Oprah and other celeb endorsements paid for by Harris. WHAT?

The value of celebrity endorsements in political campaigns is highly debatable. But Vice President Harris’ campaign did place a value on them. On October 15, the Harris campaign paid Oprah Winfrey’s production company $1 million. This came weeks after Oprah held an event endorsing Harris and appeared alongside the candidate at various events.
In her endorsement of Harris, Winfrey said. “We’re voting for values and integrity.” She failed to mention that the “value” was a cool million dollars.
While it is virtually certain that Winfrey would favor Harris, the talk show celebrity rarely makes political endorsements. She made an exception for Barack Obama in 2008. So, what motivated her this time?
The question remains whether she would have done so in 2024 without the added incentive of $1 million. It is not as though Winfrey needed the money since she is one of the richest women in the world. If she was so committed to Harris, Winfrey could have donated a million smackaroos to the campaign.
It has also been reported that Alex Cooper, host of Call Her Daddy podcast, got a “six figure” stipend in conjunction with Harris’ appearance. Was the podcast interview nothing more than a paid commercial?
Whether Winfrey and Cooper would have endorsed Harris without the payment, the cash on the barrelhead transaction diminishes the credibility and luster of the endorsements. They become a bit of an embarrassment when one considers that the highly touted endorsement events did not improve Harris’ standing in the poll. They did not move the needle. And obviously, they had no positive impact on the outcome of the election. It was money down the drain.
Such expenditures may partly explain another embarrassment. It seems that after raising more than $1 billion for a 90 day run, the Harris campaign ran out of money before Election Day and had to borrow millions of dollars to finish out the campaign.
Neither the endorsers nor the endorsee comes out looking good on this one.
So, there ‘tis.
Do you have actual proof Harris paid Winfrey, since most reputable news outlets, and many less reputable, have noted she has denied your accusations.
And thanks; I just knew you would step on the dog’s neck once you got it down for the count.
You do know that Harris lost, right?
Wait —– you mean after the election, it’s OK to go after the candidates? Hopefully you are fair and balanced and therefore will applaud Trump’s sentencing at end of month. Can’t wait to see how that one plays out. Sort expecting God to hurl lightning bolts at the NYS judicial system….. sigh.
It’s going to play out. Right out the door.
Frank, there is absolute proof you demand that Larry give you. You say that all the time because you don’t not know how to research properly. There is plenty of proof and has been. Go find it and stop trying to get other people to do your work for you. Are you really that lazy or are you (and Tom) both as corrupt as the Democrats and Rinos are?
For Tom. Your last post to me yesterday was so horribly low, even for you. You really do hate me. All I do is respond to mis and disinformation by others that will not do the proper research. For you to keep telling me to get on my meds, makes me think you are on prescribed meds to keep you sane, which I am beginning to think doesn’t work anymore. Your post was absolutely out of line. How can you treat women that way? How can you treat the elderly that way? You made a crime. Elder abuse. So, go ahead and slander me, slam me or even come here and kill me. I do NOT care! Just get it over with. You said I do not care, well, let me tell you, I believe in God and Jesus which I believe you do not, I do live by the bible’s teachings. I do care about people. I go way out of my way to help them. You should join the society I belong to with 1 1/2 million members. they will tell you what kind of person I am. I stand up for my beliefs and when attacked by people like you and Stetson, I counter it with all of my knowledge. So, keep breaking our laws. It WILL bite you in the a$$! If it makes you feel like a man to slam and slander me, go ahead, you now have my permission. That way, it will make you break more laws and get you out of our lives so we can have peace and live our lives. I am done with you, but not with PBP.
I do dislike you but hate what you do, spread conspiracy theories and misinformation. I have great disdain for your consistent lack of thorough research. I treated you well, but you did not do the same. Now you get my wrath you wrinkled and silly old heifer. It is not elderly abuse because it was posted on a public forum where you are free not to read my response. So stop being so dumb and whiney. And by the way, the first amendment says I do not need your permission. But thanks anyway, even if it is thanks for nothing. Go back through your posts and see all of the areas where you embarrass the Body of Christ. I am simply calling you out for your satanic lies, mistruths, and omissions. Too darn bad if you do not like it! Glad you are done with me. I look forward to not reading your felonious responses to my posts. Enjoy your eternity with your father, the father of lies whom was a liar and murderer since the beginning!
