Children of Illegal Migrants Pushing American Kids Out of Schools

The Biden-Harris administration’s weaponization of illegal migration through an open border policy is successfully overwhelming many American towns. Aside from threatening the safety of Americans, the crowding of small towns by illegal aliens is damaging the education of American children.
On Monday (October 21), the New York Post reported that the small city of Logansport in Indiana is getting swamped with illegal aliens from Haiti and dozens of other countries. This has raised safety concerns among the residents of the once peaceful town while the local children are dropping out of public schools due to migrant children burdening the resources.
While the exact number of the Biden-Harris aliens arriving in Logansport is not available, the Cass County Health Department placed the estimated number of recent migrants at around 11,000; the entire county’s population in 2020 was determined to be 38,000 people. NYP wrote:
What’s clear is that the number of Haitian immigrant students in the Logansport schools has increased 15-fold, from 14 in 2021 to 207 this year.
Logansport resident Nancy Baker, a mother of two, told the paper that the school administration has been directing more attention to the migrant children since these kids don’t speak English. Baker, disappointed and angry, told that this policy has caused local students to fall behind. Baker’s own daughter dropped out of the town’s high school because the teachers had no time for her or other English-speaking students.
Baker has also said that her daughter has been harassed by groups of migrant kids while walking outside. Another town resident, also a mother, has complained that Haitian migrants stare into her house from across the street. She also witnessed the migrants holding phones at her home as if recording with their phone cameras.
In 2017, the non-profit Negative Population Growth (NPG) published a report on the impact of immigration on America’s public schools. Its findings are no different from what is affecting the education of Logansport’s children. The report wrote:
One of the most direct consequences of having many immigrant children in the classroom might be that the teacher’s attention and time are diverted from the native children. Since immigrant children typically have a poorer command of the host country language, the teacher may need to spend more class time providing individual assistance.
Last year, the organization Education Week reported that the Biden-Harris administration notified schools and families that immigrant children and youth have the right to free public education, regardless of their immigration status.
The Dallas Morning News wrote on Tuesday (October 22) that advocates of free public education for migrant children fear that if Donald Trump wins the presidency in November 2024, conservatives may fight this right of illegal migrants that liberals have so far successfully enforced across the country.
I say we start rounding up all the Pakistani immigrants send them home. Start in Orlando, but be careful, they change their names.
Oh, here we go again- discrimination, big time from Mr. Mouth. Do you hate black people, too? Russians, Ukranians? Polish? Dutch. I could keep going. I think you hate yourself!
Yes discrimination AGAINST the poor and middle class American people and their children as evident as day turning into night. What can be done about it:? SEND THEM HOME!!! We nee to re-establish America FIRST for the POOR and Middle class which are being continually robbed and harrassed of their hard earned meager funds by this administration by their open borders policy of foreigners FIRST. Black People are AMERICANS too and their DOLLARS are being CONVERTED into DIMES. If you are unable to see this and call it DISCRIMINATION then us 100 plus billion poor and middle class Americans are GUILTY of wanting o keep and use OUR money!!!!
The teachers should ignore the illegal aliens and just pay attention to the native students. Afterall, when President Trump is sworn into office all the illegal aliens will be deported out of America!!
Ah, Born Again, Trump is just kidding like he does about almost everything!! He knows the economy would crash worse than the Great Depression if he really tried to eliminate the immigrant workforce keeping our economy going . . . He doesn’t really mean it when he plans to spend billions rounding up alien-looking people for deportation and sending the military after anyone who protests what he wants to do eliminating the Department of Education, the CDC, NOAH, NIH, FDA and criminalizing all vaccine mandates for public schools. Just a joke like so many he tells like imagining lining up Liz Cheney before a firing squad . . . Can’t anybody take a joke? Though I am a bit confused when you say teachers should only teach “native” students . . . don’t they have their own taxpayer-funded schools off somewhere???
Not sure what the author’s issue is, but certainly it’s not with finding the truth. He seems not to care, he just wants to spin the facts to make his point: liberals bad. Every liberal. Everywhere. All bad. All bad ideas. Bad.
