The debate that could change … nothing

For the past year, we have had a number of tipping-point events that have not changed the trajectory of the presidential campaigns to any great degree. The perception and polling indicating a lead by President Biden or President Trump has varied slightly – with Trump generally in the stronger position within the margin of error, of course.
The predicted game changers – Biden’s State of the Union Speech and Trump’s indictments and convictions – changed very little. Trump’s precarious lead in the all-important battleground states has remained Trump’s precarious lead. The only perceptible change in the past year in key states is that Trump has improved his numbers every so slightly – and his fundraising has soared.
So, now it is the upcoming debate that many claim—or hope – will be a knockdown, if not a knockout, punch for Biden or Trump. To assess the possibility of that, one needs to understand the unique dynamics of this presidential debate. It is unlike any presidential debate in the past, featuring the two most unique candidates in American history – with both disliked by voters. Seventy percent of voters would like them replaced.
Not only is this the earliest debate, but it is the only General Election presidential debate that features two candidates who are not yet the official standard bearers for their parties.
In terms of its impact on the actual voting in the election, the debate will have minimal impact. It is too early to be on voters’ minds as they later cast their ballots. Later events will put this debate in the rearview mirror –- not the least of which are the national conventions that will likely make Biden and Trump official standard bearers of the respective parties.
Going into the debate, both candidates have an Achilles Heel. For Biden, it is the ravages of age on his body and mind. He will have to perform on his feet for 90 minutes without the aid of a teleprompter … pre-scripted questions … pre-scripted responses … personal cheat sheets – or staffers to come to his rescue. Those are all things he has had at his rare press conferences, his carefully managed appearances and that highly praised State of the Union Speech.
My personal opinion is that he will do fine. Not because he is not suffering physical and mental decline, but at these initial stages he is mostly okay – and can rise to special occasions. On the other hand, if he does have a significant senior moment, the talk of a replacement will get more serious.
For Trump, the Achilles Heel is – as always – his acerbic personality and pugnacious behavior. Will he go on old rants about the 2020 election and other grievances? Keep interrupting or talking after his mic has been muted?
The personality debate will be based on the same rhetoric that we have heard for months – Biden is losing it and Trump is a madman who would end American democracy. With so many voters in the “double hater” class – 70 percent of them wishing both candidates would go away – it may be a wash. Although, polls suggest that slightly more voters are buying Biden as too old than are buying Trump is too crazy.
The persona of the two candidates is more important in this presidential debate than in the past, but there are such things as issues. To the extent they are debated, Trump has the advantage according to the polls. Most voters trust him to handle the issues that are MOST IMPORTANT TO THEM.
That highlighted phrase is very important. While Biden maintains a clear lead on abortion – and a slim lead on the democracy issue, they do not rank high on the issues that are driving the vote. When standing alone, abortion is a winner for Democrats, but when mixed in with other issues, not so much. In fact, in most surveys, abortion does not make it into the top 10 issues of major concern to voters. In terms of the top issues – inflation, economy, immigration, crime – Trump has the decided advantage.
In general, polls show voters saying that Trump did a better job as president than Biden. To counter that perception, Biden has adopted a new message – Trump is not the same person he was as president. Too early to tell if that message is working.
Expectations are also a factor in determining a winner. In that, Biden has a clear advantage. With so much criticism of Biden’s mental acuity, his bar for successful performance is very, very low. Personality and issues aside, if Biden does not lose his balance and fall to the floor … or does not go into a senior moment trance … or does not lose his train of thought … or not go into mumble-speak – he comes out a winner. AND, he has the advantage of a large partisan press that will declare him the winner even if he does fall to the floor … or does go into a senior moment trance … or does lose his train of thought … or does go into mumble-speak.
There is definitely the possibility of a breaking point event in the debate, but in my crystal ball, it will be more of a wash. The post-debate spin will be highly hyperbolic and partisan, but the long-term importance will be minimal. I would be surprised if the debate turned out to be a game changer.
So, there ‘tis.
Unless either man missteps wildly, I agree, the debate will not be a game changer. But it will change the game.
If Biden pulls another SoTU performance, that changes things.
If Trump acts Presidential, that changes things.
If either man says something whacky, and either could, that changes things.
One thing for sure, everyone will be watching, it will probably not be a game changer, but the game may change after the debate. It is my contention that the more that Trump speaks, the worse it gets for him. And the more Biden speaks, the better it gets for him.
The venue also leans to Biden which will undoubtedly factor in as persecution of Trump if he looks bad.
Going to be fun.
FYI: chillax, if will take a few weeks for the polls to catch up.
Some other factors that merit consideration:
* Bet the farm on it: CNN will feed questions and proposed answers to Gropin’ Joe Bidet again, as it has in previous instances with Donna Brazile snuck questions to Typhoid Shrillary
* Donk Party fraud will reach epic levels.
* Policies and circumstances that Donks can manipulate will be introduced at the last moment to incur Trump’s wrath.
