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A Gilbertson Conspiracy Theory: Did Trump Troll the Dems on Ukraine?

A Gilbertson Conspiracy Theory: Did Trump Troll the Dems on Ukraine?

First the Disclaimer: Logic does not necessarily equal fact, I have no insider information, but this is too good to pass up.

What if Trump’s team orchestrated the Ukraine affair to troll the Democrats? If this is true, then Trump has the Godzilla of all campaign strategists and the Democrats can just hang up their campaign buttons.

Let’s look at the situation.

– Former Vice President Joe Biden brags about strong-arming the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor whom he said was “corrupt,” by threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid. Biden himself brags about this on video.

– It turns out that this prosecutor’s primary target was the company Biden’s son Hunter was working for, an oil and gas company that paid young Biden, who had no oil and gas industry experience, about $50,000 per month. The prosecutor is fired, saving Hunter’s company millions of dollars and potential jail time (i.e. Hunter was a good investment for them…).

– Joe Biden makes the highly unlikely claim that he had no knowledge of his son’s position in this prosecution. Really? Biden’s son Hunter says that he did indeed mention it to his father, and I would imagine there was a lot of talk going on there.

If Joe knew about his son’s position (duh…) then Biden is guilty of using his position as Vice President to threaten a U.S. ally with withholding U.S. government Congressionally approved assistance, for the primary purpose of helping his son.

This is corrupt, it is illegal, it should be impeachment and/or jail time.

But Trump’s team knows that the mainstream media WILL NOT cover this, there is no way to hang this on Biden’s head.


What if Trump could do a bait and switch? What if he knew of one of the leakers, and decided to have a bit of fun with the Democrats.

So he leaks a rumor about himself to this leaker, knowing it will end up with the Washinton Post. Note that my conspiratorial thoughts assume that this is a serial leaker and that there are still several.

Trump knows that he will be attacked and scandalized and the headlines will be about him for many days. (Did you notice that the headlines were about this scandal, 3 days before we even knew what it was about?) But in reality, this is a nothing burger, easily shown to be straightforward and honest, and besides, he is used to manufactured scandals and he knows it will blow over in a few days.


So Trump has co-opted mainstream media to get the Joe Biden corruption story out to the liberal media?

What does this do for Trump?

1. Joe Biden is effectively destroyed. See the latest polls? Two of them today have Elizabeth Warren beating him at the national level. This has not happened before.

2. Since Trump can show from transcripts that he has not done anything wrong (and he hasn’t), the Democrats who pretend to be outraged look like fools, and Democrat constituency sees yet another failure.

3. Not only is this leaker neutralized – since an official leaker will be moved out of their job “for their protection” and also because leaking classified information to the Washington Post is illegal – but now the liberal media cannot rely on the network of leakers. Their reliability and the possibility of trolling seriously damages the leakers network.

4. Trump’s campaign raised $5 million in the last 24 hours.

Someone pointed out that if Joe had any guts he might be able to turn this around. But everyone knows that Joe has zero guts. It was a safe bet.

So Trump wins on all fronts, the price he has paid for the past few days was a small price in comparison to what he has gained.

I can’t prove any of this, but it really tickles me to think about it. Can’t wait for the sequel – “Godzilla 2020.”

About The Author


  1. Kurt Walker

    I don’t doubt this. The democrats seem to believe that the president is a dummy who they can bluff with threats and they have a media who will push their fake stories. It never seems to occur to them that this door opens both ways. I have believed for months that the president is pushing them into an attempted impeachment. Pelosi’s intimate old time political buddies will go where she wants because of past stories they don’t want out. And if she goes the way the president wants her to go these stories will surface. Being honest I was never a fan of the then citizen Donald Trump. But this guy has done a great job as president and if the democrats had cooperated, just a little, we would be well ahead of the game. They are screwing themselves picking fights with this man.

    • db

      Excellent analysis!

    • Roy Zitzman

      I love it,

  2. Rich

    Why bother to Troll Demented-Dems and their Clown Show Primary, when all of them, especially “BiteMe”, have threatened to pull the pin on their explosive vests, if they don’t get their way; i.e., the destruction of America.

