        Oh, my Horist. It appeals that you are white, but commodes roll to me.
        Gas escapes bleeding on the gnu…..

        Remove a syllable here and there and elsewhere, and you’ve got the makings of some masterful haiku.

        (Actually, no such thing; I’m just trying to cultivate good vibes from the local Third Reich revivalist, who’s heroes include John Wilkes Booth and David Duke.) Don’t believe me? Just ask.


        • doug

          linguist, not lingiust

          whose, not who’s

    • doug

      It appears we’re seeing a strategic withdrawal by the conjoined cyber-natterers Tom&FrankIncest — expressions of the same batty not-seeboy. Looks like we’re also witnessing the miracle of birth — the emergence of another poster identity from the same rotund spirit whose idea of fun is desecrating Jewish cemeteries and burning crosses in front of Asian and black people just minding their own business.

      Meanwhile, despite the passage of weeks, months and entire seasons, Tom&FrankIncest has still been unable to identify a single point of divergence between his or her beliefs and those of loyal German National Socialists. He or she has been unable to identify any racists in all of U.S. history, let alone hate criminals or even genocidal killers. that’s what you call telling.

      Nor will he do so here. He’ll come up with yet another excuse. But why would anyone need an excuse (especially a flimsy collection of excuses) to reveal whom he deems to be a top repository of racism over the life of a country? Why would anyone be reluctant to express differences in opinion with the likes of the Ku Klux Tom or Ku Klux Frank?

      Could the answers be any clearer?

  2. larry Horist

    Frank Steton … Have you lost it? I write and comments come to you??? Guess who’s reading you now??? Hardly anyone, if you want the truth — and I cannot be called one of your readers since I ignore the vast majority of what you write. I have no idea what you mean in this post — and I doubt anyone else does. I know you like online acronyms, but not sure what “pwned” means. Or did you just doze off with your fingers on the keyboard? LOL

    • Frank stetson

      Uh, read the first post…..

      I agree though. The site as you write is really all about you. Your wisdom, your knowledge, your really wide experiences, your unflappability, and your incredible sense of humor. You are the best on pbp. However, on my post:


      Fyi; i do read your musings and have no issue with you skipping mine.

    • doug

      Larry, good sir, you’re chasing shadows. The shadowy, Swastika-bedecked poster Tom&FrankIncest is only a figment of artificial unintelligence. He couldn’t make a cogent statement regardless of how much effort he put into it. He’s the monkey serving an organ grinder army of not-sees, Marxists, Islamists and KKKlansters.

      Monkeys don’t understand politics or decency. They mimic. They pretend. They ape. And pardon my subjective opinions, but they’re ugly as sin.

      Years ago, I was chatting with a friend named (wouldn’t you know) Larry about the county fair that was underway in our area, complete with an organ-grinding monkey. Larry recounted how a pet monkey, whose name was something like Humper, was attracted to bearded men. According to Larry, who was bearded, he had the fortune to be in a group discussion when Humper grabbed his finger. Larry tried to ignore the monkey but every so often it jerked his finger especially forcefully, prompting members of the group to giggle and laugh. Eventually Larry tired of holding his arm out and turned to look at the monkey.

      The monkey continued holding Larry’s finger tightly, but what really shocked Larry was that Humper was executing a Jeffrey Toobin with his other hand.

      In essence, the monkeyshines with Tom&FrankIncest on your page basically re-enact the incident I was told about so many years ago.