* CNN moderators will go over the top to the point of outright lying, as CNN’s Sandy Crowley engaged in during a Mutt Romney/Barack Obama debate.
And you expect the convicted felon of trying to rig the 2016 and with a whole lot of felonies to come and an entire legal team that already pled guilty to trying to rig the 2020 election, implicating Trump and these lawyers will testify against him, you expect that type of guy to play it straight up by the rules?
When it comes to cheating, raping, and stealing, I think your guy is on first. Mine might be on second, but most is alleged, not adjudicated like your guy.
I just hope they invited Cohen to the preparation sessions.
Yeah, when it comes to lying, cheating, raping, stealing, tax cheating, giving away state secrets, and turning the WH into a business, Trump is this Independent’s hands down favorite!!! LOL Nice thing is, there is documented court evidence for all of this!!! Nobody, not even the great Horist can contest that Trump is #1 in all of these areas!!!
Go eat trumps shit you ignorant fool. And I dare you idiots to steal this election.
Being as the Donk Party stole their presidential nomination from Cwazy Bernie in 2016 and gave it to Shrillary for a mountain of cash, why wouldn’t they steal it in 2024?
When it comes to cheating, raping, and stealing, I think your guy is on first.
REALLY, If Trump had his own PERSONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCYS Trump would not have been found guilty
at all just like Biden. Trump earned is Millions and NOT by selling out our Country!
YES, Hillary and Pelosi are Pillars of the Democrat society!
Actually Darren, the truth is exactly opposite. And by the way, it was 12 randomly selected people that served as jurors that convicted Trump, not a government agency. The DA is the lawyer for the people of the state of NY. Trump’s crimes of tax fraud (misdemeanor) and election interference (elevating charge) were crimes against the people on NY.
Trump got his wealth from his dad and if he put it in t-bills, he’d be richer today.
He cheated his way to success. Daren.
How many times did the taxpayer bail him out in bankruptcy – like a half dozen for big bucks.
He stole from his university students
He stole from his charity foundation
His businesses stole from the taxpayer and fraudulently got loans stealing them from the more deserving who played fair.
He stole as President racking up huge bills on overpriced accommodations and food at his resorts.
I can go on and on. He’s a grifter. We can’t even tell if he gave his fourth year salary back. And we know he paid himself back with profit for the 2016 campaign he lied about financing. And no one knows where the inauguration millions disappeared.
You really think those 2020 campaign donations are funding the campaign? No way. Actually, way. He will use the rich guy cash for the campaign cuz u bet ur bottom dollar that’s in the contract. Rich guys aren’t going to let him fuck with their dollars. But you are cannon fodder, hecwill spend yours on legal.
Darren, you should run for the hills like Melania and the kids. They got the skinny. Wise up or at least save your money. He has enough.
I do not think most Trump minions know where Trump’s family wealth came from. Several on this site has said it was from Norwegian royalty which has been proven wrong. He has no nobility blood in him. Some think it was because his father and grandfather were great real estate developers, not really so. As you said, he got wealthy from bankruptcies and screwing older folks that pre-purchased Trump condos.
But what many minions may not know is where the Trump family got their start of the pursuit of wealth. In Canada, Trump’s grandfather started the family fortune in an adventure that involved the Klondike gold rush, the Mounties, prostitution and twists of fate that pushed him to New York City. Read more at *https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/trump-canada-yukon-1.3235254* Cheap sex and abusing women seem to be in the family genetics!!!
Capitalists profit from anything and everything that can be exchanged. That includes bankruptcies, LOL. But one wouldn’t expect Marxists/not-sees to understand the first thing about free enterprise. Except the brighter ones like Soros, who prospered in WW II by stealing belongings of Jews sent to the gas chambers.
Addendum: I ended a 10-paragraph, fact-filled post here with this prediction: “Watch how the resident not-see doofuses unleash their fury on me but take care not to rebut a paragraph, a sentence or a word I wrote.”
BINGO! No response beyond obvious Goebbelsian lies and calumnies, all totally intended to deflect. And the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like “Stetson” and “Tom” find more to rant about in the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce than in Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Conclusion: I accept this not-see Squat’s admission, via collective pleading of the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on.
This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 4. Here is why:
Larry did a better job at spinning some truth in with a heavy dose of wishful thinking. This article is setting Trump up to have a “Biden excuse” no matter how bad Trump does. No matter how belligerent Trump gets, no matter how poor his policy discussions are, no matter how many times he slurs his words and tells lies – it won’t matter because Trump will have his built in “Biden excuse”!!! Just like the 2020 election!!!!
1) This sentence actually applies to both, especially since Trump was complaining in AZ about the teleprompter not working and he wanted those guys fired and not paid. Larry does not mention that this applies to both: “Going into the debate, both candidates have an Achilles Heel. For Biden, it is the ravages of age on his body and mind. He will have to perform on his feet for 90 minutes without the aid of a teleprompter … pre-scripted questions … pre-scripted responses … personal cheat sheets – or staffers to come to his rescue.”
