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Dirty Fundraising – I Found the Mythical Larry Horist Doppelganger

Dirty Fundraising – I Found the Mythical Larry Horist Doppelganger

Among those regularly responding to my commentaries are two or three who have created a mythical Larry Horist as a straw man to their most critical comments – attributing to his traits and opinions that I do not necessarily possess.  It is sort of an alternative world political doppelganger.

The readers prop up that other Larry Horist as an evil extreme right-winger … a Trump cultist … an unhappy loser … a senile old man.  Apparently, the role of the duplicate Larry Horist is being played out by left-wing Democrats for the purpose of damaging the true Republican and conservative causes.  (What villainy!!)

My Identity is being stolen to undermine the real me as a conservative political commentator – and rather nice guy.  (Oh, the calamity!!!)  While my doppelganger is cast as a racist … an angry and bitter person, the real Larry Horist is super tolerant and has never hated a person in his life – and certainly not any category of folks.  While the doppelganger is dour and dark, the real me is a most happy fellow with a well-established sense of humor.  While the doppelganger me is argumentative and a bit pugnacious, the real Larry Horist is … uh … okay, I will give you that one.  

How do I know that the mythical doppelganger Larry Horist is working for the Democrats?  Weeelll …

It seems the alternative world Larry Horist is in cahoots with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – and other Democrat candidates and organizations.  (Such treachery!!!)  I know this because I often get emails from the doppelganger Larry Horist to me, the real Larry Horist, soliciting funds for radical Democrat causes and Pelosi’s own pack. 

That is right.  Sometimes I am in the “From” box with Pelosi (as you see in the image atop this commentary).  Sometimes I get solicitation emails just from me to me.  

I have tried to get Pelosi and others to stop using my name to solicit money for left-wing causes.  It seems like that should be illegal. It could undermine my reputation as a dedicated conservative.  Folks might think I have become another Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Michael Steele, or any of those other one-time conservative Republicans who crossed over to be false flaggers. 

But they are not the victims of some errant doppelganger.  They are real apostates.

Since I thought that such political mischief may be a violation of federal election laws, I sent a complaint letter to the Federal Election Commission when these emails started to appear.  I sent similar letters to the Department of Justice and the Florida Attorney General – thinking that such misrepresentation would violate both federal and state laws.  I must be wrong since they never responded.  (Oh, the disappointment!!!)

I contacted my Internet Provider Service to see if they knew how I could get Nancy & Company to remove my name as a solicitor of Democrat donations.  I was advised that it happens all the time and there is not much that can be done about it.

Of course, I replied to the email solicitations asking the real senders to cease and desist – to remove my name from their email list.   That did not work either.  Perhaps they did not respond because I did not send money.  The emails from the alternative me keep coming.  In fact, they have been coming for several years.  

Apparently, it is something that a person has to live with.  The fix is far too complicated for such a minor issue – too small to get the attention of those who could take real action.  It is like all those phony PayPal, IRS, and Walmart emails that warn of money being taken from my bank account unless I call a number.  I never do.  (And woe to those who do.)

If nothing more, Pelosi and the Democrats do keep me informed of their fundraising issues and techniques – and occasionally, that inspires a commentary pushing back on their lies and propaganda.  In the meantime, if you get a communication from the Larry Horist doppelganger, do not make a contribution. LOL

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Tom

    Great commentary Larry! Very funny!! I agree, this could not have happened to a nicer guy!!!

    I must say that as an Independent/Unaffiliated voter, I have never gotten a single letter like this nor do I seem to be on any lists. Maybe that is a benefit.

    One minor point. There was a reason you did not get any answers to your complaints. The federal taxes were cut by Trump, you state taxes were cut by DeSantis, and hence those jobs were cut/lost due to lack of federal and state funding. You complained to an empty office, compliments of the far right.

    As I scan the horizon of reasons for these annoying solicitations, there is the possibility of MPD. Have you verified by psychiatric examination that you really are just one personality (your self gratifying summary of thyself is revealing)? Have you eliminated the possibility of a guilt driven complex (possibly over bashing Frank) causing a psychotic episode during your sleep that caused you to sleep donate, and now you are on their list forever? Or could it be as simple as a closet case of “Pelosi Lover Syndrome”?

