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Trump clearing the deck of court cases … at least until after the election

Trump clearing the deck of court cases … at least until after the election

It now appears that the myriads of court cases that were designed to keep Trump off the campaign trail – and cause him to have to expend millions upon millions of dollars on lawyers — Is coming to an end in terms of the campaign.

His civil case involving E. Jean Carroll is at the appeal stage.  It will not draw a lot of public attention and nothing will be decided until well after the November election.

The so-called Hush Money Case is over.  He will not be tied to a courtroom day after day and the political impact has been minimal.  It is being appealed without much opportunity for “breaking news.”  There is the issue of a possible errant juror to be resolved.

The Documents Case appears to be delayed until after the election.  In the meantime, there will be a few very dry lawyer-ese hearings that will be handled by Trump’s attorneys.  This Case has gotten a bit more complicated by accusations that prosecutors tampered with evidence.

The January 6th Case is also postponed until after the election – or at least after the Supreme Court reaches a decision on Trump’s immunity claim.  While Special Counsel Jack Smith is also looking into election fraud along with the Fulton County prosecutor, it looks like that Case is a no-go until the end of the year – or even next year. 

Up until recently, there was a good chance that the trumped-up RICO Case on election fraud in Georgia would go to trial before the election.  But that was before Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis had the poor judgment of having her paramour put on the payroll as another prosecutor.  While Judge Scott McAfee did not take her off the Case, that decision has reached the state Supreme Court, with a reasonable chance that she could still get booted.  Regardless, it does not seem likely that a trial can launch between now and November.  Blame Fani Willis for that one.

It looks like by the first of June Trump will be unfettered from court cases.  He will be free to resume full-time campaigning.  Which means that the strategy – yes, a strategy – to keep Trump hunkered down in a legal maze will be more difficult to carry out.

The strategy was successful in so far as it did keep Trump preoccupied for the past couple of months, but it obviously did not have the hoped-for result of hurting him in the polls.  He comes out of the legal lockdown relatively unscathed.  Even some of the MSNBC left-wing pundits are painfully expressing a belief that even the conviction in Manhattan will not cut into Trump’s support.  If not that, then what?

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Nancy

    God is bringing Trump back to the White House. So let’s all give thanks. The Bible says that the Lord will raise leaders up and bring them down. God gave us Biden so people will be motivated to save our country this year by voting for Trump.

    • Tom

      You have a very warped view of God which I doubt that he appreciates! LOL God does not raise up adulterers, rapists, tax cheats, liars, and convicts to high positions. Please read 1Cor 6: 9-11 and Revelations 21:8 where God says, “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” It appears that you have the wrong God! LOL Just say “NO” to Christian Nationalism!!! It is satanic!

      • Hammon

        Check out the story of David in the Bible. A man after God’s own heart. If God only used perfect people nothing would get done. Remember. You were told this by a devout southern Baptist.

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      – I am the LORD your God; you shall not have strange gods before me.
      – You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
      – Remember to keep holy the LORD’s Day.
      – Honor your father and mother.
      – You shall not kill.
      – You shall not commit adultery.
      – You shall not steal.
      – You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
      – You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
      – You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

      Trump has definitely broken all but the “kill” commandment, and if you count people killed in the Jan 6th uprising (organized and executed by and for Trump), you could include that one too. I would rather think that a just God would make sure Trump is prosecuted and jailed. After all, your “bring them down” quote could apply to Trump, since he lost the last election by a sizable margin and could be facing significant jail time. But, hey, none of that applies when you’re in a cult.

      • Tom

        Well said JSB!

      • Hammon

        He’s still a man among men. A great leader. God is going to use him to MAGA

  2. frank stetson

    Horist acts like someone is persecuting Trump by weaponizing the law to affect the 2024 election. Poor Horist, poor Trump. It’s rough to be the bestest, the hugest, and the strongest and yet massively afraid of going to court when claiming innocence.

    Horist omits that Trump is a perennial lawbreaker, it has been proven over and over throughout his life, Trump has always had more lawsuits than the court system can handle. Trump has been sued more that any other American billionaire. Trump has sued many and threatened suit against twice that much. NO OTHER AMERICAN BUSINESSMAN GOES TO COURT AS MUCH AS DONALD J. TRUMP. No other American businessman gets tossed from court for frivolous cases more than Trump.

