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The Great Misdirection in Election Security

‘Tis the season. Election day. All of the Sunday morning talking heads are interviewing candidates, lamenting the polls, and doing feature stories on various aspects of the elections.

In one such feature, on This Week with George Stephanopoulos,  Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas looked straight into the camera and told America that our election infrastructure is secure and that they can have confidence.

The feature continues with local officials expressing their confidence in the machines and the added security, with many testimonials about how impressed they are with the workings.

But while they are talking about the “security” that is, they are missing the “security” that isn’t.  I have every confidence that once the votes are in front of people who are counting, they are perfectly able to count.

Florida’s new Office of Election Crimes and Security just uncovered a massive Democrat led ballot harvesting operation in the Orlando area, targeting low income black neighborhoods. They allegedly were paying $10 per ballot. Large Scale Ballot Harvesting Operation in Florida Busted. By the way, the damage cause by this operation, even it has been stopped, affects the current 2022 election. The damage is done, the results undetectable.

This vulnerability still exists all around the country. We see sporadic surveillance of ballot boxes to check for this, but it is strictly on a volunteer basis.  And Democrats are screaming “voter intimidation” wherever this occurs. I’m guessing that ballot harvesting is happening in a majority of states. I’m not kidding.

And yes, election officials still have the capability to inject votes, in the form of boxes of votes and electronic votes.

I know, the testimonials above swear that the voting system is airtight, that you cannot possibly cheat. But that ignores the most basic of security principles. 


It’s the people.

Whoever is in charge of the election has the opportunity to circumvent any physical, technical or administrative measure in place to protect the election.  And the tools and techniques to bypass these measures can be made readily available from some of the nefarious, well -funded political groups out there. We saw this in my own home country of Broward in Florida, notorious cheating by corrupt officials, boxes of ballots found hidden.

Officials have done recounts over and over again. Unfortunately (but rightly so), the link between the vote and the person is severed once the counting starts.  When you are at that stage, all evidence of fraud is unrecoverable. And yet you hear Democrats saying over and over again “we counted and recounted, there was no fraud here.” Misdirection.

But the liberal mainstream news doesn’t mention these things. They cynically believe that giving Americans “confidence” in their voting system is more important than ACTUALLY protecting the voting system.

So when you see the right hand in a liberal salute, be sure to watch what the left hand is doing.

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