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Key Democrat Accused of Wrongdoing Goes Missing

Key Democrat Accused of Wrongdoing Goes Missing

It’s not long ago that she was branded as the history-making black Democrat in the state of Missouri; and now she is missing amidst an audit of her office with some wondering whether she is in hiding as the question of her disappearance remains unanswered. Where is Kim Gardner?

First elected in 2016 as St. Louis Circuit Attorney, Gardner was celebrated by the left as the first Black prosecutor of the city. As she was reelected in 2020, she was already facing allegations of going soft on crime and, under her office, leading the city to decline into a crime haven. Gardner engaged in repeated tiffs with the police department whose officials she accused of racism in their efforts to bring offenders to justice. The Associated Press reported in May 2023 about Gardner:

In 2019, she drew the ire of St. Louis police when she placed dozens of officers on an “exclusion list” prohibiting them from bringing cases.

As she remained accused of failing to fulfill her duties and endangering public safety, Gardner announced her resignation in May 2023, claiming that she was the target of political attacks.

In November last year, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office released a 62-page report that detailed Gardner’s failed policies and their impact on the city’s criminal justice system. Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, stated with the release of the report:

“Kim Gardner hit the eject button and resigned as Circuit Attorney when it became clear that our lawsuit to remove her from office was going to be successful.”

In the meantime, State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick continues to work on an audit, started in 2021 to look closely into Gardner’s misuse of her office, which has come to a standstill. The reason is Gardner’s disappearance. On Monday (May 6), Missourinet reported on Fitzpatrick’s quest to reach Gardner so as to get her to testify over records and help complete the audit. But all attempts to contact her have failed as she seems to have gone missing. Fitzpatrick was cited expressing his will to continue looking for Gardner:

“You know what I would say is that I’m sure somebody’s willing to leave the state and never return, then that might be an effective way of not having to talk to us, but you know, we’re going to continue to look for her.”

On May 8, a news video posted to Rumble showed Fitzpatrick giving an update on the audit surrounding Gardner. He asked the audience, “Have you seen Kim Gardner? Do you know where she is?”

On Twitter/X, the question where is Gardner? resounded via conservative voices, implying that her disappearance is evidence of admission of guilt on her part. Some even mocked the law enforcement for failing to find Gardner.

The public announcements by the State Auditor that Gardner has gone missing for months now has evoked an angry reaction from some leftists defending Gardner. The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) of St. Louis City, Adolphus Pruitt, called out Fitzpatrick for “painting Kim Gardner as a criminal.” CBS-affiliate KMOV cited Pruitt telling Fitzpatrick:

“Produce the audit. Let’s see it. Put up or shut up.”

About The Author


  1. Jim wampler

    Good riddance

  2. frank Stetson

    Good riddance was last year Wampler……

    On this one, they need to find her, take her to court, convict her of crimes, and send a message to anyone else who breaks this law.

    American needs more messages. Too many thinking they can get away with crimes.

    Let’s 1-6-21 these folks; that’s how you do it.

    Like send Trump to jail for gag order violations. Just because he get his VP wannabees to do it should not get him off the hook. Send him to jail for a night, send a message. And pssssst, VP suck-ups —- Remember Mike Pence. He thought it was a great job right until it almost killed him……. And Alex Jones, Steve Bannon and the other convicted lying bastards —– get em off the air, send a message. Used to be you got zapped for lying crap; now you get a raise and higher ratings. Enough, take em down with the law. Democrats or Republicans both. And some Indy’s too.

    • Jim wamler

      You are really going to melt down WHEN trump is reelected Will you survive? I doubt it.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        I don’t see anywhere that she was actually accused of crimes. They accuse her of not fullfilling her duties and endangering public safety, both matters of opinion, not fact. If there was evidence of a crime, she could be found and compelled to show up in court, regardless of where she is currently living. The way that blacks are treated in Missouri, I can understand her wanting to get the hell away from there. She claims she was politically targeted. Imagine that, a black person targeted by white people who don’t like how blacks run things? Hard to believe that could happen! And of course, the people making the accusations also call her the “Soros candidate”, but hey, no right-wing bias there…

        On the other hand, Trump always claims he was politically targeted, in the face of pretty clear evidence in multiple crimes. He ignored COVID, downplayed the severity of the outbreak, discouraged use of masks, slow-walked the vaccine program, encouraged people to drink bleach and use unproven remedies – all certainly endangering public safety. He managed to walk on soliciting a bribe from Zelensky in Ukraine, and Republicans refused to remove him. There were literally hundreds of contacts between his campaign and the Russians, and he was was protected by his Attorney General. There are recordings of him trying to get Georgia officials to find him 11000 votes so he could win the state. As we can see in his New York porn trial, he falsified his business records to cover up an illegal payoff. If you’ve followed that trial at all, the evidence is pretty clear. His actions leading up to and on Jan 6th were a conspiracy to steal an election AND endangered public safety. Again, his actions and the evidence are pretty clear cut that he broke the law. And yet, you guys still want to re-elect him?

