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Bye-bye Bidenomics

Bye-bye Bidenomics

President Biden launched his 2024 presidential campaign on the “Bidenomics” brand.  The idea was to overcome the American people’s opinion that things were not so good with the economy by propounding a rose-colored glasses fictional version.  Biden even lies to make his point.  He recently said that most folks like his economic program when polls show the opposite. 

As soon as the White House staked its claim on Bidenomics, the Democrat chorus and their media megaphones starting repeating their litany of good economic news.  It was all spin, however – and Biden has proven Lincoln’s adage that you cannot fool all the people all the time.  According to polls, the Bidenomics theme is not even fooling half the people.

In terms of the economy, the more Biden tried to sell the glories of Bidenomics, the more the folks back home rejected it.  The most recent polls tell that story.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” reported on the Marquette Law School poll that show Trump has a 52 to 28 percent lead over Biden in HANDLING THE ECONOMY.  That is a new record low for Biden.  Biden has basedhis reputation on being a  President who has created a lot of jobs – good union jobs, as he would claim.  Yet. The public gives the job-creating credit to Trump by 40 to 30 percent.

Biden has an advantage over Trump in only three areas — healthcare (39 to 37), abortion (43 to 34) and climate change (44 to 24).  Unfortunately for Biden, these are not the top issues driving voters. The economic issues are number one, the border is number two and crime is number three – and Trump has a commanding lead on all those issues.

The Bidenomics brand has become so toxic that even the leftwing media personalities are conceding that focusing on economics was a big mistake.  That was the recent opinion of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough – who not long ago was pumping his hot air into the Bidenomics balloon.

In a recent speech, Biden has tried to replace Bidenomics with saving democracy as the central theme of the campaign.  That is nothing more than going back to the Democrats’ mantra from November 8, 2016, when Trump was elected President of the United States – and that political narrative went nuclear on January 6, 2021.

That issue has not shown itself to be a slam-dunk winner for Biden, but it may be all they have.  It may just be that the only thing going in Biden’s and the Democrat’s favor is Trump, himself.  And even there, the MSNBC poll showed Biden with a statistically insignificant lead of 51 to 49 percent over Trump.

Interestingly, in reporting on the SAME poll, CNN showed Trump leading by 51 to 48 percent.  The difference was in the details.  MSNBC gave the number for “likely voters” and CNN used the number for “registered voters.”  Since both sets of numbers were well within the margin of error, it is a distinction without a difference. 

The point is, Biden is not beating Trump with the electorate.  What is relevant is that despite Biden’s efforts to find a winning campaign theme — and Trump’s having more baggage than Samsonite – the best Biden can do is a statistical tie.

Whatever the future holds, we can at least lay to rest the remains of Bidenomics.

The only good news for Biden these days is that there is still 13 more months until Election Day 2024.  Oh my God!  That means 13 more months of obsessive hysteria and hyperbole permeating the political atmosphere like a discharge from a local sewer treatment plant – not to mention a few more senior moments and presidential pratfalls.

So there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. LMS

    Any idiot that is STILL supporting Biden considering this administration’s disaster even worse than Fing Carter clearly has no clue about anything or they strictly won’t cross party lines. Again if they are that stupid those people deserve to have stores closed, crime increase and inflation to deal with. Meanwhile, the rest of us will move to better locations where we aren’t as impacted. Good example the dumb Fers from Chicago voted out Lightfoot just to vote in a more radical moron. Well done Chicago! Now, they gripe and moan because they are losing resources to the illegals. Uh huh, this is the crap you voted in yet expect a different scenario! You people NEVER learn! Your to blame who is in office and as long as your stupid limited minds continue to vote democrat you WILL continue to go down the tubes further. You all want respect and equity? Hardly! You can’t even make wise responsible decisions! Don’t expect the rest of us to constantly fix the messes you all create over and over and over again! When you all decide to grow a brain and realize your mistake you just might fix the problem. I highly doubt it given your track records, you all in blue states across the US have the same mentality and why your states are completely in the toilet!

  2. Darren

    Biden omics works great. You start with illicit millions in the bank, pay NO taxes, and use other peoples
    money to live on.
    Now interest rates and Gas prices make no difference.
    How does America not support this?

