Musk … Nazi salutes … and political slander

The response to President Trump’s activist agenda has been predictable. Democrats and their left-wing media allies (think MSNBC) have performed the seemingly impossible – twisting themselves in a knot while their hair is on fire.
From their perspective, the first few days of the Trump administration have been like a thousand California wildfires igniting all at once. They have neither the time nor the resources to respond to even a fraction of the record number of actions taken by Trump. That was evident when CNN’s Dana Bash held up the pile of Trump’s Executive Orders and directives and posed the rhetorical question: “How do we respond to all this?” (Memo to Bash: You cannot –and that is the point).
To understand the frustration … the desperation … and the depravity … of the chronic Trump-hating left, you need only to look at their idiotic claim that Elon Musk gave Nazi salutes while addressing Trump supporters at an inaugural event.
To recognize the absurdity of the claim, you have to understand what the gesture was. At the conclusion of his remarks, Musk gave the classic “I love you” gesture to the audience — placing his hand on his heart and then thrusting his arm upward to the audience. He did it twice toward different sections of the audience, and followed up with a verbal “My heart goes out to you.” Interestingly, the left-wing media edited the verbal love words out of their clips. There could be no honest misunderstanding of Musk’s heartfelt gesture and its meaning – and no legitimate excuse for the corrupt editing.
Only a malignant partisan liar would mischaracterize the gesture with such a slanderous interpretation. What is even more disgusting is that the bogus narrative was picked up by numerous Democrats and left-wingers (repeating myself), including Connecticut Senator Chirs Murphy and Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker – and innumerable shameless left-wing media personalities. They all reported it as if it were a fact instead of a slander.
I found Pritzker to be particularly offensive. He even falsely verbalized the “Seig Heil” language to the alleged Nazi salute. Perhaps my heightened reaction was because I come from Illinois and have had many positive personal involvements with several members of the Pritzker family. I could not imagine one of them sinking so low. I find the fact that a prominent Jew would use the Nazi implication to debase a political adversary to be beyond obnoxious.
One might have expected the CNN anchor, Dana Bash, to push back on such a grossly false statement – especially considering that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a public statement saying that what Musk did was NOT a Nazi salute. It is telling that the very organization that calls out antisemitism found it necessary to push back against false accusations of antisemitism.
The Musk hand gesture first came to my attention when it was reported with sinister implications by MSNBC’s Rachel Madow. But … she did not reference it at the time as a Nazi salute. She described it as (you just cannot make this stuff up) an ancient Roman army salute. How weird is that? Did she have the Philistines at the gate on her mind? Unlike the Nazi salute, Maddow’s allusion makes no sense at all – even has a vicious slander. But then … it IS Rachel Maddow.
The American left-wing media spread their slander across the globe – using carefully selected photos and claims that it was a Nazi salute. It resulted in many publications in Germany, Poland and elsewhere to re-report the slander verbatim.
Michael Friedman former chair of the Central Council of Jews in Germany claimed that Musk had “unambiguously” performed the “Nazi Heil Hitler” salute. Totally untrue.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz criticized Musk’s gesture, but said they have freedom of speech in Germany. Apparently, Berlin Judge Kai-Uwe Herbst does not agree. He told the Berlin Zeitung that an arm thrust like Musk’s is sufficient evidence on which to bring charges under German law.
Die Seit carried an article headlined “A Hitler salute is a Hitler salute is a Hitler salute.” In the article, Lenz Jacobsen wrote, “Whoever on a political stage, making a political speech in front of a partly far-right audience, elongates his arm diagonally in the air both forcefully and repeatedly, is making a Hitler salute. There’s no such ‘probably’ or ‘similar to’ or ‘controversial’ about it. The gesture speaks for itself.”
The slander knows no bounds of truth … accuracy … or decency.
Let us be perfectly clear. Outside of a very small band of self-named nutcases, there is no … as in zero … Nazi influence in the American political culture. If you want to compare extreme ideologies, I will argue that left-wing communism has more influence in the American political culture than Nazism.
If this is all Democrats have, one can understand why they lost so badly in 2024.
So, there ‘tis.
So, I am watching Trump at his GOP conference and I noted a few things.
1. This guy is a politician, he’s still giving stump speeches
2. He already is broaching the third term, asking the question as if he does not know the answer and looking for someone to show him the way. Where is a Chesbro when you need one as he chums the GOP waters.
3. He splits his talk time looking back at perceived enemies and supposed traitorous crimes and look at me, look at what I did. He even creamed his jeans that they named a street after him in Florida but begged — is that all? This guy is chumming to have things names after him.
4. He describes a future that is all you and yours with very little for me and mine. Unify is a four-letter word for him. Win-lose is the new way. And if you disagree, he will come after you with everything he’s got. He even fires the prosecutors of 1/6 because they did their job and convicted cop beaters, Capitol trespasses, and seditious conspirators, his private army, that he set free.
Where are we: Two of the pardoned 1/6ers have already come afoul of the law. One, in Florida, of course, for gun violations. The other shot dead for resisting arrest on a traffic stop. Wasn’t even black.