        • Archie

          Joseph be prepared to cry and sling snot when trump gets re-elected. And blacks are not mistreated in Missouri. You lying prick

      • frank stetson

        Good to be in your thoughts Wampler, although somewhat creepy. And not to worry, I really doubt Trump will be the death of me. There’s a long list of stuff with higher priority that will do the job. But again, thanks for the kind thought and may it be returned to you, by God, ten fold strong.

    • Morten

      Constitution doesn’t make exception to rights of speech for the accused. Gag orders are unconstitutional except where matters of national security necessitate; like military secrets. The Judge’s gag order to silence Trump violates his civil rights . The Judge himself has a conflict of personal interests and because of those legal guidelines are clear: he is not qualified to rule on this case. How would you react if you were the victim of judicial extortion and were forbidden from exposing the prosecutorial misconduct and illegal use Biden personal attorneys to coerce State Sponsored Extortion of their political opponents .

  3. James James

    Kim Garner is a lying piece of crap nail her and jail her no bond.

    • frank stetson

      Really JJ —- you want to “nail her.” Wow, and you don’t even really know her. Then again, you don’t know much do you? Certainly don’t know much about the bond process, except your own experiences no doubt.

  4. Darren

    Damn Joseph, Drink Bleach! Slow walk the Vaccine! What news do you listen to?
    As far as NOT wearing Masks” He may have been correct “?
    Hundreds of Contacts with Russia, is that not his JOB?
    How much money did he shake out of Russia and our enemies like Biden?
    NONE, that’s right.
    Then Protest to the courts Like Clinton did.
    Telling people to walk peaceably and protest with their voices!
    What a Bastard!
    I guess some do not have enough intellect to gather facts correctly.
    OR, they can mimic CNN like a loser!

  5. frank stetson

    Damn Darren, come out from under your rock, Try multiple news sources, a little less on the conservative blogosphere.

    “Drink Bleach! (2020 Trump suggestion)
    Slow walk the Vaccine! (jsb — I can’t find that on
    As far as NOT wearing Masks” He may have been correct “? (of course he isn’t and of course wearing masks is still recommended to avoid cardiorespiratory infections according to all experts. Does not even affect your workout says NIH testing) Matter of fact, social distancing better than close talking, cleaning stuff is better than filthy stuff, and wash your hands. Not much different than what Mom told me.

    Hundreds of Contacts with Russia, is that not his JOB? (not before the election it isn’t, not to mention really fucking weird. Flynn worked with Russians. Manafort worked with Russians, made millions, fucked up Ukraine on their behalf, both went to jail, both pardoned. Sessions recused himself from Russian investigations when investigators found him meeting with Russians. Tillerson dealt with Putin via Exxon for two decades. Nope hundreds of meetings during the campaign. Many connections before the campaign from his staff, yada, yada, yada. If this was Biden, you would be storming the Capitol.)

    How much money did he shake out of Russia and our enemies like Biden? (Really — he’s made millions off Russia before the Presidency. Russian mafia/investment group lived in Trump Tower. They had suites, offices, and a number were made-men. He had a Moscow hotel deal going DURING the election. He flipped mansions at extreme profits to oligarchs. His FUCKING communist party Father in Law lives in his back yard, yards away from his poolside top secret document chamber. His wife was raised in this guy’s communist party member’s home; they weren’t rich, but lived well with a Mercedes in the garage. Get a grip dude, the grifter loves Russia for a reason. Money.

    NONE, that’s right. (actually, millions. Not to mention his Douchebank Loans were mysterious coming from a bank that holds the fines on one of the largest Russian money laundering scheme ever. Strange but true. After Russiagate, they dropped him like a stone as soon as the loan came due. Now it’s held by mystery investors out of shady Florida. Can’ wait until they get uncovered.

    I am sure EVERY PERSON LOOSING AN ELECTION SAYS FIND ME VOTES! ( l agree. But most don’t have over 65 losing court cases, a half dozen recounts, and then storm the Capitol to stop the election process and kill Mike Pence if they can. He is the only President not to announce his loss and have a peaceful transition. His transition SUCKED as he spent his time pilfering top secret documents instead.)

    Then Protest to the courts Like Clinton did.
    Telling people to walk peaceably and protest with their voices!
    What a Bastard! (can u clarify what you mean)

    I suggest you research more. You know need CNN to prove this stuff to yourself.

    • Darren

      Did not remember including you Frank?

  6. frank stetson

    Did you forget the comment invitation protocol Darren?

  1. ROFL. That ass-think DANG-er is still sore - he shows it here today.