2) I disagree as an Independent that this will not be a game changer. Many Independents are still leaning and this could put them in either camp. Right now, Independents are falling away from Trump and this could pull more away if Biden performs well. We are looking for policy discussions – which is not Trump’s winning hand when he talks abortion, tariffs, gun violence policy, bumpstock policy, border bill killed, etc. Even on the economy we will not give him a pass, he will need to discuss policy.
3) Double haters whom are breaking towards Biden will be watching and if they see a stately Biden with solid messaging, Biden will get more of them. Same for Black Americans who are on the fence. They will realize that Trump may mean worse and more racism, whereas Biden might offer a chance to take racism out of institutions.
Before the trial, According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll taken in early March, 33% of Americans said they have a favorable impression of Biden, while 54% said they have an unfavorable view.
A similar 29% said they have a favorable view of Trump, while 59% said they had an unfavorable impression.
It got worse for Trump after the trial – so unless Larry can state an actual poll that we can inspect, he appears to be engaging in more Larry wishful thinking.
4) Muting the mic may actually help Trump. As an Independent, I would prefer seeing just how bellicose he gets with Biden. I guess I will have to count the number of times he gets muted and his facial expressions if they are shown after his time is up.
5) This statement is NOT true for Independents, double haters, Dems, : ” Trump has the advantage according to the polls. Most voters trust him to handle the issues that are MOST IMPORTANT TO THEM.” This is only true for Trump base and a small number of Independents, and throw in a few double haters for good measure. Larry’s comment assumes that America is homogeneous on the issues which is not true. I do give Trump and edge but not as big an edge as Larry things.
6) Persona does matter!!! While Trump may have an edge on some issues, Biden has a big edge on persona. And now that Trump has a felony conviction, this will play into the thinking of undecided voters whom are doing ok in the economy. Trump recently lost many CEO’s and also lost oil executives. I wonder who he will lose in this debate. My guess, Women and minorities.
8) “In general, polls show voters saying that Trump did a better job as president than Biden. In general, Larry is part right and part wrong!! This depends on who you are polling and what issues you are polling. And lets not forget how FOX skews their polls by question design and selection parameters for the people they pick for the poll.
9) This statement is true, “The post-debate spin will be highly hyperbolic and partisan, but the long-term importance will be minimal.” AND LARRY WILL BE RIGHT IN THERE SPINNING FOR THE RIGHT. IF BIDEN DOES BETTER IT WILL BE BECAUSE THE BAR IS LOW, DRUGS, AND A FAVORABLE /FRIENDLY MEDIA.
LOL, the smell of desperation is rife in the air when not-sees gather to plot their next step to take over the country,
Contrary to the Goebbelsian lies that linger in dead air like this, Trump built an empire that was dozens of times bigger than the inheritance he got, and his developments pockmark the Earth.
Quid Pro Groper Joe has achieved nothing whatsoever in his life, other than to abuse his ill-gotten power. Since Gropin’ Joe and his family have nothing to offer people for money — other than influence peddling — it’s obvious that their stacks of cash come from unsavory sources. And Gropin’ Joe has admitted he bosses around guttersnipes who are eventually found to be crooked X 5. Quid Pro Joe is able to pay cash for his mansions. Even Trump can’t do that. That’s how drug dealers do bidness.
In a book about his government service under eight GOP and Donk presidents, former Sec of State Robert Gates famously singled out Groper Joe for exposure. Gates said that of all the legislators and other officials he worked for, no one matched Bidet’s record in being wrong on virtually every foreign-policy issue that came up. Gates was known as a moderate and not an idealogue by any stretch.
Jesse Jackson gave Trump a prestigious award for the latter’s contributions to tolerance and efforts to combat racism. Not-see Joe, on the contrary has never been able to disguise his contempt for minorities, whether it’s expressed by attacking blacks who don’t support Bidet or Bidet’s description of Barack Obama as an outlier among fellow blacks because Obama is well-dressed and articulate.
When Bidet’s children were not yet grown, Bidet called integrated schools “jungles.” Just since he’s become president, Bidet lavished his deepest praise upon the segregationists who persecuted blacks for generations. Bidet singled out two lifelong racists – Robert Byrd, the most influential KKKlanster in U.S. history and James O. Eastland. I had the great fortune once of flying, with a friend, into an airstrip servicing Eastland’s massive acreage of cotton fields. I stole a bagful of raw cotton and peed on the rest (quite the challenge because Eastland owned more square miles of cotton than anyone can remember).
Not-see Joe at that time was part of the segregationist clique in the Senate. He opposed school integration in Delaware and co-authored drug legislation specifically aimed at black Americans. He’s a fan of Margaret Sanger, the leading American propagandist for eugenics — white-master-race doctrine (she created Planned Parenthood principally to promote removal of black genetics from America). Even his own vice-president admitted that Gropin’ Joe opposed justice for blacks.
