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Netanyahu throws down the gauntlet in UN speech

Netanyahu throws down the gauntlet in UN speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a blistering speech at the United Nations in defense of the Jewish state’s right to exist and the justification of its war on the antisemitic terrorist network headed by Iran.

Netanyahu left no enemy of Israel unnamed. He left no doubts that his plan is for the total defeat of Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iran proxy terrorist groups.  He chastised West Bank Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas for his support of terrorists and paying bounties for killing Jews.  Netanyahu attacked the World Court as an antisemitic organization for declaring him a war criminal and threatening to issue an arrest warrant.

He also called out the UN for its historic criticism of Israel in the form of more than 70 condemnatory resolutions.  He called the world organization an “antisemitic swamp.”  The best evidence of that may have been the large number of delegations that boycotted the speech. The main floor was mostly empty.  I cannot recall any previous head of state so harshly criticizing the UN from its own platform.

What the Israeli leader seemed to have made very clear is that there would be no cessation in hostilities against terrorist organizations – no cease fires – until they are totally defeated.  He said peace could come to Gaza immediately if Hamas will lay down their arms and surrender.  There would be no role in post-war Gaza for Hamas.  Instead, Israel would lead a regional authority to create a civilian democratic Palestinian leadership.

In terms of Hezbollah, it is clear from Netanyahu’s speech – and recent escalation – that Israel is ready to launch a full-scale assault on the terrorist group. 

When all those pagers and walkie-talkies blew up, I did not see it as a one-off tactic. Rather as a precursor of a much larger military effort. The exploding pagers were just a means of disrupting Hezbollah communications ahead of a much larger military assault – which came shortly thereafter in the form of a massive missile attack on key Hezbollah targets and leaders.  It appears that a ground invasion is the next action.  To underscore his Israel’s resolve, the main Hezbollah headquarters was bombed even as Netanyahu was in New York City for the UN speech – killing the terrorist group’s top leaders.

Perhaps Netanyahu’s most ominous language was directed at Iran.  While he did not use the term “regime change,” he left little doubt that the current leadership of Iran cannot be allowed to sponsor terrorism or to acquire nuclear weapons.  He said that if the world of nations will not stop Iran, Israel will.  That had the ring of a declaration of war.

Netanyahu was not wrong in defining the problem – and not unreasonable in the course of his actions on the battlefield.  It is doubtful, however, that his speech will have much impact on the United Nations audience.  The more important question is what will be the impact on Israeli allies—especially the United States?  That question rests most heavily on President Biden and the Harris/Walz campaign.

Both Biden and Harris have moved away from the once rock-solid shoulder-to-shoulder alliance between Israel and the United States.  Since Biden’s initial backing of Israel – sealed with a hug in Tel Aviv – the administration has become critical of Israel’s conduct of the war.  In fact, it has more often than not sided with the Palestinian propaganda machine – undermining Israel’s image throughout the world.  Harris would be more closely aligned with Palestinian/Hamas interests based on her rhetoric.

Netanyahu’s speech made it clear that there will be no ceasefire until Israel is successful in defeating the terrorist organizations – meaning wiping them out with no hold on power and no military capability.

The UN speech demonstrates that the Biden/Harris/Walz policy of splitting the difference between Israel and the Arab terrorist network has failed miserably – as it should.

Netanyahu said Israel is winning – and indeed they are.  They are crushing Hamas and have now done enormous damage to Hezbollah.  They will win on those fronts unless Iran engages directly in the war.  That would put the ball squarely in the American court.

Counting Afghanistan and Ukraine, the Middle East is the third major disastrous foreign policy failure of the Biden/Harris administration.  When Netanyahu threw the gauntlet down at the UN, it landed on the doorstep at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Freelon Hunter

    TI amazes me the the Soros/WEF/Leftists have become so completely immoral..

    Now i understand how Vlad the impaler ended up the way he did. the world forgot that the Muslims never stop being aggressors and he had to fight them off himself.

    Now I understand how the Spanish inquisitions happened. the Europeans got tired of the constant attacks from the Muslims.

    Here we are again with a bunch of idiots not understanding the the Muslims are always the aggressors.

  2. Michael

    This is one more of how the communists are taking over the world. They know better than to invade The United States. They know they would lose. They know too many citizens are armed and dangerous. That is why Harris
    wants to take away our guns. This shows how close the democrat and communist party are to each other.

  3. Americafirst

    I received just today, 9/30, from 4 different websites plus one from Ben Fulford all saying Netanyahu has been killed.

  4. Juan

    Biden/ Harris have been a DISASTER for America….Trump 2024 to clean up their mess….

  5. CPO Bill

    Stand your ground Ben! Eff the ragheads in the biden!

  6. AC

    This is the way comments sound when Horist’s confederates take to the blog There goes the neighborhood.

    • larry Horist

      AC…. like a good left-winger, you cannot understand people who do not agree with your LONG arrogant philosophic — and too often incoherent — screeds. Not to mention your constant insults. Oh! But I did mention them, LOL

      • frank stetson

        Hello Larry, Joe, and friends: One last swan song as I reflect over the past few days about my choice not to post anymore on Joe’s tower of mendacious babel. PBP is a business that Joe profits both personally and monetarily. He says he’s a free speech extremist: there is no such thing. There is only free speech, you can’t aggrandize with superlatives. Extreme free speech does not exist like a free gift is only a gift.