  3. AC

    There, you all go again. Larry and Frank, Tom, Larry, and Frank. And whom ever else drops in entering the fray developed by Larry’s postings. Which can read like the Sunday paper’s comics page. That back and forth banter between poster and replying reader Frank has a somewhat checkered history through the years the two have been sparring.
    As I follow this blog, it occurred to me that the game being played out has a bare fisted brawl, no rules, and say what comes to mind open ended flavor to it.
    Larry, it seems, likes to do some sparring on occasion, but observing what comes from others’ replies beside Frank , Tom, and a random one or two other readers. To these Larry may make a comment. Usually these he uses for correctional purposes, demeaning the replying person’s intelligence if not the stranger’s integrity. In all Larry offers no hospitality, tolerance, grace, opinion points made appreciation, or general welcome to his guests who appear as readers of his post. Is he not the host?
    What I have surmised from my reading Mr Horist’s blogged posts over several years paints an uncomplimentary portrait, in deed.
    The brush strokes on blank canvas give one an opportunity to develop a likeness that comes off positive or not very positive. As it is said “the devil is in the details”. And, so it is with Horist’s portrait. Where, in this instance all one has to go on becomes more than the grumpy old guy in a rumpled suit sitting alone and playing a game of checkers with himself. Suddenly, the man’s lips form a half grin. Once again, he finds himself winning.
    The oddity I find in Larry’s blog. That the student of politics and the scholar of history he purports himself to be do not gibe with the tales told in his commentaries posted. Nor, that this space where replies are allowed comments are mostly off topic and not germane to Horist’s subject driven topic.
    Also, Horist himself joins in the personal attacks, giving in to base rejoinders and low grade cheep shots. Really, loosing control as guardian of debate content lessens what credibility and esteem Larry assumes he owns. Yes, that the quality in learned status is his basis and his platform.
    So short of time remaining and so many conservative disciples not yet turned. Blogging comes, the last resort in quelling frustration’s murmurings. Too, late. Too, late.

    • doug

      You sound distraught. Maybe because people aren’t sympathetic toward your tears, frowns and addled generalities.

      Could it be that the pidgin-spitting poster whose menagerie includes the monikers Tom and Frank has added yet another gloomy, goose-stepping Gus to his stable?

      And why the emergency introduction of another cyber-giblet? Maybe because Tom&FrankIncest has been exposed as a Swastika-tatted KKKlan and National Socialism slurper? The new addition (if it is new) certain reflects the same attitudes and communication style as the older spittoons.

      Not-sees are such goobers.

  4. frank Stetson

    How haughty when stating: “As a conservative, I am very wary of throwing more money at problems … especially by the wasteful and corruption-prone federal government doing things it was never intended to do” to support where the government SHOULD throw money in the most wasteful fashion known to man. Not that I think it’s a bad idea, I don’t. But WAR is always wasteful, from beginning to end.

    Ukraine: I resonate with Horist and feel it’s our line in the sand against Putin and the Russians since they are all in it by now. It’s do or die, time to give them everything they need PLUS NATO membership ASAP. No time to hold back anymore, let’s start by taking the sky today with a no-fly zone. Ukraine will accept.

    Israel: They helped cause this but they are right in their retaliation. But it revenge is too much, gone on at this level too long, and too many innocents are being killed. I don’t care what your ideology is but when you kill my mom, dad, brothers, cousins, yeah — I’m coming for you. And I will match or exceed the horror you put on my innocent family. Israel has the right to defend itself. It’s just time to tamp it down. WE would have done a better strategic bombing and created a police-state by now in order to protect innocents.

    Horist alludes to our threat from Hamas, Iran, etc. While Iran the country is a threat, Iran terrorists and Hamas remind me of the Gulf of Tonkin incident where one military expert said: it was like the fly attacking the fly swatter. And 58,000 American and 2,000,000 civilian dead later, we left. Hamas cannot hurt us. Most terrorists cannot hurt us. We need to 1) cut the money, 2) cut the support by other nations, and 3) hunt them down over time. In that priority. But Hamas a major threat to America? NBL.

    Bottom line: stay the course, get them some arms, convince them to tamp it down, finish this indiscriminate mass death portion, and get on with 1, 2, and 3 above PLUS convince Israel to END APARTHEID one way or another. They have these people working for them but refuse full rights that where we Americans had a revolution about less. Enough.

    Oh yeah, in thinking about 2 above, whisper to Israel that we will not scream if they hit Iran. I think not being complicit in a good ole infrastructure wipe-out would be a beautiful thing and great world-wide message. Given Israel is dropping dumb bombs on Gaza, I am sure they have plenty of smart ones to strategically target Iran’s infrastructure for minimal civilian damage.