Once again the author strives to turn us against each other based on political party. This time he claims Biden/Harris is weaponizing unauthorized immigration which is a lie. Weaponizing? Weaponizing against who? Aren’t you an immigrant? Pakistani, right? Legal, illegal? All bad? All liberal? It’s beyond weird, it’s hateful, mean, and demeaning.
To prove his point, this he goes to Logansport Indiana where immigrants are settling to the consternation of the indigenous species. He adds little value to the NYPost piece, he does not even include the FOX counter facts. The author notes they are immigrants; the author admits he has no firm number, but believes it’s about 11,000 in a county previously of 38,000. Chances are both of those numbers are fake. The author talks about illegals but has not a scintilla of proof that any of these are undocumented or unauthorized. Since they are from Haiti, it’s a pretty damned good chance they are legal immigrants or legal asylum seekers. Not weaponized, not unauthorized, not undocumented. Legal with as much right to be there as you or I, or even the Pakistani immigrant author with the fake name. In this case, the author tells a lie to make you mad at me and anything else that’s blue.
I feel the hate, man. I pray someday you can feel the love. Thank your lucky Pakistani ass you are allowed to be here.
I get it. One side of my family made a dangerous journey to be here in 1866, with a 6-month-old on a coffin ship, culturally forced out of Ireland for an out-of-wedlock baby. Yeah, pro-lifers were all harsh talk, no support, back then too. Can you say shunned? Wdhen they got here they face “Irish need not apply” signs taking a deadly job as a steel puddler, should have been dead at 35. But they survived, they thrived, and one thing I noted from the census that their working-age kids stayed in school. I found that amazing. The indigenous species back then hung their stupid signs, told my ancestors they live on “whiskey row.” That’s how Americans rolled back then, and many have not changed today. These kids went to school, stepped out of the steel mills and, through education, made a better life living the American dream. That’s right, education of immigrants is a mainstay of the American dream. Always has been.
Sure, these kids crowd the schools, they take attention away from the other kids, so what. They also add money to the economy, they pay the taxes that fund the schools, and the stupid town would be worse off without them. Buck up buttercups. Somebody’s got to work those pork chops in the processing plant. Figure out how to do better with all this extra resource you have. And you better work hard, the next generation of these folks will step out of the meat house and look for jobs like the ones that support your house. That’s the American way too, forge ahead or fall behind, it’s up to you.
Meanwhile, Logansport school officials push back on false rumors of being overwhelmed. The Logansport Community School Corporation superintendent said yesterday that these rumors are false, the schools are not overwhelmed, and it’s business as usual.
The author missed that I guess. Wonder what else he missed?
From FOX, from the school district: “We have a total of 207 Haitian students within our student population, which makes up about 5% of our student population,” the school district superintendent said in a statement. “I have not had any complaints of student needs not being met due to services to our English learner’s population. We are a comprehensive school corporation. English learner students who need extra support are given those supports through specific programs that we offer.”
The author had this information available before he posted. This shit matters. Keep posting this unsubstantiated, oft-disputed, bullshit and some self-professed “patriot” is gonna drive out there and hurt somebody if not a lot of bodies. This crap matters. These unprofessional muck rackers, American haters, need to step back. We need to tell them we won’t be fooled again. First Springfield and not this bucket of horseshit.
And I am sorry. I do understand the parent pulling her student who is getting less attention to homeschool her where she will get more attention? To escape this kind of thing, in my case rednecks, I commuted 15 miles to High School to join the Brett Kavanaugh’s of the world. Did I bitch about the stupid farm boys? No, I bitched about hitchhiking 15 miles home if I didn’t want to wait for Dad’s 5:30 pm pick up.
Public education is for the public, all the public, funny speaking and dressing alike. It is literally in our national defense to do so. There’s also home school, private school, religious school, and school choice schools. If these are asylum seekers, they are legal, they pay school taxes, the school has no issues, they said so, let these kids get smart. We have enough brain-dead already.
It’s not so much that the author got something wrong. He parroted the NYPost and radical hard-right talking points perfectly. He just does not have the ability to reach beyond the pablum they offer to seek the truth, the whole truth, which will always be more than the NYPost and one pissed off muther will offer. (Although his second source complaining of peepers and folks with smart phone videos is priceless. Like an episode of the crazy lady on Andy Griffith….)