        From our Constitution, there are no rights granted for universal free speech. There is the 1st amendment and court rulings. The first amendment delineates the rights of individuals to redress grievances against government without control or recrimination. Most court actions are to limit 1st amendment free speech or regular ole speech outside of government but some restrict speech not involving the government. A good number of court rulings have done exactly that. Yelling “fire” in a crowded place is the archetype example, but there are others.

        These are your first amendment rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” It’s about government and speech, not free speech rights within a private business.

        And here’s the examples of why PBP free speech is totally UP TO JOE.


        For those that hate me for my point of view, you have won because Joe does not offer a fair platform for debate. I have been bullied, threatened and have decided to leave the site. I have lost. Joe has won. He has one less contributor and a lot less content and controversy. You have also lost. My point of view is valid, well-sourced factually, and now you do not have that. Instead, you move closer to a single myopic polarized conspirative point of view. An information cesspool where all agree to a single sludge in any story and the loudest voice carries the day. It’s not that you’re not right or that I’m not right. It’s that your extremism has tossed out my diverse point of view, not even willing to hear supporting facts that contradict your blog embellished reality. And you probably cherish that moment where I am intimidated off the site. One guy even expressed happiness that I might be DEAD. I am sure they are all joking, but……

        Free speech has legal restrictions on: “fighting words, hostile audiences, and true threats.” The rub is what actually fits that definition. Very hard to prove that here, or in court, but you know when it happens to you. I think when then say they are coming for you, when the telephone is suddenly spammed like no tomorrow, when hate mails threatening my family come in, we are getting pretty damn close. The result is that my free speech is cancelled; I must leave the site for I will not fight this fight this fight this way. You are not worth it. I have family. I will protect them. I will not frivolously put them in harm’s way just to discuss issues with you. Neither you nor I are that important.

        Free speech as defined in the 1st amendment does not really matter as the root cause of my issue. The first amendment deals with Government and free speech. The first amendment does not cover Joe’s or any private concern’s free speech at all. Joe CHOOSES to adopt HIS VERSION of free speech and Joe CHOOSES the tower of babel —– anything goes. Except he does not allow poetry or song lyrics, apparently that’s a queer issue that his moderator has added his personal twist on the tower of babel and Joe the extremist has submitted to those free speech whims. Joe’s version of free speech is a botched late-term abortion of the first amendment and associated court restrictions maintained in Joe’s corruption of the first to gain monetarily.

        I have oft been personally attacked on PBP, no big deal, mostly just rude. I have transgressed at times as well. Recently, I have been physically threatened on PBP, not the first time, but apparently Joe feels this is free speech too. It is not a one-off singular event anymore, but continuing. It isn’t free speech as protected from government incursion by the first, it’s potentially prosecutable and the proper authorities have been notified as to site, person, content, and circumstance.


        PBP is a nice small pond where people can discuss the issues of the day as brought up by right-wing writers. A few writers are even brave enough to enter the debate with readers, although many pbp writers hide in the shadows without real names and bios. I have enjoyed my readings, learnings, and only wished for more enlightened discussions away from the fifth-grade filth of the gutter without fear of recrimination. To allow personal attacks, physical threats, name calling, and worse is Joe’s choice, not the first amendment, not law. There can be no pride in establishing and profiting from the tower of babel. Joe has taken the easy, the cheap, way out. He hides his true rationale by stating he’s a free speech extremist; there is no such thing. And he hides behind the first amendment which does not even apply to private business, private sites. What happens here is JOE’S CHOICE, not 1st amendment free speech. Well Joe, the bullies have threatened others here, I guarantee that without action, they will escalate over time, and your small pond with be of one color: RED. One party, one color, one rigid set of ideas, and there it tis. Ignorance is bliss and you are full of it.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          See you next week

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson …You are leaving a site dedicated to free speech — even speech with which the guy in charge disagrees. Joe’s CHOICE is to give almost everyone the platform. You have rambled on here because of that policy. And you have done more than your share of insults and threats. Joe does not hide behind the First Amendment. He supports it. He does not use the private business exception as you would — to censor. Your complaint about free speech on PBP seems ingenuous, to put it politely. Your complaint seems to be centered more in the fact that folks have their own opinions–and do not fall in line with yours. You fail to appreciate the fact that a person’s right to free speech does not mean that have to be taken seriously. So, what will you do with all those hundreds of hours you are not expounding to the world on PBP? Perhaps you will find a platform that censors the opinions of people with whom you disagree. How boring.