And stay on your medications and attend all psychotherapy sessions! You need them!
Good God Tom. I can understand your rejection of the more extreme conspiracy theories, but you have melted down to an out-of-control immature name caller. I can understand that you are in a state of shock over Trump’s election … and the fact that the Independents you arrogantly claim to represent broke for him … but this kind of vicious childish response destroys your claim of intellectual and civil superiority. You are becoming what you rail against. Get a grip old man.
Exsqueeze me? The king of the name call with nose out of joint but you have praised America First.
Weird metrics you have.
Did you even read what she wrote to Tom?
You won. Act like it.
Larry, I reject all conspiracy theories. And please do not lecture on name calling. Read her responses for a while, and also read your responses to several of us. You have no room to criticize others you hypocrite. I am simply delivering what she has sent my way. Her first response to me, and all since, have been full of names. Even when I left her alone for almost two months, she had to start the attacks. Perhaps you should read some of her responses! Apparently you have not seen that all of my other responses to you and others, have been respectful. And let me remind you that you once said to me in a blog that when you made a lady cry who you blasted, you said she was the problem not you! You said that she was the unstable one, not you. Do you remember your response Larry!??? So yes, she will get what she dishes out. Fair is fair. Like you, I do not care about her age or gender. She gets what she deserves and invites. There is nothing more disgusting than a person that attacks someone when left alone, then whines about being attacked back by that someone. So please do not mistake or misread my being an Independent as an open season for such attacks. Its not.
Not really in a state of shock over Trump’s win. More in a state of sadness for the chaos this country will now experience for the next four years. And it is already starting. Though I doubt you will do an article on the lunacy of some of Trump’s cabinet picks like Gaetz, Gabbard, Kennedy, and that FOX opiner. What Trump plans to do will harm your grandchildren and mine. I was a bit surprised that so many Independent brothers and sisters broke for Trump. As I wrote, they are starting to have buyers remorse quite early! They voted for “who” but did not do the research, nor believe the videos, of the “what” they were voting for. Now we all will pay the price, including you Larry. Now we begin to see what an unrestrained Trump personality is really like.
I think my claims are well intact. I continue to present the other side of the issue that you deliberately leave out. As such, I provide a valuable service to your readers, the country as a whole, and also to you – as it moves you towards full truth the first time around. I am just dealing with a psycho who attacks me the same way through strength (of words) that you advocate we deal with Iran (by bombs).
You know AF, you are such a goofball. Frank did research properly. It is you that is wrong. YOU LIED AGAIN!!! But I forgive you because you do not have the ability to control which personality is coming out next. Now get back on your medication and attend your psychiatric sessions!!!
It turns out your “plenty of proof” statement is correct for Oprah’s denial that she was paid anything. The problem is that you are actually the lazy one that is also to stupid to look things up. So I did it for you: Google Newsweek kamala-harris-celebrity-endorsements-oprah-1984311, and if you bothered to do your research, you would find that these famous people were paid to host an event, not for an endorsement. In the case of Oprah, the payment went to her production company to stage the whole event! The post you read on social media that are written by idiots like you conflates Winfrey’s endorsement with a payment to Winfrey’s production company for a campaign event. Next time check you facts dumbass! Google Politifacts records-show-harris-campaign-paid-winfreys-company. I think you owe Frank an apology and you need to stop reading far right news that is slanted heavily away from the full truth.
Tom, thanks. Tis Dempsey that’s unprofessional and inadequate. AF just his sheeple. Can’t expect her to research much, source anything, or just mirror and taunt you. It’s all he’s got.
Sitting at my desk, looking at my name on the frosted glass door: Regnad Knarf…..I’m an actor, acting, ready for action, ready to act, and I spell my. name…….danger.