    Whatever the reason may be, I am happy to deal with which ever Larry writes the column that day. So feel the independent/unaffiliated love baby!!! (Telly Sevalas lives!)

  2. frank stetson

    “Among those regularly responding to my commentaries are two or three who have created a mythical Larry Horist as a straw man to their most critical comments – attributing to his traits and opinions that I do not necessarily possess. It is sort of an alternative world political doppelganger.” Or Mr. Horist is a paranoid schizophrenic suffering delusions of grandeur, you be the judge.

    “The readers prop up that other Larry Horist as an evil extreme right-winger … a Trump cultist … an unhappy loser … a senile old man. Apparently, the role of the duplicate Larry Horist is being played out by left-wing Democrats for the purpose of damaging the true Republican and conservative causes. (What villainy!!)” Remember delusions of grandeur?

    “While my doppelganger is cast as a racist … an angry and bitter person, the real Larry Horist is super tolerant and has never hated a person in his life – and certainly not any category of folks.” Proving the depth of mental instability, he’s never hated a person in his life but CERTAINLY not any category of folks. How can you be both of these at the same time? He claims to not hate anyone but double sure about categories? Sounds confused at minimum.

    From a previous retort: “Like your associate, Frank Stetson, you engage in arrogance by assuming cutesy guises as judges and referees, when in fact you are just another obsessive opinion producing with all the biases that go with it. You also take on the left-wing habit of declaring — maybe even erroneous believing — that your personal opinions are … facts.” I can feel the love….no hate bait name calling here….cuz Larry loves arrogant, cutesy, obsessive, biased, opinions as facts and the people that go with them :>)

    FYI — Do you want my emails from the TRUMP PACs? If you hit an email anywhere in political land, it tends to be spread, like manure, across the fields of organizations looking to pull in cash. Pelosi looking for money from Florida is as funny as Trump looking for cash in New Jersey.

    Just hit unsubscribe and all will be well. Hope you are on dry land today.

  3. Tom

    Thank you Frank! Yes we do not have to worry about Larry having any ego crisis anytime soon!!!

    Your post was immensely entertaining, even better than the original post. And wow, I recogmize one of those “Larry quotes” you used, “Like your associate, Frank Stetson, you engage in arrogance by assuming cutesy guises as judges and referees, when in fact you are just another obsessive opinion producing with all the biases that go with it. You also take on the left-wing habit of declaring — maybe even erroneous believing — that your personal opinions are … facts.” That was Larry talking about me!!! Yeah I really felt the love that day!!!! LOL

    Thanks for the entertaining post. It made my day, had me ROFLOL. You know, in a previous post I told you about the political filters Larry uses that cause him to bash Dems and soft on GOPs. But now with this Larry post, I am wondering if Multiple Personality Disorder may be the root cause? Or maybe a dandy case of bipolar? Its amazing the Larry you and I get lately verses the Larry that Larry sees. Amazing!

    • frank stetson

      Well, thanks for that. Story was like a trainwreck, I knew better but just kept reading anyways. But here’s why you have those comments, and a one and a two…..

      “Old and in the way, that’s what I heard them say
      They used to heed the words he said, but that was yesterday
      Gold will turn to gray and youth will fade away
      They’ll never care about you, call you old and in the way.” Great pick-me-up band…

      There’s that and there’s what Mom used to say: you can choose to be a big man in a small pond, or a small man in a big pond. Larry chose the former, but believes the pond is big. I chose the same but knew the pond was small even if it was in the top ten world corporations —- I was in the “who cares” division managing an adjunct portfolio. Funny when you manage a P&L worth a few hundred million and it’s “who cares.” But when a Fortune 100 called to bitch to a company VP, well then it got important…..

      Larry needs to be curious again, to realize that his readers matter, and what they say matters. In journalism, you learn that editing for clarity is important. If a reader views you in a manner you don’t think is correct, the issue is almost always up to the sender, not the audience.