As for Joe’s best friend, Byrd, he never stopped using the N-word his entire life. You can find an aging Byrd use the word on Youtube with no effort required. Byrd — then in his 30s or 40s — wrote that if he could choose between (1) American defeat in WW II plus integration of the armed forces vs. Third Reich victory but continued segregation of the military, he’d choose the Third Reich.
There’s no end to hard fact that Gropin’ Joe and his family are just the latest incarnation of segregationist Senate Donks like Fulbright, Algore, George Wallace (a governor, not a senator), LBJ, Russell, Ervin, Talmadge and their racist peers. Joe’s a big fan of Woodrow Wilson — the same Wilson who hated blacks more than any other president in history — the same Wilson who single-handedly resegregated the federal gummint — the same Wilson who eliminated the last vestiges of Reconstruction reform — the same Wilson who arduously promoted the silent flick “Birth of a Nation,” the most effective recruiting tool the KKKlan ever had.
Watch how the resident not-see doofuses unleash their fury on me but take care not to rebut a paragraph, a sentence or a word I wrote.
Doug, first of all, I am an Independent. I do not rant about Trump. I simply tell the truth. It is your Horistian personality that considers my posts a rant. There are enough of your types telling a skewed truth that always favors Trump and always diminishes Biden. So I provide the balance by telling the truth and I often list my sources for your reading pleasure.
1) Pushing the same lie over and over.
2) Criticizing someone’s age.
3) Publishing lies that corporate CEO’s are heading to Trump when the CEO’s and the data say the opposite. No Fortune 500 CEO’s yet have broken for Trump. They are in the Biden camp because he represents stability in government which is their largest concern.
4) Bribing Oil executives by offering government environmental policy for sale to the highest bidder (in this case $1B)
5) Issuing irresponsible policy statements like getting rid of the IRS and going just to tariffs – which are paid by the very consumers that he claims Biden is hurting.
6) Pandering to criminals that attacked our nation’s capital and calling them heroes, hostages, patriots.
7) Revenge politics.
8) Killing the Border Security Bill so that your opponent does not have an accomplishment.
9) Not accepting the 2024 results unless you win.
I hope this clears your mind as far as what it means to be desperate! Best wishes!
Yeah that happened.but Fred Trump built a business fortune from scratch, not sure his Dad left a cent. Trump inherited close to half a billion after staffing a few family members, as is his way. Mary may still be suing. Yes, he built a business worth billions. The point I made, from Forbes, and other financial rags is if he had invested in t bills, s&p indexes, or a good retirement plan, he would be worth more. Bitch at Forbes, Doug, call them nazis.
I guess we understand Trump’s hooker heritage though. .
I figure if Doug-doo screwed this pooch worse than avTrump spanking session in stormy weather, he’s probably messed up the rest of his rant too so why bother fact checking simple errors in fact. I mean if he can’t get this simple math problem right, what else did he bugger up to come a cropping.
LOL. I ended a 10-paragraph, fact-filled post with this prediction: “Watch how the resident not-see doofuses unleash their fury on me but take care not to rebut a paragraph, a sentence or a word I wrote.”
BINGO! No response but obvious lies and calumny, all totally intended to deflect. And the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like “Stetson” finds more to rant about in the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce than Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Houston, we seem to have a first amendment outage —— tis being blocked and not even a link.
I am being Navalny’d capped :>)
This one is weird, just not sure why it’s being blocked.
Nyuk! I ended a 10-paragraph, fact-filled post above with this prediction: “Watch how the resident not-see doofuses unleash their fury on me but take care not to rebut a paragraph, a sentence or a word I wrote.”
BINGO! No response beyond obvious lies and calumny, all totally intended to deflect. And the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like “Stetson” finds more to rant about in the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce than Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Meanwhile, I accept the not-see Stetson Squat’s admission, via pleading the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on.
Doug, as an Independent, I am interested in truth that is relevant today and to 2024 election cycle. What I see when I read your paragraphs are many instances of something many years ago with no proof; no references that can be verified. Also, you could make it easier by numbering your paragraphs.
Almost everything in this blog is information related to 1) Upcoming debate; 2) Trump’s POTUS record; 3) Biden’s POTUS record. So information that may be true but dates back to 1950’s through 1980’s simply is not relevant. This is probably why you did not get a single response.
So I am sending you this response so that you will feel better about getting a response. I would recommend that when you want a person to respond, do not engage in name calling as a way to grab their attention. I have read Frank Stetson’s responses for several years. We do not always agree but we are always respectful. I can tell you that Frank is not a “KKKlan slurpers” nor does he have anything to do with racist or white supremacy organizations. He has always spoken out against such organization and groups.
I hope this helps, and best wishes.