Thanks a lot, you low life scum of the earth. I DO NOT LIE or make anything up. I do a ton of research up to 17 hours almost every day! I do government research. I am not obligated to tell you what office or where. According to both Tom and dangerous Frank, IF I lied, then the government lied. What the resources and agents say is the truth which I do try to CONVEY to all of you. If you cannot be patriotic and believe the real truth, then there is and are no hope left for any of you. All you want to do is believe what MSM says and then spread your own mis and disinformation. That makes you just like the corrupt Democrats and Rinos. But, go ahead and continue. You have my full cooperation in your corruption of Americans and America. I just won’t be a part of your game. Neither of you know how to listen. I stick to ALL of my words about the politics – and both of you evil corrupt demons! I am the one telling the real truth and Darren does, too. Both of you are going into overdrive to expel good people off of this site. What makes either of you so special anyway? Aren’t all people worth it? Don’t all people have a worth? You try so hard to make me worthless. I reciprocate exactly the way you both do. So, from now on, please refer to me in your posts as Useless! I want everyone to see what you are – or are not!
Prove Joe Biden is dead and replaced by clone as you and your supposed Gutkin sources say. One document, one reputable source.
And if, that’s if you lied on this, what other of your truths are lies.
Where’s the signal, the mass arrests?
Americafirst … I would suggest you give up the pissing contest with the balcony boys. They assume superiority and express it with constants personal insults. It is their stock in trade. They are not to be taken seriously — most do not. They are actually rather funny in the angst. lol
Perhaps you think we assume superior out of your Republican inferiority complex.
Of course, you are the assuming one and I’m sure you know the ole adage.
But yeah, pick America First above Tom or I for legitimate discourse. Do you believe the clone replacements, the signal, mass arrests and all the other crap she spews?
You don’t hunt. All hat.
OMG Larry, you just described you when you say, “I would suggest you give up the pissing contest with the balcony boys. They assume superiority and express it with constants personal insults. It is their stock in trade. They are not to be taken seriously — most do not. They are actually rather funny in the angst. lol”
You are well known for calling names and making pissing contests rather than address the truth of what people write. You are the king pisser buddy!!! You still have not addressed how you can be so pro Israel and so anti abortion when Israel is the easiest country in the world to get an abortion!!!! And your humor, geeze, you are racist and misogynistic.
Get a grip Larry!!!
You are too late, Larry, I already did. Neither one of them can be helped. Neither wants to listen to the real truth. A long time ago, I did some posting here and got slammed by one or the other of them. I fought back the only way I knew how. But to be blamed for starting the (what you call pissing contest) was no contest. It is like they have all the rights to slam and slander to whomever they want to, and I am not allowed. If I couldn’t do the right thing to do because it WAS the right thing to do, then I will be done with both of those evil demons and YOU. Can’t you see they are trying to take over this site? No one else is allowed to say what they want and need to say, and you let that happen. They won with your blessing. I am so angry with you for this act of travesty. You may just have lost the only female that posts here, for the most part. I saved all the PBP emails for a reason. I may have to use that reason real soon. I will still be watching all the nasty posts that come on here. If you kick me off, I will have a friend read all and forward them to me. I am not done here, but I will not post again. You did that, Larry. Have fun with the evil demons that hate you as much as they hate me. And as if you care, you broke my heart! I already said to Tom earlier that I was done with him and that ten-gallon hat man! What is wrong with all you men? Those two got what they wanted which was to get rid of me. So be it! I am worthless to all of you demons!
More lies by the supposedly 77 year old psycho babe. 1) AF attacked me first when I was simply commenting to her on an alternative explanation or point of view in a very respectful fashion. So stop the little miss innocent crap! 2) All can say whatever they like, and, we are allowed to respond to whomever we chose. Nobody is taking over this site. 3) You punched, I counter-punched – this is the punching bag post! Or did you not understand the name of the blog? 4) Even now, you call us “evil demons” but claim to be so innocent. 5) And you follow up your name calling with threats. Threaten all you like, we are doing nothing illegal. 6) Larry does not care what you think of him, nor does he care what I think of him. Actually I like Larry. 6) More whining about not posting and how everyone else is at fault. You take no ownership with why you get the responses that you get. Again, the little miss innocent act. I still wonder if you really are a female with some of the language you use. 7) I do not hate you nor did I ever state I want you off of this site. I simply stand for the truth and will attack when I am attacked. You do not seem to get it. Again, the name of the blog is punching bag post. 8) I do not care if your heart is broken when I read the ugly things you write to me, even after I left you alone!! You wrote me ugly things when I was responding to Frank, not you!!! You seem to stupid to realize when someone is trying to be nice to you and leave you alone. You feel you should be able to attack with immunity. You can’t. 9) You told me you were done with me and I was fine with that. Then when I responded to Frank’s post, you chose to attack me again. This is the truth. Again, be careful the battles you pick. You may lose! 10) You will not get kicked off. Larry needs subscribers, even ones like you.
