Obama Adviser Jailed in UK for Planning to Rape a Child

Stories of heinous crimes by prominent Democrats are seemingly endless and not all of these are coming from inside America. This week, the United Kingdom (UK) sentenced a senior adviser of the Obama administration to more than a decade in prison over entering the country to rape a child.
British media, including The London Standard, reported on Wednesday that Rahamim Shy – senior policy adviser to Barack Obama’s White House – was convicted of arranging for sex with a 9-year-old girl for which purpose he flew from New York to London last year. Shy was also found in possession of “indecent images of children.”
The details of the story reveal that Shy, a native of New Jersey, chatted online for a month with the supposed child’s grandmother in Bedford to plan his arrival in the British town and have sex with the child. When he landed at London’s Gatwick Airport in February 2024, with plans to drive to Bedford, he was arrested by the police. That is when realized that he had been chatting with an undercover police officer from Bedfordshire posing as the 9-year-old’s grandmother.
While the grandmother and the child were fictional, Shy’s sexual predatory act was real and deserved prosecution. Lorraine Telford, of the Crown Prosecution Service, was cited in the story:
“Rahamim Shy is a predator who was fully prepared to commit unspeakable acts against a child for his own sexual gratification. It was clear from his explicit conversations and items he brought to England that he had only one intention, to commit rape against what he knew was a vulnerable child.”
Shy was not offered any plea deal and on Wednesday he was sentenced to 11-and-a-half years in prison.
Last year, after Shy was arrested in the UK, conservative commentators Stew Peters and Jim Ferguson condemned his actions in the strongest words, asking for a thorough investigation so as to bust more members of pedophilia rings. They also agreed that convicted pedophiles deserve the death penalty.
In no big surprise, leftist media in America seems to be observing a collective silence over Rahamim Shy’s conviction over pedophilia because of his record as a prominent Democrat and employment history for Barack Obama’s administration. In the UK too, the left-leaning BBC omitted Obama’s name from the headline and only mentioned it in the last para of the story. It introduced Shy as “former adviser to the US government.” The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) of the UK also used the same phrasing for Shy in their press release about the conviction of the prominent Democrat.
Conservative news sources like the New York Post, however, included a brief employment history of Shy including the connection with the Obama administration. NYP wrote:
Shy had worked within the US Treasury Department between 2008 and 2014 and helped advise the Obama White House on how to counter terrorism financing from Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The culprit’s social media account was scrubbed last year soon after he was arrested in the UK.
Throw the book, lock him up, toss the key into the Themes.
But blaming the Democratic party is heinous hate speak of the lowest order.
I would print some more Republican pedophile file pieces, but WTF, The Dumpster knows no bounds when it comes to promoting hate on Democrats from Republicans.
Frank you have better be careful. Your daughter might turn you in.
Frankie, it works BOTH ways. You think the Democrats are angels that walk with God, don’t you? Spoiler alert: They do not and neither do the Republicans. You are Democrat. Guess what we think and know about you! Another spoiler alert: there is not one human on this earth that is perfect, especially you. Nor me.
Af: that’s obviously not true. Check your database going back to Stetson. And thanks for updating us on the antics of man that repeat of what I have been saying all along. A real Captain Obvious moment fer sure.
I spell my name: danger
Frankie, but then again you know what it is to be a criminal. That makes you unbelievable.
I am not a criminal, I am a free man. As it is legal today, you still want to charge me for something over 45 years ago? Yowser, that’s harsh. So much for a life well lived, and second chances. I would fucking think you would give me a Kavanaugh, ooooops, I mean Mulligan…… I mean, only a cruel, heartless, bitch would be that mean and I can’t imagine it’s you.
I spell my name: danger. And I am not.
WOONSOCKET – Police have arrested a Chepachet man on charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting a girl who was 13 years old when the incidents took place, in 2021. Seth x. xxxxx, 43, of 26 Reservoir Road, is free on $25,000 personal recognizance after an appearance in Sixth District Court, according to the judiciary’s web site.
SEABROOK — A Seabrook fire captain is facing multiple felony charges for allegedly hiding a camera in the bathroom with the expectation of filming a child under the age of 18. Seth xxxxxxx, 50, formerly of Seabrook and currently of Barnstead, entered a not guilty plea at Rockingham Superior Court on Jan. 14 to five charges of allegedly attempting to manufacture child sexual abuse images.
So many Seth’s, so many Seth crimes.