Next, I will go to a place foreign to the author. Logansport, the real place, not the NYPost/author version.
Sorry fellow you REALLY have a problem!! You need to find a facility that offers ANGER MANAGEMENT help before you go off into things like Road Rage an/or even worse engage in a Mass Shooting. YOU CERTAINLY have a PROBLEM please get help immediately if not for yourself – to help for shame on your family!!!!!!
GOV: did I get any facts wrong? Or you only like native Americans? Well, not native Americans, but people born here? Well, not all people born here, just the ones who came after the people who were really here in the first place?
We are a nation of immigrants, we are a nation of laws. What laws have these people violated? What is your basis for your hatred? Is your nationalism so twisted that it’s fascism?
America First as a concept is deep, but in the 40’s became associated with isolationists against WWII and aligning with Hitler over antisemitism. This is the birthplace of Trump’s foreign as well as domestic policy. Hearst was there with his newspapers boost the NAZI regime. Henry Ford, a renown racist and Jew hater, was on the America First board. Lindberg was there too and he thought Hitler a genius, got a medal from Gorring. Just like Trump admires Hitler’s generals for being the fine fellows that they were.
You can keep your America first, I’ll stick with following the law, helping Americans seek a better life, you included, and not believing in lies you can see. Can’t you see the lies here? Can’t you listen to the school administrators, the government of Logansport, all who tell you this is lies>?
Or do you follow Trump in wanting to incarcerate these folks legally seeking asylum in the US? Do you follow his lies about Logansport, Springfield, and Aurora? Because he is lying. He continues to excuse his lies by putting other lies on top? Why would you believe this felon over the leaders in Logansport, Springfield, and Aurora?
If students at 1 school in the United States with Tax paying Parents
are having this problem, then that is 1 school TOO much!
Stranger Danger needs to align himself as a U.S Citizen or a foreigner.
The ( choice is his ).
This is America after all!
You are 100 PER CENT correct sir as an American and USAF Vietnam Veteran myself and two brothers whom were Bronze Star receptents in WW2 and a nephew who earned a Bronze Star in Vietnam in 1968. American should be treated with respect rather than trash to walk on all 150 Billion Poor and Middle class. Hopefully we can get some American Leadership with TRUMP in 2025.!!!!
Darren, I align with humans, taking each for their words and actions. Chances are these folks are here legally, we are a nation of laws, not nationalistic fear mongering turning to hate. This is America after all.
I do understand the plight of incoming folks, from anywhere, changing the status quo. You don’t even need immigrants to be faced with the same issues. Could be oil bringing North Dakotians in to Texas. Could be a hurricane bringing New York construction guys to Florida. In the old days, the Vikings jumped many a border and really pissed folks off. More than schools got messed up. So the Knights grew strong, took them on, for peace and glory, pushed all that had not impregnated someone out, and then Europe had a lot of Knights hanging about with idle hands which really pissed folks off. Not so much the schools, but the women really had enough. I mean armor? The New York Roundtable Post reported the conspiracy that the Pope met in secret with England/France, etc. to vilify those invading Muslims to the Holy Land lying about eating cats, hanging dogs, and taking Christian tour guide jobs in the Holy Land. They created the crusades, calling it Make Europe Socialist Again or MESA just to get the freaking knights out of their hair. It worked and that’s how we got our current banking system and C-sections.
Seriously, having a wave of students is not new for us. Having a wave of immigrants is not new for us.
The cat found hanging, gutted, was in Hastings, not Logansport, wrong city.
The cat found hanging, gutted, in Hastings, Indiana, not Ohio. Wrong state.
What happened in Springfield
On Sept. 6, a post surfaced on X that shared what looked like a screengrab of a social media post apparently out of Springfield, Ohio. The retweeted post talked about the person’s “neighbor’s daughter’s friend” seeing a cat hanging from a tree to be butchered and eaten, claiming without evidence that Haitians lived at the house. The accompanying photo showed a Black man carrying what appeared to be a Canada goose by its feet. That post continued to get shared on social media.
