A modest list of election winners and losers

Every election has its winners and losers. The 2024 election has some of the most notable listings in both categories. The list is too long for a single commentary, but here are a few from my perspective. Let us start out with the biggest winner of all.
WINNER: Donald J. Trump. His historic come-back victory in the 2024 presidential election is not the only thing that makes Trump a winner. He won both retribution and vindication. He prevailed over the most pernicious attacks … two impeachments … several court cases … provocative statements … and a political rebellion within his own party. The various efforts to bring Trump down in dubious court cases will come to an end. The demographics of Trump’s victory blunt political criticism of his being a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobia, etc., etc. etc.
LOSER: Joe Biden. President Biden’s dubious legacy of presidential accomplishment is further tarnished by both his decision to not withdraw earlier – and to ultimately withdraw at the last minute. Both decisions set the stage for Trump’s triumphant comeback – and the crushing victory of the down ballot Republicans. Biden’s claim to a legacy as one of the most accomplished presidents in American history is no longer credible. He leaves office as a very unpopular President – even among a significant number of Democrats.
LOSER: Democratic Party. Not only did the Democratic Party lose an election to a candidate with more baggage than Samsonite – and a pugnacious personality – it lost BIG. And it was more than just one election. It lost its connection to John Q. Citizen. This was not just a one-time defeat, but a potential realignment. Democrats may well have lost their connection with the people for the foreseeable future – relegating the donkey party to a regional bicoastal political party.
LOSER: Republican apostates. The 2024 election had an unprecedented number of Republican leaders abandoning Trump. They not only abandoned Trump, but the entire GOP and often their alleged conservative principles – becoming full members of the Democrat political and propaganda operation. No longer useful idiots for the Democrats, they will mostly be relegated to the more obscure edge of the political world. A few may maintain some role in left-wing media. They have no political future.
LOSER: Liz Cheney. She is among the apostates but deserves personal mention since she has lost a lot. Once a GOP leader in Congress – with the prospect of one day rising to Speaker of the House or even a future Republican presidential candidate – she is now a political has been. As a woman scorned, Cheney took down her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney.
WINNER: Mitch McConnell. He will be stepping down as one of the longest serving Senate Majority Leaders – and one of the most effective. He is not a political bud of the re-tread Trump, but he did deliver for the Republican Party if not always to Trump’s liking. He delivered three Supreme Court justices … he blocked two impeachments, that otherwise would have prevented Trump from running a second time … and, as a last contribution to the cause, he oversaw the new upcoming GOP Senate majority.
WINNER: FOX News. The Rupert Murdock cable news channel is by far the number one platform – attracting more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. Despite its conservative lean, the network’s philosophic viewpoint was consistent with the mood and view of the voters. It has overcome the harsh criticism of the elitist left-wing media outlets. FOX is a winner because its competitors are among the losers.
LOSER: Labor leaders. The heads of the Unions have been losing clout for generations. Representing less than 6 percent of American workers, union leaders have more bark than bite. Union workers were the backbone of the so-called “Reagan Democrats.” Today’s union leaders can deliver money, but not votes. Trump’s victory in Michigan, for example, proved it. Alternatively, a winner may be right-to-work legislation.
WINNER: Conservative issues. In the tug-of-war between political issues and political personalities, issues proved to be the winner in 2024. That is notable in view of how much of Democrat strategy was focused on demonizing Trump. And as a subtext, it is the conservative issues that prevailed. While Democrats focused on Trump, it turned out to be the economy, stupid.
WINNER: School choice. One of the most important benefits for inner city students is school choice – and the ability to get away from failing schools. School choice has been opposed by big city Democrat machines and school unions as a threat to their political power and money. This will be a top priority for the new Secretary of Education, whoever it may be.
LOSER: DEI. DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) has been sold as a program to create greater racial tolerance. Instead, it is a radical left-wing program to promote racial friction by arbitrarily creating a sense of White guilt.
LOSER: Men in women’s sports. The political environment under Trump will lead to a national pushback against transgender men playing on women’s sports teams. Transgenders are a very tiny portion of the population, but they are having a disproportionate impact on women’s sports. That issue played a discernible role in Trump’s election.
WINNER: Israel. The election of Trump ends the Biden administration’s duplicitous approach to the Hamas War – that has now expanded to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran. Israel is free of the constraints and limitations imposed by Biden – and can expect more support in Washington.
LOSER: Ukraine. Trump’s stated interest in ending the war at all costs – especially for Ukraine – can end the conflict with most of the win going to Putin. Any victory for the Madman of Moscow is a threat to world stability and a national threat to the United States. It will all depend on Trump’s actions as opposed to his statements.
