Leftist Schools Working to Console Students Rattled by Trump’s Victory

The historic victory of President Trump on November 5 has secured him a second term as the American President. But it has also left many leftists and Trump-haters insecure, many to the degree that they are experiencing an acute mental health crisis. A good many of these never-Trumpers are youth studying at educational institutions that have taken special measures to address their mental health issues.
Many students at Harvard University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country and the world, were so upset at the news of Trump’s victory on November 5 that some professors chose to cancel their classes for the day after the election. The university’s newspaper The Harvard Crimson reported that Wednesday classes in various disciplines including sociology, mathematics, and general education were either canceled or attendance was made optional to let students absorb the psychological shock of Trump’s victory.
Some professors at the university extended the deadlines for submitting assignments and a physics professor emailed her students to inform them that her office would be “a space to process the election.”
The story included several statements by Trump-hating students and wrote about the need for the institution to address their worries like in 2016 when Trump beat Hillary Clinton to claim his first term as the President:
The move echoes the aftermath of Trump’s first win in 2016, when professors postponed exams and changed lesson plans to lighten students’ schedules.
Harvard tends to lean blue on the whole but pockets of conservative students maintain a presence on the campus.
The Free Press reported on Thursday (November 7) that Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy had anticipated the impact of a possible Trump’s victory on its leftist students and accordingly had set up a “Self-Care Suite” for them on Wednesday. The affected students would sit and play games there, do artwork, and have some milk with cookies.
The story added that Northwestern University and Princeton University took similar measures to counter the impact of the devastating results of Election Day on students who were left frustrated, scared, and uncertain. Some professors at Columbia University and Michigan State University (MSU) also canceled their classes. At the MSU, a professor canceled her classes because of her own emotional setback from Trump’s victory. Assistant Professor Shlagha Borah was cited from her email to her students:
“As a queer, immigrant woman of colour [sic], I cannot, in good conscience, go on about my day like everything is alright.”
The College Fix pointed to a more serious issue stemming from Trump’s victory that impacted some never-Trumper students – the tendency to threaten suicide. The story wrote that young people threatening to take their own lives in the wake of President Trump’s re-election has become a trend on social media. Alarmed by this trend, colleges and universities have activated counselors and crisis centers “to help struggling students process the results.”
Snowflakes title should be changed to dumbass. I would shame them rather than console them.
They are too stupid to know the difference. The snot nosed little bastards should get a life.
This proves that many of our “instututions of higher educacation” are at the very core of America’s problems. They don’t educate, they indoctrinate. They don’t trun out mature thinking adults, they turn out little wimpy cry-babies who can’t handle real life.
The professors who do this are in effect, sabataging our youth and this country.
Look, it’s the students and the teachers. Just think of in as Trump celebration day and get the fuck over it.
Or good to school, learn how to read, become a teacher and take part instead of taking it apart.
Can’t wait till you build something instead of bitching about tearing it all down.
Quit bugging others for your shortcomings. Isn’t that what you are blaming us for?
FYI: I spell my name Danger, aka Stranger aka Stetson. The Frank Stetson above is a copy of the original. Weak one at that. He can be traced to his real fake name via the daughter reference. For some reason, he likes em. Younger the better I gather. Guess it saves the pets.
Maybe I should go to writing school :>) twas it, not in. twas go not good.
I still spell my name: danger…..
The makers of Gilbertson’s Dick Pills, long in the taking and short in the making, bring you another true story from the tattered casebook of Frank Danger, Third Eye. Let’s join him now in the adventure we call… can Trump succeed or has he already?
I think it is a great idea that colleges are offering various forms of counseling for students that struggle with handling their emotions properly during time of trauma. Many of these students are young, under 21, and most likely first time voters. Many of these students have probably been involved in working hard for the Harris campaign on their campus. For many of these students, the Harris election loss is probably the first significant adult size trauma that they have ever experienced in their short lives. Lets remember, they are under 21, inexperienced in life, and unskilled with how to handle trauma. So colleges offering grief counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, play therapy, and other forms of therapy to help these young tender lives learn how to properly process adverse information and events is a good thing!! in And I applaud those colleges and universities that have stepped forward, absorbed the costs of this counseling, and have helped their students. Schools are highly focused on student retention and making sure that students stay enrolled and complete their degree. I would suggest that students not offering such services are not as concerned about enrollment and retention. According to a 2024 study in the Journal of College Student Mental Health, about two-thirds of campus counseling centers’ clients reported that counseling services helped them remain enroll in school!
The universities mentioned were in “blue universities” because they have a population that is higher democrat and in blue states. But, there are also colleges, such as University of Texas at San Antonio University in Texas, a red state, that are offering similar counseling to their students AND cancelled classes that day just like Princton!
If you are one that feels these young, vulnerable, emotionally inexperienced students are “snowflakes” or if you feel such counseling services by universities is “America’s problem” or “sabotaging our youth”, or if you feel that “shaming” is the way to handle these traumatized students, I have a piece of advice for you that comes from my teacher experience: If you do not help them handle their emotions properly today, you will be creating tomorrow’s shooters, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. Its like the old car gas and servicing commercial that had a tag line, “Pay me now or pay me later!” Paying now by teaching these students how to handle their emotions and trauma properly now is the best way to keep ourselves from paying in blood later!!!
Please go to this article at *https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericwood/2024/11/09/a-post-election-analysis-on-the-value-of-college-mental-health/* for the truth on this important topic!!!
Wow Tom, do not let that Bleeding Hart get all over your clothes.
What did the Republican students do at the last election.
They sucked it up!
I can not believe I am saying this, but for once, Frank Danger and I agree!
Darren, I am happy that I drove you and Frank Danger to agreement. There is hope for you!!! Always remember that a Dem-GOP reunion is only a notion away!!!!
I am sure that after the 2020 election Republican students had the same access to mental health services. Students from both parties exhibit stress for many reasons. According to the American Psychological Association article at *https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/10/election-stress* which you can read at your leisure, ” Washington — Ahead of the most divisive election in decades, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) say that the 2020 U.S. presidential election is a significant source of stress in their life, a large increase from the 2016 presidential election when 52% said the same, according to a new survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association. The survey also found that regardless of political affiliation, majorities say that the election is a significant source of stress (76% of Democrats, 67% of Republicans and 64% of Independents). ”
So it would appear that according to the APA, and Harris polls, it is most likely that GOP leaning or registered students accessed mental health assistance post 2020 election. They didn’t just “suck it up”.
As far as my bleeding heart goes, it is because of attitudes often expressed by the GOP and their members that we do not need any kind of mental health policy in this country is why we have so many mental health problems. People needed help go untreated in the USA. GOP shaming, and marginalizing of minority groups, have led to many mental health events that did not need to happen. As an Independent, I am happy that you recognized my heart for all Americans. I hope in the future you will follow my lead Darren!
You are NO independent!