    The Border: this is a clusterfuck by everyone and has been for years. Even though I laugh at Horist’s old man drug data as if asylum seekers are loaded down with drugs…. I think this is our number 2 issue after Ukraine and number 1 domestic issue. Unfortunately, it requires bipartisan efforts and cannot be used for leverage for other things either party wants. JUST FIX IT starting with e-verify mandate for all employers. FYI: the concept of getting asylum in foreign countries is STUPID. Think about it, you live in a hostile place and Horist suggests you walk down to the corner asylum station and sign in. What do you think happens next? Any bad guys watching? Fuck, you’d be nabbed faster than a prego trying to escape a FL abortion ban…… :>( but it won’t be about saving a life……. There are good ideas, just fix it FAST.

    • doug

      Well, lookee there — our resident moniker-changing fly swisher has hopped on another lily pad to show off his or her latest Third Reich tattoo.

      But I can hardly express my disappointment. He/she once again forgot to answer simple question posed to him/her/it for month after month: What are examples of any disagreement he has with the tenets of German National Socialism, Hamas and the KKKlan?

      Who are the worst racists in U.S. history or even mid-level racists, and what (if anything) bothers him about what they did or said?

      Are there any not-sees or KKKlansters or Islamist terrorists that he’d denounce, criticize or even frown at for their actions? If so, what are examples?

      And so on. Would any decent individual refuse to answer such simple and clear challenges? Well, Tom&FrankIncest has dodged every single one. He took the Fifth yet again. And we all know what prompts people to invoke the Fifth: The claim that providing information would incriminate them.

      Notice that Tom&FrankIncest shows no reluctance to condemn Israel’s existential defense. Everyone knows that unless Hamas is destroyed, it’ll be back drenching thousands more Jews in their own blood, supplied with weaponry provided by genocidal Groper Joe’s favorite foreign country — Iran (10% goes to the big guy).

      Observe how Herr TomPFrankIncest lies about Israel being able to minimize loss of life by changing its targeting. But he and his fellow not-sees full-well know that wherever there’s a safe space, Hamas and its allies will occupy that space. And if there’s no such space, Hamas will illegally use children, women and men as human shields, which is the principal cause of casualties in Gaza.

      It was an absolute certainty that Tom&FrankIncest would resort to deliberate obfuscation and fabulism against Israel. There’s a reason his German middle school yearbook pronounced him to be “most likely to come out of his racist closet.” It goes back to his eight grade school years (he was held back three times in third grade), when a little Jewish girl half his size whaled the tar out of him for throwing a snotrag on her desk. He’s still afraid to leave his hovel in the daytime.

      Now, I’m not psychic, but sumpin tells me this reminder won’t be successful in prompting answers. We’ll see.


      • Frank stetson

        Doug, you are a one trick pony needing new material and spelling lessons. No need to cutesy up your slurs, pbp allows all.

        I answered your question and only got crickets from you for mine..

        Still waiting.and feeling less inclined to respond to your repeated whine until you have the balls to actually respond in kind.

        • doug

          A not-see goober who can’t accurately spell his own moniker tries to ream me out for poop spelling.

          LOL X 5.

          I love the ignorance inherent in his claim he answered my question as if I only asked one. I love it because it allows me to crush him by pointing out he can’t link to an answer (not “reply,” but “answer)”.

          So let’s give it another try:

          What are examples of any disagreement he has with the tenets of German National Socialism, Hamas and the KKKlan?

          Who are the worst racists in U.S. history or even mid-level racists, and what (if anything) bothers him about what they did or said?

          Are there any not-sees or KKKlansters or Islamist terrorists that he’d denounce, criticize or even frown at for their actions? If so, what are examples?

          And so on. Would any decent individual refuse to answer such simple and clear challenges? Well, Tom&FrankIncest has dodged every single one. He took the Fifth yet again. And we all know what prompts people to invoke the Fifth: The claim that providing information would incriminate them.

          Another not-seeboy down the toilet.

          • Frank stetson

            Like I said, I answered and await your response to my request for any proof about your claims about either tom or I or both.

            Still crickets

          • doug

            In the post immediately below (the one above has no “reply” button), the resident multiple-personality not-seeboy again demands proof that he’s a not-see. Of course, I’ve been proving that for months.

            I added more proof yesterday afternoon (12/20/23) when I yet again forced him (or her) to acknowledge that he would have supported Germany in World War II. Not only that, but he acknowledged that he (or she) would have sided with U.S. enemies in every foreign war since the founding.