I filed multiple lengthy, fact-crammed posts on this page in the past few days, predicting there would be no substantive rebuttal from KKKommunist feces flingers like the one above, and wasn’t I accurate to a tee!
It’s a hoot that this KKKommunist fanboy — if he is a boy — claims the non-existence of developments that were verified by Vice President Kamala Harris about Gropin’ Joe Bidet weeks or months before Bidet blessed her to be his second in command. Harris got into hot water for exposing Bidet, but no one quarreled with the substance of her criticisms, which included opposition to school integration, support to crack down disproportionately on blacks for drug trades and other racist positions.
In the less than 4 years in the White House, Quid Pro Quo Joe has yet again verified his love affair with the worst racists in the Senate, led by Robert Byrd and James Eastland, one being a lifelong KKKlanster and the other being the most influential KKKlansman in history.
In the past year, eugenicist Joe (meaning he believes in white master-race doctrine) has revealed has deep well of anti-Semitism as he stabs ally Israel in the back while not going so far as to prompt Congress to override the quasi-senile segregationist.
Meanwhile, the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like Herr Stetson and “Tom” yields more to rant about in the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce than Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Consequently, I accept the not-see Stetson Squat’s admission, via pleading the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on.
One of my longer posts that lay down the case against Racist Joe Bidet can be found easily by searching for the phrase “The smell of desperation.” As for KKKlanster Robert Byrd’s uninterrupted use of the N-word his entire misanthropic life, I provide a Youtube address above for video of the shameful occasion.
Every Donk president in the 20th and 21st centuries have been deeply racist — Woodrow Wilson (probably the worst), FDR (sanctioned killing of Jews, opposed integration, falsely imprisoned 100,000 citizens of Japanese ancestry, appointed famed KKKlanster Hugo Black to the Supreme Court and more), Harry Truman (hated Asians most of all and slaughtered hundreds of thousands without military necessity), JFK (wiretapped civil rights leaders and “slow-walked” civil rights reform), LBJ (hated all minorities to a tee; blocked civil rights legislation single-handedly as Senate majority leader; bragged about politicizing the battle with prejudice so as to benefit his party), Jimmy Carter (blamed Israel for upheaval in the Middle East and defiled Jews), Barack Obama (a godfather of anti-Semitism); Quid Pro Gropin’ Joe (putting roadblocks in ally Israel’s access to war munitions approved by the House and Senate, concert with Donk not-sees who want Jews exterminated and disclaim the truth of the Holocaust).
Notice, again, the failed tactic of deflection. The inability to refute me (and make no mistake: If they could refute me, they would) by the goosesteppers above amount to total admission that my words are true.
1) “Drrrrrrrrrr” is not an intelligent response thus it does not deserve my response.
2) Your second paragraph does not deserve a response either since all it does is name calling.
3) Your third paragraph is a name calling statement and not worthy of a response.
4) Paragraph 4 is about deceased people and the 1950’s to 80’s – not relevant to the discussion on this blog.
5) The fifth paragraph is pure garbage and not true. No further response needed.
6) The sixth paragraph is pure garbage and not true. No further response needed.
7) Your seventh paragraph is a lie, every thing you stated so far (which is not much) is unsupported lies.
8) Byrd was old USA, he did use harsh language towards minorities. But he did change over time. Maxine Watters, a black Congress Woman from CA said this on her website about Mr. Byrd, “Senator Byrd often spoke about his regret over participating in racist and anti-civil rights activities as a young man. I appreciated his willingness to publicly repudiate his membership with the Ku Klux Klan, and later his filibuster of the Civil Rights bill in the Senate. He often referred to his decade as a Klan member as the greatest mistake of his life. Update your knowledge at *https://waters.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congresswoman-maxine-waters-remembers-senator-robert-byrd* I hope you find this refreshing!!!
9) Yes many people have a racist past – battling this is an ongoing battle to make a more perfect union. Is their racism an worse than the names you call Frank and Tom?
Donald Trump’s aggressive response to his fourth criminal indictment in five months follows a strategy he has long used against legal and political opponents: relentless attacks, often infused with language that is either overtly racist or is coded in ways that appeal to racists. The early Republican presidential front-runner has used terms such as “animal” and “rabid” to describe Black district attorneys. Read more at *https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trumps-attacks-on-prosecutors-echo-long-history-of-racist-language* I hope you will read this to update your info on Trump.
Again, my advice is to obtain from name calling, number your paragraphs if you have a significant list. and most of all, include resources that support your facts.
And just for the record Doug, I have no intention of responding to you if you continue to call me names. I did this response as a courtesy to you.
I proved you wrong, according to Forbes, on one point and quit since you make simple mistakes like this all over the place and whine about critical comments like this one as to how full of it you are.
And yet you whine on incoherently.
I’ll let Tom swat you down next. I am done. You don’t want to discuss, just want to pick a virtual fight with a virgin foe.
Show me where Forbes and others are wrong which has nothing to do with how much money Trump made with Daddy’s helping hand at the start. And he cheated to do it.