I spell my name: danger. And I have no daughters.
I see pedophilia as a mental illness, like a sexual disorder and I have not read much about it but I guess it develops early in life. I’m not sure if death penalty will root it out but it may deter them from acting upon their inclinations or feelings for sex with kids. And for that it’s good to have tough laws. Could there be a solution for curing these mentally ill people and lead them to healthy sexuality? I think that’s an important thing to consider, from the scientific research angle as well. I also think the same of transgenderism. Now for the LG part – the gay and lesbian people – I am on the fence. I know some via friends and acquaintances and they seem pretty normal long as they keep it to adults. Some LG people I know are actually conservatives. And Scott Pressler who campaigned for Trump in PA (some say he led to Trump’s victory in the state) is a gay man. For me two things are concerning about this story: 1. The ease of today’s cyber communication that eliminates any hurdles for these pedos to reach children. 2. The partisan blackouts in media that kill such stories because a certain criminal is an Obama associate or Dem activist. Thanks to the independent journalists and a handful of right-wing media, we still get to learn of these stories.
The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020.
Over this 21-year span, this Red State murder gap has steadily widened from a low of 9% more per capita red state murders in 2003 and 2004 to 44% more per capita red state murders in 2019, before settling back to 43% in 2020.
Altogether, the per capita Red State murder rate was 23% higher than the Blue State murder rate when all 21 years were combined.
And????? What does that have to do with queers?
Hammon, heh, you’re the expert. What does that have to do with?
I notice that E. Dumpster and J. Guiltyman only report on Democratic failures, as if Republicans are somehow so pure that they never commit crimes. So I was making the observation that red states have much higher crime problems than blue. Red states are run by Republicans, maybe that foster’s more crime?
I don’t think they are claiming Repubs are angels. But their selective reporting kinda makes sense in the context of this site’s mission statement – as on the About Us page: “The Punching Bag Post (PBP) is news from a conservative perspective, with hard-hitting commentary, investigative reporting, and the latest and most important news of the day.” We see big networks selectively reporting on issues along party lines. So this is not something setting a precedent here.
Hmm. I remember Mark Twain saying that there are 3 types of lies and one of them is statistics. They can be picked selectively and interpreted whichever way. So I visited the page you provided and at my quick glance I did not see them providing their methodology – how they collected the data. So it’s not very credible, especially with all these murder reports coming from blue counties and even among them how do we know that the killer is not a Democrat. A single Democrat living in a town of 800 Republicans and committing the sole murder that year does not mean that the Trump voting town was bad but that the Biden voting murderer was bad. So the devil is in the detail. 🙂
WTP: but did you go to the CDC where the methodology for the study resides?
“In this study, we collected homicide data from 2000 through 2020 for all 50 states from the Center of Disease Control Wonder’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Data.” *https://wonder.cdc.gov/*
And remember, Twain is tongue and cheek, statistics never lie, people do. I learned that from the gunnies. heh, heh.
Oops, you just auto-busted yourself Danger Mouse. CDC – Criminal Demonic Cartel – is the zero-credibility go-to source of brainwashed people or Sheeple. It has long lost any shred of credibility and is essentially a headquarters for the pharmaceutical mafia and the deep state. With its long list of corrupt practices, it was most recently caught and exposed during the COVID health emergency manipulating data, going back on its statements, and even changing the long-held definition of vaccine itself to cover up for its lies. SO thank you for discrediting this claim of red state murders with this source.
Now it’s notable how you did not provide what methodology it adopted and what corrections it took into consideration. Government/official data routinely lies about facts. This includes cover-up of murders and classifying them as accidents or suicides, especially when the pharma/government is a suspect. Was the death of Seth Rich of DNC a suicide? Was Epstein’s a suicide? Was CIA director Bill Coby’s a suicide? How many murder charges in soft-on-crime blue states were changed under plea deals by Dem DAs to manslaughter charges? These are just a few of the many issues that undermine the simplistic murder stats by a biased and unreliable source.
To prove the point of Repubs doing murder, you’ll inevitable need to show the convict’s party affiliation. Without it, you have no case.
As for Twain, yeah he spoke the truth in his tongue-in-cheek aphorisms. Stats do lie because the people who lie make the stats. Numbers don’t make themselves. Just like guns don’t kill people. people do.