Meanwhile, An entirely unrelated incident that occurred last month in Canton, Ohio, got quickly — and erroneously — conflated into the discussion. On Aug. 26, Canton police charged a 27-year-old woman with animal cruelty and disorderly conduct after she “did torture, kill, and eat a cat in a residential area in front (of) multiple people,” according to a police report. But Allexis Ferrell is not Haitian. She was born in Ohio and graduated from Canton’s McKinley High School in 2015, according to public records and newspaper reports. Court records show she has been in and out of trouble with the law since at least 2017. Messages seeking comment were not returned by several attorneys who have represented her. Ohio voted Red in 2020 meaning this a Republican problem and using the Dempsey rule: all Republicans across the entire nation torture, kill, and eat cats.
In the recent case, in Springfield IN, Logansport, there is no case. However, in On Sept. 22 at 10 a.m., a woman told troopers that she saw her orange-colored barn cat to be hanging by the neck from a piece of bailing twine. She lives in Hastings Indiana, a few hours away from Logonsport. Indiana is a solid red state meaning this is a Republican problem and using the Dempsey rule: all Republicans across the nation hang barn cats with bailing twine.
We just have to stop beating on each other as groups for the actions of individuals. This author writes to make us hate each other. What’s in it for him? I know, I know, it’s my fault he writes like this. His lies are true. My truth is lies. Except I can source mine. He sources some person and the highly accurate, never inflammatory NYPest.
Today’s top new from NYP:
“‘Toxic’ reason Meghan Markle and Prince Harry haven’t been seen together for weeks”
“Why adults must regain control of out of control classrooms”
“Florida woman learns her fate after leaving boyfriend to die in a suitcase”
“From riches to rags ’90s fitness queen turns to UberEats to make ends meet.”
Of course, compared to PBP advertisement claims…….
SD, you can’t even say Dempsey’s name. You are so shameful. You call him the author. If he were so treasonous or even just bad, would the PBP have him give us articles? I think you are an American hater. Are you American or are you just a Citizen of the United States? Did you ever ask Dempsey if he was Naturalized? You book above reeks of hate for others, yet you stick up for the immigrants. How do you know if some of those immigrants are not from Pakistan? Huh? What Pakistani ever hurt you that you are so hateful toward Dempsey? People are people. People can change if they want to. You don’t want to. Heck, you even hate me. Que sera, sera. You do not want Dempsey on this site, nor do you want hie in America. Who are you to decide that with YOUR hate? The more you post, the more you show your disdain for nearly everyone. It’s getting worse and worse. You said a day or two ago that we all need to get along. Suddenly you come up with that even though I said the same thing to you a short while ago and you didn’t follow my suggestion and now you want us to follow your orders? Puleeze! In God’s name, stop with your continuing hate before it consumes you.
Ernestine Dumpster reaches a new low in scraping the scum at the bottom of the barrel. Where is Stetson when you need him?! Could it be “stranger danger”? This story sounds a lot like the other story that Trump still will not admit he was wrong on, the town where he said immigrants were eating their dogs and cats. This story has been proven as wrong. Same probably is true of Dumpster’s story!
All immigrant students are placed “age appropriate” into a grade when they come to the USA. This prevents a 14 year old immigrant from being in a class of 9 year olds for many reasons. So a 14 year old will be placed in 7th or 8th grade, as appropriate. My ex-wife is an ESL coordinator. All of these students receive ESL services. If necessary, the ESL teacher attends the class with the student. They all have an ESL plan. The ESL coordinator monitor the ESL plans for each student, and progress is tracked. Additional help and funding is available through the state based on the number of ESL student. Additionally, since I had many Hispanic students and I know a fair amount of Spanish, I gave all my lectures in both languages. And we did just fine. The kids were amazed and loved my multi-lingual lectures. They actually learned some Spanish and could communicate with the immigrant children a little better.
So I question Dumpster’s story. I can’t say it is misinformation, but I can say much of it sounds very fishy.
Tom, where were you when one news station interviewed the woman who lived in Springfield where the Haitians were? That woman went to find her cat. She found it all right. Found it hanging from a tree gutted. You are no better than Stetson Stranger danger. You all jump the gun and lie, lie, lie! It was on the news. Why are you on here if you can’t tell the truth?