      FYI — you do know you have the f-word in your acronym Mr. Cleanspeak…. just saying abbreviations don’t change the meaning.

      And nice job in your home state to repeal the pistol permit law. What could go wrong with that. Just can see all those NC pistols heading as crime guns to NJ up the ole iron pipeline. You people should be ashamed.

      Mike F: I thought prank too, but the PAC is real, they do mail these, and it does not look like a forward. Just some weird addressing. If Larry clicks on the Horist in the sender header, the whole associated email should turn up; that might tell you more.

      • Tom

        Yes I agree, Larry needs to view his readers as friends, very important people. Otherwise, without readers, his totally fact based (tee-hee) articles are like a foghorn.

        Yeah I was not happy about the repeal of the carry permits law. I think one of the worst things NC has done in a long time. But that is what you get when you have a super majority. I am uncertain how it will affect the iron pipeline. It was only the law requiring a permit to carry. So now people who did not have a “reason to be armed and carry for reasonable safety” which is what the law required, now anyone can carry even if they have no reason or if there only reason is to feel good and powerful. A person still has to go through the same federal and state requirements to purchase and own a gun, only now they can take it to church with the blessing of the state. I think businesses still have the right to post their business as a no carry / no guns allowed place. And gun owners must listen. It will be interesting to see if anything happens that hasn’t already happened. I cannot foresee much of an impact to the iron pipeline.

        • frank stetson

          I must have read it wrong; I thought there was a permit step in getting a gun that the sheriff signed off on. As you describe it, yeah you’re right. However, NC guns in NJ is a major problem, you are in the top offender States for us. So, anything that simplifies gun purchase in your State will bring more, not less, guns to NJ.

          Southern States have basically created an export business selling guns to other States. That’s State’s rights turned on it’s head and a compelling reason to go national on important things like gun ownership. Sucks but these States trying to profit on our gun crimes really bring it on themselves in their desire to make a buck from this.

          • Tom

            Yes it is interesting to hear how the different states behave. I did not realize NC is one of NJ’s biggest gun suppliers. Sorry to hear that. Down here I have often heard the complaints when an illegal alien driver kills a citizen driver, how often it is noted that they got their license in NJ. Seems like here in NC we have a harder time getting a driver’s license than buying a gun. I wonder if the reverse is true in NJ?

            Yes as far as I know it is only the carry rules, not the procurement rules. I suppose there might be a tangential effect of making carry easier so it opens the door to people that did not have a good reason to justify carry that they can now be incentivized to buy a gun thanks to the relaxed carry rules. What I find amazing is the number of people that store guns in their cars! I am seeing many reports on neighborhood blogs throughout NC where cars are broken into and guns are being stolen. Recently, one was used in a murder here in NC.

          • frank stetson

            To be honest, I was surprised on the NC numbers too. However, it’s really PA, NY and the Iron Pipeline of Southern Gun-free States. It’s only when you tease the pipeline out that NC becomes a top player, in the pipeline. IF NJ could stop NC guns today, our crime rate would not change that much. IF we stopped the pipeline or NY or PA, that would make a difference.

            NY is also the funny one, don’t know how that can happen.

            But the real point is that as long as there is one EZ buy zone for guns, that zone will export wherever gun laws are strict. Chicago is a great case of this to the point where, I agree with the gunnies, that being legal puts you at risk since you are not sufficiently armed and the criminals are readily well-armed. It’s the gun-strict island effect.

        • larry Horist

          Tom … I like the foghorn analogy. Something that pierces through the fog — reaching ears at a very long distance. It serves to inform and warn. I accept your comparison.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … Thanks for responding in a way the proves your use of your own invented Larry Horist as a straw man. And disproving your oft stated claim that you like civil discourse and do not engage in childish insults.

      • frank stetson

        Not sure what you are alluding to Mr. Horist, except that, as usual, you are the victim. As usual.