Trump made Columbia back down and cave to his PR whims to use military aircraft at an increased expense of over $400K per flight over normally used commercial aircraft. All for show. Isn’t that like him picking on Carroll? On the judge? On the Georgia election workers? When will he pick on someone his own size? A real man would have called the Columbian President, told him what he thought, told him what he would do, and see if the CP would change his mind and they could come to a conclusion.
But no. It’s Columbia, what can they do, so let’s pull out the ole crazy man routine, go off the walls, take many stupid actions to bully the bitch, and then pound our chest, say look at me, look at me, I’m the Felon King of the World and you are not. Wow, can we beat up on Luxemburg next? At this rate, will the world be with us IF and WHEN we need them? Or will the worm turn faster than Bush can say “Katrina.”
Where’s the biding: less than 20 days in office, he has said he wants Greenland and the Panama Canal and does not rule out military force. He acquiesced on his promise to stop the Ukraine war resetting the clock for another 100 days. He has bullied Columbia with tariffs, sanctions, and more to get his way with them. He has removed security clearances from people he does not like putting them in harm’s way. He commuted the sentence of 14 of the worst felons in America, seditious conspirators, from 1/6 and pardoned close to 1,600 people who beat and brutalized our boys in blue using whatever they could to bludgeon them. Trump’s message: break the law in my name and I will set you free to do more harm. It’s his private army of brownshirts, many more willing to do it again, some already announcing their violent intentions, some already arrested or killed in furtherance of crime. He has deployed our military domestically; sure, against illegal immigration, but it’s early yet and he has shown his colors to use our military within our borders against civilians. Redefined birthright citizenship voiding the 14th Amendment in our, not his, Bill of Rights. And started the purge of immigrants, focusing on criminals but arresting anything in their path to sort it out later. Already rumors of abuse have begun. Non criminals arrested. Legal citizens arrested. Handcuffs, no water, innocents caught in the snares, and more. Directions to void federal financial support to those LEGALLY offering sanctuary, including the Church. Vows to enter the church sanctuary, a sin against God. Withdrew from Paris Accord, WHO, while allowing the Chinese TikTok to continue in the US because his piggybank owns it.
From Serenity: “So, no more runnin’. I aim to misbehave.”
Yesterday, he boldly stated we should repatriate all the people in GAZA to Egypt and Jordan. The hard right Israelis are jumping for joy. But remember, Kushner, his deal with the Saudi Prince, $2B in investment money to be focused on Israeli partnerships and development. Have you seen Gaza: it’s 25 miles of beach front with Kushner and rabid right Israeli’s have been talking about development forever. And now the Saudi Prince says he wants to partner with Israel in development. This could be the Trump land-grab of the century. It’s all coming together now.
Horist: “With the possible exception of the pardons for the egregious rioters and those petty actions, I believe that the actions taken by Trump are going to be well received by the American people.”
You gotta love how this guy, Trump, says it and does it right in front of the people’s faces and some say: “please sir, might I have some more.” Well, there’s always room for more.
Well received though? You betcha: NOT.
The source of the salute was ancient Rome. And the reason is correct: from the heart I salute you. Regardless of how “clean”
the salute is it is still the same. When everyone “sees” it and says the same thing, it is what it is! And Musk has not claimed differently.
Take it for whatever you feel it means to you at the time it was given.
The only reason Trump can take the position(s) he is taking is because of who America is at present; not where he wants her to be.
Trump is a two dimential person. (most people are too.) For situations like this requires a three (3) dimential person on multi-levels.
This is not Trump!
Why is this all necessary?
Trump’s election win.
This will be discussed for decades.
Maybe the real reason is just too simple to be true.
Kamala is a girl; so is Hillary. And both are very qualified for the job.
So what! They both lost. Maybe it is because gender is a bigger factor?
No one reason is the answer but all factors must be considered.
Somehow, the salute being Roman does not make it better……
Question: was it in the Gladiator II film: that would explain a lot. I haven’t seen it yet.
Frank, how in the H did an article about Musk morph into a story about Trump? Showing you filthy bias again? And again, and again! You really are something else. My God, what is wrong with you? Suck it up. YOU LOST! Nothing you can ever say will change the facts. I say, thank God YOU are not POTUS. We really would be living in Hell with that. For real – what is wrong with you? So what about what Trump wants. You want and want and want us to be like Venezuela as you show us in every one of your rants. That is un-American to highest degree. Like I told you before, you are full-fledged Communist or however I said it.
My brown shirts are comfortable
It’s a choice Tom. I serve the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you bend a knee to your Felon King. Amazingly, I bet we both think of ourselves as plucky patriot rebels.
Frank Danger … You serve the Constitution and Bill of Rights??? LMAO You believe in religious freedom? No. You believe in immigration laws and citizens rights? No. You believe in free speech? No. You Believe in gun owner rights? No. You believe in the Tenth Amendment that limits the role of the federal government? No. As a classic liberal, you bend the Constitution — or ignore the Constitution — to your will and opinions. You favor an expansive powerful regulatory central government — the opposite of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I draw this opinion for all your many writings.
Larry Horist: on this one you are a liar and a cad. You cannot prove one fucking thing you claim about me here.