LOSER: Sanctuary Cities. Trump has promised to end sanctuary cities – a practice that Democrats have used to shield illegal aliens, even criminals, from federal law enforcement.
WINNER: men. For the first time, the interests of men have manifest themselves as a major issue in a presidential campaign. Men have exerted a collective influence – and have played a major role in Trump’s victory. It is a backlash from the “toxic male” messaging coming from the radical left. The backlash was seen across all male demographics.
WINNER: American worker. Whether it is the end of inflation … lower taxes … higher income … the American worker will see increased purchasing power.
LOSER: Chuck Schumer. The Senate Majority Leader will become the Senate Minority Leader in the next Congress. In addition, he has seen his New York City Democrat base declining. Under the arcane rules of the Senate, the minority has virtually no power.
LOSER: Allan Lichtman. Lichtman is called the Nostradamus of presidential election predictors. He bases his predictions on his 13 keys. He has correctly picked the winner in 9 or the past 10 presidential elections. He was wrong this year. Alluding to him as a political Nostradamus is appropriate since the sage of the 16th century is about as accurate as a newspaper horoscope.
WINNER: Democracy. Despite the claims that the 2024 election would be marred by mobs of individuals disrupting the polling – and the ridiculous security arrangements to address the imaginary attack – the voting went off smoothly. It will also put to rest the outrageous and insane claims of insurrection, coups, planned violence and the end of the Republic that preceded the election. The American experiment in democracy worked well — and will continue to work well for the foreseeable future.
WINNER: Me. Against the “wisdom” of the polls and the pols, I predicted Trump would win – and forecast victory for the GOP in both the Senate and the House. Those predictions were greeted with hostile pushbacks peppered with mendacious accusations and personal insults impugning my intelligence and integrity
LOSERS: Those impugning my intelligence and personal integrity.
So, there ‘tis.
Modest? Shirley, you jest :>)
You have shown you can win, we know you can lose, but can you govern?
“WINNER: Me. Against the “wisdom” of the polls and the pols, I predicted Trump would win – and forecast victory for the GOP in both the Senate and the House. Those predictions were greeted with hostile pushbacks peppered with mendacious accusations and personal insults impugning my intelligence and integrity
LOSERS: Those impugning my intelligence and personal integrity.”
I guess you call me a loser because I often question both. With facts, with support, and against everything a pugnacious prick can throw at me. I am frank. I am danger. Live with it.
As I said long ago, you play a win-lose game which from the get-go, is a losing choice. This article proves it.
““In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity In Peace: Good Will.” Too bad you can’t listen.
“Humble in victory, gracious in defeat” Too bad you needed to blow your own horn.
Frank Danger AKA Frank Stetson. Ah! Ha! You reveal yourself again by your writing. You say you are a new guy, but then say that the loser label applies to you because you have often questioned my intelligence and integrity. And you resort to your favorite insult “pugnacious prick.” You are one of the people I had in mind when I wrote that — and I knew it would hook you. LMAO Why you are playing a crazy screen name game is beyond me. Weird. But Enjoy. LOL
Wow, Larry, Great article. AND you are not the only one that has suffered under the dictatorship of the many named man? that calls himself by several aka names. IT didn’t do any good to redeem myself, to be nice, to be blunt, to be hard, to be angry, to tell him off or any form of all that. He is as bad as a hardened criminal that just got let out of the system. No reason to even respond to that demon anymore unless he goes ballistic which he will. He can’t help it. Anyway, I have seen all the articles and videos about the winners to no winners. I agree totally with your wisdom of it all. thank you for all the articles you have given to us so we can use our own minds to believe or not believe.
Dictatorship? Are you that weak? Ballistic? Prove it.
I am so sorry, Larry, I thought I introduced myself in your last piece when I stated: “I am not Frank Stetson, he’s all hat, no bull.
I am not Stranger Danger, he’s not that strange. I am Frank Danger, third eye.” Now, for you, I attempted to put all my names together because I know how sensitive you are when liberals change their fake name. Because, for you, it’s all about the person and little about the content since you know it all and said it all already. And yes, I did use my favorite “pugnacious prick,” but as you seemed to have noted, I did not call you that.
“You are one of the people I had in mind when I wrote that — and I knew it would hook you” which really sums you up as using your discourse to “hook” people. Gotta love a plain-speaking, frank, sort of guy that sneaks around trying to “hook” people with your words.