From Newsweek, “The story appeared to start with a post on a private Facebook page, in which a woman claimed Haitian residents had taken her friend’s cat, hung it from a tree and were carving it up to eat. You can read the article at *https://www.newsweek.com/immigration-haitian-migrants-springfield-ohio-eating-pets-maga-1951125*
It is you that is lying af. Read the truth at Newsweek, “https://www.newsweek.com/immigration-haitian-migrants-springfield-ohio-eating-pets-maga-1951125”
Please get back on your psycho therapy.
Tom, it is YOU who needs the psychotherapy and big time. Slam me all you want. Go ahead. Show what a low-class man you want us to think you are not. I wasn’t lying. Perhaps I got the city name wrong, but that cat story was on the news and several articles, too. I said the city name wrong because I was trying to remember the correct one, I am 77 years old you stupid idiot! That’s elder abuse you stupid idiot! I did not purposely say anything wrong. Are you so perfect, you stupid idiot that you have never made a mistake, Mr. God! God himself should have made sure stupid idiots like you never got born. I am starting to think you are also a hybrid human, not one of the real humans on Earth. You idiots on here are enough to give me a heart attack! Proud of your stupid idiot self? You sure do know how to hurt we humans, don’t you? Stupid idiot. You deserved everything I said! You are a liar, lying monster! Satanic monster! I don’t care what you say back you stupid idiot!
AF, you are an idiot by choice. And do not try to pull the age card on me. I am 68, soon to be 69. I have plenty of friends your age that get their facts straight without flaw.
You say, “Perhaps I got the city name wrong, but that cat story was on the news and several articles, too.” As I said, the article was a lie. I proved it if you bother reading my referenced article!!! It is not your age that is the problem, it is your chronic ignorance!!!
Tom I looked at the stains in my underwear and I realized that Trump is going to win. So sorry to say that but it’s true.
Well Frank, ask Trump what adult brief he uses. What determined Trump would win? Was it a long vertical streak?
No. It looked like Kamala It was a shape of her head and hair. So Trump will win the electoral college and the popular vote. That bitch is getting more unpopular every day. She throws shit out there that was never substantial. And what low life calls a fellow American a facist or a Nazi?
Tom, why would you care what kind of briefs Trump wears? Do you personally want to take them off him for your pleasure? You made it look that way! Then Trump could sue you for groping. Stupid idiot!
Once again AF, it is not your age, it is your chronic ignorance. In this case you cannot read a simple statement correctly. Please consider getting back on your meds!!! And do attend that CBT therapy.
i just read your comments and compared your fantasies with the “FACTS” form the article. I went back and re-read the article and Ms. Baker was it’s daughter for want of getting the chance to ask the teacher for help for herself could not get access to the teacher. WHY? Because he teacher was spending all available time with the age appropriate alien children who were far behind the level of American kids thus American kids were lowered down by failure of system (overwhelmed) i experienced this a few years ago when i attended a “GENEALOGY” class on how to research family history. they class was 1 hour with 1 hour afterward for questions. I had 2 questions I wanted to ask which would have taken about 3 minutes to answer both but this lady jumped up and grabbed her attention just as the class was ending and had the instructor who was nice enough to basically re-teach the entire seminar just for her. I never got to ask my 2 questions which is the situation in the school here the American students are “HELD” back because the teacher is occupied. Ms baker’s daughter and another lady’s daughter dropped out of high school – known fact. sometimes facts rear their ugly head don’t they to those who listen
Hey Grumpy Old Veteran! I am one too. I am also a retired public school K6-12 teacher who worked in a school that had many Hispanic students. Many of them were at least 14 but in Mexico they only went to grade 3. That is why we age appropriately placed them. They had my wife as well as a second part time teacher in my classes when needed. Perhaps because I know Spanish as well as my primary English language and gave my lecture in both languages sentence by sentence, I was more effective than the teacher you read about in the article. But even with knowing Spanish, I still needed ESL help because many of these students do not know their native language very well, which is what makes the job very difficult since learning a new language relies much on knowing your primary language. But the facts are that Federal law requires ESL help be given, It is up to the school to request more help, and it is up to the state and local school administration to fund it. The trigger is number of ESL students in the program and what levels they are at. The school may simply have been deficient in its obligation to report its full ESL obligation.