    • Tom

      There you go lying again. I told you in yesterday’s blog comments that Biden’s effective tax rate was 23.7%. This is what he paid last year, 2022. Biden has paid much more than Trump. Trump considers it a badge of honor to lie, misrepresent figures, cook the books so to speak, and not pay. And now its catching up to him in NY. Paying taxes is not Biden’s big problem. His big problem is the Reagan question, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Answer: No.

  3. Tom

    Interesting piece Larry. It still boils down to the same Reagan question, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Answer for most of us is “No!”.

    Yes I think most of us have seen the Biden campaign shift from economy to saving democracy. As an Indpendent/Unaffiliated voter I have never felt Democracy was in danger. However, I think last year we did lose one country that went from Democracy to Authoritarianism, a more Trumpy form of government like in Hungary. I see Biden, Trump, and the national debt that both parties own, as the biggest threats to democracy. My question is, “Who can save us from a Biden-Trump rematch?” And as I warned yesterday, Independents are watching how quickly the GOP can elect a speaker and settle down the government and begin to run the country productively again. GOP can still be the party of NO! This time, it will be No Speaker!

    By the way, I chuckled at the cartoon picture on this article. It actually looked more like you than Biden! Was that intentional??? 🙂 Either way, I got a good laugh. Thanks!

  4. frank stetson

    I’ve got a baker’s dozen of reasons to vote Biden, not including Kamala. Just use his own words.

    1. “Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” Let my people go. Must be great growing up at attention… probably a great dad.
    2. “I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.” But they will be at attention.
    3. “You could see there was bloody coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.” Oh my, what a family guy.
    4. “What a crowd, what a turnout” what a hurricane with survivors looking for aid. they got t-shirts.
    5. “I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.” Wait until we see how you feel about your next life at Club Fed….
    6. “I say, not in a braggadocios way, I’ve made billions and billions of dollars dealing with people all around the world.” And even more by fraud.
    7. “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here?” So you can make billions dealing with them, by fraud, remember?
    8. “Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? It sounds interesting to me, so we will see.” Over 1,100,000 die.
    9. “But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.” Yeah, look away, there’s no one behind that curtain, no fraud here. Over 1.1M die
    10. “Sorry, losers. My IQ is the highest and you all know it.” It is like 10 feet high, that’s some IQ.
    11. “Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?” Come on, we’re still working on you telling the truth…..
    12. “I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals … they were like from a movie, better looking than Tom Cruise and stronger. And I had more generals than I’ve ever seen.” Yeah, and he’s not gay….
    13. “He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.” Maybe you will Mr twice-impeached, single-term, ex President.

    • Jim lucas

      Does your kids know how stupid you are?

    • Tom

      Frank, you confuse me with your response. The article was about Bidenomics and how Biden has switched his campaign from discussing economics (an indicator that even they know its not good) to discussing Bidenomics and saving democracy. I am struggling to understand how your response fits into the framework of the article by Larry.

      So let me just ask you, Are you economically better off today than you were four years ago?”

      I am also confused on the matter of Trump being as you say, “a twice-impeached” president. I thought in both impeachment votes that there were not enough votes to convict and impeach Trump? Am I wrong on this? It seems like you are treating Trump differently than the Biden Crime Family with the “Big Guy” where you always say Biden has not been convicted of anything? Help me understand?

      • frank stetson

        Sorry, it was subtle. In sum, Donald’s own words are a good reason to vote for Biden. Or anyone else. Donald Duck will always be twice impeached but not convicted. It’s not court. It’s Congress. Biden is at the “spanish inquisition” level of impeachment currently where on the night before Christmas… James Comer tucks thousands of whistle blowers snug in their bed and visons of naked wrestles dance in Jim Jorden’s head.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson…. Subtle? LOL You are getting funnier every day. You obviously are not familiar with the definition of subtle. LOL

          • frank stetson

            I’d say don’t quit the day job, but …..

      • larry Horist

        Tom … The House impeaches — like an indictment. Trump was impeached but acquitted by the Senate of all charges advanced by the House. Folks like Franks thinks an impeachment is like a conviction. Not so. No President has ever been found guilty of the charges advanced by the House. Nixon resigned, so we do not know if he would have been convicted or not.

