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Gaetz should go quietly into the night … and maybe he has

Gaetz should go quietly into the night … and maybe he has

Those who follow my commentaries know that I had an immediate negative opinion on the naming of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz for Attorney General.  Not only was he wrong in every way for that particular job, but he is also not a person who should hold any public office – elected or appointed.

It was a bad nomination from the get-go – and I safely predicted that Gaetz would never win confirmation – and I doubted that he would even get to the point of hearings.  Allowing for the possibility that Trump and his people did not know the full background on this reprobate until the House Ethics Committee issued the detailed report, it was still a bad pick.

As I expressed in my previous commentaries, I have to believe that Trump knew Gaetz would never pass muster with Senate Republicans and the American public.  Was he just put up to distract criticism from other nominees?  There had to be a reason why Trump put Gaetz out there, but it was not easy to see it.

Now we have seen the report of the Ethics Committee.  Some argue that it is worse than expected.  Others say it was exactly what was expected.  Regardless, no one says it is not very very bad. 

His transgressions were enormous – both in terms of drug use and sexual activity.  They go far beyond what our modern tolerant society accepts in both categories.

I am about to digress.  (The one thing that stood out for me in the Ethics Report was Gaetz’s involvement with prostitution.  I mean, this is a good look guy – famous, powerful, rich.  And he has to pay for sex with teeny boppers?  I have always viewed paying for sex as degrading on both sides.  I showed up in time for the sexual revolution and never found it necessary to pay for … whatever.  End of digression.)

Gaetz intimates that he may yet run for public office.  A return to Congress?  The Florida Senate race?  Gaetz appears to be afflicted with the same mental disability as former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner – who ran for mayor of the Big Apple after a series of sex scandals.   Gaetz should note that Weiner was appropriately crushed in his attempt to return to public life.

The better examples of scandalized politicians from whom Gaetz should draw insight are guys like former Illinois Congressman Dan Craine, former North Carolina Governor John Edwards and former Congressman Wilbur Mills — all of whom took their humiliation and exited the political stage.  (If the names are not familiar to you, that is the point.)

Gaetz has earned political anonymity and should embrace it enthusiastically and join the ranks of Craine, Edwards, Mills and others.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.



    “Those who follow my commentaries know that I had an immediate negative opinion on the naming of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Not only was he wrong in every way for that particular job, but he is also not a person who should hold any public office – elected or appointed.” So, did you just get this epiphany or had you called him out before? Any “gotta get me some more of that gaetz stuff” earlier like when he shanghaied the House?

    Matt is good looking? OK, jury is in, Horist will never be gay :>) Horist must be head over heels for Paul Ryan :>) Let me give you a hint, you may be familiar with the concept. He has to pay for it because no one, of any gender, likes him. He is a very unlikable fellow which is why he got lackluster support from the git go. Think he belongs to the Ted Cruz fraternity U BETA SUCK, where Josh Hawley is the secretary running to take notes. They wanted Greene to join but she charges to much; it’s the whorish wardrobe expense she needs to cover. More fur.

    I agree he does not have much of a chance if he runs. But you are Republicans and felons for office is your calling. But if you sold some, never got caught, it’s legal, and statute is passed —– well, Katy bar the door, get the rope, we got’s us a liberal lynching to do…… sigh..

    • Jim wampler

      Nobody cares about your opinion of anything. And you don’t have followers. Get over yourself asshole. You’re nothing remotely relevant to this conversation.

      • Americafirst

        Jim, good advice for someone that thinks he is JC.

        • tom

          So says the inmate that escaped from the mental institution! Now take your meds and get back into therapy!!!

      • Tom

        Wrong Wampy! I care! As an Independent I like to hear all opinions, even yours. Get over yourself asshole!!!

    • Steven Parker

      Your Mama must have not slapped you enough to teach you that Your opinion or your thoughts don’t matter. You are a libtard just like all the idiots in Hollyweard and we don’t care about you. It is fun pocking you to see what insignificant story you make up in that pee brain you have.

      • Jim wampler

        Steven it’s a good guess that Frank’s mama got drunk while the special Olympics was in town

        • Frank danger

          Stephen likes to poke men. Wampler calls outcSpecial Olympians for his and Stephen’s pleasure.

          These boys can’t debate the issues like men so they try it with their third grade education and minds.

          Stephen says I lied but apparently can’t remember why so he goes after my dead mother.

          Good debate kids. Hope you can escape the sandbox soon.

          Is this the best argument concern muster. Weak tea.


          I spell my name: Danger.
          And you do not.

      • Tom

        Steven, this is an interesting comment coming from someone who’s mama swallowed for me! She told me the better side of you ran down her leg. Then she gulped.


    Jim, and yet you felt obliged to comment to an “asshole” with “nothing remotely relevant.” Says much, doesn’t it?

  3. BobM

    What amazes me is all the condemnation without the benefit of jurisprudence.

    Have I read the Ethics Report? No.
    Will I? No.

    I have zero desire to draw any conclusion from any process that does not give the accused even the opportunity to be heard on the matter.

    a/k/a Politics.

    Making such decisions based on such trash is short-sighted and arguably demagoguery.

    I did find it interesting that most of the comments I read eviscerate the author. Hmmm……

    Hey, Larry! My dad used to tell me if one person calls you an alcoholic you can tell him to go screw. When two people tell you that you might have a problem you may want to think about the drink in your hand. When three say it you might want to go to a meeting.

    • Americafirst

      BobM – are you saying you also disagree with Larry? Your comment could be taken either way. I’m just asking for clarity.