I do favor a strong federal government that invests in our future, especially funding that which States and/or private concerns will not.
Our disagreements often stem from that which divided the founders: federalism or anti-federalism.
It’s a healthy debate if participants offer respect and decorum. But generalizing me as “a classic liberal” is not that and it’s total bullshit. I will out capitalist you any day of the week. I am so much more conservative than you on the budget, it’s amazing. You may draw your opinion from blah de blah, but you cannot prove it.
1. Where haven’t I serve. the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
2,. Where haven’t I believed in religious freedom?
3. Where haven’t I believed in immigration laws and citizens rights?
4. Where have I been against free speech?
5. Where are my general thoughts on the 2A differed with yours? I think we both even support the same changes
6. I have not a clue your spew about my believe in the Tenth Amendment? Show us.
7. Where have I bent the Constitution or ignored it?
Paper does not refuse ink, display do not refuse pixels, but bullshit is bullshit and you can’t prove what you said is not bullshit.
Frank Danger … I got as far as your first sentence. You are among the worst name callers on these threads … and then sanctimoniously claim you above such crap. hypocrisy? LOL
Bullshit; you lie again and once again generalize since specific facts are your enemy apparently.
Sanctimonious he says. What a joke is the response.
“Paper does not refuse ink, display do not refuse pixels, but bullshit is bullshit and you can’t prove what you said is not bullshit.”
“1. Where haven’t I serve. the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
2,. Where haven’t I believed in religious freedom?
3. Where haven’t I believed in immigration laws and citizens rights?
4. Where have I been against free speech?
5. Where are my general thoughts on the 2A differed with yours? I think we both even support the same changes
6. I have not a clue your spew about my believe in the Tenth Amendment? Show us.
7. Where have I bent the Constitution or ignored it?”
He’s the kid always picking the fight and then blaming the other guy for starting it.
Oh yeah, and beyond failed journalist The Dumpster, where has Frank Danger called someone a name, much less “the worst name callers on these threads.”
Come on, toe the line.
I spell my name: danger. And you ain’t got the stuff.
I looked at the Musk tape and agree, this is not a Sieg Heil. Funny, his father fought apartheid, he was more than just an activist, but quit the party when the party wanted to go more than the first half step towards democracy and fairness to all races. Sort of like our founders fumbled this on the Constitution in order to placate the South and create an imperfect Union still better than any other that existed. How Musk turned hard right after growing up left is a question. But, most certainly, he let’s the roar of the crowd affect his better judgment to make any salute from a South African German born that even closely resembles Seig Heil. And tapping your heart before you salute your fuhrer does not help at all.
Can’t wait for the spin score, I think the author will fare well, but you know those pesky Independents.
I vote good story, although I might have throttled back the venom. But yes, the left went bonkers turning a molehill into a mountain. It’s a footnote, not a novel. We’re doing a lot of that now while we attempt to find our future. We need a leader to step forth and coalesce our thoughts. I hope they will be centrist with focus on the white collar managerial class and the blue collar technical class with equal priorities. And not just the managerial class now known as elites.
So, no comment about what was actually said by Musk?
Just a video taken out of context?
When Biden fell down the steps a half a dozen times all he said was OUCH!
When the video was played there was bullshit made upon why he fell other that just too old!
Again, is the American public that stupid!
If actions speak louder than words, this would explain the stupidity of make something out of nothing.
Over 50% of the population understands the Lies of the left as the election proved this.
100% of the left does not understand the simple math behind it all.
Just like the lying about Trumps speech on J6th, people do wake up.
Not all at once as most of the uneducated enjoy their COMA!
If all Dems have is a silent video, you already lost the next election!
Darren, good question and in all honesty, I am not really into Mush who just told his gutted X crew their financial future is dire, probably by X. However, I looked at the comments and they were pretty lame rally rousers with the strange comment: “We’re going to take Doge to Mars.” Now, after looking up the term, I wondered if it’s doge to take doge to Mars? But beyond that: milk toast platitudes and flag raising. Ho, hum. But I am all for space exploration, exploitation, and extraction. We will need an escape route for the path we are on for this planet.
But still conclude as I said: “ But, most certainly, he let’s the roar of the crowd affect his better judgment to make any salute from a South African German born that even closely resembles Sieg Heil. And tapping your heart before you salute your Fuhrer does not help at all.” Now, given excitement gets the better of many in these situations, I could give a Mulligan, but this is Musk. Musk is the alpha capitalist, hard right winger, free-speecher even if it kills, weirdo that seems to have turned right when his father turned left. He just is too smart to not have done it on purpose. And what he did was emulate a NAZI salute.
Low media bias English press says it sure looks like it: *https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/20/trump-elon-musk-salute*
Al Jazeera didn’t really take a stand, just reported.
France seems to lean towards “he did it” or at least he knew what he was doing: *https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20250121-musk-repeatedly-makes-gesture-likened-to-nazi-salute-at-trump-rally*
And so on, but more across the globe say yech than say yay, so they seem to have seen something that reminded them of Hitler’s time.