        • frank stetson

          In the words of Stetson: ” Donald Duck will always be twice impeached but not convicted. It’s not court. It’s Congress.” So I guess I don’t think it’s like conviction and you can’t read, comprehend, or both.


    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson …. What does all that have to do with the commentary? Having a problem staying on point? And you actually attributed those quotes to Biden. LOL

      • frank stetson

        I’m right on point, off on attribution, and spot on that they are 13 more reasons to vote for Biden.

        But you go ahead and pull the hammer for YOUR PRESIDENT: sexual abusing digital rapist fraudster tax cheating business records falsification and soon, so, so, much more. Better yet, believe, follow, and end up in jail like those silly 1,000 others who did.

        Party of Law and Oder my sweet white ass.


  5. frank stetson

    You know it’s early yet. 2020 polling pretty much overstated Biden’s win, 2022 was the Red Wave that never happened, and declaring mission over for 2024 based on polling today is a fool’s mission. There’s just so much time, so many changes.
    Yes, on the subtotals, on the issues, Biden has issues. So does Trump. Outside the subtotals, both have issues too. Trump’s are far worse outside the standard polling questions. But on a national level, both are basically in a dead heat so who cares about national polling, it’s the swing states the will call the shots once again.

    Hoirst’s final paragraph is spot on, best of breed for this story. I “parroted” just some minor tweeks: The only good news for Trump these days is that there are only 91 criminal felony charges and a handful of civil cases until Pardon Me Day 2024. Oh my God! That means 13 more months of obsessive court delays and appeals hyperbole striving to obtain the Supremes’ blessing while permeating the news circusphere like a discharge from a local sewer treatment plant – not to mention a few more senior moments and ex-presidential pratfalls, burger tossing, really creepy pictures, and threats.

    IMO, Biden was wise to bring up Bidenomics; he would be wiser to stick with it. It’s gonna make or break him anyway. It’s the economy, stupid, after all. It’s anyone’s guess as to where it will be by next Spring. Don’t matter, it will be top-dead-center so might as well face it.

    The second is to bear in on the Don. Come on, enough Malarky. Are you really voting for a twice-impeached, never impeached, ex-President with 4 indictments, 91 charges, two states and the Fed? Doesn’t any of that stick in your craw? If he’s innocent, I will vote for him, and he has plenty of time to finish the trials if he stops dragging feet. Sex abuser. Digital rapist. That’s on the record. Pretty sure business fraud is a rock-solid hit too. The best business he knows is fraud and cheating. Are we really even talking about this? I understand the Darren’s and Dan’s of this world but the Larry’s? All the Larry’s? Et tu Larrius?

    And you gave me hell for decades over a Clintonian blow job…..

    The question, as always is turnout. If it’s big, Biden probably wins.

    • Jim lucas

      And America loses. But our shadow government would keep us free. We won’t sit still and let a demented son of a bitch destroy our country. Some people smarter than Biden are making plans And this election won’t be stolen.

    • Tom

      I agree with some of what you said, especially Biden sticking with the term Bidenomics. As you said, he is saddled with it anyway. I disagree that it is too early to predict the economy next year. Based on my losses over the past three years, I predict that the markets will either waffle or tumble, energy prices will be up, food prices will go up again, and my 401K will lose again. So I will not be better off next year than this year. Period.

      Frank, are you better off now than you were four years ago? Why do you not answer?

      Biden just got a big problem today, and its called Kennedy. But Kennedy might be a problem for Trump too, but a bigger problem for Biden. Thank you Joe!

      So Frank, can you tell me any positives for Bidenomics? I acknowledge your financial knowledge and I had hoped you would bestow it on us! 🙂

      • frank stetson

        Tom, you asked the question, are you better off than four years ago? That’s 10/19 for the sake of argument, although 10/20 is about the same. My answer: it’s complicated. More so it that I suffered a computer breach and I am still in recovery…… another story.

        Social issues — yes, by far
        Financial issues —- perhaps parity, ahead on cash flow, down 2% on assets but spinning and spending a lot of cash.

        Basically, I am back to 3Q18 with the best being 1Q21 which is technically Trump. However, only two quarters of Trump were great, the rest were in the same ballpark as 3Q18 which is fairly equivalent to today. Therefore, it’s a meh difference to me.

