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Trump has weak spots … but they are not hurting him yet

Trump has weak spots … but they are not hurting him yet

When analyzing political campaigns, you look at a lot of factors – including endorsement, fundraising, and polling numbers (horserace and on issues).  Among the more difficult factors to analyze are the likelihood of future events.  For example, there is much speculation about the condition of the economy in eleven months from now.  Even though that will have a major bearing on President Biden’s prospects, there is no way to know that future.  Although a lot of pundits take out-of-the-butt guesses and hope they are right.

The biggest unforeseeable issue with President Trump is the outcome of his many court cases – at least those that will reach an outcome before Election Day 2024.  At this point, the ones that could have the greatest impact on his campaign are the ones that are most likely to be unresolved by next November.

Certainly, the prospect of criminal convictions will have a potential effect.  But based on the past, it is not certain whether it will have a positive or negative impact.  The phenomenon of Trump improving his standing in the polls with each new indictment is mindboggling.  Will – as the Wall Street Journal questioned – the Democrats “prosecute Trump into the White House?”  The only hint we have of the impact of a conviction in one of the criminal casess is some polling that shows a critical decline in Trump support.  On balance, I would call Trump’s legal problems a weakness.  Perhaps not an Achilles Heel, but a weakness.

It is noteworthy that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis raised more money than Trump in the Second Quarter by $2.4 million dollars — $20.1 million to 17.7 million.  That is good news for DeSantis, who many pundits have written off – including this author.  While former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is well behind in fundraising, she just got the endorsement of the Koch Brothers’ fundraising network.

Initially, Trump was running the table in terms of endorsements.  More recently, we have seen both DeSantis and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley picking up significant endorsements, however.

DeSantis has not reached his opening lever of 20 percent voter support, but he seems to have bounced off a bottom of 9 percent to the current 13 percent.  Haley has moved up from 2 percent to 9 percent.  Normally, this movement would be another indicator of a weak spot in the Trump campaign.  But we do not see that in the numbers. In fact, Trump is at his highest numbers among likely GOP voters.

Another hint of potential weakness for Trump is in the configuration of the primary elections.  DeSantis is doing better in Iowa than he is doing nationally – although still significantly behind Trump.  New Hampshire presents at least a possibility that Trump would lose a primary in the Granite State to either DeSantis or Haley.  That could give a winner a momentum booster rocket.

Despite those hints of weakness, Trump commands an impressive – if not completely overwhelming – lead for the GOP nomination.  How this translates into the 2024 General Election is anyone’s guess.  As I have written in the past, the head-to-head polling between Trump and Biden means absolutely nothing in terms of predicting the final outcome.  In some polls Trump leads by a couple points. In others, Biden is a smidgeon ahead.  It is always within the margin of error.  Ergo, meaningless at this point. Those who put money where their mouth is – the Las Vegas odds makers – are betting on Biden 6/4.  Even that is too close to call.

As far as the primary is concerned, the safe money is betting on both Trump for the Republicans and Biden for the Democrats.  If Trump is to be beaten in the primaries, either DeSantis or Haley is going to have to nail a couple of Trump’s weak spots – and they have to do it within a couple  months.

So. There ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Jim lucas


    • Bob O'Brien

      All the talk and all gamesmanship going on only one thing matters. Make Trump our President. He is the only qualified candidate with the experience to handle the mess in Washington. It will be a terrible job for which ever Republican candidate suceeds thecrime family in the white house. Lets hope to heaven its President Trump come this time next year.

      • doug

        Well, Bob — if you said Trump has too big a head of steam to be denied the nomination, I wouldn’t respond, because it could be true.

        But in terms of qualifications, he’s sadly lacking. He’s an abysmal judge of character, as she demonstrated breathtakingly in his lousy choices for veep, cabinet posts and other posts.

        I voted for him only because I hoped he’d excel with two appointments, one of which was attorney general. He bungled that, bungled it again and yet again. And he hasn’t learned anything from his failures.

        He bungled, to put it charitably, the movement to harden the borders. Actually, he lied about what he planned to do if elected, but I won’t get bogged down in those weeds — at least here.

        DeSantis has a record that outshines Trump’s by a factor of one thousand.

