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Bitter Dems Push to Eliminate Electoral College After Trump Win

Bitter Dems Push to Eliminate Electoral College After Trump Win

In just a little over a month since President-elect Trump stunned the Democrats by sweeping all seven battleground states, a group of disaffected Democratic Senators has unveiled a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College.

Sens. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii,) Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Peter Welch (D-Vt.), three leading progressive Senate voices, say it’s time to “restore democracy” by allowing for the direct election of presidents through the popular vote alone.

The senators are troubled that the Electoral College has twice elected a candidate who didn’t win the popular vote in the past 19 years. In both those instances, a Republican captured the White House — George W. Bush in the 2000 election and Trump in the 2016 election.

“In an election, the person who gets the most votes should win. It’s that simple,” Schatz said. “No one’s vote should count for more based on where they live. The Electoral College is outdated and undemocratic. It’s time to end it.”

Despite the grousing by the Progressive Senators, let’s be clear: Trump would have still won the 2024 election if it had been decided by popular vote. He collected 77,300,739 votes compared to Vice President Harris’s 75,014,534.

Yet, many Democrats, led by Durbin and his group,  think that they would have had a better chance to beat Trump if they had a reason to focus on running up the margin of Harris’s victory in populous Democratic strongholds such as California, Illinois, and New York.

Republicans, however, also have big, populous states squarely in their column, namely Florida and Texas.

Durbin, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, argued that the Electoral College “disenfranchises millions of Americans.”

“In 2000, before the general election, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College. I still believe today that it’s time to retire this 18th-century invention,” he said.

Democrats are worried that it has become increasingly difficult to win on the presidential ticket in battleground states while advocating for the progressive agenda that candidates need to embrace in the primary to appeal to the party’s base.

Democrats felt all the more demoralized by Harris’s loss because she dramatically outspent Trump, raising $1 billion for her campaign while a super PAC supporting her, Future Forward, raised nearly another $1 billion.

Harris lost in all seven of the presidential battleground states, including the three states that made up the “blue wall”: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Welch called the Electoral College “outdated and flawed.”

“Our democracy is at its strongest when everyone’s voice is heard — and right now, our elections aren’t as representative as they should be because of the outdated and flawed electoral college. I’m excited to partner with my friends and colleagues Senator Schatz and Chair Durbin on this important constitutional amendment, which will help empower every voter in every state,” he said.

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  1. James

    When the Democrats loose an election whether it be by the popular vote or the Electoral College they seem to always whine and complain that the process was not fair to them. They claim the election was stolen or the rules are outdated. Either way they are election deniers every time they lose. They riot and rampage, protesting and burning cities and claiming they have a right to their insurrectionist actions in the name of Democracy. They actually hurt and kill people while causing massive property damage and loss.

  2. James

    The only times the urban communities wish for the population of the rural communities is when they collect taxes that primarily fund the urban centers. Without The Electoral College we could not exist as a nation. Being a Republic with the Electoral College we have survived as a Nation, as a Democracy we would have perished as all past Democracies have.

  3. James

    Sens. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii,) Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) apparently did not take their oath to Protect and uphold Our Constitution. If they have forgotten that we live in a Republic and not a Democracy they should resign their position as they are taking funds under false pretense. They are not the only persons to have forgotten thia fact.

    • Americafirst

      That is IF the Dems DID take their oath of office. It has been coming out that many of them did not so are there illegally. Also, what purpose will a new amendment show? There is going to be huge changes about the Constitution coming eliminating the one in place now. Trump is going back to the original Constitution which will knock out all of the Constitution of the United States bringing back the Constitution for the United States and more than likely with a new title for it because we will then be The Republic of the United States of North America, not the United States of America. Be interesting if this comes to fruition. The Brunson Case has been decided. Congress is going to undergo a major change they won’t be happy with. But they did it to themselves. I don’t know, but it is interesting.

  4. sandy

    The democrats didn’t learn a thing, did they?

    • Americafirst

      Nope! But I would say the Criminals didn’t learn a thing.

    • Dan tyree

      Can’t fix stupid

  5. Richard young

    I guarantee if the DemoncRATS won more elections with the Electoral College, they wouldn’t be screaming to get rid of it

  6. Dr M

    Durbin is an idiot any one who goes by the name Dick is a dickj just like Cheney and. George Bush is a wiener also

  7. MANNY

    Why do we have to listen to a bunch of losers who want to change the long established rules that were democratically set by our constitution? Things need to be left as they are and the democrats need to grow up and quit the desire for power and control. They are trying by Biden’s illegal open border policy to inundate us with potential democrat voters. We were a free democracy until the democrats tried to destroy our constitution and install dictatorial politicians to set mandates for us. Democrats are a danger to our democracy when they are going about trying to establish and change set rules.
    Democrats need to just shut up and quit thinking they know best for America. They don’t!!