            For a peculiar reason, not-sees uncharacteristically refuse to lie about helping the U.S. Confronted with the question of whether they would have aided their country or the enemy, they either answer directly that they would have stood with our enemies in every foreign war, or they answer indirectly but just as conclusively by taking the Fifth, like swisher-boy here.

            Understanding not-see psychology allows me to totally circumvent not-see tactics and expose their twisted sheet-for-brains.

            I’ve previously led the particular, multiple-moniker not-see twoll here to admit he endorses the most egregious racism that has ever existed in U.S. history — against native Americans, blacks, Jews, Asians, Christians.

            And I’ve accurately described how he’d respond, including taking the Fifth.

            I’ve exposed FrankIncest and his alter-ego(s) by cornering him on his/her sympathy for the KKKlan, for the German National Socialist Workers Party, for her/his denial that racism exists or existed in the U.S. and for promulgating that insidious form of collectivism.

            Mostly, not-sees run from their own answers, dodging questions and challenges with unmatched desperation. I make my questions as clear and easy to answer as possible so there can be no credible excuse for running from them. Here’s the latest one to be evaded by Tom+FrankIncest:

            Would he/she/he/hey have supported the Allies or the Axis powers in World War II? Beyond WW II, in which foreign wars through U.S. history, if any, would she/he have supported the United States, since the USA was created?

            It’s SO easy.


          • doug

            In the post immediately below (the post above has no “reply” button), our resident multiple-personality gnat-seeboy again demands proof that he’s a not-see. Of course, I’ve been proving it on this very site for months.

            I added more proof yesterday afternoon (12/20/2023) when I again forced him (or her) to acknowledge openly that he would have supported Germany in World War II despite her / his / its previous equivocations on the subject. Not only that, but he even acknowledged that he (or she) would have sided with U.S. enemies in every foreign war since the founding.

            For a peculiar reason, not-sees — who normally follow Goebbelsian doctrine that rejects any value to truth — uncharacteristically refuse to lie about their goal of destroying America. Confronted with the question of whether they would have aided their country or the enemy in WW II, they either directly concede that they would have stood with our enemies in every foreign war, or they answer indirectly but just as conclusively by taking the Fifth, like swisher-boy here.

            More commonly than not, they take the Fifth, as if everyone can’t see through that veil, nyuk.

            Understanding not-see psychology allows us to totally circumvent not-see tactics and expose their twisted sheet-for-brains.

            I’ve previously led the multiple-moniker not-see twoll here to admit he endorses the most egregious racism that has ever existed in U.S. history — against native Americans, blacks, Jews, Asians, Christians.

            And I’ve accurately described how he’d respond, including taking the Fifth.

            I’ve exposed FrankIncest and his alter-ego(s) by cornering him on his/her sympathy for the KKKlan, for the German National Socialist Workers Party, for her/his denial that racism exists or existed in the U.S. and for promulgating that insidious form of collectivism.

            Mostly, not-sees run from their own answers, dodging questions and challenges with unmatched desperation. I make my questions as clear and easy to answer as possible so there can be no credible excuse for running from them. Here’s the latest one to be evaded by Tom+FrankIncest:

            Would he/she/he/hey have supported the Allies or the Axis powers in World War II? Beyond WW II, in which foreign wars through U.S. history, if any, would she/he have supported the United States, since the USA was created?

            It’s SO easy.


          • frank Stetson

            Doug, are you OK? You seem distraught, repeating yourself, sounding delusional and spewing so many fantasies. But you apparently are the king of cut n paste, no wonder there’s so much repetition. Do you repeat yourself when under stress, when under stress repeat yourself?

            You have claimed many things. About me, my character, whatever. You have proved none of them. Just say it’s so does not make it so. i will add they are all false. I am not a nazi, I am a free man. I am not antisemitic, have lived and loved with those of the Jewish faith. But I do disagree with Israel just like many Jews.. And KKK, well that’s just funny all things considered. I forget the other slanders, water off a duck’s back. All lies. No substantiation except your word and your word SEEMS to be that of a liar.