Don’t leave, change.
Look, no one is attacking you unless attacked. Tom, AC, Brau, and other indy’s, liberals, and others are mostly here to share ideas, facts, and learn new things. We like the counter view and unless provoked, pretty much avoid the personal attacks. You provoked Tom and his reaction is wrong, in my book. You provoked me, but as Stranger Danger and Frank Danger, I have never reacted in kind, or any sort of personal attack. I, as Frank Stetson did fall to that, but I changed my name as I corrected my mistake.
Larry likes to name call too and it just lowers folks appreciation for the man. Does not have effect otherwise. It’s a waste of time and effort proving he can’t toe the line, can’t debate, and reflects his inner self unable to muster a cogent argument. Seems a defense mechanism, but not even sure why he hits the keyboard for that tripe. Heck, except for Joe and Larry, no other author even takes a shot at comments, how Dempsey can sit back amazes me. But they often don’t argue our facts, they often just go for the personal attack, the lowest form of discussion and not even allowed in proper debate. It’s considered a ad hominem logical fallacy and rejected. Such comments considered a breach of decorum and not permitted under Robert’s Rules of Order: some good rules there.
But Joe has designed a Wild West of EXTREME Free Speech where Robert’s Rules of Disorder rule. He say’s he’s a conservative, but does that mean RUDE too? No, dear friends, this site makes money, Joe makes money, and let’s face it: hate pays more than love. Fighting in more exciting than peace. It’s a business too after all. Perhaps that’s one reason his ads are so tawdry, respectable advertisers avoid that crap. But dick pills, mix Vaseline with lemon, and dirty pictures —- those guys love this stuff…..
We share ideas, we back them up with facts and sources, and will question any ideas, especially if the are sourced to the ether or conspiracy sites or the like. Saying your source is Gitmo is a nonstarter for example. No link, no document, no one even quoted will not fly. And we will say so.
So, please come back, but please play nice and let’s all discuss the issues of the day with proper debate and decorum no matter what Joe Gilbertson, not his real name, allows or desires.
No one but you has pushed you off the site. When I left, the same was true, it was my choice.
Frank Danger … What a pile of poppycock. This comment is prima facie delusional. Almost all of your writings are personal attacks. It is your calling card. You pride yourself on your ugly sarcasm that you see as wit. Re-read your comments in the Gaetz commentary — and my response. You added five comments on this thread — and only one sentence remotely relates to the commentary. The rest are personal insults and self praise — and that is the rule, not the exception.
You write (my emphasis) “You provoked me, but as Stranger Danger and Frank Danger, I have NEVER REACTED IN KIND, OR ANY SORT OF PEROSNAL ATTACK. I, as Frank Stetson did fall to that, but I changed my name as I corrected my mistake.” You are either intentionally lying or seriously delusional. Your now admitted name changes did not change who you are.
I am not the person you describe me as … and if only you could be the person you describe yourself as.
AF, go take your meds NOW! And crawl back under the slimy rock you came from under. I do not need your cooperation. We have looked up your supposed “truths” and we can see the conspiracy websites they come from. Yes you have a bottom line worth, manure goes for about $10 for a 40 lb. bag around here. And you exude volumes of manure from your mouth! What makes Frank and I special is that we do put time in on good legitimate news site research work. I often use Yahoo Finance, Business Week, Economist, Blumberg News, Wall Street Journal, Aljazeer, BBC, and others in my research to make sure a comment being made, or a comment that I make, is true and agreed upon by multiple sources. You do not do this, nor do you post where the comment came from. That is why we do not respect you and view you as lower than prehistoric whale poop! And your rubbish talk about demons is just flat out stupid. So we view you as not serious and not worth our time. I hope the Lord calls you home real soon and gives you the reward you so richly deserve for all that you have written! 🙂
Tom … You now wish others to die? Methinks it is you who should be worrying about the judgment of the Lord. You and Frank are “special”? And “lower than prehistoric whale poop”? LOL Have you completely lost your mind?