        • frank stetson

          Actually, after my knee-jerked, I went back and reviewed my post and I really don’t have a clue what your major malfunction is. You say I invented a Larry Horist. Of course, I invented a Larry Horist, WTF do you expect? You rep out a bunch a shit about a Larry Horist personality. Along the way you express many of your own perceptions on who you are, we look at it, we respond based on how your shit hits and you don’t like the result.

          “the real Larry Horist is super tolerant and has never hated a person in his life – and certainly not any category of folks.” And you blame Tom and I of mental masturbation after this archetype example of choking the chicken?

          “the real me is a most happy fellow with a well-established sense of humor. ” Sure had us rolling in the aisles on that whopper.

          HEY — you opened the door to self-introspection, why shouldn’t we add to this fractured fairy tale? And what we wrote is what we see based on who we are and what your wrote. You can lay the sole blame on us, but then you are frankly guilty of the same thing you accuse.

          If you write it, and we interpret it and you don’t like the results, chances are that you slamming us, calling us names, is not conducive to changing hearts and minds.

          Any time you wish to dish on issues, I am your huckleberry. Sure, I zing with the best of em, you are no shrinking violet when it comes to a back-handed, shot in the dark yourself —- much more mud than I ever sling, mostly in response.

          “Among those regularly responding to my commentaries are two or three who have created a mythical Larry Horist as a straw man to their most critical comments – attributing to his traits and opinions that I do not necessarily possess. ” “The readers prop up that other Larry Horist as an evil extreme right-winger … a Trump cultist … an unhappy loser … a senile old man. Apparently, the role of the duplicate Larry Horist is being played out by left-wing Democrats for the purpose of damaging the true Republican and conservative causes. (What villainy!!)”

          Who’s on first, Mr. Horist? What’s on second? This is: “The readers prop up that other Larry Horist as an evil extreme right-winger … a Trump cultist … an unhappy loser … a senile old man. Apparently, the role of the duplicate Larry Horist is being played out by left-wing Democrats for the purpose of damaging the true Republican and conservative causes. (What villainy!!)”

          What villainy indeed my little victim of the personal attack and psychological profiling.

          Grow a pair.

  4. Mike f

    Highly doubtful that nancy pelosi or anyone intimately associated with her are using your name for fundraising purposes. You are being pranked by one of your ‘fans’. (Not me I assure you…)

    • Tom

      Actually Mike f, it is much like what Frank said in his first response. If you ever replied to any sort of politically motivated email, survey, etc. your name gets on a list because of professional list compilers who’s only job in life is to make lists for sale. There are whole businesses that do nothing but this. To think that it must be someone in Larry’s audience actually borderlines a conspiracy theory. It is much more likely that Larry got on a list somehow like previously mentioned, and now his name/email address has been sold and resold, and will continue to be sold and resold even after Larry expires.

    • larry Horist

      Mike f … Typical liberal. Making a phony claim as if it is a fact when you you know nothing of the facts. Ignorance of facts has never been a barrier to your mendacious opinions. I did the work. The emails come from Pelosi’s PAC … and a couple of other Dem fundraising PACs.

      • Tom

        Yes Larry, I have gotten one or two emails in the past from political committees. I think the root cause was on a couple of occasions I answered one of those one question surveys embedded in an article. What I have done is hit the “unsubscribe” button at the very bottom, but I do not do this until I get more than two or three. I am leery of the unsubscribe links because I swear in the past, when I unsubscribe, my junk/spam mail goes nuts. Seems like unsubscribing from one list gets you on five other lists. So for email, I take the address and use the “block sender” function in the email program. Usually this is under a pulldown menu located in gmail by three vertical dots, and “more folder” in AOL. The other thing you can do is go to those two functions and do a “view source” and get the IP address and report it as junk to your provider. Providers do not like these kinds of junk/spam emails any more than you do and they can block it from there. Just some thoughts of mine for you to ponder. Have a good day!

        • larry Horist

          Tom … You seemed to have missed the point. I was referring to emails from Democrat fundraisers — including Pelosi — in which my name appears in the FROM box — as illustrated above. thanks for you advice re normal junk email, but remember, I have been in this business for decades and have dealt with email — and email scams of every type. I get a lot from both sides.

