Conservative Efforts to Block Election Fraud Continue as the Big Day Approaches

Early voting for the 2024 Presidential Election is underway in many states and Democrats are fighting hard to cheat by any means whatsoever to stop President Trump from reclaiming the White House. These efforts range from anti-Trump judicial machinery ruling against election integrity measures, casting of fraudulent votes, and sabotage of ballots via multiple means to intimidating Republican election workers at the polling places.
One of the biggest and most contentious efforts to block election integrity efforts came from a Biden-appointed judge in Virginia last week. On Friday (October 25), U.S. District Judge Patricia Giles ordered the restoration of some 1600 noncitizens to the voter rolls at the behest of Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ). The Republican state authorities had removed these voters after checking their citizenship status against their DMV records and allowed them two weeks to produce their proof of citizenship – which they failed to provide.
On Monday (October 28), the State of Virginia filed for an emergency stay in the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS), and at the time of this writing, the Supreme Court’s response is awaited. Meanwhile, VA Governor Glenn Youngkin slammed the DOJ for its efforts to let noncitizens vote in the presidential election and thanked the state’s Attorney General Jason Miyares for filing the emergency appeal with the SCOTUS.
In Nevada, the state’s Supreme Court sided with the Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, a Democrat, to allow the counting mail-in ballots with missing or smudged postmarks for up to three days after Election Day in November. Nevada adopted a universal mail-in ballot voting in 2020 and was one of the contentious states where election fraud was reported and ignored.
An alarming level of election fraud, downplayed and buried by media and the anti-Trump establishment, was reported in the state in 2020.
This November, Nevada remains a swing state with Republicans concerned about potential voter fraud via mail-in ballots.
These election integrity challenges were partly countered by a judicial ruling in Mississippi on Friday, striking down the rule of counting mail-in ballots in the state for up to five days after Election Day. The ruling came as a result of a lawsuit filed early in 2024 by conservative organization Judicial Watch. Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, hailed the ruling as a historic victory for election integrity.
However, the issue of voter fraud continues to worry Republicans in a number of states. In Colorado, around 30 thousand ballots are set to be reexamined after a dozen fraudulent votes were intercepted by election officials last week in Mesa County. The Gateway Pundit reported:
After uncovering these fraudulent ballots, Mesa County Clerk Bobbie Gross handed the investigation over to the 21st Judicial District Attorney, who is now pursuing a criminal investigation.
On Monday, conservative journalist and commentator Steven Crowder dropped a bombshell undercover video on X (Twitter) showing a Democrat operative talking about how they cheat in elections. Joel Caldwell, the director of operations for The Coalition For The People’s Agenda in Georgia, is seen in the video confirming various means of election fraud in Georgia in 2020.
Democrats have also gone to the court in Georgia to block surveillance of ballot drop boxes, hand counting of ballots, and voter ID requirements. Fox News anchor Jesse Watters underscored these points on his show.
In the current voting cycle, voters from both Georgia and Tennessee have reported problems with the voting machines including flipping vote choice from Trump to Harris when the machines printed the ballots. Conservatives on social media are urging Republican voters to carefully check their printed ballots to make sure they correctly represent their choice of candidates.
In some disturbing incidents relating to the current election, ballot boxes reportedly caught fire resulting in the destruction of numerous ballots in the states of Washington and Oregon. As reported in The Western Journal, two incidents of ballot box fires were reported this month, one from Vancouver (WA) and the other in Portland (OR). The story wrote:
Election officials have estimated that hundreds of ballots, some of which were seen burning on the ground after being removed from the drop box as smoke billowed from it, were damaged in the fire. The FBI is investigating.
Meanwhile, the presidential election campaigns are in their last stretch with President Trump having held a massive rally at the Madison Square Garden in New York on Sunday. Trump also sat for a 3-hour interview with Joe Rogan on Saturday. The YouTube video of the interview has so far been viewed well over 37 million times.
Also on Sunday, a new NH Journal/Praecones Analytica poll showed that Trump holds a narrow lead over Kamala Harris in New Hampshire. The “shock poll” has put New Hampshire as a swing state in 2024.
Voter fraud is alive and well.
The poster above is not stranger danger. His email will not match.
Is it extreme free speech when you allow fakes for real fake names?
It’s pretty easy to automate computers to avoid this. Naybe Gilbertson needs an engineer?
Actually, based on minimal investigation it seems the machine puts mismatched names/emails into moderation.
Then, in my case, I figured the drunk moderator could read my drunken email error and let it go.
Recently I signed in as America First using the SD email. Moderator lets it fly.
Perhaps training? Or a raise?
Perhaps you stfu and go away
Apparently you do not agree with free speech!
You should really quit posting. You’re embarrassing yourself and making democrats look even more pathetic and stupid
SD/Frank. How many email addresses do you have? How many browsers do you use? I’m not asking you to provide the actual email addresses, only the number you use. This shows how much you want to commit a certain kind of fraud, too, giving you space to say all the horrible things you say with different handles and addresses. We are on to you! Why do you so want to look like a low-class man?
He probably has as many email addresses as you have personalities!!! Now take your meds and get to your CBT session.
Tom, the uneducated idiot – I told you yesterday, I do NOT take any meds at all they are poison, just like you are. You just do not give up; you continually say all kinds of horrible things to an elderly woman. Were you born on the wrong side of the tracks; you post like you were, yet you won’t allow others to say anything to you without your sick demon rhetoric. You are taking our first amendment rights away and that is against the law, in fact, it can be considered treason. You really need to get a copy of the Law of War manual from the military. It will show you how you can be arrested by JAG for your hate and crimes. You won’t do that, though because you are afraid you will find out how criminal you are. You are also a coward. Do you love calling a 77-year-old- horrible disgusting things? Elder abuse! No way you were ever in the military, or you would not act like a moron! Now everyone knows what kind of cockroach you are! Your precious Kamala is losing bigtime. So, don’t stop with your filth, I want everyone to see your true self. You do such a good job of it anyway.