And to explain, because again, you seem more “hooked” on names than content, Frank Stetson had to go because he failed by lowering himself to your name-calling, bullying, demeaning, shaming style. Stranger Danger was born and never acted as low as your common commonplace retorts. But with the election, I wanted to better bury my tracks so I invented Frank Danger, in your face frank and dangerous to the likes of you. Also VPN’d and really hard to track down. But, like SD, you will rarely, if not ever, find me sinking as low as you and Joe. Free speech is grand, decorum and being a gentleman is better. Hope that explanation lets you sleep at night and, once again, someday it would be nice to discuss, with decorum, in a gentlemanly fashion, the issues of the day.
FYI —- so you get your knickers knotted over my fake names but the current Frank Stetson, who’s easily identified by his use of “daughter,” never even raises your eyebrow.
Just like you love America First because she loves you and miss her delusions completely.
Frank Danger … As I have noted in other responses, I could not care less what folks choose as their screen names. You mistake observation for interest. I peruse reader comments for what they write, not what they call themselves. I do occasionally push back on the personal attracts based on ignorance of me or the subject. But mostly I do not respond at all. My opinion is in the commentary and I have no interest, desire or time to waste on prolonged meaningless debates — especially over old commentaries that have aged out. Despite my age, I am not a lonely old man that has nothing better to do that spend my days in cyber bickering. So, there ’tis.
Methinks doth protest too much while lying to thyself by thinking too much of thyself.
Glad to talk issues like personality with you and I understand your inability to debate the issues of the day since, in your mind, you have said it all and that’s all there is to say.
Guess it’s always better you don’t reply since it’s just gonna be personal attacks as you have said.
This must be opposites day. The wins you listed are losses to human dignity and human rights rolling backwards. This election was rigged by the right with their massive propaganda machine promoting disinformation of the most rancorous nature that would stir fear in the most insecure Republican’s mind. Trump’s campaign was predicated on the worst inclinations of man and the right rubber stamped his norm busting predilections. Gloat until your last day on earth, but the so called win for the right-wing duped slim majority ultimately will be a loss for America as a true democracy. The Boomer generation will not see democracy’s reparation of Trump’s damage done careening through the next four years. Hopefully these predictions will be thwarted by fellow citizens not being taken in by his bait and switch tactics and false promises. It’s a long bet, but if Americans develop a clear eyed perspective from witnessing the crumbling away of the rights given by democracy, then the Trump Affect may not be allowed a hold and lessen its damaging impact.
There is that possibility that your present state of cynical glee will return to your usual negativity and pessimism after a few economic quarters.
AC, the election was NOT rigged, unless you tried to do some rigging yourself. If you don’t believe me, then contact the White Hats and find out how they worked overtime to secure all voting stations, the mail in ballots and the real ballots. Find out how many of the DEMOCRATS got arrested for illegal actions. There are many of them. See the photos of the criminal Democrats that were recorded doing terrible things. If you don’t believe that, then you must absolutely be one of those Democrats that broke the law! Are you?
I wonder how many of Trump’s voters will have buyer’s remorse once Trump takes over on January 20, assuming he does what he says he is going to do. Tariffs and mass deportations, never mind dismantling the budget to balance it. Since Defense and interest payments are off the table, and we KNOW he is not going to raise taxes on the rich, the only way they can cut spending is to eliminate programs that benefit the lower and middle class voters, the very ones that voted him in.
It’s going to be fun to watch!
I’m glad I’m self employed and collecting SS benefits, something I do not think he will touch. My business will be negatively impacted, but not as much as voters getting laid off from companies they work for.
When Trump hands off to RFK, Jr and Musk every responsibility except for control of oil and gas recourses he will be found on one of his golf courses. Without his endless rallies to entertain him what’s his second most favorite activity, golf.
He has a desire for the title of POTUS but the functions expected of the President have little interest for Trump. His MO is the easy road. The only information needed can be found on TV News commentaries. Trump misunderstands their messaging. too.
Where does he come up with his information if what he says is true fact?
His win at this time and at his age indicates that 52% oof Americans have been too willing to swallow lies and indecent behavior with just a lick and a half … promise of something outside a President’s power.
Ignorance must deliver bliss because this election appears to have delivered a vast amount of bliss for the right. There Is an abundance of giddy hyperbole in the R ranks post-election. And that’s a 180 flip in just a few days time How silly is that.
AC … as a typical left-wing elitist type you argue that the election outcome is because most Americans are stupid and gullible. That is what an arrogant elitist would think. I have also expressed my respect for the America people over those who think they have entitlement to rule over them. I am a small-d democrat. You elitism is what created autocrats.