        I am not cutting anything out, but I am choosing alternative products for some of those high-cost spreads. It’s more in expectation than in necessity.

        • frank stetson

          Detailing this out a bit.

          In all humbleness, my wife and I are very fortunate in that we have never had to think about money. Mostly luck in that. NJ helped too. Plenty coming in, had a few downsizing scares, I ended up in NYC too often for awhile, but our needs are humble as well. We both compete equally on the numbers which makes for more fun, IMO. We haven’t moved for close to 40 years because I already had moved too much, her father never put his feet down until marriage, so we had little need to move, we only did it once. We feel very lucky in all this.

          Bottom line, my finances have only been this low since 2020 and before, but we have more cash rolling in than ever and we’re outpacing inflation with no problems. Trump’s tax cuts hurt me more than Trump/Biden’s inflation. So, I have not been this low since Trump. Since the low point in 2020, my financial highpoint was 1Q22, under Biden, but it’s been slowly downhill since and this quarter is my first uplift since 1Q22. Not that bad, especially given my spending is way up.

          I am also divesting to the kids and updating the house so spending like a drunken sailor and just now putting together the pieces of what I have done and how it affects me and mine. But I resided the barn, put up a new porch roof, painted everything, resealed driveway, added driveway railings, new raised bed vegetable garden with 8 ft deer fence, and so on. Been feeding lots of mouths.

          To wrap up, wife is closing her career, but with covid, has been WAHing so costs down, revenue up. They seem to like her, stock options, bonuses, so she’s content. We’re both at home, enjoying each other, off the grid so pretty damned safe, and the stuff keeps arriving at the door so plenty of good stuff, pretty good times (like to go out a bit more), and good company. We are frankly hoping for a downsizing to taper off with unemployment. My assets are worth less but my income is pretty good given everything is short-term guaranteed interest with returns pegged above inflation. Basically, we feel a little pressure, giving up nothing, but choosing some alternatives for lower price. Like I might wait until 2024 before I score some Stone Crabs from Larry’s neighborhood. Or might pass that delicacy this year altogether.

          Bottom line: I think Biden has made some financial mistakes, but far less than Trump who sold us down the river with a song; his standard operating method. Borrowing and not paying it off. Trump may not have gotten a shitstorm blowback but he certainly created one. Biden invested wisely (not always but mostly), but added to and is living the shitstorm which has been OK so fa as shitstorms go. I do believe the results of his investments will be starting to be apparent before the election, but FUCK —- it can’t happen soon enough, I may be OK, but am walking the razor’s edge of not being OK.
          Remember, you asked —– twice :>)

          • Joe lucas

            Wife? I would have thought that you have a husband

  6. Frank stetson

    Uh oh, GDP at 4.9% in third Q.

    Does that reflect a change in Horist Bidenomics thinking?

    Trump promises over 4%, might have delivered for a Q. Annualized he delivered 2%, the same as Obama, and Obama dealt with The Great Recession.

    Biden’s annualized stands at 7%.

    Time for a story update Horist. I suggest going with Bidenomics success is all Trump’s groundwork….

    Seriously though, it’s still an economy with mixed results and, IMO, holiday consumer spending will seal the deal one way or the other. Market is shaky, if I was day grading, could make a bundle in last week. Have not seen the daily roller coaster in awhile. ,Maybe time for a high beta day ride!!!

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … Great growth in 3rd Q. That is good news in and of itself. But as a guy who follows the economy, you must know that it is still not good. news for the economy as a whole. Inflation is not controlled … and this will have the Fed increasing interest rate more. Mortgage rates are terrible … as is credit card rates. The growth has little to do with Biden policies. It is driven by unanticipated high spending — a lot on credit. People appear to be spending ahead of inflation. That is the making of a bubble. The public — which is the best judge of the economy because the lives with it — is still down on Bidenomics and Biden. Are you of the opinion that the latest report will turn around Biden’s polling numbers on the economy? Maybe he will have a blip up from disastrous to terrible. I think he has less than 50/50 chance of winning reelection — and only 50/50 or being the nominee. Looks like a Truman/Johnson year for Biden. Remember, the saying is “Its the economy stupid.” Not “Its the economic messaging, stupid.”

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…