American First notes: “you can be arrested by JAG for your hate and crimes.”
Some real facts if one can believe google AI: “No, Judge Advocate Generals (JAGs) are not able to arrest citizens in most cases because they are part of the military justice system, which is separate from the civilian justice system. However, there are some exceptions:
Special authority: JAGs can prosecute civilians if they are given special authority to do so by the president or Congress.
Foreign countries: JAGs can prosecute civilians if they are working in a foreign country and the local laws allow it.
Military bases: JAGs can prosecute civilians who commit crimes on a military base.
Martial law: Military courts can try civilians during martial law.
The Posse Comitatus Act also prohibits active duty military personnel from arresting civilians or assisting civilian law enforcement officials.”
I guess AF expect martial law or special authority come January 2025 so the military can arrest all she does not like. Her excuse is she’s old. Yet she votes for an older guy cuz he’s willing to use the military against his own citizens just like AF. Sweeeeeeet.
Again, take your meds old man and go to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day. I wonder which personality you will show?
Do you want a lawsuit for impersonating, Frank? Your crimes are showing. I told everyone you were a criminal and here you are, proving it!
Frank, you are a first-rate communist!
America First seems unstable.
She’s complaining about a fake person, pretending to be another fake person has been a crime. She seems to think that the number of emails a person has is a measure of character. Even the number of browsers you use can determine what type of person you are according to America first.
Except for showing America first how easy it is on punching bag post to use others names with your own email, I am only one name, stranger danger, and one email address. If we use cell phones, as well as PCs, chances are all of us use multiple browsers. It’s a nature of the technology.
I have explained that the Frank Stetson that is posting now is not me. I only post under the moniker of stranger danger.
In all honesty, can’t imagine why this has any importance whatsoever, but for some reason, it seems to tickle America first in that somehow she believes this crazy crap is a judge of character.
Personally, I think she’s a little hung up on the personalities, tending to be defensive and emotional and passive aggressive behavior towards others. Again, I would much rather stick to the issues and facts and leave personalities and emotions at the curb. Apparently, that’s all she’s got.
NOPE, Frank the MORON, you do NOT know e=how I think or what I post on here. Your insanity is hitting bigtime. You claim to be me. Oh, how sweet! You just said in your fist long paragraph what is not the truth – again! You also said that the Frank Stetson that is posting now is not you, yet no one recently has used the Stetson part of your name proving you are making this all up. You are what has NO importance anywhere. You are sicker than sick. Keep it up. I also want everyone to see what you really are – a nonperson cockroach that loves to hurt people and elderly people especially. No one can be proud of a rat like you!
America First on October 29, 2024 at 11:31 am
Nope, did not lie, that was not me.
That was me, being you. I even inserted a space to show you how easy it was.
I do not know who the current Frank Stetson is, perhaps it’s Frank Stetson. But it is not Stranger Danger.
Believe what you will.
You are so right SD! I think she is a multiple personalities person. Hard to tell who will peek out tomorrow. One of her personalities is a little old lady that claims to be a victim while being vicious to others.
Dumpster misrepresents again. In VA, the judge restored their voter privilages because the GOP violated VA’s rules and the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.. For several reasons, purging voter roles like VA tried to do is not legal if the purge occurs within 90 days of an election. Being given two weeks is not sufficient time for proof. Recently I took a trip and was away for a month. Now I hear the SCOTUS allows the purge to occur. So “suspected non-citizens” (not proven to be non-citizens) will ensnare citizens!! This is SCOTUS trying to make law by re-interpreting law. SCOTUS did not give the reason for the allowed purge which should be illegal but is not. The criteria VA used was flawed. Some purged people could be citizens and just not remember to check the box. The records of some people purged will take time to acquire and will show that they are now naturalized. This is also seeding a future election challenge by GOP in that if a GOP voter was purged, they will complain and an election fraud case by the GOP will result which will gum up the certification process – which can allow Trump and his lapdog Johnson to execute their illegal take over plan.
The only good thing is that it may all be for nothing if enough people come out and vote for Harris. VA is a big populous state. We will have to wait and see.
Okay, everyone reading this – Only listen to Frank Stetson, Stranger danger, & Tom. They are the cat’s pajamas of editorials. Only they are kind, loving helpful, wonderful God fearing humans that tell the only truth while the rest of us are scum that do not deserve to live. All other people are liars, hateful, amoral demons -according to Tom, Stranger danger and Frank Stetson.
By your own words you have just admitted you are scum. Who am I to disagree with a little old lady!! LOL
How many Democrats want cameras on the drop boxes, and people checking IDs at voting
poles as well as Audits on counting machines?
How many Trump supporters want cameras on drop boxes, and people checking IDs at
voting poles as well as Audits on counting machines?
So who wants to keep this an HONEST election?
Enough said!
Frank, you are a low life Nazi! You exhibit every nuance of what Nazism is.
Frank, yes, the JAG CAN arrest. We are under martial law. They are already arresting thousands. Too bad they didn’t get you. As I said, the Law of War manual explains everything. You don’t care enough though. You are not a patriot either. Soft martial law, but martial law just the same. Full martial law is coming and fast. This is not a lie, either no matter how you try to spin it. If you were ever in the military, you should have been aware of the Law of War manual and you shame the military at the same time.
Again, let me beg you to take your meds old man!!! Actually in the Navy we have the Blue Jacket Manual. Now be a good old man and take your meds and get a good night’s sleep. Attend your CBT tomorrow!