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'Intentional' Explosion in New York City Injures 29, Second blast in NJ

'Intentional' Explosion in New York City Injures 29, Second blast in NJ

New York City is on the defense tonight as an improvised device exploded in a dumpter in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan on West 23rd street near 6th Avenue. 29 people were injured, but at this point no fatalities have been reported. The blast occurred at about 8:30pm tonight (Saturday).

Counter terrorism officers, police and firefighter are on the scene. Mayor de Blasio said “All hands are on deck.”  “We are closely monitoring the situation and urge New Yorkers to, as always, remain calm and vigilant,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. President Obama has been briefed.

Police are investigating a second bomb as yet unexploded, a pressure cooker device, found about 4 blocks away. In recent years, videos have circulated on how to make improvised explosives using a pressure cooker as the primary container. 

Earlier on Saturday,  a pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey causing a planned charity run for Marines to be cancelled.

It is unknown if any of these explosions were connected to each other, but the coincidence would be astounding if they were unrelated.

An additional explosion happend in Charlottesville, Virginia, however that is now suspected to have been an underground electrical transformer, and not intentional.

Author’s note: No one wants to say “Radical Islamic Terror” at this point, or even the word “terrorist.” But how else would you label anyone who sets off an explosion with the intention of hurting people?

Could this be the beginning of a concerted and prolonged series of terrorist attacks? 

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  1. Horist seems to be reaching into The Dumpster on this one; it’s not that he’s wrong, he just has not…