  3. Carl J Bujan

    The democrats are fools, everything that they drum up to take Trump out always blows up in their face and this newest impeachment will be the final blast to destroy the democratic party’s creditability for good.

    • Knobby

      This is wishful thinking, unfortunately. 25 years ago, yes, this would be the outcome. The public-educated millenials and later generations are more brainwashed than you think.

      The Dems in 2016 are similar to the Dems in 1860 when Lincoln was elected and the Dems refused to accept the outcome of the election. Back then Lincoln was the object of many quasi-legal accusations and mass humiliation in the press. Does this sound familiar? When that did not work, the Dem-controlled South seceded from the Union and started the Civil War.

      Refusing to accept the outcome of a legitimate election is what we used to consider the hallmark of a less-than-mainstream third-world country. Now we have it here in the USA.

      Even if Trump outsmarts the Leftist agenda, and they come out with egg on their faces, will it shine light on the witch hunt and turn the consensus around?

      I sure hope so.

  4. Sal Belardo

    Anything is possible! For 3 years the Democrats & the Liberal News Media has been coming up with lie after lie, after lie, to humiliate, ridicule, and slander Trump but they keep losing! Did Trump troll the Democrats, maybe, maybe not! What we do know is when this lie doesn’t take down Trump they will come up with another one! They think all Americans are stupid especially their own voters! They are losing their own voters because they are walking Away!

    • Peter Schill

      They are right about their own voters.

  5. Bob

    The Dem’s LOOK like fools?

    They ARE fools!

  6. Henriette Chu

    This is indeed exactly what happened, and Biden will be exposed by it and destroyed as a candidate.

  7. David Schwartz

    The only thing that gets my goat is that ower Republicans are sitting on there hands and doing nothing to support ower duly elected wonderful Presedent Donald Trump. The Democrats and the four horsemen or horse women should not be there. Nancy Polosie and Chuck Summer can they ever shut up.

    • db

      This is easy to answer. President Trump is so far out ahead of both Democrats and Republicans they have no idea how to help him. Its kind of like the little engine that could being sent out to help a crack express train that is doing 100 miles per hour. The only thing to do is to get the hell out of the way.

  8. Randolph Chin-Quee

    Like I have stated before the lying Democrats have nothing to run on so they make up fake stories about President Donald Trump and tell lies with no basics of truth to their lies and expect us the people to believe their lies, Well folks I for one knows that the Democrats are untrustworthy, dishonest and if the truth bit them they would not know it. A good example would be the wicked corrupt crook Hillary Clinton that every time she opened her mouth to speak they were all lies,

  9. cpf_taxed

    I think there’s no question about this. Rudy even hinted at it. I think the administration has been trapping leakers with fake news stories. It’s a proven technique as old as time.

    I think the “hearsayers” were feeding the compromised “whistleblower” fake information and they took it back to the nest. Now the entire world is asking “so, who’s this Crowdstrike firm?”.

  10. Joe S Bruder

    First of all, you’re wrong about the prosecutor that got fired – the US (and the UN and Europe) were pressuring Ukraine to get rid of him because he wasn’t prosecuting anyone involved in corruption. And Joe Biden didn’t decide personally to go after him – he was just delivering the message from the administration and the State Department. And there was never any issue involving Hunter Biden.

    And if you look up Hunter Biden, you’ll see he’s not a kid riding Daddy’s coattails (unlike how Trump got his money). He’s close to 50, a lawyer, worked for MBNA bank, the US Dept. of Commerce, founded a lobbying firm, was appointed to the board of directors of Amtrak by Bush, founded a global hedge fund, served on the boards of several non-profits, and was on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company. If his dad wasn’t a Democratic Senator/VP, I would have said he’s a good little Republican capitalist. He didn’t just walk in and get an undeserved position – in fact, becuase of his and his father’s reputations he was hired to help clean up the company, which had corruption problems a few years before he was put on the board.

    Your conspiracy theory is complete nonsense. There’s no trolling by Trump – he doesn’t think that far ahead, which is why Russia and NK and China are running circles around him, and every time he’s outside of the country the diplomats and other world leaders laugh and snicker behind his back.