        Haley and Christie aren’t even Republican, let alone good Republican candidates. Ramaswamy (sp?) is brilliant but needs major work on his presentation and personality.

        Some contenders who have dropped out were better than Trump and some weren’t. But in no way are his top skills all that desirable for governance.

        Trump will probably be the candidate of choice next year, though Robert Kennedy Jr. might actually turn out to be preferable. We’ll see.

        What frightens me most is that Trump is to some degree posturing as a Republican. Now that he’s adopted that membership, what’s to stop him from reverting?

        He’s been a lifelong leftnik, registering as a Demn multiple times. His own children couldn’t vote for him in the NY primary in 2016 because he raised them as Demns. He donated millions to political candidates and causes, and most if not all went to far-left Demns. His closest political ally was One Shoe Shrilllary and Bill Clinton. He almost always adopted positions to her left — sometimes to her far left.

        All of his adult life until close to the time he began to prepare for a presidential bid he supported unlimited rights to abortion, experimental use of fetal cells, legalization of all recreational drugs, same-sex marriage and adoption and so on. He called multiple times for nationalization of banks and other thrift institutions. He wanted unbelievable expansion of the doctrine of eminent domain. He threw a huge fit when Obamacare was approved without containing provisions for IMMEDIATE and TOTAL nationalization of health care. He was a total amnesty shill.

        Most telling of all to me was that when Chelsea Rodham was married in a huge affair somewhere out East, Trump sat in the front row with the Clinton family while no one else but the groom’s family was allowed there.

        There’s much more to be said about Trump but hopefully this gets the message across.

        I wrote hundreds, maybe thousands, of times in 2015 and 2016 that non-leftists had no sensible alternative to Trump, so they’d have to vote for Trump. But if his base didn’t put heavy pressure on him — especially on illegal immigration — he’d make little to no effort to honor his vows.

        That goes again.

        If you’re gonna pound the drum for Trump today, you’d better write and exert pressure on him if he wins in 2024, or what you’re doing now will turn out to have been pointless.

  2. frank Stetson

    I still wait for Republicans like Horist, especially Horist, to find some balls, stand up, and say: THIS IS WRONG. Just saying you will only not choose him in the primary falls short of patriotism and love of country. READ HIS WORDS. Listen to him. When has he ever NOT tried to have actions equal words.

    Today, in 1941, my Uncle left port in San Diego, on his unrepaired battlewagon, heading to Pearl at full steam. They were offered the chance to stand down, stand back, and repair the ship. The crew lifted anchor and the Captain agreed to follow the crew. The Patriots. The men who stood up when others stood down. Churchill once said Americans will always do the right thing right after they have exhausted every other option. It’s time to do the right thing. Support Halley, end Trump’s run. Frankly, I would rather face Trump but would be willing to lose to Halley who I think can win. Because of Trump.

    He is clear what he will do and who he will do it to. Is revenge politics your mantra too?

    “Have you seen the saucers?
    For the earth mother?
    Do you know there are people out there,
    Tranquility base, there goes the neighborhood;
    Who are unhappy with the way that we care,
    American garbage dumped in space,
    And no room left for brotherhood.
    Have you seen our saucers?
    You see our lights in your western skies,”

    YOU can be your own retribution. Take back your party. Stand up, scream enough is enough. Defeat the dictator.

    Vermin, over and out,

    FYI: LIz’s book is a best seller; no more copies but audio is always available. I may send a copy to the HOUSE Republicans for Christmas.

    • Dan tyree

      Liz is just another nut job trying to get rich, or richer off Trump. The good people of Wyoming showed her what they think. She will wash out soon and join her dyke sister crying in her beer

      • frank Stetson

        Wow, Dan demeans lesbians. What a guy! Probably married to one. At least after a few years with him……

        Liz has ruined her career. Democrats applaud her but probably won’t hire her. Republicans are like Dan, she’s toast.

        She choose morals and patriotism as did many Republicans on 1.6.2021. She stuck to her guns while most other Republicans modified their stance to partisanship, patronage, and fealty to their dictator. Pence, Cheney, Romney, you know the list. Stood their ground and you made them pay for it in your fealty to criminal Trump.