A sad fact of our public school system is that the system focuses on the very high and very low performers and everybody else in the middle gets sort of lost. The student that could not get help sounds like one of those trapped in the invisible middle performance group. This is a problem in many states because of the metrics used to judge the performance of the school and system. And I am sure a higher ESL population will make this situation you read about seem worse.
Are you sure they “dropped out” of high school or did they relocate to private school? The article says they “dropped out of public schools”; not that they dropped out of high school. This leads me to think they transferred to private schools. But again, our laws say every child on American soil is entitled to an education whether they are a citizen or not, and race does not matter either. The way to change this is through law. By the way, this situation has been going on in many states, including mine, for years and years. Sorry, but that is the truth. And this Independent feels that Trump’s rhetoric will only make the situation worse because it encourages citizen Americans to dislike and even hate their non-citizen fellow Americans.
I would be in favor of tariffs on selected home countries of these student as long as the tariffs collected go to the states school systems affected and earmarked for more ESL help.
Harris in calling Trump the F-word on Trump a fascist is referencing John Kelly who cites some pretty good specific policies and quotes to prove the point. A total of 13 senior Trump officials and appointments have signed an open letter agreeing and supporting Kelly. Almost everyone who knows Kelly says he’s serious, does not lie, and they support him over Trump.
Kelly only did this after Trump promised to use US troops against US citizens, something he did not even attempt to do on 1/6/2021.
It’s sad, but there it is. He, and you can play the victim but as the evil from within, I say get in line for that glass of whine. Whine is always good with filet of feline. We have folks from Haiti coming for dinner and what to set a nice table.
But remember this danger boy. Money talks and bullshit walks. Since I’ve been battling gender identity I’m not sure what is true anymore
Are you planning on eating your Haitian friends? Your dream or nightmare?
Why do you always delete my posts!! This is NOT a conservative site.
Would he rather that these children DON’t attend school & grow up uneducated?? Perfect fodder for those trying to dismantle child labor laws!!
“That EBS/EAS signal is supposed to go off this weekend. The disclosure movies will prove everything I have ever said. My advice? When you see those recordings, have a bucket in front of you because you may get sick unless you are part of the elite underground child trafficking sickness which then you won’t need that bucket. Then you will see all the arrests that have happened already and find out who’s next. All your rich elite friends are going to have a new home for a short while. Then they won’t need those homes anymore.”
It’s Sunday, only 14 more hours until payday, do you know where your EBS signal has gone?
Half a conspiracy shopping day left before, like all before, this dog don’t hunt. Where’s my dinner and a movie followed by arrests announcements? Send in the Marines! Gotta gitmo to get-along.
Stranger danger, you are NOTHING except for a hateful, hurtful piece of trash. Just like that evil Tom (above) That signal WILL go off. It’s delayed because of the evil trash Democrats just like you trying to stop it. Why would you not want to have the money coming to you which is in the millions? There is an account already set up with your name on it. You are going to be filthy rich – IF Trump comes back as the true President. Under Kamala, you won’t receive that money. Ary you that daft? Braindead? Why would you want communism? Why would you want FEMA camps to live in. Why would you want to be controlled from the time you wake up and are told to go to bed? Why would you want multiple vaccinations that will kill you? Why would you want grasshoppers and crickets for your meals? Why would you want the children to be taken and used in the most evil horrible ways? Why would you want any of that? What you allude to is for Mr. Kamala Harris to be our President and kill most of the people in America and other countries? You are as Satanic evil as that thing, Harris is. It isn’t Monday yet. WE all have been warned of that signal going off no later than Monday, however evil MEN like you stop wonderful things from happening all for control of all of us and Dictatorship. Maybe YOU are also in the child sex trafficking industry down in the tunnels. Own up to it, smarty pants! You show us every time you post how evil you are, how controlling you are, how you want to be our dictator on PBP and your secrets you must be involved in. It is easy for us to see when you post. You are not too careful of your words. You are easy to see through. Does it make you feel like a real man to be so cruel to me? I am to you only because I give it right back to you as it should be. Do you get off on your cruelty and hate? I don’t hate you – I am angry with you for trying to be a Dictator. Don’t like it? Well, Mr. Boss, come get me. I mean that, come and get me. You show up and get me. We’ll see then who you really are! Coward!