Lawrence. Did you even skim the AF passage that came first?
Tom did reply in kind. that’s not being on gentleman, but the things this women says should be moderated. You call Tom out when she has offed a dozen or more, replaced with clones and has requested many, by name, to come and kill her. Does it all the time and yet. you pick on Tom. Fake Joe publishes this filth no problem.
Fair and balanced you are not.
Where did I say I want her to die Larry. I did not!!! If you knew anything about scripture you would know that being called home to God is eternal life, not death. And I am wishing her a just reward for all that she has written, and I wish you the same Larry! By the way, did you read her posts where she has invited me to kill her. How stupid is that, and I told her so. And she has written posts about assaulting me and exterminating me, but I doubt that you read those. Nor have you read the posts where she mentions having people come after me.
Nope, I am not special, but I do tell the truth when I write and I do cite sources which you and she do not. Her conspiracy theories are deranged and delusional. But that does not bother you because it is food to you. You do not like the full truth. Tell me in my response to you where I have not spoken truth Larry!
I may be an Independent, but that does not mean that I am going to just lay back and take her insults or yours. Not happening!
Admit it, you liked my prehistoric whale poop comment! You wish you had thought of it. 🙂
Truth is, whale poop does not sink. It floats. I bet you didn’t know that!!! 🙂
Truth is, I left her alone to see if her behavior would change. It did not. And she pulled me into her insults again which she did not have to do. I was not bothering with her because I feel like she is a waste of time. If she lets me alone or simply respectfully disagrees and cites sources for her respectful argument, I would do the same, I am fine with that. But her name calling, conspiracy theories, delusions, and lies I have no respect for. And so I give it back to her.
This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 4 for its high deceptive nature! The article is craftily written to easily seduce the reader to believe (and mentally connect) that Harris paid for an endorsement. She did not. Now get the facts that Larry did not tell you.
1) Harris did not pay Oprah just like you do not pay Trump when you schedule a wedding event at one of his hotels. The facts are that A) Oprah is very pro Dem, as she did an Obama endorsement in 2008. So nothing new there. B) Oprah has denied being paid directly for an endorsement. C) It turns out that there is “plenty of proof” statements that mention Oprah’s production company was paid to put on an event. So to read the full truth on this go Google: ” Newsweek kamala-harris-celebrity-endorsements-oprah-1984311″ , and if Larry had bothered to tell you the full truth, you would find that these famous people were paid to host an event, not for an endorsement. In the case of Oprah, the payment went to her production company to stage the whole event, which I think is called “Harpo Productions” the very same company that does her show and many other productions! The post you read on FOX and other social media that are written by and for deceivers that want to conflate Winfrey’s endorsement with a payment to Winfrey’s production company for a campaign event.The full truth is also easily explained if you Google “Politifacts records-show-harris-campaign-paid-winfreys-company”.
2) The other part of the truth that Larry does not mention is that Harris may have had to borrow money or make other financial arrangements to pay for her events. This part is true – she did not have a Musk billionaire for sale. The part he does not tell you is Trump has on several occasion put public positions and policy up for sale to such likes as the oil companies when he told them at a well reported meeting that for a billion dollars he would deliver the policy they want and reduce regulations. They never endorsed him despite his enticements. They were a little to honest for Trump. Trump also has had many discussions with his pet Musk who discussed a government position and/or position of influence within his cabinet in exchange for his $150 Million donation, and his $1 Million a day sweepstakes AND THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSK’S ENDORSEMENT!!!
3) Larry does not discuss that Trump is all about loyalty for sale!!! Just check his cabinet picks!!! Isn’t loyalty for sale just about the same as endorsement??? I do not recall any news about Harris giving or offering Oprah a position of influence in her cabinet to Oprah in exchange for an event. This is why Harris paid Harpo Productions!!!! It kept it clean, something Trump does not know how to do!