    Trump, on the other hand, withheld funds appropriated by Congress – his two reasons for withholding the funds fell apart – his own people certified that Ukraine was dealing with corruption and it was OK to give them the money (and this happened a couple of months before the phone call) and the Europeans had no pressure from the US to give Ukraine more money (and in fact, were putting in just about as much as the US). Right after holding up the money, he called the Ukrainian President and told him “he needs a little favor” and to start a corruption investigation into Biden and his son. That is mafia-style extortion, was purely to benefit Trump’s campaign, not part of any US policy, and in fact, Russia was actively attacking Ukraine, so withholding the money helped the Russians. And then Trump’s team took the transcript off the normal server and put it on a highly classified secret server where it couldn’t be found (Trump, who railed about Hillary’s hidden server for a couple of years, and who still thinks there’s a server hidden somehere in Ukraine!) On top of that, Trump’s appointee brought the whistleblower complaint (about the President) to the White House, and Barr tried to bury it and keep it from getting to Congress. So not only did he personally try to get Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election, he hid the transcript of the phone call, then broke the law AGAIN by keeping the whistleblower complaint from Congress.

    And what’s more, all of this evidence is now public, and easy for anyone to see (except you don’t seem to be interested in the actual evidence). It’s a clear A-B-C-D step by step roadmap of Trump misusing his Office and breaking the law. Pelosi had no choice but to start the impeachment inquiry. His supporters rally every time he starts crying on line so he got a little bump, but what else is going up is the percentage of people that either think he should be impeached, or are at least willing to support it if they’re convinced he’s guilty.

    On top of all this, there were many people in the room when the phone call was made (hence all the people who informed the whistleblower). They’re going to fall all over themselves to get out that they are not to blame, and start throwing each other (and especially Trump) under the bus. Expect nightly reports of this guy and that guy saying “when Trump said that to the Ukrainian President, I was SHOCKED that he would do such a thing”. Guiliani is essentially committing hari-kari real time on TV, and trying to blame everybody else, and they’re all pointing their fingers back at him and Trump. Pence met with the Ukrainian President when Trump stayed home from the Polish trip (to make sure his favorite money-laundering golf course/hotel didn’t get damaged by the hurricane) and the day after the whistleblower story broke, Pence called Ukraine again, so his goose is cooked too.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Not sure where you get your information, but
      a) the corruption charge against the prosecutor was trumped up, according to the lawyers from Hunter Biden’s company. That is documented.

      b) Hunter Biden has no real expertise to speak of, he rode his father coattails at every turn. If he had been successful at anything you said, he would not have needed to work in the Ukraine. He was a serious drug abuser at one point and never earned a dime that was not based on his father’s reputation.

      c) I’m not sure Trump’s team orchestrated this but its amazing how well it is turning out for Trump. I’m figuring Biden is out of the race by the 16th of October.

      d) The next paragraph is supposition on your part. Trump’s actual motivation was to ferret out corruption and repair relations with a key ally. Theoretically, everything a President does well affects the next election and screws his opponents, and the claim he is attempting to influence the election is trivial.

      e) Yes, the evidence is out now. I see it, I see nothing of what you are talking about. Not sure what color the sky is in your world. And I’m betting the whistleblower has a job at the Washington Post within the next 3 months.

      f)Yes many people were listening and somehow the one who is the whistleblower did not even hear the conversation? Could it be the enthusiasm of all of people he/she talked to was in his/her imagination?

      Sorry Bruder, the only lasting result of this event will be the demise of Biden’s campaign.

      • Joe S Bruder

        Here’s CNN’s take on the Ukrainian prosecutor:

        See my list of HB’s experience. How many Fortune 500 execs have that much experience? It’s certainly enough to sit on the board of a Ukrainian company. How many have had drug problems and overcome them? Probably a lot.

        Biden is rising or falling on his own policy proposals, and that of his opponents. Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass about what Trump says about Biden or any other Democratic candidate. Besides FOX and a few fringe Trump-friendly websites, nobody thinks Biden Sr. or Jr. are guilty of anything. Biden is a centrist; Democrats want progressives. Warren will rise to the top because of her policies. Sanders is probably falling because of his age. Most “progressive” policies have about 60-70% support with voters, about the same percentage that hates Trump’s policies

        “I want you to do me a favor and investigate my political rival” is not how you “ferret out corruption.” That IS corruption. And Trump is 10-20 points behind every Democratic challenger, down to Skippy the dogcatcher, because he’s doing such a good job…

        OK, again, read both Trump’s initial summary and the transcript. Trump clearly says he wants Ukraine to investigate Biden’s son, while he’s witholding $250M in funds, while Russia was hammering Ukraine. That’s extortion and illegal and misuse of office..