Logansport has been shrinking since 1960 when it had over 21,000 people. The 2020 census said they have just over 18,000. About 2,000 work at Tyson, processing pork. The next biggest employer is the school with 800, then the hospitals, three of them with 800/600/600 one is a psyche ward, bet they get treated sweet by the indigenous too. Today, as the author claims hey have 38,000, that 11,000 immigrants have come. Do the math — 18K to 38K = 20K. 11K seems very low against that lie.
Luckily, the three biggest industries are Tyson, the schools, and the hospitals. This place has more hospitals than God has sinners. They even have a HUGE pysche ward. Most of the important infrastructure is huge. HOWEVER…. Given those numbers, 11K, 20k, 38k, it’s pretty clear there is stress on everything and not enough housing so they must be stacking, and that’s not good at all.
From News Nation: “According to a report by the Cass County Health Department, overall growth of school enrollment in the city increased by nearly 150 kids in three years. This year, NewsNation local affiliate WXIN reports, there are 207 Haitian students in Logansport schools, up from 14 in 2021.”
Folks, that’s 150 kids in three years. The school system has ten schools and 4,300 students, 150 kids over three years is a 1% increase per year, less than 3% over three years.
From the Pharo Tribune at the end of September: “Mayor Chris Martin opened Wednesday’s board of works meeting with a statement addressing the many rumors swirling around the city on social media in regard to fast-spreading misinformation concerning immigrants.
“The rumors recently spread through social media are disappointing,” the mayor began. “It’s disappointing that we must address the rumors due to the belief of a social media ‘satire’ page. This is slowing down local government from solving concerns and challenges.”
Martin addressed several points including that the federal or state government has not asked the city to house a minority group, no local government money has been directed to one minority group in the community and local government officers didn’t bring anyone into the city nor do they have the power in removing anyone from the community.
“The circumstances are being misrepresented and we are gathering data, talking with community leaders, state officials and are in contact with the governor’s office,” he said.
Martin said he would formally ask the federal government to assist the community. After the meeting, he clarified the city would ask for financial aid to help any local programs that may be overtaxed.
While 25,000 immigrants were not bused into the city, Martin said the population had increased by 30% since 2021.
“We are a diverse community and have been for a very long time,” he said. “Our community is aware of a large number of immigrants. I’m asking that citizens please refrain from false statements, especially those that threaten the lives of others.”
Logansport Police chief Travis Yike also made a statement at the Board of Works meeting.
Yike said the police department had not been asked by himself or the mayor to change how they enforce criminal and traffic laws or city ordinances.
“We will continue to treat the residents of our community with dignity and respect on or off duty,” he said. “We do not use stereotypes, racial profiling or discrimination to do our jobs. Our officers will continue to do their jobs with integrity and professionalism.”
Before the meeting, Yike said that while there has been a population increase since 2021, there had been no increase in crime and many different types of criminal activity in Logansport had actually dropped.
Yike reassured citizens that Logansport remained a safe community.
Logansport is not a sanctuary city. In May, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita threatened legal action against any city that had a sanctuary city ordinance, specifically focusing on the communities of East Chicago, Gary, West Lafayette and Monroe County.
Misinformation began to spread nationally when Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance said incorrectly that Haitian immigrants were eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump then repeated the claim during the presidential debate on Sept. 10.”
We are a nation of laws. As I said earlier: “Seriously, having a wave of students is not new for us. Having a wave of immigrants is not new for us.” Let’s face it, if they really went from 18,000 to 38,000, they probably do need a helping hand to get through the changes, and even though the mayor, the schools, the police, have said, “under control,” the mayor has asked for some federal funding support. Probably need a zoning stacking law too. But this phenomenon is not new to the US and might be seen as an opportunity to a town that has been slowly shrinking for two decades. It ain’t easy, but there might be a better future for all if they work together to get er done versus continuing to fight amongst ourselves. If illegal, throw the book at them. If legal, and you don’t like it, change the laws. But suggesting we round up all legal asylum seekers, incarcerate them in make-shift prison camps, and then deport them, is illegal against our current laws, our nation’s vision, and frankly, just being a good Christian. The federal government should work with this mayor to lend a helping hand in this time.