Now, Musk also supports the German Afd, a hard right group that in May of 2024, was officially suspected of extremism by a ruling in the German courts. They deny the holocaust, are antisemitic and many other bad things. Elon Musk is on record as saying Germans should move beyond “past guilt” ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day. Yeah fuck, don’t need that except my parents would curse me for forgetting, as would I. It is something that always should be remembered, like 9/11 remembered. While he’s supporting the Afd as part of his hard right efforts, why Germany, why support antisemitic? Makes the NAZI parody salute look pretty purposeful.
Now they have created the Mump, a new dance, with a convergence of the Trump made famous by footballers and the Musk salute — the dance is stronger and better than ever. Sieg Mump!
As to Biden mishaps, I am sorry, but as you folks keep saying, focus on the future, or Fuhrer because there’s a new sheriff in town and almost half the people like him. And he’s just the man for half the people.
Larry, did you see the article that came out, I think just yesterday, that had snippets of videos showing Democrat journalists putting an arm straight out like Hitler did? I laughed so hard at that. Democrats are so hard-nosed they think we don’t see anything. The great part today is the Democrats are losing bigtime and may not even survive as a party. Who knows.
Americafirst … No … but I saw a montage of photos of Dem office holders looking like they were doing the Nazi salute. It is such a common gesture that it utterly shameful of those on the left using innocent pics and videos to slander Republicans. It is despicable. It shows their desperation, The crazies have just gotten crazier.
Horist, a who montage? Got link?
f (Frank Danger) … Is there a rational reason for your changing your screen names so often? You trying to give the false impression that you have more allies on PBP .. or you just so old you cannot remember? LOL
Larry, I am using Frank Danger and have mostly changed names when I change. Stetson died for name calling. Stranger because, let’s face it, that’s weird, and now Frank Danger. The only names are mostly smart phone foibles, auto correct, and it’s unending attempts at killing me. It’s that smart….. I have the advance IP16 which seems like my Iphone 11 except it’ got Apple AI which does absolutely nothing for me. Then again, my laptop is new too and it’s seems to be doing pretty strange stuff too. I am having troubles coming down from the cloud…….
Oh well, it’s Frank Danger and I see no changes, except operator and machine errors in the future. Oh yeah, there’s that America Farts, but that was to make a point that you can call yourself anything in Joeville, even someone else’s name.
I am old, but compared to you, young in age and in mind. Perhaps too young in mind. I am still hoping we can bring you out of the 50’s and at least get you to the 70’s…….
But, still, got montage, got links, ever smoke pot? There’s questions you keep a ducking even if you use your real name, unlike Tim who really picked a weird one: normal —- who does that?
Oh yeah, Larry, the name calling names too. Love to see those. Has to be easy, you said I was the wurst and that ain’t no sausage.
Frank Danger aka f, Frank Stetson, etc …Aha! You say you change your name when you change your personality. I am not a psychiatrist, but that smacks of schizophrenia. You have bad Frank and .. uh …less bad Frank — by your own description. Both however engage in insults and personal attacks of which you seem to be oblivious..
Larry Horist … I got as far as your first sentence. You are among the worst name callers on these threads … and then sanctimoniously claim it’s me that insults more. You are like the boy who picks a fight and then blames the other guy for starting it when he loses. And he loses a lot. Again.
If you feel insulting, sorry. The truth hurts though, does it not. And being the truth, should you not attend to your perceived, self-professed, injury? Thin skin is just the worst. It’s like a earworm eating at you, making you obsess over it. To the point you have nothing else to say except poor you, poor you; it’s the other guy’s fault that you feel insulted over what you say and do. boo hoo boo hoo.
Get back to issues and let’s tone down the personal. But you can’t.
Montage, got link? But, still, got montage, got links, ever smoke pot?
There’s questions you keep a ducking
1. Where haven’t I served the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
2,. Where haven’t I believed in religious freedom?
3. Where haven’t I believed in immigration laws and citizens rights?
4. Where have I been against free speech?
5. Where are my general thoughts on the 2A differed with yours? I think we both even support the same changes
6. I have not a clue your spew about my believe in the Tenth Amendment? Show us.
7. Where have I bent the Constitution or ignored it?
You spew a lot and answer little. You complain of insults, but insult too. And you rarely answer a question or defend your statements of “fact.”
This article earns a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 5. Here is why:
1. Larry says, “Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a public statement saying that what Musk did was NOT a Nazi salute. It is telling that the very organization that calls out antisemitism found it necessary to push back against false accusations of antisemitism.
To this I say that Germany and other countries affected by WWII confirmed it was a Nazi salute. Who knows more? The ADL? Or the country that standardly used this salute for several years and caused a war where that salute was used and got their country devastated?
2) If my father who won the distinguished flying cross metal and six acorns on it were alive, he would have called it a Nazi salute.
3) Larry is trying to split hairs between “hypothetical Musk intentions” versus what was actually seen. Larry wants to create and promote plausible deniability in his readers minds that the salute was not Nazi salute and distract his readers from what the reader actually observed. WE CALL THIS GASLIGHTING!!!
4) I have studied the causes and events of WWII. I have watched hundreds of B&W films on marching Nazis and how they addressed each other. What Musk did was a Nazi salute no matter what his intentions were.
