Let’s go through this step by step.
You have seen in the mainstream media that Russia has started to surround and attack cities in western Ukraine. This will be a new level of damage, making the hardships of the Ukrainian people much worse. Putin already has the major cities surrounded. This phase will be designed to cause pain and suffering, but still abide by the principle that civilians are to be left alone where possible – just not has carefully as before.
This is a measured increase. We already know Putin’s strategy and his goals, they have been laid out neatly.
Note that this increase in pressure is happening, just as talks between Russia and Ukraine taking place in Turkey have failed. Putin expected the failure, and that was the trigger for the new phase.
It is very simple. Ukraine did not agree to Putin’s demands. Putin has ramped up, applying his chokehold a little tighter, knowing that the suffering he is causing in Ukraine will reach the ears of Zelenskyy.
The mainstream media keeps talking about how brave the Ukrainians are and how surprised the Russians were at the resistance of the Ukrainian army. That is complete BS. The Russians are in complete control.
It has only been two weeks since the offensive started. One commentator pointed out that the Russian military is actually moving faster than the famous German Blitzkrieg in World War II. Mainstream media claims that Russia is having a hard time and has yet to take a major city. In reality, Russia has them surrounded, they can do whatever they want. What else do they need?
I believe Putin has at least three more levels of pain that he can inflict.
My predictions:
1. This will be a new phase designed to cause suffering in Ukraine.
2. Civilians will still not be the primary targets, but the Russians will be less careful.
3. Russia and Ukraine will be back a the negotiating table within a week.
4. That will also fail. Putin will again raise the level of suffering in Ukraine. Civilians will “accidentally” be in the line of fire. All utilities will be cut off, escape corridors will slow to a trickle, people will start to starve, the noose will tighten more.
5. U.S. and E.U. will attempt to send in aid, but none of the weapons will be there in time, any food sent will be intercepted or stolen, it will be too little too late.
6. Zelenskyy will acquiesce to Putin’s demands by the end of March.
Sorry folks, I hope that I am wrong. But I don’t see the creativity, urgency and guts in the U.S. and E.U. responses that leads me to believe the responses will not affect Putin’s plan. The sanctions will not be effective quickly enough to pressure Russia. Once Ukraine surrenders, the world will response to the emotional pleas of Zelenskyy to settle quickly.
I just wish America had better leadership.