My watchword is Wee the People and you need to learn how to spell it 🙂
Auto-bust? Don’t you mean self-bust. In any extent, paper does not refuse ink and you can say anything you want around here, Joe protects lies and liars.
I gave you the CDC reference, I gave you the link to the methodologies. You did not look, you just discounted the source, you did not provide any evidence, sources, or links to your wild accusations. No, stats do not lie. People do. If a study has a valid methodology, the statistics are sound. How a person interpets them, spins them, uses them MAY be lie, but statistics, with proper methodologies do not.
So far you have id’d the CDC as biased and inaccurate data, with no proof.
You have claimed big pharma is all over CDC as is a mafia, with no proof.
You claim CDC changed the very definition of vaccine, which they did not, but they did something to the definition of the COVID vaccine, which was busted as some nefarious action *https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-976069264061*
You claim they manipulated data re covid emergency statistics but you offered no evidence.
You state the government routinely lies are facts and figures with no proof. Although on this one, I agree that Trump’s government does :>)
I gave you the link to the methodology; I will not cut and paste it here.
Your conclusion seems to be no matter what they say, how they support it, you just won’t ever believe:
1. statistics
2. the government
3. the leftist press
4. anyone from academia, professional, scientist, medical, unless they wave a hard right banner
5. the US intelligence community
Pretty much gets you down to listening to folks like the Tucker’s (known liar KL), FOX (KL), Bannon’s (KL, went to jail) and those “types,” but you don’t provide evidence or source, just wild accusations, rumors, and rants.
No, what was proven, via statistics, is that that red states have much higher crime problems than blue. Much higher death rates for gun murders. Lower median incomes. Lower educational attainment. And post availability of the covid vaccine, more covid deaths per capita. Yes, there is no proof offered that the ratio of these factors follows the political demographic, but it is TRUE that the State is one color or the other, and the State statistics show what I indicated on a State level. At minimum, it is directional that, on average, Republicans have these tendencies based on state-wide and national data.
I spell my name: danger, and you are not The People, or Wee. You are you.
First para is meaningless rant. So skipping with a grin 🙂
Contrary to your belief, you did not give me the specific link to the methodology of the specific study and then address my points in that context. For reference, read my previous comment again.
I did give you the reason in brief – the many times CDC manipulated data and even the evidence that CDC changed the definition of Vaccine during the COVID years sometime after the COVID shots came out. So CDC is not a credible source. This is also the case because it is funded by the federal government which is a direct patent holder in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines – info that should be on ever CDC page and every health agency page that recommends vaccines. Ever heard of Disclaimer?
Since you claim the methodology is valid in the cited study, I’d like to discuss it with you – if you actually looked at the study. Have you? If so, let me ask you, in every state did the data collector accounted for murder charges downgraded to manslaughter? In other words, did they look at all legal records of manslaughter and make sure none of them were previously murder charges?
Statistics with proper methodologies do not lie. Yes and so do guns in good hands do not kill. But just like guns do not always stay in good hands, methodologies are not developed or executed by competent and transparent people. In other words, people lie and mislead via stats.
The AP article is laughable. Admitting they changed the definition but downplaying it as “normal” is not science. It’s political science and AP in itself is an establishment propaganda platform.
The data manipulation by CDC is extensive and routine. In the COVID years – as in Biden’s illegitimate term – Rochelle Welensky retracted her statements multiple times and emails were caught of data manipulation: *https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/attacks-on-science/email-showing-attempted-manipulation-cdc-covid-19-study-was-buried*
Government lies all the time whoever the president but more so in time of Democrats in the White House. Obama lied when he said the NSA won’t spy on people – Snowden blew the whistle. Biden lied every single day – did the cannibals really eat his uncle Bosye? Lols
No you didn’t give the link to the specific study’s methodology. And yes those are discredited propaganda sources that I don’t trust. I’m sure millions don’t do either if not hundreds of millions.
No evidence that Tucker lies. And Bannon went to jail for refusing to bow before an illegitimate government body. Deserves applause for it.
So what have you proven so far? Nothing really expect that vague statements from leftist sources are credible to you but do not define reality. The color of the state does not mean the bad actors are of the same color. And unless you present real evidence to show Repubs are more murderous, you don’t have a case.
But hey, we did see one thing with solid proof here – the story that Obama’s adviser, longtime Democrat, is a pedophile and has been jailed for such a crime.