5) Musk comes from a nation that promoted Apartheid. Apartheid agreed with much of Nazi rhetoric, particularly racial superiority, subhuman classes of people, eugenics, allegiance to an oppressive cause, etc.
6) Charlotte Knobloch, the president of the Jewish community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, described the gesture as “highly disconcerting”. But she said it was not as significant as Musk’s recent attempts to meddle in German politics, where he has endorsed the far-right Alternative für Deutschland ahead of next month’s federal election. She went on to say, ““Far more worrying are Elon Musk’s political positions, his offensive interference in the German parliamentary election campaign and his support for a party whose anti-democratic aims should be under no illusions,” she said in a statement.
7) A Berlin judge, Kai-Uwe Herbst, told the Berliner Zeitung that a deliberate diagonal right arm thrust in the air is sufficient evidence on which to bring a charge against someone under German law. DOES LARRY KNOW THIS???
8) Lenz Jacobsen, a journalist, wrote in Die Zeit in a piece headlined A Hitler salute is a Hitler salute is a Hitler salute: “Whoever on a political stage, making a political speech in front of a partly far-right audience, elongates his arm diagonally in the air both forcefully and repeatedly, is making a Hitler salute. There’s no such ‘probably’ or ‘similar to’ or ‘controversial’ about it. The gesture speaks for itself.” See *https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/21/the-gesture-speaks-for-itself-germans-divided-over-musks-apparent-nazi-salute* MAYBE LARRY SHOULD LISTEN To LENZ AND OTHERS MUCH MORE FAMILIAR WITH NAZI SALUTES!!!!
The bottom line, Larry is gaslighting his readers. The real world authorities on this topic all are in agreement that it was a Nazi salute no matter what the intention. They all thought the salute was disturbing. But Larry is running cover for Musk and his idol Trump which can make the reader wonder if Larry himself might just be a “covert Nazi”??? Many conservatives in the USA that Larry grew up with from 1946 to 1960 were Nazi sympathizers. So it is not a stretch to think that Larry might be sympathetic to the use of the salute and with his sympathies towards the salute he might be motivated to gaslight his readers like he did in this article. You the reader must decide!
And there ’tis. Now you have the other side that Larry did not tell you.
Oh, and Larry and other readers, here is a little something on Larry’s one reference, the ADL. Many ADL members are horrified by the tepid response the ADL had towards Trump. Read this from *https://newrepublic.com/article/187695/anti-defamation-league-running-cover-trump* and understand why the ADL did not condemn Musk’s salute. See a small part of the article below:
So how, with all that storied history behind it, did ADL respond to Trump’s 2024 Nazi rally? “Political rallies should be about politics and policy, not offensive jokes,” the organization wrote, in a bizarrely anodyne message that did not even name the presidential candidate for whom the rally was held.
This response was so pathetic it actually inspired criticism from ADL’s former leader, Abe Foxman—who is, to put it mildly, not a leftist. Foxman condemned Trump’s MSG rally as dangerous, writing that “the gas chambers in Auschwitz did not begin with bricks, they began with words, ugly, hateful words against Jews and other minorities.” And he went on to extend his criticism to “the American Jewish Committee, ADL, Conference of Presidents, the federations, all these institutions” for refusing to call out Trump by name for his dangerous rhetoric and actions.
This refusal by mainstream Jewish institutions is not a one-off failure. Even before Trump’s MSG rally, many in the Jewish community were horrified at ADL’s silence in response to reporting that Trump’s own White House chief of staff and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff described the former president as a “fascist to the core” who on multiple occasions spoke admiringly of Adolf Hitler. This silence stood in sharp contrast to ADL’s approach on other issues; indeed, in the day following the report on Trump’s pro-Hitler sentiments, ADL saw fit to share eight Twitter posts naming and condemning as antisemitic various undergraduate organizations—primarily Jewish-led groups—engaged in protests against Israel’s brutal war in Gaza, as well as one post calling out media personality and webcam model Mia Khalifa.
Tom … you compound your shame. Disgusting.
And you Herr Horist show your ignorance by not addressing my text, by not knowing how all of Europe (and many around the world) feels about that salute Musk made, and by gaslighting us on this issue. You are the lame king of shame on this one as your ignorance is on full display in your uninformed attempt to defend that salute. Almost everyone I know of who ever defended that particular salute also had Nazi sentiments. All your pea brain can do is the usual garbage comment with no substance. You Herr Horist, are a disgrace to me, and you would also be a disgrace to my father who fought those that used that salute.
Tom, wo what if Larry didn’t say what you did. It is his choice what he says – not yours. You are getting very pretentious, aren’t you? What I get out of your reply is YOU ARE NAZI. And I thought Nazism was dead. I guess it isn’t with Nazi’s like you. Alive and well with Tom and Danger
So there ’tis!
My father, fil, multitude of uncles fought and died for you and I in that war. They beat the nazi’s the same way I consistently beat you: with truth, honor, and the American vision. I do not name call, except for The Dumpster and I am not calling you one here. But your words are those of a heinous bitch. Sure, you will say I started it, I did the same, I am worse, but even the clones see your signal and we gitmo your filthy tawdry name calling fucking lies.
