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In Biden’s Footsteps: Kamala Harris Exposed as a Serial Plagiarist

In Biden’s Footsteps: Kamala Harris Exposed as a Serial Plagiarist

Kamala Harris is plagued with problems linked to two main personality traits – stupidity and dishonesty. Both these traits, combined with her desperation to boost her public image, seemingly played a role in her plagiarism scandal.

Lacking intelligence, Harris naturally tends to avoid independent media and even on friendly leftist platforms, she has a tough time articulating relevant and meaningful answers to many of the questions on policy. Conservative news sources – including Washington Free Beacon, The Western Journal, and the New York Post – all reported this month on the multiple occasions Harris engaged in plagiarism, stealing the thoughts and words of others and presenting them as her own.

Around mid-October, conservative activist Christopher Rufo exposed the plagiarized passages in the 2009 book Smart on Crime authored by Kamala Harris. Portions of plagiarized texts were shown to be directly ripped off Wikipedia – a source colleges routinely tell students not to cite let alone copy and paste into their essays. Not quite able to defend it, the leftist mainstream media quickly gave Harris a free pass on the plagiarism report by downplaying it as “not serious lapses.”

On Tuesday (October 22), the Washington Free Beacon dug further into Harris’s history of plagiarism. Their report revealed that Harris generously engaged in plagiarism in April 2007 when she testified before Congress as a district attorney in support of a bill related to a student loan repayment program. Upon research, the written statement of Harris’s testimony turned out to be a nearly exact copy of another district attorney, a Republican, from IL.

The story wrote:

Virtually her entire testimony about the bill was taken from that of another district attorney, Paul Logli of Winnebago County, Illinois, who had testified in support of the legislation two months earlier before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

Interestingly, the leftist media did not reach out to a plagiarism expert this time. Instead, they went to the Republican, Paul Logli, who had been on the same board as Harris back then and accordingly would play friendly toward Harris. Logli told the media that it was not plagiarism but just similarities between the two statements because the same staff wrote them for both him and Harris.

Logli’s defense is not credible and has no objective value because plagiarism is assessed objectively by comparison of text and ideas, not personal statements. But if his statement is taken for a fact, it leaves Harris as dumb enough not to be able to make her own testimony. And that is likely what happened with her book as well. She likely hired some lousy ghostwriter who lifted text straight out of Wikipedia and other sources to make some quick cash.

But there is more to Harris’s plagiarism scandal than these two cases. As reported in The Western Journal, Harris in 2012 took a story about a child sex trafficking incident in D.C. – originally published by the nonprofit Polaris Project – and presented it as an incident taking place in San Francisco.

Other instances of plagiarism to the (dis)credit of Harris were mentioned as well:

A 2010 report copied parts of a report from a predecessor, it said. A 2012 report grabbed text from Wikipedia. A 2014 report lifted part of a New York state judge’s ruling along with his footnotes. 

What makes this Harris scandal interesting is the fact that Biden has also been exposed as a plagiarist. In fact, parts of Biden’s 1988 presidential campaign speech and other instances of plagiarism were so serious that Biden had to drop his presidential bid when he was caught doing it.

Captain Morgan, a conservative voice on X (Twitter), made a note of this fact and posted select portions of text plagiarized by Harris along with old video footage of Biden’s plagiarism. He asked: “Why was Biden forced to drop out of the Presidential race in 1988 for PLAGIARISM? But Kamala is NOT for even MORE PLAGIARISM?”

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  1. Stranger danger

    Let’s Make America Great Again was Reagan’s creation in 1980.

    Just a fact.

  2. Darren

    Biden And Kamala are Both PUPPETS.
    Since when are PUPPETS free thinkers?
    I think a talented Parrot could have ran the country the last 4 years.
    And have done a better job.
    No teleprompter!

    • Stranger danger

      Darren, have you listened to Trump lately?

      Starting with his 1/6/2021 speech something snapped. It’s an American Carnage special and he’s gotten worse.

      Is the weave just dementia?

      Whales, Arnold Palmers junk? Electric boats, Hannibal, he sweats, he rambles incoherently, thinks verbs are optional and if off the planned walkway, moves very slowly looking for a guardrail….

      You talk about smart. Trump has a four year college degree. Do you think if he got good grades, you would have seen them? Think his fraternity was Alpha Gotta Lotta Mullah. He was Class Resident and graduated Maga Cum Ripoff. .

