Kamala Harris: Hurricane Relief Is For People of Color First

Speaking Friday at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum, Vice President Kamala Harris said that disaster relief efforts in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian should prioritize “communities of color.”
“We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding that not everyone starts out at the same place,” said Harris to actress Priyanka Chopra Jones during a chat about climate change. “It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.”
Jones interrupted Harris to ask whether women would also be prioritized during hurricane relief efforts. Harris replied, “Absolutely,” adding, “If we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work.”
Though the DNC audience applauded her words, the Vice President’s comments produced instant panic among Floridians affected by Hurricane Ian and drew criticism from politicians and scholars throughout the country.
Christina Pushaw, who serves as rapid response director for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), assured concerned residents that FEMA assistance is available to all Floridians regardless of race.
“Only liberals could find a way to make hurricanes all about race,” tweeted conservative author John Hawkins.
“Real people don’t talk like this,” argued American Enterprise Institute Sadanand Dhume. “If a hurricane hits a state, we should expect the government to help all those affected: black, brown, white, purple, green.”
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk agreed, stating that emergency resource allocation “should be according to greatest need, not race or anything else.”
Journalist Ian Miles Cheong was a bit more abrasive: “Just say it: poor white people are screwed, and Kamala Harris is gloating about it the same way she gloated about sending thousands of black men to prison over drug-related misdemeanors.”
Author Jim Hanson described the Vice President’s comments as “a violation of the Civil Rights Act.”
Harris’s inappropriate response to Hurricane Ian wasn’t her first mistake of the week. During a recent visit to South Korea, she bragged about America’s “strong alliance” with North Korea. Pyongyang launched missiles before and after her visit to the peninsula.
VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’
Oh the fucking shame of prioritizing aid to the people most in need.
Oh the horror of it all.
May your kindness be returned ten-fold Ms. Greene.
another racest remark from a useless pos ,gov assistance is for all not just the people of color! what would you espect from a drug dealer supporter!
FKH just another worthless POS like all Democrats and Rhinos, should all be thrown out of the government immediately and permanently!
Arrest the entire democratic communist socialist party immediately, handcuff pooppypants Biden and let him lead his disgusting group of worthless bullshit morons down Massachusetts avenue into prison cells especially for those idiots.
Kamala is always talking about people being prejudice and practicing that behavior herself…
WTF is prejudiced or racist about saying: “We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding that not everyone starts out at the same place,” “It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.”
What is wrong with wanting to put a priority on helping people who need the help the most? WTF is wrong with that? SHE clearly said “lowest income communities,” which might mean the cracker than lives in your neighborhood as well as “communities of color.” And she put the crackers up first…….. She also added in that we should prioritize women as well. Last time I checked “women” included white ones too.
Then DeSanctimonious lapdog Christina Pushaw whose knickers are continually double knotted then barked back something about the fact that all Floridians will be treated equally, like she had to, like she even had the authority to. Fuck, this bitch raised in the splendor of Malibu has never even seen a poor person…she was DeSantimonious’ press flack until she recently joined his campaign so I guess her statement is a campaign statement, not a Florida government statement. It’s nice that she speaks with authority on how FEMA funds will be distributed. She is also a foreign agent for the President of the country of Georgia although she failed to register for quite some time, I guess hiding the truth, as is her way.
As to the other conservatives hoping on this latest bandwagon, Harris’ own words fly in the face of your allegations. White people will be prioritized if impoverished just like people of color, according to the words in this report too.
Fear and loathing — lap it up.
Personally if I was from Florida, I would worry about all the States Desanctimonious voted down to get FEMA support for Sandy. They might, and have good reason, to wonder about helping this ass hat given he wouldn’t lift a finger to help them in their time of need. Hopefully, the revenge that’s DeSantis is not in their playbook, although I wouldn’t blame them for a light roasting over that.
I would also worry about the late warnings from the State and Local officials like Lee County which delayed for 24 hours after other counties had sounded the evacuation alarm. 24-hours and Lee took the major hit on Ft. Myers and the islands. I think half the deaths are from there. Why didn’t Desantis have a State-wide evacuation, why leave it up to the Counties? Obviously a bad decision given most of the deaths now come from Lee County.
So why mention color at all ?
That’s a good point.
Politics and really, is this the place for it?
She is not going to ever make President after this tour of duty.
Why mention color? Because the democrats are race baiting assholes.
Harris just defined Racism with her choosing colors.
What Harris is referring to would be, “Reparations.”
Just remember America she is your Vice President. She just can’t help herself from being a race bater. Just think what she will do if she becomes President. Open your eyes America.
let’s mess with the heads of the left. Remember your science. If you combined and the colors of which there are only 3 Red, Blue and Yellow. If you combined all the colors you get white so people of color are white and the the people with lack of color are black or brown