      • frank stetson

        Typical liberal, know nothing of facts, ignorance of facts, mendacious, mendacious, mendacious — look, I can use the word mendacious….

        “The emails come from Pelosi’s PAC … and a couple of other Dem fundraising PACs.”

        MF said: “Highly doubtful that nancy pelosi or anyone intimately associated with her are using your name for fundraising purposes.”

        Last I checked, PACs are not the candidate, matter of fact, arms length from the candidate. And PACs are not intimately associate with the candidate, by definition.


        • Tom

          Yes you are correct Frank, there are many rules that are enforced to keep PACs very separate from the candidate. Although the way these lawyers/politicians word the laws these days, I would bet they have left plenty of squishy room for PAC donors to also find loopholes to advantage interfacing with the candidate.

          • larry Horist

            Tom … Sorry, Frank is not correct (read my reply to him) and you are equally ignorant of the facts.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson … Thanks for confirming you are a liberal who knows nothing of the facts. You are confusing and “independent expenditure campaign” with a PAC. The email comes from Pelosi’s pac over which she exerts control. Your last paragraph demonstrates your utter ignorance of the facts. Arrogance and stupidity is an unfortunate combination. So, who is “busted”?

          • frank stetson

            “Thanks for confirming you are a liberal who knows nothing of the facts.” Got to be one of the weakest personal attacks I have ever been subjected to. I mean he’s just figuring out I am a liberal? Wow, Captain Obvious, big of you to pick up on that. Yes, I am a liberal, glad you caught up…. And “knows nothing of the facts.” In what Universe could that be true, for anyone. Even Larry knows something….. Whatever. I am just totally broken up after this attack, giant crocodile tear in left eye. Really Larry, it’s welling up….

            The Captain needs some smack attack training.

            Not quite sure you got a full BUSTED on me, Mr. Horist.

            I said: “Last I checked, PACs are not the candidate, matter of fact, arm’s length from the candidate. And PACs are not intimately associated with the candidate, by definition.” I am pretty sure I am right, more or less spot on.

            Spanky Horist did not clown around, responding: “You are confusing and “independent expenditure campaign” with a PAC. The email comes from Pelosi’s pac over which she exerts control. Your last paragraph demonstrates your utter ignorance of the facts. Arrogance and stupidity is an unfortunate combination. So, who is “busted”?

            Since indeed I was confused, beyond the typo’s, especially since I never said “independent expenditure campaign,” I looked up IEC and PAC and found the former to be an expenditure for a political communication, make sense, and the later to have a multitude of options but all revolving around an organization that collects donations and then distributes them to candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation.

            Larry, I am sure I said something wrong and you are right that I am BUSTED, but not sure what you mean given you have tossed two terms on the table where one has not much to do with my comments at all and not sure how the two even relate. Can you clarify what you were attempting to get at?

            PACtothefuture is a Leadership PAC that I guess can make your “independent expenditure campaign,” but so what? Not sure how that is relevant.

            PACforthefuture is Pelosi’s Leadership PAC, they all have them, but not sure how intimate she is (and neither are you) with the fund management and fund distribution. She gets zero dollars from the PAC. Nada. Nothing. I am sure she puts in her two cents as to where the money goes, but intimate, I sincerely doubt that. The Leadership PAC collects money in her name, brand-labeling with her name like TRUMP selling hats, but money to be distributed as Pelosi sees fit to OTHER candidates, not to Pelosi (by law). Generally, these are used to 1) leverage the Pelosi name for cash donations and 2) use said cash for other candidates that will add value to Pelosi’s power or electability or whatever.

            So, yeah, I am wrong, she holds the reins but neither you or I knows whether she even pulls them. At the $5,000 per candidate expenditure distribution cap, PACforthefuture raises about $10M per election cycle, that’s 2,000 individual decisions. That would be intimate. Neither you or I know that she just doesn’t phone in a vision and the fund manager is the intimate one. I really doubt she is looking to secure her power base or maneuver for her next career move. I am guessing this pac is on autopilot.