        The whistleblower did not claim to be in the room. People brought this info to him, presumably because of his position in the intelligence community.

        Sorry, Gilbertson, Trump has committed treason against the US, and is in serious trouble. If the Republican Senate doesn’t take him out, Democrats will continue to beat on them until the elections, and they will lose. Republican’s best bet is to oust Trump now, and give some other candidate a chance to salvage the Republican Party. There’s a reason why so many Republicans are “retiring” – they’d rather quit than get horsewhipped at the polls.

      • Gussy

        Joe, you forgot the part about Hunter getting kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse. He’s a real peach of a guy.

    • db

      Talk about trolling. This must be the hail Mary pass from the Biden campaign to save a floundering Joe Biden. Either that or your are bull of caca!

  11. Joe S Bruder

    How many times did you watch Trump sniff his way through a speech?

  12. Joe S Bruder

    And tonight the rest of the story is still trickling in…

    – Putin says, “don’t release the transcripts of our conversations!”… OK, what was Trump hiding here? How long has he been taking orders from Putin?
    – Trump tried to bury records of communications with Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince
    – Guiliani was going to meet with Putin at a conference, but has pulled out now… duh…
    – Pompeo was told “testify, or face obstruction charges”
    – Pelosi announces that Barr has “gone rogue” with a “cover-up of the cover-up”. Meanwhile, he’s hiding in Italy… can’t get served with a US subpoena there!
    – Guiliani thinks Biden wants to have him killed… in other news, Guiliani is expecting little green men to… oh, never mind, you guys don’t do sarcasm…
    – Time Magazine shows Trump painting himself into an (orange) corner

    You think I’m trolling you? I’m not making anything up, all straight from the headlines… google them if you don’t believe me, you’ll find multiple sources. I know, fake news! That’s your answer to everything you don’t want to hear. If it ain’t on FOX, it ain’t news. Even FOX is starting to criticise Trump (except Tucker, he’s a maniac for Trump!) You like to blame Democrats for “persecuting” Trump, but this is all self-inflicted. He just got caught by Democrats. He managed to escape punishment for his 2016 illegal activities, but he got cocky and tried to do it again. You’d be charging the White House with pitchforks and tiki torches if Obama had done even 1% of what Trump has done.

    Best wishes for the weekend!

    • Joe Gilbertson

      And tonight the rest of the story is still trickling in…

      – Putin says, “don’t release the transcripts of our conversations!”… OK, what was Trump hiding here? How long has he been taking orders from Putin?
      Pure innuendo, maybe Putin was planning a trade deal.

      – Trump tried to bury records of communications with Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince

      Presidential communications are private for a reason, he has private conversations because thats how diplomacy works.

      – Guiliani was going to meet with Putin at a conference, but has pulled out now… duh…

      More innuendo, your imagination is running wild

      – Pompeo was told “testify, or face obstruction charges”

      Some idiot democrat shouting things at Pompeo, big surprise

      – Pelosi announces that Barr has “gone rogue” with a “cover-up of the cover-up”. Meanwhile, he’s hiding in Italy… can’t get served with a US subpoena there!

      Yes, Nancy is indeed senile. No. Barr has not fled to Italy to avoid a subpoena.

      – Guiliani thinks Biden wants to have him killed… in other news, Guiliani is expecting little green men to… oh, never mind, you guys don’t do sarcasm…

      Huh?? Don’t know what Giuliani said, its certainly not that. Besides Hillary is the one with the hit teams.

      – Time Magazine shows Trump painting himself into an (orange) corner

      Bias in the liberal media? What a surprise.

