Kamala Harris Again in News for Plagiarism

By replacing Joe Biden with Kamala Harris, Democrats have essentially replaced senility with stupidity. But both have quite a few traits in common, or at least their campaigns do, and plagiarism is one of them.
On Tuesday, September 10, ABC News hosted the first presidential debate between President Trump and Democrat nominee-by-replacement Kamala Harris. As Trump took on Harris and her two aides, the leftist moderators covering up for her lies and failures, Trump reminded them of Kamala’s theft of policy points for her presidential campaign. In a moment of classic Trumpian sarcasm, the 45th President of the United States said that he has seen so much of Kamala stealing his campaign views that he even thought of sending her a MAGA hat.
In an effort to mask her radical leftist ideology in line with the leftist-globalist agenda, Harris has taken many U-turns late in the game. But her theft of ideas to run on goes beyond Trump’s policy. Just a few days before the presidential debate, the Harris campaign released the policy agenda – and people instantly noted something: the content was ripped straight off Joe Biden’s campaign. The plagiarism was so conspicuous in the HTML code of the policy statement that it showed the line “Join our campaign to reelect Joe Biden today.”
The blatant act of plagiarism was so indefensible even radical leftist propaganda publication The New Republic called it an “embarrassing copy-paste” job that “would be an embarrassing miscue from the Harris campaign.”
Soon after the buzz about Kamala’s campaign hit social media, the campaign statement was updated and Biden’s name was edited out in addition to rephrasing that entire line. But it was too late to avoid embarrassment and conservatives posted screenshots of the plagiarized statement while laughing at the copy-paste act.
WSAU, Central Wisconsin’s news station, reported on Tuesday that this revelation comes just weeks after staffers on the Harris’ campaign told Axios that Harris needed to distance herself from Joe Biden in order to have a chance at victory at the ballot in November.
Kamala Harris is no stranger to plagiarism. She has previously been caught stealing a story from a Martin Luther King interview that came out in 1965 and mentioned a little black girl who told a policeman that she wanted “freedom”. In July, conservative voice on X (Twitter) Greg Price posted the video clip of Harris retelling the story as her own childhood’s incident along with a clipping of the original MLK story from the ‘60s.
Joe Biden himself has been exposed a number of times for generously stealing others’ stories and ideas in addition to making up false stories during his campaign speeches. In December 2023, Washington Examiner published a brief list of Biden’s plagiarism, lies, and cases of exaggeration. The story included nine infamous acts of Biden’s plagiarism between 1965 and 2020 and showing that the now-canceled reelection candidate stole the ideas and phrasings of a number of fellow Democrats ranging from John F. Kennedy to Bill Clinton and liberal Senator Bernie Sanders.
The story wrote that Biden comes as a good example of someone getting away with plagiarism. If it were to the establishment media, Kamala Harris would be another good example in this matter.
Failed Pakistani wannabe journalist Ernest Dempsey, aka — Karin Khan, just can’t get the job because he is driven by his need to shill to conservatives. His first whine is a nothing burger, the second not the full story, aka stupid.
On the first egregious act of plagiarism, copying Biden/Harris’ plans. Go figure. Katy, bar the door. The lady who said she would follow and extend most current Biden/Harris policies is following Biden/Harris policies to a t as in direct cut n paster. Oh the horror of it all. How Dempsey could miss this is exactly what Harris said she would do is just poor journalism.
This is from CNN but I can’t do better: “In policy proposals, speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as providing tax credits to middle-class and lower-income families, lowering drug costs and eliminating so-called junk fees. She describes her vision as “an opportunity economy” that focuses on strengthening the middle class and punishes bad actors who try to unfairly raise costs.
But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas. Generally, her agenda contains an amped-up series of progressive proposals, though her campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from several of her more notable left-leaning stances from her 2020 presidential run, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.
Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.
She is now pitching an economic agenda focused on using government money and regulations to address higher costs, though most of her plan would require congressional approval. The measures would also prove pricey, and the Harris campaign has not provided many details about the proposals and how she would pay for them.”
How could a competent journalist miss that?
I have said from the beginning, Harris is a Pelosi moment where we will have to vote for her to find out later what is in it. There is no time left for anything else. Likewise, the Trump plan is questionable re Project 2025 and while he lies about knowing nothing, Project 2025 is his people, his large donor supporters, writing it. Many will join his administration.
Harris seems to be all things to all Democrats. Folks like me see her fulfilling the Biden mission to grow it from the middle, a centrist policy. Younger folks see a younger, more progressive stance coming from Harris, more progressive than Biden. Of minority heritage, minorities might see that as a benefit for listening to their needs. And women —- well, we had that one, don’t have to row we can wade right in. Seemingly all things to all Democrats but face it, none of us really know.
On the second heinous act, the copying of the MLK story, this has been researched by competent journalists and what they discovered is they don’t know. Harris was told this story by her mother. Her mother is dead and no one can confirm or deny that her mother made this up to instill something good in Harris or whether it, or something close to it, really happened.
How many of us have our own history handed down to us, about us, that there is no way we could have remembered unless someone, like a parent, told us? Although we regaled our kids with the fact they used to scream “TUNNEL” every time we went under a highway overpass. Sadly, none became miners or engineers……
But the explanation and rationale are well known, documented, by most fact-check professional organizations and how any competent journalist would leave it out, not tell the complete story, but shade and spin the simple truth is just unprofessional. Even for a pundit.