      • AC

        Larry, is “left winger” your best shot? You missed. Must be you are bad at aiming, could be lousy ammunition, eyesight failing depth perception, or your usual over confidence convicting others using projection.
        Projection will not work as you hope it will. Since, being the self admirer that you are. You concentrate on the image you see while passing a random mirror. Your attention quickly diverts, as it’s your own reflection staring back at you. And, that face has an expression of unreserved awe for the absolute correctness that exudes from your every opinion expressed.
        So, you take to the work of the calling you regard as righteous and toss off another diatribe wet with sanctimony in judgement laid on another’s person.
        What offense drew from Horist this defensive ire that prompted him into projection mode and caused this irrational knee jerk reaction? Actually, a reaction like this is common for Horist and his phrasing vocabulary in each is boiler plate stuff of an unimaginative mind. At sum, Larry’s sights are off, his aim missed the mark, his field of vision is too narrow, his intended jabs at others perspectives are self inflicted KO punches made while Horist projecting those faults of his onto those he perceives are the enemy.
        America. What a great country!

        out punches

        mirror with your own reflection

        • larry Horist

          AC… Another long lament about moi … LOL. Nothing intelligent about the subject of the commentaries. Just insults and bitter old man bs in your inimitable relatively incoherent style. And nothing approaching reality. Are you really that obsessed and intellectually crippled? Actually, I should have more pity and just allow you to rant. Time to drop the mic on you. Good luck.

  7. AC

    Larry, again you make baseless statements and self serving assumptions that indict your opinion’s unfounded biases. Of course, that’s the wonder living through personal opinions.
    Leveling the pitch on which any match is played is the first step of many. After that, it’s match rules agreed in common.
    Yet. My knowing that FairPlay is a foreign construct within the peculiar world view you ascribe to. Alas, you have no intention in this that fairness is for snowflakes. Real men don’t understand what grace in this world looks like.
    Staying on the subject of understanding. Your comment stating I do not know something about … is an old shop worn invention known as projection. If that’s all you have got. Better stick to rambling on from your opinion perspective. It’s that good old opinion of yours that been your bread and butter all your days. Your projection attempts are transparent, weak. and toothless.
    Therefore, Corresponding with PBP by comment in a post is like a primitive environment where involvement is intense, every one is out there for themselves. Similar to the early hunting and gathering of uncivilized beginnings humankind invented.
    Actual understanding is a few rungs up from learning enough to pass a test. Then you may advance a rung to achieve knowing status. Not yet understanding, you remain fact ignorant but like a hen laying eggs is an egg short of a full dozen quits laying and leaves to peck in the yard. You go on and continue your own diatribe regardless and give proof. Vanity,. vanity, nothing but vanity, As far as one can see, all is vanity. What is there in life for one, as you
    I ran across the bio of your life published in 1996 by a Chicago based journalist who seemed aware and well informed of your life history to that date. It came full of evidence that supported
    the dangling hypothesis forming from ongoing intel gathering.
    Interestingly, much that I intuitively thought just happened along my path reading opinion commentary posted by you.
    Your intel on my bio is nil. Comments posted by me on PBP gave nothing useful as evidence in a court of law as the slightest credible proof for the allegations you repeatedly lodge against me and others who happen to not avow your particular brand of politics.
    From my understanding about American Democracy I have the right to have a choice of political ideology. Opinions in this country are not bound to one brand of politics dictated by another. You appear to pledge freedom of speech, but you have no appreciation of the concept known as a two-way street. You can’t take as direct comment as you give retaliatory invectives.
    I fully understand the very real fact that when someone exercises their Free Speech right in front of others there exists a degree of risk. Political opinion, one topic from a long list of especially toxic subjects, when raised while in hearing distance of folks who are decidedly not in agreement, could become an openly hostile situation depending. What transpires lends weight to the argument that says. Freedom of Speech in this country may be guaranteed, but Free Speech exercised often does not come free. What is spoken, whether it’s one’s opinion, or a statement of facts in dispute, some are met with there uncomfortable consequences that result. The manner with which Free Speech is now practiced, or has been entertained in past incidences, is a measure of respect given this particular individual personal right.
    PBP, Horist, and his reader acolytes perpetrate upon us other readers a level of disrespect only PBP can imagine and unleash. Shame on you all

    BTW Larry, believe me or not. Shopping online looking to purchase your recent published work in book length. I found that, in fact, the book is out. But. I checked several large franchise book sellers located within 100 miles of my location (Michigan) and not 1 copy happened to be in stock.
    I intend to persist in the search, confident one will be located.

    • larry Horist

      AC… the book is available line. It will not be generally available in book stores for some time in the future. This book is not backed by a million dollar marketing campaign and special dealer promotional options.

    • larry Horist

      AC I just got around to actually reading you latest contribution in full. Something I rarely do. You are correct that I do not know as much of you biography as you know of mine since I have had a public life. You have not. But I can know somethings from you writing. You spend most of your time attacking and insulting me and PBP. Almost no time on the subjects of the commentaries. So I see a person with very limited knowledge and a lot of arrogance. Most notable is your attempt to write in what you consider a erudite and intelligent style. But you demonstrate a incoherent and inarticulate grasp of basic English. You remind me of Leo Gorcey in the Bowery Boys trying to sound highly educated while demonstrating his ignorance of the language. Mostly , you long screeds are the bs rants of an old and pathetic person. That is how your writing comes across. Having said that, I can now happily return to my habit of ignoring your shallow comments.

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…