            Unless your clarification changes things, that’s not much of a BUST Larry. I don’t think you have proved she exercises intimate control over a $5K per candidate fund, under her name, where she, as a candidate, remains at arm’s length and gets not one red cent to her own campaigns.

            The missing comment here is that campaign funding sucks, it’s broken, it’s not democratic, and PACs are a major part of the breakage, along with the undemocratic SCOTUS decision on Citizen’s United. I am betting we both agree on that and could care less what Tom thinks, as an independent :>)

          • larry Horist

            Frank Stetson …. You are doubling down on your ignorance. You look things up and still get it wrong. A PAC and and independent expenditure campaign are completely different legal animals. You and Tom were 100 percent wrong in saying that the PAC is an arms length from Pelosi. Fully BUSTED … and apparently uneducable. You write a lot of words to make a fool of yourself.

  5. Darren

    In the sensical words of Chucky Schumer, non of the comments should have been printed here.
    No one including Larry’s article should have been written for people to see.
    We must hide all knowledge of everything from the public.
    You know, to preserve Democracy.

    • frank stetson

      Maybe try it again in English this time, Darren. “sensical words?,” how odd. “no one including Larry’s article” Larry’s article is a person?

      I think he’s trying to communicate….

    • Tom

      Ok so Darren, you are now attesting to Mr. Schumer’s words as being rational, sensible, and showing internal logic. I will accept your opinion as valid in and of itself. Now, having said that and taking into account your opinion is valid in and of itself Darren, are you saying that the best way to preserve big D Democracy is to keep the people ignorant? I think Larry, Frank, and Tom would all disagree with you. Oh and by the way, Tik Tok is not the best way to keep informed.

  6. Darren

    I am sorry Frank, you are one of the few educated Democrat’s.

    • Frank stetson

      Actually, statistically, you are wrong. Democrats has attained higher levels of education than Republicans. But yes, English is not our strength. Some, like you, even have issues with the basics. Could you at least correct some of the gibberish.

    • Tom

      Frank is correct again! See the 2015 to 2016 Pew Research latest stats on party affiliations and voter education stats that are in the middle of the report at “”. Good job Frank! BTW, I would have guess this too since we all know colleges are liberal thinking petri dishes. :>) BTW, since 2015, many college educated Independents are leaning Dem as well but without the party loyalty aspect of our thinking.

  7. frank stetson

    “the real Larry Horist is super tolerant and has never hated a person in his life – and certainly not any category of folks.”

    Not even “Spanky the Clown” or clowns as a category?

    “Horist was a one-time-wonder candidate for mayor of Chicago ” who lost by less than 100 votes to 2-time loser “Spanky the Clown” in 1995.

    He is known as a guy “popping up in local controversies, tossing off ideas and marching orders with equal ease, all the while proclaiming his own rectitude. He’s like the kid on your block who was always getting into fights but always swore he never threw the first punch.” said The Reader in 1996. Not a doppleganger of the guy who is super tolerant and never hating?

    He left for Florida a decade later leaving Chicago and Spanky behind.

    Lost to Spanky the Clown. Larry’s right, great sense of humor. That one will never get old. That’s just spanky of you, Larry.

    • frank stetson

      My bad —- I tossed the word “wonder” into the quote. It was not there, my mistake, did not notice the quotes in my zeal to add wonder to “one time,” my apologies.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … LOL Glad you enjoyed the Reader article. Of course as an obsessed critic, you took a snippet out of a 10,000-word cover story that you thought would be degrading of me — or an embarrassment. The article was rather flattering. At least that is how I felt about it. If you were hoping to under my skin, you failed. I often refer in speeches to my defeat by a clown — a real live clown. There is a lot more to that story, but I will not overtax your hopelessly biased brain with facts. It is true, I am a pretty good fighter for my beliefs, but you cannot seem to understand doing so without hatred. Perhaps you cannot understand people who are not like you. You should take a breather and look at how much of your contents is about me personally — and demeaning and insulting of me with false descriptions. Your obsession is pathetic — although I know it extends to the owner of PBP and virtually every writer on the site. You are funnier than Spanky — who, incidentally, was a very nice person.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…