            So, still no response, no facts, no sourcing, nothing but your claims about me (and Tom elsewhere whom you believe are one. I am betting Horist and Joe would disagree with that one).

            You really should take to heart the words of Thatcher. In demeaning others, you just lower yourself. But carry on, I would just love to see how l o w you can go. I am betting a pbp award for free speech that never should have been.

  5. Darren

    The Border issues have bitten the Democrat’s in the ASS as it should have from day 1.
    Liberals and democrat’s went along with the Biden disaster as no one wanted to rock the
    piggybank they were about to break open.
    No you have Dems and Republicans BOTH wanting the border closed as the American public has
    changed their view, maybe not publicly, but changed their view for sure.
    Larry, everything you wrote is correct and I stand behind it for what ever maybe.
    Anyone disagreeing with you has to wake up and SEE the FACTS!

  6. doug

    Horist: “There is no doubt that the United States has the financial resources to fund all three problems. It is just a matter of prioritizing. … Anyone who does not think that there is not enough waste and misapplication (fraud) in federal government spending to pay for all three projects is simply not in touch with reality.”

    Not so fast. The United States does NOT — repeat, NOT — have the resources to perform the three tasks that Horist designates. We don’t have the resources for half the stuff we do. It’s hardly a surprise that our economy has bottomed out. That the housing market has crashed. That we still have too much inflation and that no one is sure it won’t start raging again. That tens of millions of us now — after the China virus debacle — fear their government and believe election fraud is permanently established.

    We can temporarily extend our credit line, but the U.S. economy is living on borrowed time, and the Chinese are poised to help domestic leftniks sabotage our economy on the pedestal of ecological reform.

    The fact is that capping massive illegal immigration would pay for itself many times over, starting immediately. The fact is that helping Israel defend itself would also be profitable because of the level of Israeli technology that the U.S. relies on and because Israel has enormous strategic value for the U.S. on the basis of its location.

    But Ukraine is another story. It’s brought us closer to WW III than this world has seen since the last world war.

    How many hundreds of billions of dollars has the U.S. invested in the war already? For one thing, we have no way of determining how much money intended for other purposes has been transferred to Ukraine aid. But rest assured it’s in the billions if not the tens or hundreds of millions. And Groper Joe’s and the military’s refusal to reveal how and where the money is spent pretty much proves that they’re spending our resources in ways the American people would object to.

    And, barring nuclear conflagration, this could go on for dozens or scores of years, modeling it after Afghanistan. Ukraine currently wants another $60 billion. How long will that last before another infusion is needed? For a month? Two months? Three? Certainly not more.

    Multiply that by, say, 20 years. And when it’s over, who will pay to restore Ukraine at the cost of trillions? Not China or Russia.

    On the other hand, Israel proposes to engage in wide-open combat for months, if not less. Its spending is minuscule in comparison with Ukraine. And Israel won’t ask for reconstruction on the United States’ tab.

    Gaza will need reconstruction, but let its neighbors, the richest countries in the world thanks to oil, carry the weight.

    The description of Russia’s threat to the US is way overdone. For starters, it will take Russia years to rebuild. The Russian public will likely suppress Russian military adventurism for a very long time.

    Secondly, NATO could build a firewall between Russia and NATO countries. That’s what the US did in Korea. Crossing the line would trigger a full NATO military response. It’s not like the Cold War era, when the Soviet Union (which was much bigger than it is today) was ringed by satellite countries.

    Thirdly, west Europe and most of central Europe are united to preserve their solidarity, unlike the pre-war years, when feuds dominated relations between European countries.

    Fourthly, the Soviet Union was bent on world conquest during the Cold War. But now its aims are many times more modest than they were during the 4 decades of Cold War.

    Fifthly, the territories sought by Putin have been mostly in Russia’s historical orbit. What’s the evidence he desires land beyond east Europe — from France, Spain and England to Poland, the former Czechoslovakia and Austria — and many others.

    Russia has always been insecure about its borders. It wants a buffer. Ukraine, in fact, was not on Russia’s scope until it set on a course likely to lead to NATO membership.