I am Wee the People and nice meeting you Mr. Mouse 🙂
WTP: sorry, but for my last response, it will be multi-part because Gilbertson’s SW is blocking and I need to ferret out the offending link(s) or whatever. I would suggest he either fix or document the issue so as to be avoided, but his extreme free speech, or he-the-engineer, seem to have either limitations or the inability to know his own SW platform. Never met an engineer who does not have the thirst to know the unknown…..
Part 1
WTP: sorry, you asked for methodology, I provided a link, you did not use it, and now you want me to find the methodology and explain it to you. I did my part, do yours. I told you, I will not cut and paste the entire methodology here, look it up yourself, I gave you the link.
You told me about all these CDC heinous acts. If I regaled you with similar, with equal evidence as you have not provided, would you believe me? I provide response to the definition change which appears not to be the definition of vaccine as you falsely stated, but covid vaccine, the evidence of the change and the rationale I provided a link for. You did not read. And how does changing a definition result in someone not being credible? Especially when they rationalize and document the rationale with evidence. But you did not read.
You falsely state: “This is also the case because it is funded by the federal government which is a direct patent holder in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.” Pfizer vaccine was not funded by Operation Warp Speed; OWS did freeze out other countries with a pre-purchase, but OWS did not fund development. I posted the link elsewhere, let me know if you need it so you can avoid reading it. The patents on the vaccines are owned by many; there are many components like the Mrna component, etc. “Corporate applicants account for the largest percentage of filings (764 patent families, 52%). Universities and public research organizations make a similar contribution (611 patent families, 42%), while independent inventors accounted for only 6% of filings (94 patent families). The top four applicants were universities and research organizations (Tsinghua University, China; PLA Academy of Military Medical Services, China; The Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russia; Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), while the number five spot was filled by a company, Liaoning Chengda Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China), followed by Sun Yat-Sen University (China), ModernaTX, Inc. (United States of America), Institut Pasteur (France), Tübingen Medical School (Germany), the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Medical Biology (China) and additional companies, universities and research organizations.” Gee, I do not see Government in that list?? Here’s a fun covid patent roadmap. It has pictures that you don’t have to read :>) *https://www.wipo.int/en/web/patent-analytics/exploring-covid-19-vaccine-patents*
Part 2 is being moderated, not sur on part 3, it was there but now is gone….
Part 4, will kill the link to see if that removes the block, find it yourself……
The CDC evidence. Damn, you got me. One person, a few occurrences. And ON TRUMP’S watch and she accuses the Trump Administration; gee, it’s the smoking gun for sure on who’s fucking the system:
“the missing link to the letter from Congress…..”
“I am deeply concerned that the Trump Administration political meddling with the nation’s coronavirus response has put American lives at greater risk, and the Administration officials may have taken steps to conceal and destroy evidence of this dangerous conduct.” Nicely played madam: BUSTED.
How can you discuss the methodology when you have not read it? Are you pulling a Pelosi? Wearing an oversized necklace? You do not have the right to ask questions about that right in front of your face that you did not read.
I hear what you say about statistics and guns. I will throw out all statistics when you throw out all the guns. Yes, people mislead; look at what you just wrote :>) BUT — as I said —- and as I keep repeating —- statistics do not lie. People might. People might spin, leave things out, point to things as important when other things are relevant too, whatever. THAT WAS MY POINT and now you just made it. So, we have the general agreement, with the question of since the statistics show the prevalence of the bad things noted in Red States versus Blue States and while, thanks to AF, not you, it is not clear in the state bad things are politically in proportion to the party demographic, it is clear on a State level that Red States perform lower than Blue States in the categories noted.
It took you many takes to litter the place with words that don’t come together to mean anything coherent and impactful at all.
From repeating the lie that you provided the methodology to trying useless spin on your “busted” claim of stats not lying, you have wasted your time in trying to make a point which you seemingly are not even capable of making, or even finding one. Thanks for admitting that AP is leftist – and your other sources (newsweek fox) are swampy opinions not scientific facts. Fact: CDC changed the definition of the vaccine to omit “immunity” against infectious diseases. You did not bother to include what paper on researchgate claims the definition change is not a change. Reason? Cz you don’t read. You don’t understand science. You go on your 2-minutes lefties quote search to litter the place with links that repeat the lie you started with. That’s like a hamster on a wheel. lols
The ham-handed “red states worse than blue states” is too lame to qualify for serious consideration. Do your homework – capability questioned again – and see if you can finally upgrade your ability to offer something above the middle-grader’s power of expression.