Now you have the other side of the facts. So there ’tis!
Tom… thanks for supporting my facts that Harpo productions got paid and Harris had to borrow money after raising more than $1billion. The rest of your critique is just your usual distracting rant about Trump … who was not the subject of the commentary. You bitterness is showing. You need to take a break.
You are welcome Larry. The problem with your comment words was that it was slanted towards Harris paying Winfrey for an endorsement which is not true. She paid for a production. Like I said, you were very crafty in your writing this time to ride that thin line that you knew some of your readers would take in a way that you wanted to steer them, towards Harris paying for an endorsement. You craftfully wrote two sentences conjoined by a middle sentence where one sentence talked of the value of endorsements, and the next sentence talked about paying Harpo Productions. You fully intended the reader to run the two together in their minds and conclude that Harris paid for Oprah’s endorsement. You linked the two sentences with the sentence, “But Vice President Harris’ campaign did place a value on them. ” So now you are being not crafty, but a liar.
Your three sentences were, “The value of celebrity endorsements in political campaigns is highly debatable. But Vice President Harris’ campaign did place a value on them (this is the linking sentence). On October 15, the Harris campaign paid Oprah Winfrey’s production company $1 million.” And you knew you were doing this! And you knew you wanted to steer reader opinion falsely.
And my comments about Musk shoveling money to Trump for a position, and Trump offering oil execs policy changes in exchange for campaign contributions is true. But naturally you will not admit this, nor will you admit that nobody has ever had the government for sale like Trump. All true!
Of course Trump wasn’t the subject of the writing. But it is linked it because 1) You were talking campaign financing; 2) you steer away from any comparison to Trump who did the same things and worse by offering favorable policy changes and positions in government. At least Harris was honest and paid for it outright instead of offering policy and positions! So I felt it important to add the Trump comparison for truth and so that folks could see your dishonesty by omission! This is part of how I help you to be a better writer Larry. I tell what you won’t tell. And you even compliment me by calling it a “distracting rant” which may be correct in that it distracts the readers away from your lies by omission and spin!!!
And there ’tis!
One last thing Larry, I must admit that I liked the way you linked those three sentences to steer your writer to a false conclusion. It was one of your smoothest attempts yet! Its a shame you cannot use your talents for the full truth! You would go from little read mediocre to great! 🙂
The Biden and Harris administration are ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!
Money to friends, corrupt business partners, Family, Kick backs to Donor’s!
None of this should be a surprise to anyone but Clooney and Deniro if they did
not receive any money.
They would have just been used and duped like the administration did
to the voters who were dumb enough to vote for these people.
Twice I might add.
Show me in the Trump administration who is doing their job for the money Kickback?
And sorry no one is transgender or gay or a cross dresser.
Not that this is wrong, just the practice of giving them the job just for that reason!
Democrats really are just that stupid!
Wasn’t this article about Harris giving money to Oprah and not Harris getting money from Oprah?
And now you want to turn it into but Trump did not do this?
Trump, 2022, conviction on 32 counts of tax fraud, scheme covered 15 years, huge fine in millions. That’s one.
First you prove your statement, “The Biden and Harris administration are ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!” Show me in sound research articles which members of the Biden Administration took bribes and extra money beyond their GSA salary!
I have already proven that Trump is all about money. But here is more from Yahoo Finance at *https://finance.yahoo.com/video/trump-turns-oil-ceos-1b-211054829.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIudCfEryXpPhUxhYbk2_uIVwD4RCAGkUAKHhMVElTYHGjUOplHcut6FfUtiViRWTZXFW-wtVq57RO_CawlI-2czhe8Hd5it41Z_A1Ra_Dsg9if_mvWqMQ61P-x8YjE2suhJbw2URIIWZROwyDeJME7rdxw5HKBDmNMJVoibjf35*
Its a good listen on youtube.
And Darren, here is another one for you, more proof at *https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131*
If you ever needed proof that all leftists know their entire party and philosophy is BS leftist celebrities having to be paid for endorsements is and ultimate proof.
they might as well say: “we know this is all just a scheme to make money so we want in on a piece of it.”