Panic Grips Democratic Faithful As Trump And Sanders Surge
The Democratic primaries may be dominating the headlines right now, but recent polls show that President Donald Trump emerged from the impeachment trial and acquittal more popular than ever. The strong State of the Union address delivered by the president days later has some of the president’s most influential haters shaking more than they are celebrating any buzz generated by the primaries.
“I thought it was his best week ever, and the most depressing week for me,” said comedian/ commentator Bill Maher, in an interview with CNN’s ultra-liberal analyst Fareed Zakaria.
The important questions are why the president’s popularity is rising, how long will it last and will the bump lift the rest of the Republican party to victory in 2020? With a total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress — 33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats — up for election on November 3, 2020, the entire political balance of the country is at stake.
As Trump’s job approval rating has improved, so has the image of the Republican Party. Now, 51 percent of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 43 percent in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has exceeded 50 percent since 2005.
Meanwhile, 45 percent of Americans have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, a slight dip from 48 percent in September.
Additionally, the poll finds 48 percent of Americans identifying as Republicans or leaning toward that party, compared with 44 percent Democratic identification or leaning. Recent Gallup polls had shown a fairly even partisan distribution, after the Democratic Party held advantages for much of 2019.
“The other depressing thing about this week was, you know, Trump had his best moment, and the Democrats just look like a gang who can’t shoot straight, who can’t run straight,” Maher told Zakaria, “and if they can’t get their act together soon, it’s going to be over before it begins.”
Whether the rise in Trump’s approval rating and the Republican Party’s image is being driven by a backlash against impeachment, the strong economy or other factors may become clearer as the Democratic primaries plod along.
If it is mostly impeachment-based, his approval rating may revert quickly back to pre-impeachment levels, as it did for Clinton. Within two months of his acquittal in February 1999, Clinton’s approval rating returned to where it was before he was impeached, as did the Democratic Party’s popularity.
A seven-point average Democratic advantage in party identification and leaning in two early December 1998 polls (49 percent to 42 percent) swelled to an average 17 points (53 percent to 36 percent) in two late December polls after the Dec. 19, 1998, impeachment vote.
If Trump’s higher approval rating is being driven by Americans giving him credit for improvements in the economy, his support may increase over the course of the year, as it did for Ronald Reagan in 1984, Clinton in 1996 and Barack Obama in 2012. All those presidents held office during periods of sustained economic improvement and were re-elected with job approval ratings of better than 50 percent. The president’s approval rating is just one percent off that mark and trending up.
Anecdotal evidence must also be considered in making impeachment effect comparisons. The big distinction is that Clinton was in his second term and not up for reelection. The important similarity is that like the Clinton-era Republican Party, the Trump-era Democratic Party is currently in disarray.
During and after impeachment, The Clinton attack machine left a pile of Republican political corpses in Congress. The party was weakened and rudderless before George W. Bush came along to unify leadership and energize the base.
The current Democratic party is equally adrift. The volatile gap between Democratic presidential candidates, Democratic Party leaders and their supporters over how extreme the party needs to move left is damaging the party. Whoever wins this divisive struggle will emerge weakened to face President Trump and a historically unified Republican Party.
The candidate with the best resume is in a race to the bottom. A 78-year-old socialist and the 38-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana are the two messiahs. There is no Democratic version of President Bush to come along and save the day.
During the doomsday interview, Zakaria prodded Maher with some other data. “Fifteen percent of the people who disapproved of Donald Trump voted for him in 2016,” he said.
“Yes, I know,” Maher interrupted. “I saw 44 percent of Democrats saying Democrats are going to win. No, we can’t.” Then he popped off on his party as to why, and his diatribe didn’t involve numbers.
“Obama said it — don’t do crazy stuff. Don’t say crazy stuff because we all get tagged with it. And there’s a lot of stuff in that blue bin that is crazy,” Maher ranted. “Then they go, yes, I don’t like Trump, but he’s right, I’ve got to vote for him. They’re nuts.”