And I spell my name: danger, so put that in your stetson and be frankly stranger
Good one Tom and I stand corrected on the positive spin score forecast. I still think it’s not a seig heil but a parody perhaps to signal the adf and others of his antisemitism and other uber right perspectives. Sort of a “stand back and stand ready sort of moment.” Given his father actively fought apartheid, this guy has something weird in the closet. Guess Canada did not rub off.
Why does he care about Germany and the adf? Looking for his own country to be King? Testing the stage with Trump before he crosses the pond to bring the farter to the fatherland?
Many in my family served in that war, as well as my father-in-law going behind the lines in Italy to take care of family. We left on in Italy, list one in panama, flew the Berlin airlift. and steamed to Pearl on 12/7. My parents were very egalitarian and truly hated prejudice. However, when it came to Germans, while they had no feelings for German Americans, they hated Germans. And the concept of “it was the German government, and not the German people“ did not fly at all with them. It was weirdly out of place with the rest of their beliefs and showed how much that war affected. Thoughts about the Japanese did not that deep at all. My father‘s team was one of the first ones into the camps, my father had been just hit and was in the hospital just before that. As he said, it was a blessing that he did not go and he would never tell what his friends visiting him told him. Horrific is not even the word. Many he said could never get rid of the smell.
Well, I don’t know why musk did it, I do know he did it knowingly. He is too smart not to. But it is really weird that it definitely does not seem to have come from his family upbringing. But there’s a brick loose in this wall.
I agree Frank. Who knows why Musk chose to do his Nazi-like salute. I agree, he did it to appeal to a particular group, and the group appears to be a far right group that many Germans are worried about and feel has Nazi sentiments. Same in this country. I’ve never seen Nazi signs at a liberal rally, only at far right conservative rallies. As far as Musk’s interest in the German government, we could speculate many reasons, German EV’s would be one of them but I think he has more interests than just EVs. He seems to be literally attempting to buy governments, but for what reasons? Seems more oriented to world domination or something but who knows what?
Here is a thought for you to ponder and opine upon Frank. The ADL is a Jewish advocacy group that is rather conservative. Their stance on this Musk Nazi sign issue is rather liberal. Larry does not seem to mind using the liberal opinion of a conservative group to make his point; yet, he abhors the liberal opinions of liberals. What that article I referenced was discussing was that many Jewish members of the ADL were shocked and very concerned not to mention totally in disagreement with and about the official ADL response given to the public.
I just find it funny that Larry used a liberal opinion of a conservative group to justify Trump’s buddy Musk!
Tom … your response is nothing less than disgusting prejudice … and slander. False accusation of the worst kind. You have fallen to the lowest levels of decency … or lack there of. Your accusation of Nazism is ironically right out of the Goebbels book in style. A pile of lies. Shame one you. You forget to mention that the Musk family fought against South African Apartheid. I cannot believe that even you — whose general responses are mostly spin and lies — have sunk so low. You have proven yourself to be a contemptable human being — unworthy of civil discourse. You arrogance has been insufferable … but this response …. wow.
You are right, kind of. But wrong, kind of, too. It was his father, not his family, and yes, he was an active party member against Apartheid. But he quit the party when the party went against acceptance of a half-hearted measure which he accepted under the mantra of “smalls steps forward are still forward.” Some felt he should have stood his ground for a total win.
I cannot find any Musk forebears doing any evil German NAZI like stuff anywhere.
So, tell me why you think Musk turned right when his father turned left? Obviously the Musk “FAMILY” does not fight against apartheid anymore. Why is Musk doing this? Why does he support Adf — clearly an antisemitic hard right group with some evil intentions like hating Jews. So, he supports this group, he makes funny NAZI like hand signals, he explains and apologizes note, basically says “shove it,” and the question stands, why support Adf and make NAZI-like salutes?
There tis weird all righty.
So answer that.
Careful Frank, you will overload Larry’s pea brain with fact and critical thinking. He is unable to keep pace with you.
And you are the lowest form of vermin writer Larry. I kill moles that have better critical thinking skills than you! You use ADL statement as your main source but are so limited in intelligence as to not realize that the members of ADL have openly criticized their statement.
And again, as usual, you do not address anything, all you do is bash the person that wrote the comment – which is typical Horist style.
I did not need to mention Musk’s family opposition to the Nazi’s because it was already mentioned by Frank. Unlike you, I like to introduce fresh information and not rehash what another responder has already stated.
You always say I write spin and lies, yet you never cite anything to lend credence to your claim. You are like a clanging symbol, all noise, no melody.
Show me where just because Elon’s parents fought against Apartheid does not translate to Elon being against Apartheid. Where again is your evidence. Again you gaslight, hoping people will make the erroneous connection you attempt to steer them to! Here is what one of your right wing online magazines says about the issue:
When Elon Musk’s arm shot out in a stiff arm salute at Donald Trump’s inaugural celebrations, startled viewers mostly drew the obvious comparison.
But in the fired-up debate about Musk’s intent that followed, as the world’s richest man insisted he wasn’t trying to be a Nazi, speculation inevitably focused on whether his roots in apartheid-era South Africa offered an insight.