  8. Frank danger

    Here’s a buck,, buy a clue.

    Manny is correct. It’s in the constitution. Although the term electoral college does not appear in the constitution.

    Since our founding, over 200 years ago, over 700 proposals have been floated to change, modify, and the electoral college. Do you think all 700 were only issued by Democrats?

    Over 50 years ago, a bill passed the house to change the electoral college, but was filled busted to death in the Senate. In the house vote, there were very many Republicans that voted to pass this bill.

    Myself, in the beginning, as a young man, I hated the electoral college and hoped that the popular would rule. As I became older, I read and understood what the founders were looking for, and especially liked the part about slowing things down, and not be coming, owned by the mob and fads. I also like the fact that the electoral college pretty much forces candidates to go to all the corners of the union rather than just focus on higher density areas where all the people are.

    Today, and having nothing to do with the last election whatsoever, I can easily see ending the electoral college in favor of the popular vote. I am pretty sure with today’s communications, anything that a candidate says is instantaneously transmitted, and available, to every single person in America. One vote, one man, has always been our vision. So in my opinion, the electoral college is a historical artifact that is not needed anymore.

    But, on the facts in the history of the electric college and possible changes, modifications, or abolishment, you appear to be a little misguided on the facts and our history. Over 700 proposals to change. One passed the house over 50 years ago with a whole lot of Republican signing on. I am sure that if you look today, you will find Republicans who are not in favor of the electoral college.

    If your main reason to have it is because you think it makes us feel bad, is that really a good reason?

    I spell my name: Danger.

  9. Frank danger

    Man. I must be screwing up my email. My old family name is really hard to spell correctly I guess…..

  10. AC

    As Trump once said, “There are good people on both sides”. In this instance the Republicans on this issue come out guns blazing aimed at Democrats questioning the EC. Good people on both sides holds true here while it was not the truth in Charlottesville.
    The good people listen when often debated issues come up. This one, the Electoral College, is often dissected but each time it survives. Why that is has been frustratingly disappointing for those who raised the issue to a vote and loose each time.
    It the weight of history and important men who originated the Electoral College in the 18th Century. Their proposal in that time seemed the best insurance for elections in that period of America’s elections and the experiment in democracy.
    Registered voters were a minority of the country’s total population (men) old enough for the vote, but not land owners, land tax payers.
    By 1800 the Electoral College electors was less than 20. The census counted under 10 million in 1800.
    Objective consideration in 21st Century context and recent elections history leads one to conclude that 19th Century rationale for EC applicability does not follow for application in the 21st Century. The electors count to win is now 170 when in 1800 it was in single digits. Census in 2020 was 350 Million plus souls and in 1800 there were less than 10 million.
    The issues of that day did not get widespread quick publication. Not all citizens had equal access to all facts about the several candidates Travel to campaign across the 16 states was slow and time unreliable. Today’s instant information capacity gives possibility to all and stories behind the candidates are more well known to potential voters.
    The Founding Fathers’ original premise for the necessity of an EC to secure an election.
    The EC, as it happens, is an archaic methodology in the modern context.

  11. Frank danger

    if the moderator clears my previous post, probably due to my screwed up email, you will see more of this repeated, sorry.

    The EC has had proposals for modification, and replacement, over 700 times in our over 200 year history. Undoubtably this included both democratic and Republican support.

    Over 50 years ago, a bill did pass the house, but was stuck in the Senate due to filibuster and did not clear the Senate. That bill was passed by the house with a huge number of Republicans for it.

    According to Pew, over 50% of all Americans want to replace the college. And the number may be up to 60%, check my later post if they happen to release them.

    While the current rendition is being proposed by Democrats, over our country’s history, clearly both parties have made tries to end the electoral college. As well as most Americans would like to see that happen.

    Facts are our friends. Look them up.

    • Jim wampler

      Frank can’t you just quit being a damned liar? You want a civil war? Fuck with the EC and cause most states to not have a vote and tell me how that works out We are not going to forfeit our rights just because commiecrats lose an election


    Get some more coffee dude, you need to wake up and smell the truth.

    How does one man, one vote cause MOST states to have a vote? 48 States have a winner take all for the EC. Think losing voters in a 51%/49% of votes state think they have a vote? Really?

    What lie? The one about 700 proposals for change over 200 years, some by Republicans? Or the one where it passed the House, strongly supported by Republicans, over 50 years ago? OR are you just calling Pew liars when they survey the American people? Which lie is it Jim? Use your words, son.

    You will not forfeit any rights. You have Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. Why be so afraid still?

    Winners don’t whine, winners create better outcomes for the nation. Try it.


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