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Census Results Suggest Political Interference

Census Results Suggest Political Interference

Republicans are claiming “political interference” after census results produced numbers much different than estimates had suggested. Census results are important because they determine the apportionment of House seats, redistricting, and $1.5 trillion a year in federal funding.

“We write today with concerns about the apportionment count released by the Census Bureau, and whether the process which derived the count was fair, accurate, and independent from any White House interference,” wrote House Republicans in a letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, head of the Census Bureau.

“Given the extra time it took to complete the 2020 Census, including not meeting the statutory deadlines by months – we have questions about the methodology and the role the Biden White House may have played in releasing these numbers, especially as the results differ from valuation estimates released mere months ago in ways that benefit blue states over red states.”

For example, Texas was expected to gain 3 seats and New York was in danger of losing 2. Official census results show Texas gaining 2 seats and New York losing a single seat by a margin of less than 90 residents.

States to gain representation include:

  • Texas (+2)
  • Colorado (+1)
  • Florida (+1)
  • Montana (+1)
  • North Carolina (+1)
  • Oregano (+1)

States to lose representation include: 

  • California (-1)
  • Illinois (-1)
  • Michigan (-1)
  • New York (-1)
  • Ohio (-1)
  • Pennsylvania (-1)
  • West Virginia (-1)

Lawmakers go on to note that “several liberal states with sanctuary policies may have lost more congressional seats if illegal immigrants had not been included in the apportionment base.”

In fact, former President Donald Trump had attempted to exclude illegal aliens from the Census to secure accurate representation for American citizens. This policy was reversed by President Biden, thus diluting representation for legal citizens in the interest of illegal aliens.

Other factors thought to have affected the census results:

  • Reliance on algorithms to impute population statistics 
  • Double-counting college students as living at home as well as on campus
  • Poor turnout of Hispanics resulting from frustrations with the Trump Administration
  • The coronavirus pandemic

When Republicans contacted the Census Bureau to ask questions, they were directed to speak with White House officials instead. As the letter notes, the Sec. of Commerce is legally responsible for reporting apportionment counts to the White House. “Referring our staff’s questions to the White House about the results produced the Census Bureau is entirely inappropriate, and raises questions about the level of White House involvement in the process,” wrote lawmakers.

House Republicans that signed the letter to Raimondo include: James Comer (KY), Jim Jordan (OH), Jody Hice (GA), Glenn Grothman (WI), Michael Cloud (TX), Ralph Norman (SC), Paul Gosar (AZ), Virginia Foxx (NC), Bob Gibbs (OH), Clay Higgins (LA), Fred Keller (PA), Andy Biggs (AZ), Andrew Clyde (GA), Scott Franklin (FL), Jake LaTurner (KS), Yvette Herrell (NM), and Byron Donalds (FL). 


GOP reps question Biden admin on alleged ‘political interference’ in census, citing departure from estimates 

Lower-than-expected state population totals stoke concerns about the 2020 Census 

After Census Results Release, a Flood of Lawsuits 

About The Author


  1. James and linda doyle

    I never received a census form! When was it mailed out?

    • Lee

      I worked for the Census. Unless you were hiding someone came to your door.

  2. Red

    I saw interference when I worked as a supervisor in the 2010 elections — mostly in hiring and firing of personnel. The hatred from the left side was already becoming apparent.

    • Lee

      The Census is run by the Biden Whitehouse so it is probably as corrupt as Clinton Foundation.

  3. Ben

    Alice, just to point out that trump was the President during the Census.
    Also, if the Biden Admin was going to interfere, do you think they would have allowed for Blue States to lose and Red States to gain seats?
    As Larry wrote today, another manufactured crisis.

    • Kenneth Snyder

      Census was extended INTO Biden’s term and then controlled by his minions. That is why California didn’t lose two seats
      and New York did not lose 3.

    • Kevin Lee Wedmore

      Ben . . .Yes, the counting was done when Trump was President, but the reporting and final ‘count’ were conducted under the Biden administration Since part of the reporting is based on algorithms and those numbers do not comport with the original algorithms, question remains as to whether or not the final reports were tampered with. For example, TX was projected to gain three seats . . .but final reporting only gave them two . . .and NY was projected to lose two seats even after the counting was done but ended up just losing one seat when 90 additional people were counted. If the college students from out of state were counted as NY residents (and they were according to Census takers), then NY clearly lost two seats . . .It is up to the current administration to catch those errors and correct them to properly apportion both House seats and federal dollars . . .

      • Ben

        So sleepy Jo and the do nothing Democrats have done it again?

  4. Leslie M Seely

    If Biden and company love the illegals so much let them all have 5 or 6 each, every time I see that he shows his real colors which so many people seem to ignore or they are to dumb to see what is happening to our country NOW. I do not know how people could choose him over Trump a person who thought of this country all the time. I did not like all the tweets and how some things were said but I liked what he tried to do with no help from the other side and some on his own side. Illegal have no place here, deport them all!!!
    The old marine

    • Ben

      Trump, the guy that has cheated on every one of his wives, paid off a porn star, served 1 term, lost the popular vote twice, 2 campaign managers were arrested, 2 of his lawyers have had their homes raided, his incompetence has led to Hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and he has been banned from social media…
      Leslie says, “yup, that’s my guy!”

  5. Lawrence Greenberg

    What? The Democrats lied and cheated? Say it ain’t so!

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