Virtual foe although virgin works too
Notice, again, the failed tactic of deflection. The inability to refute me (and make no mistake: If they could refute me, they would) by the goosesteppers above amount to total and absolute admission that my words are true.
I posted multiple lengthy, fact-crammed missives on this page in the past few days, predicting there would be no substantive rebuttal from KKKommunist feces flingers like the one above, and wasn’t I accurate to a tee!
It’s a hoot that these KKKommunist fanboys or fangirls claim the non-existence of developments that were verified by Vice President Kamala Harris about Gropin’ Joe Bidet weeks or months before Bidet blessed her to be his second in command. Harris took grief for exposing Bidet, but no one quarreled with the substance of her criticisms, which included opposition to school integration, support to crack down disproportionately on blacks for drug trades and other racist positions.
In the less than four years in the White House, Quid Pro Quo Joe has yet again verified his political love affair with the worst 20th-century racists in the Senate, led by Robert Byrd and James Eastland, one being a lifelong KKKlanster and the other being the most influential KKKlansman in history.
In the past year, eugenicist Joe (meaning he believes in white master-race doctrine propagated most famously by Margaret Sanger, co-founder of progressivism) has revealed has deep well of anti-Semitism as he stabs ally Israel in the back while not going so far as to prompt Congress to override the quasi-senile segregationist. Racist Joe is still a foot soldier in Sanger’s army — she categorizing Jews as “human weeds.”
Meanwhile, the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like Herr Stetson and “Tom” yields more to rant about in the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce than Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Consequently, I accept the not-see Stetson Squat’s admission, via pleading the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on.
One of my longer posts that lay down the case against Racist Joe Bidet can be found easily by searching for the phrase “The smell of desperation.” in this comment board. As for KKKlanster Robert Byrd’s uninterrupted use of the N-word his entire misanthropic life, I provide a Youtube address above for video of the shameful occasion. It’s worth a mention that Robert Byrd was the Donk Party’s choice as the highest-ranking Donk in the U.S. throughout the 1980s. He was STILL using the N-word profigately, and he was only 2 decades from having co-led — with LBJ — opposition to civil rights reforms.
Every Donk president in the 20th and 21st centuries have been deeply racist — Woodrow Wilson (probably the worst), FDR (sanctioned killing of Jews, opposed integration, falsely imprisoned 100,000 citizens of Japanese ancestry, appointed famed KKKlanster Hugo Black to the Supreme Court and more), Harry Truman (hated Asians most of all and slaughtered hundreds of thousands without military necessity), JFK (wiretapped civil rights leaders and “slow-walked” civil rights reform), LBJ (hated all minorities to a tee; blocked civil rights legislation single-handedly as Senate majority leader; bragged about politicizing the battle with prejudice so as to benefit his party), Jimmy Carter (blamed Israel for upheaval in the Middle East and defiled Jews), Barack Obama (a godfather of anti-Semitism); Quid Pro Gropin’ Joe (putting roadblocks in ally Israel’s access to war munitions approved by the House and Senate, concert with Donk not-sees who want Jews exterminated and disclaim the truth of the Holocaust).
Scratch a socialist and you get not-see or Communist blood. That’s obvious right here, right now.
Doug, Deflection? Seemed pretty much right between the eyes to me. Let me review the bidding for the duolog-challenged.
1. I made the statement “Trump got his wealth from his dad and if he put it in t-bills, he’d be richer today.”
to which you responded:
2. “Contrary to the Goebbelsian lies that linger in dead air like this, Trump built an empire that was dozens of times bigger than the inheritance he got, and his developments pockmark the Earth.” and a lot of other stuff I did not respond to. To this statement, I said:
3. “Yeah that happened. But Fred Trump built a business fortune from scratch, not sure his Dad left a cent. Trump inherited close to half a billion after staffing (should have been stiffing and I swear it was) a few family members, as is his way. Mary may still be suing. Yes, he built a business worth billions. The point I made, from Forbes, and other financial rags is if he had invested in t bills, s&p indexes, or a good retirement plan, he would be worth more. Bitch at Forbes, Doug, call them nazis. I guess we understand Trump’s hooker heritage though.”
Now Doug, note that I agreed with you about Trump building a business. We can debate the value of said business, gold toilets and golf courses, and “developments” seems gracious. But I said: “YEAH THAT HAPPENED.” That’s right Doug, I was conversing with you, or making the offer to converse. But I reiterated what Forbes and others have shown that he could have surpassed that wealth with some investing, which is building a business too. That basically means that Trump did not outperform the market. Note that he did not lose, in aggregate, even with all the bankruptcies, penalties, fines, and bailouts.
DO YOU AGREE or disagree with Forbes on this?
Because I noted: “I proved you wrong, according to Forbes, on one point and quit since you make simple mistakes like this all over the place and whine about critical comments like this one as to how full of it you are.”