In recent months Musk’s promotion of far-right conspiracy theories has grown, from a deepening hostility to democratic institutions to the recent endorsement of Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). He has taken an unhealthy interest in genetics while backing claims of a looming “white genocide” in his South African homeland and endorsing posts promoting the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory. Increasingly, his language and tone have come to echo the old South Africa.
He is not alone. Musk is part of the “PayPal mafia” of libertarian billionaires with roots in South Africa under white rule now hugely influential in the US tech industry and politics.
They include Peter Thiel, the German-born billionaire venture capitalist and PayPal cofounder, who was educated in a southern African city in the 1970s where Hitler was still openly venerated.
You can read the whole article at *https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/26/elon-musk-peter-thiel-apartheid-south-africa* and this might just improve your investigative abilities!!!
Unlike you Larry, I introduce fact and references, something you should learn how to do instead of posting your worthless screeds against others!
Tom gets a total 0 in the stop the spin juss because he exists
Thank you AF. You are so pathetically dumb that you do not realize it is a reverse scale that I use. A zero means there is no detectable spin or lies. You awarding me an STS-0 is great! You have just stated publicly that there was no spin in my words. Maybe next time you should engage your psychobabbel brain before engaging your little tiny trump like fingers on the keyboard. Your attempt to insult has failed miserably because as usual, you did not research.
Now be a good little girl and take your meds and make all therapy sessions!
AF was murdered by the truth in 2022 and replaced by a clown using her DNA from Gitmo after receiving the signal. Oops, sorry, my bad: CLONE not clown. Darned auto correct. It’s never right. Or is it?
Larry, apparently your sense of humor is reinforced with long winded disparagement of those you deride for their perspective differences. Mocking the opposition with no factual grounds on which to base jeers has long been recognized in civilized society as low class and bad manners.
I realize you believe you are on strong footing when you lob your opinionated tasteless missives. But your scholarship writing on choice subjects is far from good form in journalistic terms.
Hair on fire is unique to the politically right wing club who are riled up by the merest provocation.
You are surround by sycophants of Trump. The thing about sycophants is the little effort it takes for the mind’s ability to think independently.
Objective strongly non partisan perspective is a requirement where truth and facts are in demand and some intelligent responses to today’s tangled circumstances are severely needed. Peace in our country will be more elusive still should do called pundits of this age fail to see past their partisan blind spots.
Have your personal mirth at the expense of others from a broader perspective for now while fresh from your thin win.
These sort of things give a short lived boost but longterm those wins carry weighty responsibilities. Taking on the mantle of leadership has meaning not only for the winning side but for the good of all citizens. Poking your mocking finger into the eye of those you fiercely oppose does nothing to overcome adversity and build bridges. Tearing people down and pushing them away is for weak minded and devious souls.
On the plus side for those of us watching the nation crumble ethically and loose it moral compass is the fact that the message you’re attempting does not make the grade or have traction in mass media providers.
Although you have promised to never give attention to what my opinion is . That’s just too good. Because, what you have commented has been nasty bigoted, and it represented your narrow minded perspective and lack of credible knowledge beyond the little patch of understanding you preach from. Disgust for the world outside the provincial silo you occupy contributes nothing to the greater understanding richness that intellectual persons make their endeavor.
Truly, the bag you punch gives off as much resonance per post as a badly caste and cracked tin bell.
The number of folks that make up the present administration’s following actually is an indictment on their inadequacy in the most basic understanding of our constitutional democracy. From the writings posted by PBP authors comes the clear message that our democracy is sick and our constitution’s amendments are not understood in their proper context.
Horist, whoever coined the phrase that the one who can’t see the forest for the (individual) trees must have had you in mind. Your readers can not understand that the greater meaning is lost with your cherry picking here and there single specimens that seem to fit. Yet those few specimens are not sufficient to construct the true context that is life reality.
Doubtful that you will read much less get anything from this, but that goes to prove the point. Your opinion obstructs your view to see the whole. You miss what is beautiful in complexity. If whittling off that which you don’t want but is a living part of the whole (forest). You are not the intellectually in the know kind of person you want to project
The angry thoughts and prejudice that stir mob action is rooted in fear. Fear comes from lack of understanding, not wanting understanding, willful ignorance, intolerance, lies, and conspiracy theories. All of which you possess in spades.
Chief among all the factors that divide is denial. Weak and insecure people are bullies who never admit to being wrong.
Contributing to and cheering on the demise of this country’s great qualities that make the USA unique among the nations makes for a despicable you.
Larry, apparently your sense of humor is reinforced with long winded disparagement of those you deride for their perspective differences. Mocking the opposition with no factual grounds on which to base jeers has long been recognized in civilized society as low class and bad manners.
I realize you believe you are on strong footing when you lob your opinionated tasteless missives. But your scholarship writing on choice subjects is far from good form in journalistic terms.
Hair on fire is unique to the politically right wing club who are riled up by the merest provocation.
You are surround by sycophants of Trump. The thing about sycophants is the little effort it takes for the mind’s ability to think independently.