Till then, stay busted 🙂
What’s a gunnie?
Andrew, the red states have Democrats there, too. The blue states have Republicans in them, too. You deliberately did not list what parties were guilty of in those states. You did it purposely to show Republicans are the worst animals on earth, just like you are. I am sick to death of the bias with the kindergarten attitude of most of the posters here. Neither side is perfect. For me, I hope both parties are totally taken down when our new government rises up. Both parties are corrupt and need to go. Then, who will you blame? God? Sheesh!
Af: good one v
It’s an assumption that crime rate ownership matches other demographics like political parties. There probably is no proof of it but it’s close enough for government work. But until we do, af is spot on with that one.
But it is clear that Trump states acted one way, nonTrump states another. Just aren’t sure the terrible trump state stats fall solely on Republican perps at the exact same ratio and probably not. Probably worse IMO, but consider the source 😁
I mean, New Jersey has one of the best public school systems in America. Does that mean our Republicans are smarter? This may be anecdotal data, but based on my experience, absolutely not. I mean, let’s face it, if these Republicans in New Jersey had any brains at all, then they wouldn’t live in New Jersey. Case closed.
The above paragraph has a sarcasm alert and should not be viewed by children under the age of 17 unless accompanied by a parent who is not a republican.
How do you spell my name: danger. And yes, AF, that was a compliment.
WOW, Frank. I didn’t really think you had a heart to complement anyone. But thank you for that. There’s hope for you afterall.
When a TRUMP Republican senior advisor in sentenced to Prison in the UK for 11 years for
trying to have sex with a 9 year old you may have an argument.
Until then, Democrat as well as most past Republicans Political White house staff
all hired people in power who were perverts and should be locked up.
Think Clinton, Obama especially.
Although Biden, the big sniffer was messed up, His lust was for the MONEY!
At least Hunter did not have child porn on his computer that we know of!
Yup, lock em all up. But admit the perversion gates swings to either party and no one knows who is worse, or does that even matter since one is too much.
What money did Biden sniff? Joe that is.
What perversion did Clinton have because if I was single, I would hit that, and if that offered to spend time in the knee wheel of the Resolute, well, wtf do you think it was named for? (I don’t even know what that means, but it makes me smile).
What perversion did Obama have? That’s like blaming Leonard, not Howard, on TBBang of perversion—- nerds gone weird.
These are dreams Republicans have to feel better about their Felon King, the great sexual abuser and defamer of women all. Senor Grab Em By The Pussy, our Commander In Chief, Captain Bonespur. Yeah, like no perversion in that family….. Want some DT quotes on Ivanka? Or Stormy weather quotes on small dick, likes spanking? Yeah, you need cover, that’s fer sure.
Stormy is back in the news. She is being investigated for lying. Watch the websites out there for the rest of the story. It’s sstill early about it.
Stormy Daniels news, the bit about lying, except with Trump, appears to be a lie as the only news seems to be Trump’s next appeal which was boring, but will, according to the process, be expanded as the fairy tale unfolds. Fact is it’s a document’s case, good luck.
I see no news of Daniels being investigated for lying and can’t imagine what it would be given the case is over and done with. Perhaps it’s from The Signal, or Gitmo, or The Magic Kingdom. Who the fuck would even investigate, NYS – not bloody likely. Trump’s FBI or DOJ — what are they going to do to New York State? But I would love to see Trump use the Federal Government to take over a State. Bully for him.
Who would investigate? People with brains, that’s who. As I said, Frank, the story about prostitute Daniels JUST came out and watch as it unfolds, too. Just because you saw nothing, doesn’t mean it isn’t out there. But then again, you don’t know the first thing about investigating or research. What you do is look for anything that is against Republicans and for the evil Democrats as you so many times have proven.
Daniels is a prostitute? How much did Trump pay? Think he paid $130k fir her not to talk about sex with him. But you say he paid her for sex too?
You know she’s being investigated, but can’t say who. It’s got to be federal, so like doj department of brains? You just made it up, right?
Yes. because I saw nothing, something could be there. Then again, if you caprove it, probably not.
Yeah, I am a bad researcher. That’s hilarious. Especially considering someone who makes up stories all the time. The Signal. Clone leader replacement. Gitmo. Trump was President 2020-2024. Yeah. .
There is a new appeal. Perhaps that’s what shook a screw loose in your story that seems one egg short of a dozen.