      You think I’m trolling you? I’m not making anything up, all straight from the headlines… google them if you don’t believe me, you’ll find multiple sources. I know, fake news! That’s your answer to everything you don’t want to hear. If it ain’t on FOX, it ain’t news. Even FOX is starting to criticise Trump (except Tucker, he’s a maniac for Trump!) You like to blame Democrats for “persecuting” Trump, but this is all self-inflicted. He just got caught by Democrats. He managed to escape punishment for his 2016 illegal activities, but he got cocky and tried to do it again. You’d be charging the White House with pitchforks and tiki torches if Obama had done even 1% of what Trump has done.

      Bruder, I think you are victim of the leftist propaganda from your left sites that you read. If you don’t believe Fox, try WSJ for a while.

      If Obama had done even 1% of what Trump has done, he would have been a great president. But no.

      Best wishes for the weekend!

      Cheers, Bruder

  13. Joe S Bruder

    So, Gilbertson, news from the leftish conspiracy sites that you might find entertaining:

    – Mitch McConnell gave Trump the advice to put out the phone call summary, that began all of Trump’s problems. McConnell also let the whistleblower resolution go through (which passed unanimously), and has pledged hold the vote for Trump’s removal immediately if he’s impeached. McConnell is pretty mum about the whistleblower complaint. Theory is, McConnell has had enough of Trump’s crap, engineered his downfall. My theory is, McConnell wants Trump gone well before the elections, so Republicans can get a clean break from Trump’s failed policies, and maybe keep a seat or two. Or maybe Trump and McConnell have dirt on each other, and McConnell feels he can discredit Trump with removal from office. Let’s hope McConnell and Trump have their blackmail material well backed up!

    – Guiliani tried to pull the State Department into the conspiracy by showing a text message from Kurt Volker. Volker has resigned. First casualty of the “Ukraine-gate” scandal (feel free to come up with a non-“gate” name for Trump’s criminality), unless you count Guiliani, who has nothing to resign from (since he apparently works as Trump’s lawyer for free – DT, you get what you pay for!).

    – Trump told the Russians that he was fine with them meddling in US elections. Then-National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster told the press “nothing inappropriate was said”, and is now in trouble. Not gone yet, but would be number two…

    – Trump is publicly giving “attaboys” to Republicans who are supporting him.

    – Boston Globe (and a few smaller newspapers) are calling for Trump to resign. I don’t think he will, but if he did he would say “I did more than any other President in history, so I let the next guy have his turn” (just like he declared he “won” after each of his bankruptcies).

    – National Security Action has collected 300 signatures from former national security advisors (both R & D appointees) supporting impeachment.

    – Barr is pissed that Trump threw him under the bus (that phrase is coming up a lot, as the criminals play the blame game) by releasing the transcript and complaint that implicates Barr. If Barr can’t trust Trump, he may end up testifying before Congress to save his own ass.

    – WH Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is getting blamed for not making it clear enough that the documents that incriminate Trump somehow exonerate him (like the Mueller report). Not fired yet, but call Mulvaney the 3rd victim of Ukraine-gate.

    – Yesterday, a Senate (Republican-run!) committee labeled the NRA a “foreign asset” of the Russian government. Pretty amazing, considering that Trump and McConnell, not to mention the RNC, took a lot of money from the NRA. Anyway, apparently Trump went to the NRA and offered to hold off gun legislation if they finance his impeachment request (another felony, another article of impeachment!)

    – Guiliani and Lindsay Graham are booked on a Sunday morning talk show. Every time Guiliani opens his mouth he incriminates Trump, and Graham has his nose so far up Trump’s ass that he’s shitting for Trump. Should be interesting (but I won’t be up early enough to see it, nor do I care).

    So, feel free to google these items, and figure out your next excuses for Trump. He’s still guilty, will definitely be impeached, and might get removed from office if McConnell is truly trying to get rid of him.

    That’s all for this news cycle!
    Joe S Bruder

    • Joe Gilbertson

      So, Gilbertson, news from the leftish conspiracy sites that you might find entertaining:

      – Mitch McConnell gave Trump the advice to put out the phone call summary, that began all of Trump’s problems. McConnell also let the whistleblower resolution go through (which passed unanimously), and has pledged hold the vote for Trump’s removal immediately if he’s impeached. McConnell is pretty mum about the whistleblower complaint. Theory is, McConnell has had enough of Trump’s crap, engineered his downfall. My theory is, McConnell wants Trump gone well before the elections, so Republicans can get a clean break from Trump’s failed policies, and maybe keep a seat or two. Or maybe Trump and McConnell have dirt on each other, and McConnell feels he can discredit Trump with removal from office. Let’s hope McConnell and Trump have their blackmail material well backed up!

