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Trump Conservative to Present A Solution to Global Climate Change That Even Skeptics Will Like

Trump Conservative to Present A Solution to Global Climate Change That Even Skeptics Will Like

For the last ten years, the global warming controversy has continued to inspire a public debate.

Ever since the U.S. pulled out of the Paris accord, environmentalists and Democrats have been outraged claiming that the planet earth is now doomed. 

While, on the other hand, climate change deniers often argue that there isn’t enough evidence proving that Climate Change is real and the science often used to defend Climate Change has been proven to be applied incorrectly.

But what if there was a solution that even climate change skeptics could get behind? That would bring all political, business, and social groups together?

Regardless of your stance, you have likely noticed that the solar energy sector has morphed into a booming industry. 

“The solar industry delivered impressively last year despite a trade case and market adjustments,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, Solar Energy Industries Association president and CEO in March. “Especially encouraging is the increasing geographic diversity in states deploying solar, from the Southeast to the Midwest, that led to a double digit increase in total capacity.” 

As the cost of solar energy drops, the potential of this sector only increases. 

The cost of solar electricity is expected to drop by 66% by 2040, according to a recent forecast by the research firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

With that being said, how can the government and businesses take advantage of this?

The Energy Net is a plan by Tim Kaelin on how to solve global climate change. 

“All sides of the controversy can agree that solar energy production is better than burning gas, oil or coal,” said Kaelin.

The problem is that solar energy is still expensive.

The proposal, which is thoroughly explained in the book The Energy Net- A free enterprise solution to our economy, racial Islam and climate change built by all of America, outlines two phases to ultimately develop “an alternative source of energy more cost effective than fossil fuels.”

Phase 1: A government-owned 2500 square mile solar “farmers market”

A government-owned farm of this size in a sunny, land-rich state of Utah or Nevada could generate enough energy for 1/9th of the U.S.

Not to mention, being close to the west is key due to the proximity to the three major American electrical grids. 

Although the government would acquire the land, this wouldn’t be a public works project that would eat up tax-payer funding either. Instead, “entrepreneurs can lease land, install solar energy and get a monthly paycheck as soon as the first panel is installed,” according to Kaelin 

This would also foster growth for American companies. 

“All equipment must be produced in the U.S., which provides incentive and critical mass for private industry to build manufacturing of solar panels on a large scale,” according to The Energy Net’s website. 

Phase 2: Universal net-metering  

This means that small business owners, farmers, homeowners, or whoever can invest in the solar panels and then will make a profit. As Kaelin puts it, “Universal net-metering – anyone who plugs in can push power back into the grid, and get paid.”

This solar farm would create jobs and offer a free-market solution based on private investment.

Read the proposal in-depth here.

Kaelin will be speaking on this topic at the Tenth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses in Berkley, California this weekend.

Editor’s note:  More information on the website

About The Author

1 Comment

  1. DB

    Nobody can argue that we live on a big old ball called Earth. Depending on the wind what ever happens up wind will blow down wind. If a nation goes 100% green and emits absolutely no CO gasses, which is impossible to do, we think they have done a great job. Well what about its neighbor who is up wind and does nothing? What happen to all the CO they made? It blows over the 100%ers and they are back to square 1. Ok, well we get them to finally go green, but their upwind nation keeps on using coal, burning the Amazon, polluting the oceans, and lets river run offs or manufacturing poison to kill off water life. Its impossible to stop everyone from doing everything. Take your own country, city, or what ever block. Does everyone pitch in or is there that one or two who spoil the bunch? Those people don’t care because they get the fresh air and water from the 100%ers upwind of them. People and nations are selfish and take the easy way out.
    OK, so the world by itself is not exactly the 100% world either even if man never stepped foot on it. We have fires, volcano’s, red tides, and many other things that create pollution, and had been happening even before man set two feet on earth. Where are the records, in trees, in rocks, in the layers of ground. So is this a “today” problem. Hardly. Our plants take in CO, they give O2. Hummm, we are killing plants right and left, look at the Amazon, called the lungs of the world. Where is the outrage of Brazil allowing deforestation by burning and destroying the Jungle? What is being done as individuals rape the jungle, destroying the Jungle, habitat for endangered species, native tribes who have done nothing to deserve this? Where is the outrage of tons of polution being pumped out to sea by cities, dumped off barges from NYC into the sea, bilges pumped of old oil and poisons into the sea by ships, of farm chemicals being allowed to run off into creeks, which go to streams, which go to rivers, which flow into the sea or are allowed to soak into the ground and poison our water supplies? We didn’t do it because we went 100% green but our neighbors continue to do it so we suffer while our neighbors don’t see the problem and continue to pollute.
    We will kill ourselves off eventually, and the earth will recover so that a new generation of what ever will take over and just repeat the same process. SSDD

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…