    China represents ten times the threat to the US as Russia does. Maybe 50 times. It looks likely to attack Taiwan, one of the United States leading allies. It’s been attacking the US economically, cybernetically and politically for decades. It was one of Bill Clinton’s chief campaign donors, if not the biggest. It’s arming space with its weaponry. It’s committing genocide within its own borders. It’s shielding North Korea, allowing the Norks to progress more quickly toward nuclear status. It’s taken over most of our medicines. It’s taking over major industries. It’s begun sending tens of thousands of its citizens to enter the US illegally.

    The more money we give to Ukraine, the more we have to borrow from the world’s most expansionist state — China, which is one of the few nations worldwide to regard us as an enemy.

    Horist worries about Russia gaining “an expansion of international influence and power, and a platform upon which to extend his empire building ambitions further.”

    How much international stature does Russia enjoy, really? And what platform does he need to “extend his empire building”? Aren’t these statements far more accurately directed at China?

    • larry Horist

      Doug … I think we are looking at the same problem from a different angle. First … and we find the financial resources to provide support for Israel, Ukraine and the border to destroy Hamas and push back on Middle East terrorism … defeat Putin in Ukraine, meaning no Russian troops anywhere on Ukraine soil … and provide enough to stop the flow of illegal aliens. The answer is yes. We can muster that money. The second question is, should we. And I believe that it is in the existential security interest in doing so. However, when we look at the excessive spending of the federal government, you are correct. We are spending more than we have to on all those other things, and more than we should. That is obvious from the amount of money we have to borrow — which also undermines our security. We should be looking at massive cuts in federal spending. There are a long list of departments, agencies, boards, commissione that should be shut down. We also need to look at all the grants and subsidies that are behond the role and authority of the federal government. Franklin said that once the people know they can vote themselves benefits, the Republic is over. He is correct. America is in serious decline … and I am dubious if we the people have the knowledge and will to reverse the trajectory. But defeating Putin, Hamas and the open border policy is something we need to do to stop the decline.

  7. Tom

    I agree Larry, all three must be funded.

    Both parties have had full control of the Executive, Legislature, and Senate at some point in time. Both parties have used it as a wedge issue to gain political leverage while never solving the problem. In AZ it serves both parties not to solve the issue.

    When Obama had full control he used his political capital on the Affordable Care Act and ignored the immigration issue, and did not even manage to get DACA passed. I actually thought the last revision of DACA, which I think was around 2010 or so, was pretty good. But GOP would not let it pass because of a perceived “chain immigration issue” which I really think (based on the mathematics of the situation that I did) their objections were a ruse when you look at how many years such a chain would take for any family to establish. I always felt as a strategy it would have been smarter had he solved the immigration system problem and garnered more political capital, then went after the health insurance issues in a limited fashion first, i.e. primary care.

    Trump had full control and spent his time on China and trade wars which we lost. Also hindering Trump was Russia-gate hoax, and of course payback by the Dems for McConnell’s statement that GOP’s mission was to make Obama a one term president. Well Obama did two but Trump did one. And so Trump could have gotten DACA through but made no real attempt as far as I know. He could have increased his political capital by reforming the ACA and making it better but he was much happier to have attacked Obama’s signature legislation but failed in his attempt – you remember the “repeal and replace” campaign promise that never happened.

    So on the immigration issue I do not expect much movement by either party.

    On Ukraine and Israel, I agree lets fund them. Again the two parties are more interested in political gamemanship than in ensuring our reputation to always stand with our allies. My biggest fear is that this political gamesmanship is harming our reputation with all of our allies and showing that we may just be what China says we are: “an unreliable ally”. And that is like giving the authoritarians in China CCP, Iran Mullahs, Russians, and DPRK a clear sign that the game is on and they can gain advantage. A reasonable compromise would be for the GOP to approve all three like the Dems want if the Dems will write into DACA that there shall be no chain immigration permissable, period. And both should commit to solving the immigration system problem this year as a bipartisan effort, and let it be known to all immigrants that it was bipartisan and that both parties are in favor of legal immigration.

    Whatever it takes, we need to get the funding approved so that we can continue to make the shells and other weapons Ukraine and Israel need. And lets remember that they are both BUYING AMERICAN WITH THAT MONEY!!!! AND THAT MEANS JOBS AND BETTER ECONOMY FOR MANY AMERICANS!!!