      — That’s a whole lot of innuendo on such a simple issue. Could it be that the whistleblower law passed because its a good idea? And McConnell knows that Trump will not be convicted in the Senate.

      – Guiliani tried to pull the State Department into the conspiracy by showing a text message from Kurt Volker. Volker has resigned. First casualty of the “Ukraine-gate” scandal (feel free to come up with a non-“gate” name for Trump’s criminality), unless you count Guiliani, who has nothing to resign from (since he apparently works as Trump’s lawyer for free – DT, you get what you pay for!).

      — I have no idea why Volker resigned. The State Department works for Trump, they do what he says.

      – Trump told the Russians that he was fine with them meddling in US elections. Then-National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster told the press “nothing inappropriate was said”, and is now in trouble. Not gone yet, but would be number two…

      — Trump said that? Show me a source.

      – Trump is publicly giving “attaboys” to Republicans who are supporting him.

      — And righfully so

      – Boston Globe (and a few smaller newspapers) are calling for Trump to resign. I don’t think he will, but if he did he would say “I did more than any other President in history, so I let the next guy have his turn” (just like he declared he “won” after each of his bankruptcies).

      — The Boston Globe has been calling for Trump to quit since before he was elected. There was a Boston Globe front page parody produced by people there that predicted nuclear war among other things. No news there.

      – National Security Action has collected 300 signatures from former national security advisors (both R & D appointees) supporting impeachment.

      — 300 wow! that is a whole lot of Democrats!

      – Barr is pissed that Trump threw him under the bus (that phrase is coming up a lot, as the criminals play the blame game) by releasing the transcript and complaint that implicates Barr. If Barr can’t trust Trump, he may end up testifying before Congress to save his own ass.

      — As far as I know, nothing released has “implicated” anybody. Did you actually read the transcript?

      – WH Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is getting blamed for not making it clear enough that the documents that incriminate Trump somehow exonerate him (like the Mueller report). Not fired yet, but call Mulvaney the 3rd victim of Ukraine-gate.

      — I think you had to dig very deep in the leftist rags to find that bit of fiction.

      – Yesterday, a Senate (Republican-run!) committee labeled the NRA a “foreign asset” of the Russian government. Pretty amazing, considering that Trump and McConnell, not to mention the RNC, took a lot of money from the NRA. Anyway, apparently Trump went to the NRA and offered to hold off gun legislation if they finance his impeachment request (another felony, another article of impeachment!)

      — I don’t know what you are referring to but I am going to say you are wrong about the Senate. At the very least you have found a leftist rag who has radically re-written history.

      – Guiliani and Lindsay Graham are booked on a Sunday morning talk show. Every time Guiliani opens his mouth he incriminates Trump, and Graham has his nose so far up Trump’s ass that he’s shitting for Trump. Should be interesting (but I won’t be up early enough to see it, nor do I care).

      — I’ll watch for them. Better than watching Schiff.

      So, feel free to google these items, and figure out your next excuses for Trump. He’s still guilty, will definitely be impeached, and might get removed from office if McConnell is truly trying to get rid of him.

      — Not bothering to look them up.

      That’s all for this news cycle!
      Joe S Bruder

      — Once again, Bruder, you have scored zero hits. J.A. Gilbertson

    • Peter

      Who’s composing this crap for you? Must be some $oro$!funded “not-for-profit.

      • Joe S Bruder

        I’m a non-funded Democrat who can critically read the news. I have no connection to the scary Soros, who puts his money into free-speech and voting rights issues. I read multiple websites for news, even occasionally FOX (just to see how biased their coverage is). Nothing I’ve written above is reported by only one site, or the most “liberal” site – they’re mostly mainstream media (ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, NPR, BBC). Where I quote “liberal site theories” or interject my own opinion, I usually say that. Yes, I’ve read the summary/transcript released by Trump, which incriminates him directly. I don’t know if the actual word-for-word transcript has been released, and I’ve not seen the whistleblower complaint, only quotes and reactions to it.