So, until we solve this point to our mutual satisfaction, your going off the reservation and screeding every topic and subject you can think of while calling me names you would never do in person will not give you satisfaction. I gave you my answer. And until we solve this point to our mutual satisfaction, you have my answer. And thinking that means I agree to your spastic stream of consciousness issues. topics and conspiracy laden innuendos,, not one of which has anything to do with the topic you questioned me originally on, where I responded, and then you went off the rails.
Hope that helps you understand what happened here, and what will happen going forward.
Oh, and by the by: my father met a panzer, the panzer won, he lost his entire crew, his voice, and six months in multiple recovery hospitals. He was about to go into the camps. So, yeah, I feel that one and would love to give you your just rewards. Alas, only words must suffice.
Lookee the size of the field of gray type obsessing over Trump’s inheritance. And none of it is relevant, because the amount of Trump’s inheritance from his father is close to accurate. So easily disposed of. Also note the refusal to tackle the fact of the Bidet financial empire amassed from what? From betrayal of the country the Bidets have been milking and undercutting for generations!
Nor a word from the Jew- and Asian-envying Stetson Squat about Quid Pro Quo Joe’s and their own status as America-hating Third Reich revivalists. I’ve clearly and indisputably shown hundreds of times their anti-Semitism, their hate for blacks and their prejudice against virtually all minorities.
On this very thread they acknowledge their “Mein Kampf” mentality by pleading the Fifth on the entirety of what I present, and the Fifth is universally recognized as acknowledgement by the invoker that his or her testimony would cement his or her guilt.
Addendum, LOL. I was 2 seconds from filing this post when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a reference to “a Panzer.” There are multiple references to “a Panzer” or “the Panzer.” The problem is that no one in Germany or the U.S. ever speaks or writes of “a Panzer.”
Panzer is a German word for armor or tank. A series of German tanks were designated as Panzers. There was also a feared Panzer division in the German military called the Panzers — plural.
It’s easy to see that the not-see above is not talking about the tank or the division. Just the language makes that clear. He doesn’t even know what a Panzer is. He’s apparently heard the word and he figures that everyone else is as ignorant and goofy as he is.
Read the words: “My father met a Panzer, the Panzer won…” Now someone is likely to say “my father’s unit encountered a Panzer” if he encountered a Panzer tank. But infantry didn’t study all the different artillery pieces, bombers, fighters, firearms and other armaments. An infantryman would say “we encountered a tank unit” or “we ran into Panzers” (always plural for the elite Panzers).
So lookee again. Read BETWEEN THE LINES to see where the actual truth resides. In this case, the truth is that a tall tale was spun out of smoke and mirrors, and applying a bit of focused literary knowledge reveals it to be ripe effluent.
Not-sees are such ign’ant goobers.
I guess I should have proofed my post that’s immediately above before rather than after it was posted. It should state “not close to accurate” rather than “close to accurate.”
Also in the first paragraph, “tackle the fact of the Bidet financial empire amassed from what?” should be clearer, with language more like this: “tackle the question of how the Bidet financial empire was amassed — from where?”
And one more addition: Jack-booted Frankie never even specifies where his imaginary father encountered “a Panzer.” He doesn’t seem aware that the storied Panzers were deployed in Europe (a few may have made it to north Africa; I really don’t know). Chances are that he invented the story with Japan in mind. Assuming he knew, before reading this post, that Japan fought in WW II — against the Allies.
Like I said,until we finish the discussion on the point forbes makes, we go no further. We are done since you can not discuss fairly.
And I am sorry, but your denigrating the greatest generation says who you are. A coward without any decency. Not a man. Just another deplorable. .
A cowardly admitted not-see who practices stolen valor accuses patriots of denigrating the so-called Greatest Generation vows not to engage in debate unless his MUCH smarter, MUCH more honest adversary first agrees to deflect and not to contest obvious lies.
Notice, yet again, the failed tactic of deflection. the inability to refute me (and make no mistake: If they could refute me, they would) by the goosesteppers above amount to total and absolute admission that my words are true.
I’ve posted multiple lengthy, fact-crammed missives on this page this week, predicting there would be not a trace of substantive rebuttal from KKKommunist feces flingers like the one above (the David Koresh of the Stetson Squat), and wasn’t I accurate to a tee!
It’s a hoot that these Third Reich fanboys or fangirls claim the non-existence of developments that were verified by Vice President Kamala Harris about Gropin’ Joe Bidet weeks or months before Bidet blessed her to be his second in command. Harris took grief for exposing Bidet, but no one quarreled with the substance of her criticisms, which included KKKlan-endorsed opposition to school integration, leadership in adopting legislation to crack down disproportionately on blacks for drug trade and other racist positions.
In the less than four years in the White House, Quid Pro Quo Joe has yet again verified his political love affair with the worst 20th-century racists in the Senate, led by Robert Byrd and James Eastland, one being a lifelong KKKlanster and the other being the most influential KKKlansman in history.