    The funny part is that Horist seems content that he knows what happened. Horist seems to claim it does not matter to the 2024 election to know ahead of time because the time is picked by the Democrats and not by Trump’s actions in the crimes and in the courts. Bull, IMO. Trump and Trump’s actions have more to do with this than the Democrats, and certainly NOT the courts, except as courts do. As in BAU there or Trump has been given the mulligan. Why are Trump, Horist, and others so afraid to get it on, to toe the line, to strut your stuff in our legal system, the fairest in the world? Why are they so weak as to not be able to stand up for themselves in court.

    I will note that Hunter went right on in to court, given the normal motions, etc. Biden could have replaced the Republican special prosecutor; he replaced all the other Trump appointments except for this guy and Durham, as Presidents do. Garland did not have to give this prosecutor the special prosecutor “hands-off” status. Biden could have said it’s all rigged, the judge is a bad word as is the jury, the prosecutor, the press, etc. He did not. And he could pardon Hunter. He will not. Trump has pardoned friends, family, and fiends. Trump, Horist, they can shuck and jive, claim weaponization, bias, and worse, but Biden and the Democrats believe In the rule of law and our justice system as being the best in the world.

    We are a nation of laws where speedy justice is a right. That speedy justice works both ways and the public is entitled to the truth as proven in our most excellent legal system. These are serious charges, the outcome SHOULD affect the election. The public has the right to know. What is Horist hiding or hiding from? What are you waiting for? Why are you so afraid? Yes, he loses all the time. Yes, he wastes your donated campaign money to do so. But that’s happened his entire life. Nothing has changed there. Why are you so afraid of bad stuff in court before the election? Where are your balls? Did you leave them in the Capitol?

    Doesn’t your fifty years as a political pundit tell you that if this guy has done it before, there’s a pretty good chance he’s doing it again? Can you not see the plethora of penalties, the fines, the convictions, the settlements? Do you really believe they are all fake, false, or even worse — crimes against Trump? Why are you so afraid of Trump versus the legal system?
    I thought you were the law-and-order crowd that would teach us family values?

    I thought Trump was strong and could fight the biggest demons.

    You think he’s innocent. But, of late, it’s amazing what you will sweep under the rug to WIN.

    He finger-fucked a stranger and you just let it wash by with all the other crap you turn you head and belch: “but I really like the policies…..” He paid a porn star hush money after a spanking sex session while preggo wife was unavailable to avoid having this shit hit the press after access Hollywood and just before he beat Hillary. He paid a Playboy model for similar shit. And what about that doorman’s friend with Trump’s love child? He got paid too, right? That’s called rigging the election via suppression of free speech. Even that doesn’t raise an eyebrow with the shining light on a hill crowd. Grab em by the pussy, shove em up her twat. Peek at the teenies dressing. Demean. Defame. WTF — they just women. Mostly whores Trumplicants say not having an issue with a whoremonger President either. Just say Clinton three times and Trump’s dalliances are OK.

    He stole from his students. He stole from his charity. His business is corrupt and fraudulently gets loans stealing them from others who tell the truth. His 2016 campaign managers went to jail. His personal lawyer and cfo went to jail. His other personal lawyer owes $140M for spreading The Big Lie. His 2020 lawyers, two of them so far, pled guilty to attempting to rig the 2020 election, will testify against him, if ONLY you will go to court.
    What kind of coffee do you need to smell to wake the fuck up to the POTENTIAL that Trump may had done some more illegal things? When will you accept that Trump has been punished, fined, and convicted of many illegal things? How much truth are you willing to sweep under the rug?

    It’s just getting silly now. Except for the autocrats, the world laughs at us.

    • Tom

      Frank, you wrote an excellent comment but unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears. Trumplicans are not interested in truth. They are grieved and only interested in Trump’s alternative reality and revenge. They are filled with hate. Nancy totally misinterprets the Bible. AmericaFirst is onlyl interested in Trump’s reality, not in truth. But it is good that you wrote your summary because it keeps the truth infront of them.

      Larry is hard to tell his motives. One would think he has much higher intelligence than his writings show. He appears to be addicted to the lies of Trump. Larry ignores Trump saying at a recent rally in AZ, “I do not care about the voters, I just want their vote.” To any voter that is not addicted to Trump, this would be a big red flag!!! But none of this is a big red flag to Larry. He seems to enjoy it and more than willing to spread the lies. He cannot even acknowledge that Trump’s endless delays is why Trump has not been to trial on 3 of the 4 cases. He cannot acknowledge that Trump condemns the very legal system that has given him much more grace and time than any normal accused person! Maybe Larry really is that addicted and that stupid.