        This book may be her nest egg, not sure where she goes from there. You won but I support her last hurrah with my wallet.

        Who will you joyfully destroy in your party next? I guess it’s Kevin time!!!

        • Jim wampler

          Your daughter might be a dyke.

          • frank Stetson

            gotta love a virtual guy saying virtual things to another virtual guy that JIM WAMPLER would be too big a pussy to say in person.

            Yeah, call my daughter a dyke. Soften it with your weaselly “might.” why, if my virtual self had a virtual daughter, I would be virtually upset beyond virtual belief.

            tough guy nyuk, nyuk, nyuk 😘

            may your kind words be returned upon you ten times.

          • doug

            I don’t know if this will settle the matter of not-see Frankie Stein’s gender identification, or that of his alleged family members, but here’s video of him in a new Bud Light beer commercial that will begin airing any time now.

            www bing com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=klaus+nomi+and++youtube&mid=ED3AE92A778BE43FCFF0ED3AE92A778BE43FCFF0&FORM=VIRE

            Insert periods on both sides of “bing” before clicking on the address.

            He (if that’s “his” chosen pronoun today) performs with his twin Tommy Boy in a group they call Tweedle. No one knows which one is Tweedle Dink and which is Tweedle Damn. The answer is probably in a tattoo on the twosome’s eight cheeks.

        • doug

          The local chapter of the Not-See Brigade has chosen a new tactic: Repeated filings of the same post, somehow believing that if we didn’t read the collections of lies and absurdities the first time, we’d glom onto them the second or third time.


          But there are those of us who nail goobers to the wall, just because it magnifies their paranoia and sleeplessness.

          So I’m gonna repeat one of my own posts that demonstrates what a schweinhunt that HAMAS Frank is for wasting time and space at this special time.

          He’s not only incapable of speaking substantively and factually. Every challenge to him to do triggers huge breakouts of rashes that obscure his normally decorative Swastika tattoos.

          On the microscopic chance that Swastika Frank actually responds to this post, it’s a certainty his frantic nattering won’t be substantive, logical and/or decipherable.

          More likely, he’ll emulate his heroine Nikki, who blurts “answering you is not worth my time” every time she encounters a truism she has no answer for — right out of the Marxist playbook that Alinsky authored. Three two one GO.

          Notice the complete absence of substantiation or logic in Swastika Frankiestein’s gibberish-laden post, which the notseefied author has filed multiple times on this page.

          A traitor to her party, Cheney pledges to not vote for actual Republicans, who are guided by the party platform. But she’s prepared to vote for any number of DiRDs (Demnocrats in Republican Drag), AKA RINOs.

          I’ve analyzed the Liz Cheney phenomenon on this very comment board, based on confirmed truth and very reasonable conjecture. People can contest the speculative statements and for that matter the obvious truths, for whatever gain that they would cull from that practice.

          But I don’t want to crowd the not-see-boy here. So here’s the gist of my earlier post, which assiduously sidesteps the Orange Man Bad method of propaganda and punditry.

          Cheney saw her father relegated permanently to a black hole after he left office (inarguable). And she’s never demonstrated any particular talents or admirable traits that could nail her a plush administrative job — particularly in the prairie lands of Wyoming (incontestable). Her failed days of sucking up to Trump made it clear she wasn’t going to milk him for personal largesse BEFORE she turned her guns on him (incontrovertible).

          But there was one hallway to personal success open to Cheney, and she seized it. It was to ingratiate herself with the chattering class and power players in the Donk Party (indisputable), inasmuch as those in the GOP weren’t in the habit of bestowing great favors to people whose only qualification for favor is deep greed (speculative). So Cheney signed on, and you can count on her being summoned to media outlets for years to come (absolutely uncontestable).

          Cheney only ascended to elective office on her father’s soiled coattails. (uncontested). Before his elevation to the vice-presidency in 2000, she labored only in small, dark, shadowy bureaucratic dungeons (simple fact). She wouldn’t know how to serve the public if she surprisingly opted to try (speculative but obvious). She DOES know how to stab people in the back, and she has unsheathed that talent to benefit herself until she drops dead or is kidnapped by aliens (illegal or extraterrestrial) (who could possibly disagree?). Unlike her daddy, she is not known to have shot anyone in the back at close range, but she does demonstrate a propensity to thrust a knife (does a bear like honey?).