A lot of truth here. President Trump’s SOTU address was a masterpiece showcasing how wall the United States is doing under his Presidency. Americans are now very proud to be Americans and his leadership has brought it to be. I see a lot of people, including myself, wearing their MAGA hats still today…that has a happy picture of confidence associated to it. Our country is flourishing again, and economically better than it has been in more years than I can remember (I am 76). Our enemies once again are wary of our military might, and our willingness to use it if necessary. “Walk softly and carry a big stick” comes to mind.
The democrats, on the other hand, have nothing to brag about going into 2020 election season. They failed in an obvious attempt of partisan impeachment, with no evidence, no witnesses, fueled only by hatred for loosing the 2016 election. That was their own fault. President Trump ran a better campaign and was the better choice. Hilary has too much negative baggage associated with her, and well, to put it bluntly, power in her hands is frightening to think of. The rest of the democratic pack scrambling for the nomination are just as scary. Look at the ” frontrunners” what a bunch of inept third and fourth best losers. Not a one of them inspires qualities of leadership. They are falling into a trap of Socialism which there are enough true Americans left voting to defeat. It is a sad state of affairs when people like AOC back and support frontrunners like Sanders. That is what the democrats have as their platform…We hate Trump and screw America.
Mr. Black, Thank you, Sir, for sharing your wisdom with us.
As to ‘leadership’ qualities, wow, I’m not seeing very many people with that. It’s pretty tricky finding someone who has a clean background AND can lead! No-one from the Democrat side comes to mind immediately.
I’ve grown impressed with quite a few among the Republicans.
After Trump finishes up all the terms we give him, the new candidates simply need to keep their nose clean and embrace the policies that Trump has and grow back-bone and patriotic spirit.
I’m tired of the politicians who only pick up a shovel to get through the blizzard. I want to see some more PLOWS. I love how Trump PLOWED head-first into the challenges we face! I’ve actually learned a lot from his example about having, and exhibiting, self-confidence.
May we all come out of this era stronger, bolder, smarter, wiser and better than ever before.
Very well put. It seems that most DEMs are entirely without historical context – not to mention entirely unaware of their Constitution & the greatness of a country based on individual freedom.
Under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi the Democrats actions over the last three years has done nothing but stand in the way of American Progress, accomplish nothing but residual hate for their loss in 2016, and have reached a new contempt by the public for them for their bias and unrelenting actions against success and prosperity for all. They have pushed for open borders around the world which has lead to major immigration, reform, and criminal problems both domestic and foreign. It is no wonder that other than trying to cheat in voting they have no chance of making political gains.
If the Democrats had any brains they would remove Nancy Pelosi from the SOTH position and replace her with a more moderate person.
“I gotta vote for Trump; they’re (Democrats) nuts!”
Okay, so NOW you know how we all felt when we didn’t think Trump was the right guy for the job, but there was no one offering anything better!
Why did people vote for that guy? BECAUSE OF THAT!
Personally speaking, I did a write-in for another qualified man in 2016. Hillary was out of the question. And Trump just seemed clownish and silly, though I loved what policies he was supporting. But Trump shocked and amazed us by following through on those promises and even mellowed out a bit with his persona.
That gives me every reason to say that Trump has my 2020 support and I know a whole lot of people who are saying the same thing.
Very well put, Susan. I was in the same boat, but I did vote for Trump. It was as much for me to keep that doomsday machine, Hillary out of the White House. I posted back then that I had faith that Trump would grow with the office and I can not be more pleased. Now with the proof, it is time to finish the job by winning back the house. At least we get the opportunity to dump all of them every 2 years and many are WAY overdue for a reckoning. As the year suggests, 2020 will be the time that more people ‘see clearly’ what direction we need to take and maybe take out some of the trash that has been holding us back for so long. KAG!