      What many of these folks do not realize is that revenge is very addictive. It triggers the same addiction centers of the brain as cocaine which is why I mentioned “MAGA-CAINE” in an earlier post. Data from multiple sources point to the desire for revenge in response to grievances or perceived injustices as a root cause of violence, including firearm violence. Neuroscience and behavioral studies are beginning to reveal that the desire for revenge in response to grievances activates the same neural reward-processing circuitry as that of substance addiction, suggesting that grievances trigger powerful cravings for revenge in anticipation of experiencing pleasure. Read more at this National Health Institute article (your fed tax dollars at work) at ** Enjoy!

      • Americafirst

        Tom, what you said about me is utterly untrue. How the Hell would you know what I am interested in? What gives you the right to say what you think is in my mind? None of you even know who Trump really is. Have you ever researched his entire life from birth? Do you know who his real father is? Find out! Do you even know what his direct lineage is? It will shock you to soiling your pants. You won’t believe the information because you hate our Creator so much. You are also a joke. A horrible one!

    • Archie

      Frank is getting horny again thinking about finger fucking. What a pervert!!!

      • Frank stetson


        I guess the response you desire would be: your sister didn’t think so.

        Great discussion of the issues. Third grade style as is your way.

  3. Americafirst

    Only someone who knows how crime works and has done nearly the same, can say those horrible disgusting things that Stetson has said. HE knows the law. He has avoided the law for so long he is now a pro. He makes claims that may not be true just as what I just said. the difference is, Stetson hates his own self therefore doesn’t believe in our creator or the law. What goes around comes around and slaps yourself right in the face. He shows it with vitriol every single post!

    • frank stetson

      AF, do u have any proof, evidence, or facts to support what you say?

      You seem so certain, but offer nothing specifically that would prove even a scintilla of truth here.

      BUSTED again, for lack of evidence.

      • Americafirst

        You seem to have all the proof you need. You know everything. You are inside of all our bodies and minds. You know exactly what we think. You are Mr. Psychic. You are the answer to all life. You are perfect. No one can measure up to your expectations. How did you get that way? What happened to you to be the way you are. This also pertains to Tom. You both love to write a novel for posts. There are ways to find out. You will not like it. I can’t even give my heartfelt opinions because you hate them, and you hate me! You hate everyone and everything! How did you survive this long? Why are you so hateful and hurtful? Who gave you that right to do that? This site is beginning to be a terrible joke just like you both!

      • Americafirst

        There you go again, you lazy dog, stetson. Wanting people to do your work for you. The proof is everywhere. All over the internet and with Derek Johnson that I have now told you three times about. Little boys don’t know how to do anything! Do your constitutional duty and research!

    • Tom

      Man, I am an Independent, and after I read your comment, I have concluded that you are dumber than the turd I just left in the toilet dude! What Frank wrote is the truth and has been the truth about Trump for a long time. You prefer to live in your alternate reality just like your master Trump!

      • Frank stetson

        Ote that AF chose that rant but again offers no proof, evidence, or facts. Just opinion of a personal basis. Just gotta love “he knows criminality, therefore he’s a criminal” logic. Does not compute AF. Never will.

        • Americafirst

          It doesn’t compute because you have no brain!

          • Frank stetsom

            AFu still offers no proof or evidence, but excuses itself I guess since you believe I have no brain. Unfortunately it still computes that you have no evidence.

            Dude or dudet, stop the bane calling, be polite. Please.

      • Americafirst

        If I am a dude, then you are a trans woman, little girl. You really love insulting people, don’t you Satan!

        • frank Stetson

          AF, if you are questioning your gender, the doctors can help you with that and your Tourette’s.

          Archie: picture of turn, easy, just look to the nearest mirror.

          Deplorables cannot debate the issues, they just like poking fun that ain’t funny.

      • Archie

        You shouldn’t have left the turd in your toilet. You should go flush. But first post us a picture of it

  4. Joseph S. Bruder

    Went to a family reunion this past weekend — a couple of relatives, staunch Trump supporters, pulled out all the FOX News lines:

    – Trump wasn’t convicted of anything (to which I replied, yes, he was convicted by a jury in New York, guilty of 34 felonies)

    – where did you read about that, Daily KOS? (this is a new argument from them, repeated several times… I guess DKOS is on the right’s radar! Every media outlet in the country covered this. What, did FOX and Newsmax not report on this? I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch them).

    – The charges were bogus (there were charges brought, grand jury agreed, and Trump was indicted — all normal and completely legal due process).

    – They didn’t prove anything (the jury found him guilty on all counts, that’s proof beyond a reasonable doubt).