      Tillerson said Trump is a moron. I see no proof to the contrary.

      • Americafirst

        Frank danger, that’s because you only read into what you want ton not the entire whole of any situation. Trump could be just acting to get your goat – maybe. There was so much information out yesterday and today about how criminal Kamala is that it was shocking. I should not have been surprised. If you think Trump is a moron with an IQ of 197, then I think you are a moron. You never see any good thing about any person including me. I am beginning to think you really are part of the Deep State, helping the corrupt ones in the tunnels, the cabal at the border and more, you have never given any reason for any of us to see you otherwise. You are getting creepy.

      • 3Xe1ioaiNITxtqNW5CaZEzpxpY4ggtEQJVxO4x0v98I=

        well we never got any mis information on Kamala’s college ranks, and it was not the top of the class either
        we have what we have got over it and gone one

  3. stranger danger

    That’s what I want, a President who is “acting to get your goat.”

    Only and idiot would believe Trump has an IQ of 197, or any number for that matter.

    Let’s try some facts for a change. No emotion, no hate, just facts. Trump once boasted that his IQ was higher than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s, he IQ-measures all the time. (NBC News: 2017) It’s just that you have to take his word about how high he scores or how smart he is. No one else is saying it. Well, except America First who skips bending a knee and goes full supplicant face down flat on the floor of devotion.

    Remember when in 2013, he tweeted that his IQ was “much higher” than Barack Obama and George W Bush. W maybe, H never. Obama, you wish. Obama is Rhodes, Trump is Wharton College, not MBA, Obama wins. Yet The Wharton School is a very, very good 4-year program. (Trump tweet, 2013)

    Trump also claimed a higher IQ than comedian Jon Stewart and British star of The Apprentice, Lord Sugar. Got me, but Joh is pretty sharp.

    Trump has never revealed his own IQ. No one knows is he was ever tested. It was so long ago. Apparently, AF knows it’s 197 but she cannot source that. Trust me, she has no supporting data. As usual.

    One of his faithful, someone like America First responded to Trump’s claim: “Not only is your IQ somewhere between Barack Obama and G.W.Bush…but you’re entertaining!”Much higher than both” Yeah, IQ between these two men, but higher than both ==== real rocket scientist territory these folks be.

    For IQ, we test spatial, quantitative, and verbal skills. Come on, how often does Trump get the numbers wrong, anything from how many at a rally to how much GDP his tax cuts didn’t deliver. Verbal skills, the man weaves and forgets words, dates, deeds. Seems to think verbs are optional. He did demonstrate spatial skills when he lied to you and changed the path of that Hurricane. No, Trump has no test scores to share and the physical evidence, anecdotal quotes, pretty much assure this bozo learned all he knows from his father, put his own, and admitted well thought out, branding and marketing pizzazz on top and a lot of mullah, just less than if he put Dad’s silver spoon in T-bills.


    Of the presidents, 17 have been Phi Beta Kappa, external members. Bill Clinton, George H W Bush, and Jimmy Carter were the most recent. That’s right, GHW Bush. Trump was in Gotta Lotta Mullah fraternity as Dad no doubt shoe-horned him into Wharton. (BBC)

    Some wager that John Quincy Addams is smarter than all, but who really knows.

    BOTTOM LINE: There is no test score showing Trump’s IQ. Most feel it is well below 197. The fact, unlike most genius’s who shy away from IQ-envy competitions, Trump has to tell everyone how smart he is which probably indicates his stultophobia. He seems almost fixated on having to tell people how smart he is, how stupid everyone else is. His own hires are brilliant until he fires them for being stupid. Great judge of people too, not. He has many an inferiority complex and instead of realizing his strengths and limitations, tries to bend reality to his liking.

    People who keep believing everything Trump says indicate a sign of intelligence too. Or lack thereof. He is a consistent and consummate liar who when caught in a lie, will cover it with another lie. That’s unique to fascism too.

  4. babette

    You are on the spot! Says a lot about the herds that follow Trump. The group is made of two kinds of people. 1) The very rich who do not want to pay their share in keeping USA afloat, and 2) the uneducated masses who get carried away by misinformation and will do anything for a KING even it it hurts their well being and their pocket.

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