New Report: Hunter Biden Got $5 Million from China after Using Joe Biden’s Name

Though the Department of Justice (DOJ) gave Hunter Biden a slap on the wrist for tax and illegal gun purchase crimes, the Republicans continue to investigate and reveal new evidence of millions of dollars sent from China to the Bidens.
The Republican-led House recently obtained the transcript of a WhatsApp message sent by Hunter Biden on July 30, 2017, to a Chinese businessman Henry Zhao. In the message, Hunter Biden wrote that his father, Joe Biden, was sitting by him, and they (the Bidens) wanted to make sure the director resolved “the commitment” right off. Hunter then threatened Zhao on what would happen if he got a message from anyone else excluding Zhao and the Chairman Zhang:
“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
On Sunday (June 25), The Western Journal linked Hunter Biden’s message to a 2020 Senate report on Hunter Biden’s involvement in corrupt practices with the backing of the Obama-Biden administration.
The report titled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns” was put together by then-Senate Committees on Finance and Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs. It revealed that within ten days of Hunter Biden’s message, Chinese firm CEFC Infrastructure wired $5 million to the bank account for Hudson West III.
In September 2018, Hudson West III started making frequent payments to Hunter Biden’s business.
On Sept. 25, 2018, Hudson West III sent frequent payments to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s firm. These payments, which were described as consulting fees, reached $4,790,375.25 in just over a year.
Hunter Biden’s threatening message to the Chinese businessman, using Joe Biden’s name and the subsequent payments, creates another episode of the international corruption ring in which the Bidens have been reportedly been key players. House Oversight Committee’s Chairman James Comer recently expressed his total distrust of the DOJ and called out the department for covering up for the Bidens.
In response to the DOJ’s appointment of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, Comer was cited commenting:
“I think that’s the most ridiculous idea that any Republican could think right now.”
Conservatives have recently slammed the DOJ for turning a blind eye to the international money-making deals of the Bidens, including millions of dollars from Ukraine. Journalist Miranda Devine that the testimony by two IRS whistleblowers makes it evident that the DOJ sabotaged the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.
One of the whistleblowers, Gary Shapley Jr., noted that the DOJ prosecutors would not mine Joe Biden’s location on the date of Hunter Biden’s message to the Chinese businessman to verify whether Joe Biden really was with his son when the message was sent.
Is this playing the same old story with a new wrapper?
My previous comments from the last time PBP aired the $5M man — Hunter Biden hold.
We know Hunter, and other Biden’s got money from China from companies with government ties for energy projects, the big one in Louisiana being ultimately cancelled.
NOW — we find Hunter talkin up Joe being in the room during a phone call and reportedly part of this.
The new info includes a text ap snap, “WhatsAP,” that Hunter’s lawyer says: “both include a photo of Mr. Biden not from 2017 but from the White House Easter Egg roll in April 2022 (long after the purported message was sent); both images portray the message in a blue bubble, when WhatsApp messages are in green; one image super-imposed the Chinese flag for the contact ID, when surely that was not how a text or contact was kept; and one purports to be a screenshot with the ‘. . .’ of someone composing a text (as in Apple’s iMessage) when that does not happen on WhatsApp.” It needs validation.
However, there’s the “big guy” message so Joe’s name is in the record.
So, what?
1. Hunter can say whatever he wants, I am sure a drugged-out guy looking for money for his next score might, but that is not a proof positive that Joe did anything wrong.
2. It’s 2017; what access exactly are the Chinese buying from Joe? Are they really this stupid not to realize he is not VP, or even in office anymore?
Shapley and the unnamed whistleblower probably believe their case got bumped, they really wanted to proceed. But like the NYSD lawyers quitting over the Trump case turn-down, there may be nothing illegal in what DOJ did here. There were venue issues (case was in Delaware, Hunter did not live there during the crime dates), etc. but no proof of wrongdoing yet.
Fact is, until Wiess himself takes the stand, it’s pretty hard to conclude this Trump-appointee (smart move to keep him Joe), was pressured given his statement on the affair on 6/7/23 is: “As the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges.” Shapley says Weiss told him that Weiss did NOT have that authority. So, if Weiss takes, the stand, we will know.
As far as Hunter and “the big guy,” this is not new news, we had existing texts —- but Hunter texting does not mean Joe has a clue. There needs to be actual evidence of Joe doing……something…..
Just not sure how often the Weaponization or Whatever Committee can roll the same story. Adding new wrappers like this that don’t move the narrative forward is not helping their case. And if you do add a next text wrapper, one that is not photoshopped might serve your causer better.
Not sure why Mr. Dempsey choose to re-run this given the new wrapper is so weak.
And the answer to clear the FUD is to put Mr. Weiss on the stand and ask him: were you pressured to drop the case or minimize the plea deal.
As far as Joe —- it’s freakin 2017, can anyone tell me what the Chinese expected from Joe — the ex VP, out of a job, living in Delaware. And then actually prove his connection is more that Hunter saying “he’s in the room,” wink-wink-nudge-nudge.
But continue the investigation by all means. Given the texts, and we know “the big guy” one looks real, certainly worthy of investigation still.
Maybe Ernest ran this story for the same reason the Democrat’s run over and over and over everything Trump
related were Trump was not even the centerpiece of the story were things were made up to include him.
J6 on television no less.
Russia Hoax, and not to mention all the crap thrown at him every day just to try to persuade voters
to vote against him.
I am surprised the FBI didn’t have him on the Titan that is MIA.
Even more surprised no one made up the rumor ” YET”.
I agree Darren, everything is over-played, over-hyped, but never hardly ever in-depth in these modern times.
Trump on the Titan —- heck man, rumor has it he BUILT the Titan by avoiding science, technology, rules, regulations, and even common sense. I read that in Puffington Host.
I agree with Frank, lets investigate it thoroughly. And lets use an independent investigator that reports to the Supreme Court and has access to everything said and written. What is interesting is a couple years ago Biden emphatically denied any knowledge of his son’s business dealings. But now he has the WH staff speaking for him, and they In a statement, by Ian Sams, spokesman for the White House Counsel’s Office, declared, “As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son. Seems like they are trying to change the narrative.