    – The same biased judge keeps going after Trump (two is only a fraction of cases against Trump, and he was pretty lenient about Trump’s behavior during the trial).

    – the Biden Justice Department interfered (no they didn’t, this is a state case).

    – the jury was tainted by liberal New Yorkers (do the crime in New York and you get New Yorkers on the jury).

    – He’ll appeal and win (possibly, but it was a strong case, and you don’t get 34 felonies overturned for nothing. If they had good reasons to overturn, they already tried them during the trial).

    – The statute of limitations has already run out (I assume that was addressed by his lawyers and it got thrown out).

    – he’ll win at the ballot box (if you guys want to run him as your best candidate, go ahead).

    – He wasn’t convicted of anything (and around we go)…

    As far as clearing his calendar… yes, he’s managed to put off some of the more serious charges by seriously misusing the judicial process and by virtue of having several judges and SCOTUS justices in his corner – a lot more influence than any normal defendant would have. Aileen Cannon looks to be trying hard to disqualify herself, and soon, so that case (hoarding and mishandling classified documents) could restart again before the election (anyone else would be sitting in jail for mishandling just one of the documents). However, Trump’s court appearances are not yet over – he still has a sentencing hearing on July 11th. That could very well end up with him being jailed. “No!”, you say, “he’s a first time offender, ex President, they’ll never lock him up!”.

    First of all, he’s hardly a first time offender. He’s lost several civil fraud cases, just since he was President. He also lost (twice) in a civil suit over rape allegations. NY doesn’t call digital penetration rape, but it’s rape in every other state, so unless he’s in NY, he’s a rapist. Not to mention about 30 other allegations of sexual assault against him. Before he was elected, he had hundreds of lawsuits against him for fraud, and now allegations are coming out that he paid off witnesses. And he’s also got another 50-60 indictments against him (sorry, I can’t keep track of the actual number.)

    Trump himself isn’t directly violent, but what about when he incites violence? He has a bully pulpit, and calls his followers to harass and attack witnesses, the judge, families of the courts, Republicans who speak out against him, and basically anyone he doesn’t like. And of course, Trump organized and oversaw the violent attempt to keep Congress from certifying Biden’s election so Trump could steal it for himself.

    Trump had 10 fines for violating his gag order during the trial. He insulted the judge, attacked court personnel, and attacked the whole judicial system. He didn’t exactly make friends with the judge, who was incredibly lenient. He has been completely unrepentant about his guilt, and has blamed everyone possible except himself.

    Trump, as a former President, also swore to uphold the law. Instead, he has consistently broken or skirted the law at every chance he gets. The judge will take that broken oath into account too.

    I would bet that, at his sentencing hearing, he will be offered a chance to speak, and Trump being Trump, will again rail at the system and accuse Biden of something, and threaten to bring the whole country to its knees if he’s put in jail. The judge will take a pretty dim view of that. So, chances are pretty damned good that Trump will sitting in a jail cell from mid-afternoon July 11th until his appeal sometime in 2025. When that happens, the chances of Republicans bailing on him as their nominee are about 50%.

    What’s really sad is that so many (Republican) voters are still planning to voter for a convicted felon. These people are truly part of a cult. When Trump loses, is he going to pull (or threaten) a Jim Jones poison-drinking gathering as revenge for losing? He already tried to get people to drink bleach and eat horse dewormer.

    • Archie

      You went to a family reunion to meet women? Are you from West Virginia?

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Wow, what a brilliant reply! Fits right in with the MAGA mentality. You can tell that one at your next Trump rally… better be careful though, there will probably be West Virginians within earshot… If they understand the joke, they may take offense.

        • Archie

          I’ll take time to explain it to them As they say, the more the kin the deeper in

  5. Americafirst

    Why don’t all of you haters just go and murder him? You hate him to death anyway. You are all a bunch of sick deranged animals. You little girls really need to grow up. Killing him will make you celebrate. BUT, I won’t forget this. You will regret it in the long run. I will only read your filth from now on. Have your damned fun. Continue with your slander. I don’t care about you girls, T and F!

    • frank stetson

      What about Joseph and AC? Glad you finally got to your point: VIOLENCE.

      I like how you call US haters.

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      I’d like to see Trump in prison for all his crimes… I never said anything about murder. That’s the Republican penchant for violence.

      Funny, Trump has talked about capital punishment for rape and sex trafficking crimes. He doesn’t stop to wonder if that might include himself…

      • Hammon

        BLOODY great idea.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…