        There’s plenty in the summary alone to convict Trump, and it should be enough to convince you, but apparently the readers of this site are more interested in excusing Trump’s actions than actually looking at them critically. Most of Gilbertson’s replies to my comments are “that’s innuendo, maybe it’s for a totally innocent reason” or the ever popular “fake news!” Trump will give a “totally innocent” reason one day, and when that’s proven wrong, he will give another, and that continues until he admits what he did but says “but that’s normal business” (yeah, for a crook).

        I challenge you to do your own research if you believe something I say is not true. If FOX news (or even PB Post) says one thing, and 6 other mainstream sites say something else, at least consider that you’re getting a slanted view on the subject. After all, Trump supporters only make up about 35-40% of the general population, and PB Post readers are probably the mst Trumpian top third. Usually, the simplest explanation is the most likely (Occam’s Razor), and the simplest explanation here is “Trump is corrupt”, and that’s consistent with his past history and previous actions going all the way back to when he tried to steal his father’s fortune (from the slumlord business) while his father was on his deathbed. Trump is not an honest or honorable person, so the worst explanation for his actions is usually the most likely.

        And quit blaming Soros and Clinton for every goddamned problem in the world!

      • Joe Gilbertson

        He WISHES he had Soros funding…

        • Joe S Bruder

          OK, Punchies, still keeping up with the news? Just in case you’re only watching FOX news (and even they are starting to get the message, here’s the news everyone else is listening to. Old Joe Gilbertson decided his listeners didn’t want to listen to my version of the news, so my highly anticipated daily update on the impeachment never made it to print.

          Everyone in Trump’s administration is testifying to his crimes, including today a Lieutenant Colonel who was on Trump’s staff. He also testified that, based on his notes from the meeting, Trump’s “transcript” was sanitized (and even then, it was still enough to incriminate him enough to get impeachment started). A Federal judge ruled that the impeachment process is legitimate, and an assistant to John Bolton, Charles Kupperman filed another suit asking if he had to follow the White House orders or the Congressional subpoenas, and that will be decided on Thursday. Most likely, they will side with Congress, and that opens a whole slew of government employees to testify against Trump and Guiliani’s shadow government, including John Bolton. Democrats hate Bolton because he’s a warmonger, but at least he was smart enough to bolt(on) when he saw Trump committing crimes, and Republicans will take him seriously.

          Gordon Sondland, one of the trio that was running Trump’s shadow foreign policy, was caught lying to Congress, and will either go down with Trump or have to tell the Truth, implicate Trump, and pray to your god Trump that he gets let off easy. And Guiliani is so deep in the plot that he’s most likely next to get arrested (after his two Ukrainian mafia employers got arrested on the way to Vienna, where Guiliani was going to meet them).

          Matt Gaetz led a bunch of traitors who barged into a SCIF (a secure room for classified meetings) with cell phones, tweeting out their locations (and implicating themselves in crimes) and also ordering pizza (because they didn’t think about what to do when they got there). Expect some of them (if not all) to be charged with security violations. They tried to make it sound like it’s only Democrats in these meetings, or that there’s something nefarious because it’s in a basement room, but the hearings are bipartisan, and frankly, the basement is the best place to keep a secured room.

          Republicans have been complaining about the closed hearings, but it’s necessary to keep the co-conspirators from coordinating their stories. Be careful what you wish for – Pelosi will be holding the vote for the entire House to make the impeachment a formal process. Now Republicans will have to declare that they’re with or against the criminal traitor in the White House.

          Right now, current polls are still running just over 50% to impeach and remove, but hard-core Trump supporters are still polling at about 40% saying he did nothing wrong. That’s not enough to keep Republicans in the Senate on board, and McConnell is (of course) playing both sides, condemning Trump and Democrats at the same time. Republicans are cutting and (not) running, knowing that they either have to vote for impeachment and lose the most rabid Trump base, or vote against impeachment and lose everyone else. They’re retiring from Congress and the Senate in record numbers, knowing they’re screwed either way.

          And let’s not forget the ENTIRE STADIUM at the World Series booing Trump and chanting “Lock him up!”. Reports say, it hit over 100 decibels, as much noise as cheering for a triple play… Such joy to my ears!