In the past year, eugenicist Joe (meaning he believes in white master-race doctrine propagated most famously by Margaret Sanger, co-founder of progressivism) has revealed has deep well of anti-Semitism as he stabs ally Israel in the back while not going so far as to prompt Congress to override the quasi-senile segregationist. Draft-dodging, racist Joe is still a foot soldier in Sanger’s army — she categorizing Jews as “human weeds.”
Meanwhile, the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like Herr Stetson and “Tom” pretends that the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce is more disturbing than Third Reich admirer Quid Pro Joe BIdet’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that he can buy mansions with cash in pocket.
Consequently, I accept the not-see Stetson Squat’s admission, via pleading the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on. Meanwhile, my unbroken string of beating them into total submission remains intact.
One of my longer posts that lay down the case against Racist Joe Bidet can be found easily by searching for the phrase “The smell of desperation.” in this comment board. As for KKKlanster Robert Byrd’s uninterrupted use of the N-word his entire misanthropic life, I provide a Youtube address above for video of the shameful occasion. It’s worth a mention that Robert Byrd was the Donk Party’s choice as the highest-ranking Donk in the U.S. throughout the 1980s. He was STILL using the N-word profigately, and he was only 2 decades from having co-led — with LBJ — opposition to civil rights reforms.
Every Donk president in the 20th and 21st centuries have been deeply racist — Woodrow Wilson (probably the worst), FDR (sanctioned killing of Jews, opposed integration, falsely imprisoned 100,000 citizens of Japanese ancestry, appointed famed KKKlanster Hugo Black to the Supreme Court and more), Harry Truman (hated Asians most of all and slaughtered hundreds of thousands without military necessity), JFK (wiretapped civil rights leaders and “slow-walked” civil rights reform), LBJ (hated all minorities to a tee; blocked civil rights legislation single-handedly as Senate majority leader; bragged about politicizing the battle with prejudice so as to benefit his party), Jimmy Carter (blamed Israel for upheaval in the Middle East and defiled Jews), Barack Obama (a godfather of anti-Semitism); Quid Pro Gropin’ Joe (putting roadblocks in ally Israel’s access to war munitions approved by the House and Senate, concert with Donk not-sees who want Jews exterminated and disclaim the truth of the Holocaust).
Scratch a socialist and you get not-see or Communist blood. That’s obvious right here, right now.
Doug … Any decent American will honor the military service of patriotic men and women. The problem with Frank is that- based on the past, you simply cannot know the accuracy of his biographical comments, He lied about them in the past. Even defends exaggeration and malarky as his Irish tradition. His indignation is hypocritical when you consider his malicious and heartless comments related to the death of my Marine grandson in Afghanistan — for which I labeled him a despicable human being. That is not a pejorative, but an apt description. Sadly, Frank’s history of prevarication undermines the stories of his farther — and all the rest of his stories — and the real facts of his father’s service. In that he ironically does his father an injustice since “dad’s” story is not coming from a reliable source. I do not demean or diminish his dad’s services what ever it was. i just cannot rely on Frank’s accounting of it … or anything else.
Doug, again, until you can complete the discussion on point, I am not entertaining further discussion on other points no matter how many topics your stream of unconsciousness spews forth or how foul your language and lies. You can cut n paste your own stuff for your written form of masturbation,, You can repeat the same posts multiple times like stuttering Joe. It doesn’t mean a thing. You can even attack my dead father, verbally molest me and mine, it won’t change that.
And not responding is not tacit agreement, except by the delusional.
Nyuk and double nyuk! I ended multiple fact-filled post above with this prediction: “Watch how the resident not-see doofuses unleash their fury on me but take care not to rebut a paragraph, a sentence or a word I wrote.”
BINGO! No response beyond obvious lies and calumny, all totally intended to deflect. And the not-see mentality of KKKlan slurpers like “Stetson” take the absurd position that the Trump family’s accumulation of wealth through commerce is more disturbing than Third Reich admirer Joe BIdet’s ability and his family’s ability to summon so much overseas magic money that Bidet can buy mansions with cash in pocket — on top of already living in the biggest mansion in Delaware.
Meanwhile, I accept the not-see Stetson Squat’s admission, via pleading the Fifth, that everything I offered was spot-on. Always has been on this site; always will be.
Lessee if Ilhan Omar Junioress here has any more demonstrably phony family stories like the one about his two mommies — err, his daddy.
Did you know the name Doug means dark water or black river. Figures.
Dickless Doug, I am so glad you could foresee what I already told you, Captain Obvious. Can you repeat yourself any more? Just like Trump. You are the best in your own reality. Brilliant in your own estimation. Perhaps, pygmy prick, if you took your deplorable Putin-esque pumpkin of a head out of your mother’s ass of a basement, drop the jolt cola jazzing you up worse than Biden in a debate, you might figure it out.
You are entirely adequate.