      For the most part, I agree with Larry. However, I really believe that nearly 90% of all politicians are evil and criminal, not to be in any way trusted. I’m pretty sure they will all be judgement sooner than soon. That’s just my take anyway.

    • Larry Horist

      BobM … Booth Tarkington once said that any one who partakes of alcohol at all as no defense if falsely accused of being an alcoholic. Contrary to your father’s advice, no matter how many folks accuse, it does not matter if what is said is not true. Most of the personal attacks on here are based on ignorance. The describe a person they know nothing about. That is why they have that imaginary Larry Horist in their brain as the straw man. And for the most part, I get a lot of positive feed back on my writings over the years. A few obsessed geezers with nothing better to do in the life means nothing to me.

      • Tom

        Actually Larry, I have never called you out on the things you say that are true. It is all the spin, half truths, outright lies, inaccurate statements that can all be proven is what I call out. And of course your obvious bias and lack of journalistic integrity. Yes truth does matter. And I will continue calling you out when I have to even though not many people read your rubbish. And by the way, not everyone that calls you out is elderly or a geezer. All of us are at least a decade younger than you.

      • Frank danger

        And yet the author continues to vent his spleen emotionally attacking that which means nothing to him while avoiding the facts and never owning his own mistakes. He’s very Trumpy that way. Not the policy, but the personality. Course, he worked for Nixon and got beat by Spanky the clown, so he knows politics.

        • Larry Horist

          Frank Danger … You and Tom spend all your time with ad hominin attacks — and they are getting cruder or more sophomoric. And that from an unindicted drug dealer who profited from selling lots of pot, as you say.. I laugh when you whine whenever I mention your criminal past — and you beg me to stop stop. And then you repeatedly bring up Nixon and Spanky. This time you forget my work with the Tobacco Institute. I know you see it as a pejorative… but at least I was not committing felonies. If you think your sarcasm, snide regards, insult’s and lies you tell about me bother me, you are dead wrong. I find your attention to me to be flattering.

          • FRANK DANGER

            Horist: I realize you get defensive feeling all insulted all the time, but I do not think I have tossed an ad hominem at you since Stetson hung up his hat. Much less cruder and more sophomoric. That’s your thing, isn’t it?

            No, I do not whine about my pot selling days but remain fascinated in your obsession with things from a half century ago, basically legal today, as your cause celeb obsession with my faults. No second chance for Danger, eh. Beg you to stop? Eh, yeah, right. More like an ask. Repeatedly for Nixon and Spanky — nah, just thought one more time since you seem to like living in the past so much.

            And no, working for big tobacco is not a felony. You just helped enable them, be proud. I bought their stock too, so there’s that nail in my criminal coffin you can add.

            Still waiting for that answer: did you ever try smoking pot, ingesting, or otherwise? Not really a hard question you know.

            Did you ever speed, miss a stop sign or light, or fail to use your turn signals. Again, not really hard questions, not sure why you have such issues, you are normally quite verbose.

            I am glad that I don’t bother you even if you feel continually compelled to remind all of us that I do not bother you as you respond like that over, and over, and over. Heh, heh.

            Once again, great avoiding the issues in lieu of personalities. So good to not get to know you.

  4. Darren

    This shows you the big difference between Democrat’s and Republicans.
    Biden was a complete shit show from the day he ran for office.
    Only with the help of the Democratic machine and corrupt government departments was he elected.
    Trump and republicans gave Gaetz that position to take ( But on his merits )
    No one forced any one to get him in the job.
    There is no machine making sure he gets the position.
    Gaetz NOT getting the job IS democracy in action.
    I hope the country is learning something?

    • Tom

      Good response Darren! I have hope for you!

  5. Americafirst

    Well, now everyone is seeing the real Danger here.

  6. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Spin rating (STS) of STS-1.

    Larry, this is two in a row where I agree with you. Gates is a perv. When Gates pays for sex, he is actually paying for control because he does not have confidence in who he is. And the GOP while they may hate him, they hate Dems more and would let him back in the club if he runs.

    However, Trump did back him, and you back Trump! So you cannot fully escape based on the mathematical transitory property of equality. If A=B and B = C, then A = C. So, If Larry favors Trump. And Trump favors Gates. Then Larry favors Gates. While you may wish to wash your hands of Gates, you are guilty by association with Trump because he favored Gates and you favored Trump. You are a card carrying member of the Grand Old Perverts club, a.k.a. GOP.

    I would bet that if Gates ran for Senator of FL, you would vote for him before voting for a Dem. Am I right?

    • Larry Horist

      Tom … You are one ignorant guy. You obviously never studied logic in college. Your Trump/Gaetz/Horist correlation is not only incorrect it is one of the most basic logic fallacies. You are using the math definition — Which requires A an B to be identical. In your example, Neither A, B or C are identical are numerical — and certainly not equals.

      You took up the logical fallacy “fallacia compositionis”. You assume assume that what is true for a part is also true for the whole. If I approve of Trump and he approves of Gaetz, it does not follow that I approve of Gaetz. It is a standard fallacy. You are making a false statement … as usual. In short, your example is ignorant bullcrap. You really look stupid when you try to show off above your pay grade.

      • Tom

        Again you avoid the issue. The man you helped get elected backed a perv. You were part of that process!!

        Again you avoid the question: “I would bet that if Gaetz ran for Senator of FL, you would vote for him before voting for a Dem. Am I right?”

        So answer the question!!! Would you vote for Gaetz over a Dem?

        Yes, in a representative form of government, the mathematical model can be applied! You may be an individual with preferences, but you vote for someone that you feel represents your interests.

        • Hammon

          I’ll answer the question. Yes!!! I would vote for gaetz before a democrat. No question.