Next passage blocked by free speech extremism. This happens a lot now.
They ban free speech, but Joe no care.
He says they free, but free no there.
Burma Shave.
We’ll try the second part, see if it flies:
That’s 2010 Dempsey, by 2020 he is: “Hailing from the town of Hangu in Pakistan, Ernest Dempsey (Karim Khan) grew up in love with reading and writing. He is a writer and editor with multiple American and International publications. He has published five books and numerous articles, essays, poems, stories, reviews, and interviews. His first screenplay ended as a finalist in the Southeast Regional Film Festival 2020 and he is looking forward to adapting it into a novel while he makes short films for his film company Twin Paws Productions. Dempsey travels between America and Pakistan and maintains a vegetarian lifestyle. He runs a conservative-leaning blog Word Matters! at http://www.ernestdempsey.com and has launched his new book review site Book Corner at https://www.bookcorner.us.Fun Fact: For his pen name, Dempsey is frequently confused with TN-based American author Ernest Dempsey, who is the author of the bestselling Sean Wyatt series of books.” (Still no pbp but now this touchy-feely geology/literature master is a conservative. I would say the transformation is complete, but sssssh, he does not want his audience to know he’s gone pbp with “those people.”)
Although, I could be wrong, check him out yourself.
Why beat up on Ernest Dempsey , he is either right as she lies and plagiarizes
or she does not?
If you do not like the message, do not shoot the messenger!
I guess it must be hard to live with being wrong so many times!
I know, show them Biden?
Dissatisfied Clowns.
I am pretty sure I did just that Darren. Maybe too many words again.
His first example of her copying Biden’s plans is exactly what she said she was doing, as quoted from the CNN piece, and why many are voting for her.
The second is shown as impossible to prove one way or the other in that it’s a story handed down from her mother who is not available for confirmation. However, who amongst us have memories as given to us from our parents, so again, pretty explainable.
Don’t matter, think what you will, won’t change the vote count.
As to Dempsey —- I do point out his 1) frequent mistakes due to not practicing proper and ethical journalism, like this piece, 2) his hard on for liberals to the point of lies and shading the truth 3) his birth country of Pakistan, a questionable nation as to being democratic, rogue, or terrorist central, 4) hiding who he is. It’s 1 and 2 that really matter.
Sorry if that offends you and you feel the need to protect this failed journalist and muckraker who attempts to pit us against each other for some reason. I did not know you align with Pakistan.
It doesn’t matter that Kamel-la steals other people’s thoughts, her democrat supporters can’t remember yesterday let alone what Kamel-la is saying! They are only voting for skin color and plumbing!
I align with NO one.
I analyze and draw my own conclusions.
I never say you are always wrong.
I believe life in America at this moment is to hard for most Americans.
And needlessly so.
And yes, I was better off 4 years ago as most of the country was.
Welcome all to the most liberal channel in the world.
A lying democrap lunatic with all the brains of a biden!
Plagiarism and stupidity, what were you thinking when beginning this piece of …. continued conservative clap-trap. To what creed are you thinking politicians are held to so faux journalists like you complain. You hold Harris to a higher standard because you need something where you, otherwise come away empty handed.
Harris was Biden/Harris before the grand switch. She is not hi jacking Biden’s policies they are hers now to run with and ad in her own. As for her childhood story, who are you to call it a theft?
You stand by your man through every fabrication he thrusts with fury all over the media. In the UK his references to pet eating Haitians was picked up and printed in papers. It a conspiracy theory on steroids.
Brits laugh at him. And by transference the are laughing at the US. So much for the plan of your man to do anything great. America has been, is now, and will be in the future known as GREAT. It’s sorry people the likes of you who cheapen America with you dwelling on the minutia in politics.
Seek first those you identify with and ensure you speak what is truth on your watch. Your preaching false doctrine to the home choir we will call you and yours on and not accept your untruths and prevarications on what you know nothing about.
Having a pulpit is a privilege. To use it in error with juvenile bully tactics only ratifies your lack of scruples and intellect.
The. Rationale behind what you think is blog worthy is perverse and political sadism. If you get your kicks this way, you are more sick than the average sick right winger out there.
Plagiarism and stupidity, what were you thinking when beginning this piece of …. continued conservative clap-trap. To what creed are you thinking politicians are held to so faux journalists like you complain. You hold Harris to a higher standard because you need something where you, otherwise come away empty handed.
Harris was Biden/Harris before the grand switch. She is not hi jacking Biden’s policies they are hers now to run with and ad in her own. As for her childhood story, who are you to call it a theft?
You stand by your man through every fabrication he thrusts with fury all over the media. In the UK his references to pet eating Haitians was picked up and printed in papers. It a conspiracy theory on steroids.
Brits laugh at him. And by transference the are laughing at the US. So much for the plan of your man to do anything great. America has been, is now, and will be in the future known as GREAT. It’s sorry people the likes of you who cheapen America with you dwelling on the minutia in politics.
Seek first those you identify with and ensure you speak what is truth on your watch. Your preaching false doctrine to the home choir we will call you and yours on and not accept your untruths and prevarications on what you know nothing about.
Having a pulpit is a privilege. To use it in error with juvenile bully tactics only ratifies your lack of scruples and intellect.
The rationale behind what you think is blog worthy is perverse and political sadism. If you get your kicks this way, you are more sick than the average sick right winger out there.