Most Americans are stupid and gullible.
Check out network tv programming. That’s what the audience wants. 8th grade level pablum for the masses. I rest my case
I love America. But when you come in 222 out of 228 countries for Covid death rate, and don’t even realize you suck, come on man. That’s just stupid.
Frank Danger …. spoken like an arrogant elitist left-winger. I see most Americans as smart and well meaning. You do not need a degree to be smart. Must be nice to see yourself as a superior intelligence. I suspect that your determinate of who is intelligent and who is not is whether they agree with your opinions or not. LOL
Surely you jest. The facts show otherwise. Who would choose to believe as truth a pack of lies? Only those who approve of criminal acts plotted and more carried out denying all when caught. How much damning evidence is enough so you can’t ignore the truth of verified guilt.
Eyes you have but not seeing the obvious truth in front of you is willful blindness. Trump has you all in the palm of his hand dancing to his favorite tune.
You have previously opined that Americans are not naturally racially prejudiced. This election proves your claim is in error. If Trump is the magority’s pied piper then you all agree with his bias and prejudice toward brown and black skinned folks, female gender, and people he judges his enemies. His talk has the sound of prejudice. Will his walk not be the same. The truth is not in him. How can you believe in this egotistical hypocrite lie infested king wannabe.
A most disgusting turn in American History. How the majority has capitulated and in so doing put democracy at risk.
Quiz a few thousand random Republican voters about what they believe about Kamala Harris. They will relate false stories first heard on FOX and Friends, other right propagandists, and member of friend group gossip. Those questioned will tell of stories fabricated on falsehoods and unfounded details. Where did the false tales like immigrants eating neighbors’ cats and dog pets that Trump famously told during the Presidential Debates. Immediately after the debate Trump bragged about his so called superlative performance. He claimed that his showing was the best he had done and probable the best of any President. That’s so hyperbolic it shows his ridiculousness and lack of accurate self awareness.
Belief in Trump requires one’s giving up for sacrifice certain rights. Thinking for one’s self independent of Trump followers’ demands and intimidation..
Loyalty to Party is the only rationale I can come up with to explain why you and others run after Trump. His policies are unsubstantiated poorly formed and grandiose. Transporting alleged illegal immigrants by the 10’s of millions persons to their original country is a preposterously expensive and an impossibly labor intensive enterprise. Trump’s ideas are cheered and wildly supported his rally crowd and picked up by media for wider circulation. However, the credible possibility that an operation of such unimaginable proportions could be undertaken is nil to none. Any project this preposterous should bring serious probing questions of the planner’s personal sanity. What makes you and your cohorts in Trump’s tribe not do the math and know it is a lie in league with Trump’s Biggly Lie.
How you picture me is as far from true fact and further validates my supposition of your prejudice towards anyone you see as an “other”. And those of the “other” category you regard as intellectual trash. For all your pious ostentation as a book author your character has little todo with what you publish. The value of character is determined by that person’s treatment of all other persons regardless of your perspective’s pre-judgement of that person. Your opinion is suspect based on your prejudicial commentaries on Biden and Democrats generally. Assumption and feeling and notion and self interest are not substantive enough as base for an opinion fabrication that you defend as something of true fact.
The test for true fact is how well a theory sustains scrutiny from a quality fact check. And, it’s doubtful you may ever elect to submit any of your commentaries to fact checking scrutiny.
The First Amendment is well and good in theory but opinions are not above the law. Especially when you think of them like
some bulletproof material. Even HR Bills are subjected to close checking and editing in committee before being passed out to the full HR for further debate and maybe a vote.
Would be hard journalists in major media news outlets put their work in the MSM expecting some pushback. It comes with that territory. PBP has a protective authoritarian culture that advertises its conservative ideology, but it misrepresents its First Amendment stance as accepting. PBP has a culture of disrespect for other opinions than its writers’ opinions published in Commentaries. So, true open and free alternate opinions are unwelcome made suspect, and other ideology comments are regularly undemocratically
subjected to character assassination. And, like their Supreme Leader they fabricate false accusations.
An attitude of calloused disregard for other’s opinions and use of denigration as a discouraging factory sought to cull out unwanted readers. That strategy seems to be working. Comment numbers tell if certain new comment reply persons become returning individuals,
Roger Wilco Over and Out……..
Over And Out ….
AC and others: can’t prove it, but when all’s said and done, think we will find that we lost a sliver of the Democratic vote due to people NOT wanting to elect a black, a women, or both. And this sliver cut across all geographies. Just life in the big city that we call America.