Objective strongly non partisan perspective is a requirement where truth and facts are in demand and some intelligent responses to today’s tangled circumstances are severely needed. Peace in our country will be more elusive still should do called pundits of this age fail to see past their partisan blind spots.
Have your personal mirth at the expense of others from a broader perspective for now while fresh from your thin win.
These sort of things give a short lived boost but longterm those wins carry weighty responsibilities. Taking on the mantle of leadership has meaning not only for the winning side but for the good of all citizens. Poking your mocking finger into the eye of those you fiercely oppose does nothing to overcome adversity and build bridges. Tearing people down and pushing them away is for weak minded and devious souls.
On the plus side for those of us watching the nation crumble ethically and loose it moral compass is the fact that the message you’re attempting does not make the grade or have traction in mass media providers.
Although you have promised to never give attention to what my opinion is . That’s just too good. Because, what you have commented has been nasty bigoted, and it represented your narrow minded perspective and lack of credible knowledge beyond the little patch of understanding you preach from. Disgust for the world outside the provincial silo you occupy contributes nothing to the greater understanding richness that intellectual persons make their endeavor.
Truly, the bag you punch gives off as much resonance per post as a badly caste and cracked tin bell.
The number of folks that make up the present administration’s following actually is an indictment on their inadequacy in the most basic understanding of our constitutional democracy. From the writings posted by PBP authors comes the clear message that our democracy is sick and our constitution’s amendments are not understood in their proper context.
Horist, whoever coined the phrase that the one who can’t see the forest for the (individual) trees must have had you in mind. Your readers can not understand that the greater meaning is lost with your cherry picking here and there single specimens that seem to fit. Yet those few specimens are not sufficient to construct the true context that is life reality.
Doubtful that you will read much less get anything from this, but that goes to prove the point. Your opinion obstructs your view to see the whole. You miss what is beautiful in complexity. If whittling off that which you don’t want but is a living part of the whole (forest). You are not the intellectually in the know kind of person you want to project
The angry thoughts and prejudice that stir mob action is rooted in fear. Fear comes from lack of understanding, not wanting understanding, willful ignorance, intolerance, lies, and conspiracy theories. All of which you possess in spades.
Chief among all the factors that divide is denial. Weak and insecure people are bullies who never admit to being wrong.
Contributing to and cheering on the demise of this country’s great qualities that make the USA unique among the nations makes for a despicable you.
Here is another article from “The Guardian” which is a conservative news source. This article talks about how people around the world, especially Europe, consider what Musk did to be a Zig Heil Salute. *https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/21/the-gesture-speaks-for-itself-germans-divided-over-musks-apparent-nazi-salute* The article goes on to say the following”
“‘The gesture speaks for itself’: Germans respond to Musk’s apparent Nazi salute.
There were angry reactions across Europe to Elon Musk’s apparent use of a salute banned for its Nazi links in Germany, where some condemned it as malicious provocation or an outreach of solidarity to far-right groups.
Michel Friedman, a prominent German-French publicist and former deputy chair of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, described Musk’s actions – at an event after Donald Trump’s swearing in as US president – as a disgrace and said Musk had shown that a “dangerous point for the entire free world” had been reached.
Elon Musk holds out his right hand in a fascist-style salute
Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally
Friedman, who descends from a family of Polish Jews, hardly any of whom survived the Holocaust, told the daily Tagesspiegel he had been shocked when watching the inauguration live on television, adding that as far as he was concerned Musk had unambiguously performed the Nazi “Heil Hitler” salute, despite attempts to downplay it.
And then from *https://newrepublic.com/article/187695/anti-defamation-league-running-cover-trump* this article says the following:
No historical comparison is perfect, because no pair of complex historical events can ever be completely identical. But they don’t have to be. The reason to make a historical comparison is to use lessons learned from the past to shape better outcomes in the present. The most important lesson we can learn from the Holocaust is not that it is evil to murder millions of people; we should know that already. The lesson is that monstrous things can happen if a strongman who demagogues against vulnerable groups and promises to root out the “enemy from within” is allowed to take power. That is exactly the situation we face right now, and it is the responsibility of any leader or institution of moral standing to be clear about the reality of this threat.”
He goes on to say, “So yes, we can and should reference the Nazis when doing so can productively inform our response to contemporary threats of far-right authoritarianism. And as a Jew, and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, I believe that our mainline Jewish institutions have a particularly acute responsibility to do so. That is why it’s so hard to find words to describe my outrage that institutions like ADL and leaders like Jonathan Greenblatt are cynically using the enormity of the Holocaust to shield Trump from historically informed criticism and mislead the public about the existential threat his candidacy represents.”
Tom … You evoke your late father who is not here to speak for himself. But, if he is the man you describe, I would think he would scold you for using Nazi tactics to falsely accuse and slander a person you simply do not like. The malignant opinions of European left wingers is not a response. They were the ones — like you — taking up false accusations for political purposes. And your claim to speak for millions of people is more of your abominable arrogance. You are one very disgusting human being. I do not gaslight, but you do have a gas chamber mentality. You are what we must never allow to happen again.
Wow, Horist telling Tom what Tom’s father thinks. Heh heh.