          This is effectively indisputable since we’ve been damned to see Pelosi appoint her to the J6 House Committee in place of the Republicans who had full historical and electoral rights to a committee seat (even the legacy media admit it).

          All this is to caution folks not to celebrate the disappearance of Cheney from the public sphere. She’s a barnacle on the American stage, and will remain so as long as it pleasures the puppeteers in charge of our gummint to tweak her strings (circle completed).

        • Tom

          I and most Independents appreciate Liz. I will probably buy her book just to support her.

          • larry Horist

            Tom … You are presuming to represent all or most independents. I think you are wrong to do so — and wrong on Cheney. Since polling shows Trump topping Biden with independent voters, I think it is more reasonable to assume they may not like or appreciate her as much as you think. I am doing a commentary on her, and I am sure you will not like it….LOL.

        • doug

          Liz Cheney still gets a lump of coal every December just as her bungling warmonger dad always scores from the North Pole.

          But that’s no big deal for either, because they’re more fixated on Klaus than Mr. Claus. Klaus is Liz’s alias, Klaus Nomi, a secret recording of whom is captured in the following link (insert periods into the empty spaces on either end of “bing”):

          What about the creative but truth-challenged paean to the ever-optimistic witch, Cheney?

          Well, I for one have dismantled and disproved their idjutry on this board piece-by-piece until the shambles that remain can’t even be recognized. The notsified Tweedle Twins that peddle lies for an apparent hobby not only admit they have zero rebuttal but they don’t even tread close to that out of sheer embatrassment.

      • Doug

        Cheney isn’t crying but laughing uncontrollably.

        She saw her father relegated permanently to a black hole after he left office. And she’s never demonstrated any particular talents or admirable traits that could nail her a plush administrative job — particularly in the prairie lands of Wyoming. Her days of sucking up to Trump made it clear she wasn’t going to milk him for personal largesse.

        But there was one hallway to personal success open to Cheney, and she seized it. It was to ingratiate herself with the chattering class and power players in the Donk Party, inasmuch as those in the GOP weren’t in the habit of bestowing great favors to people whose only qualification for favor is deep greed. So Cheney signed on, and you can count on her being summoned to media outlets for years to come.

        Cheney only ascended to elective office on her father’s soiled coattails. She wouldn’t know how to serve the public if she surprisingly opted to try. She DOES know how to stab people in the back, and she has unsheathed that talent to benefit herself until she drops dead or is kidnapped by aliens (illegal or extraterrestrial).

        This is effectively indisputable since we’ve been damned to see Pelosi appoint her to the J6 House Committee in place of the Republicans who had full historical and electoral rights to a committee seat.

        All this is to caution you not to celebrate the disappearance of Cheney from the public sphere. She’s a barnacle on the American stage, and will remain so as long as it pleasures the riff-raff in charge of our gummint to have her at their disposal.

        • Frank stetson

          Actually it is over a half century old and it’s Jefferson Airplane Douglass.

          • doug

            One of the not-see-fied Tweedle Twins is yapping about nonsense again.

            They’re been challenged scores of times in the past week to renounce National Socialism, HAMAS and their fuhrer.

            They stand steadfast for genocide and tyranny.

            Who could have seen THAT COMING?


            I almost feel sorry for them.

    • doug

      Notice the dominance of twistic logic and total absence of any facts in the gooberese post above. The thinking runs this way: I can’t tell you why Trump is bad or Quid Pro Groper Joe Bidet is good, but you don’t dare ask for answers. If you vote for Trump you’re going to helll, and I’ll peee on your grave.

      Since I have no substantiation or the least reasoning to bolster my moronic gesticulations, I’m gonna throw my usual hissy snit now, right after reprinting totally irrelevant lyrics from a half-century-old Jefferson Starship tune. LOL!

      And a salute to Admiral CornPop, who allegedly commanded an unnamed and perhaps unnameable naval ship that set a course for Pearl Harbor 82 years ago.

      It was many years later that Groper Joe Bidet had his favorite son, Humper, illegally admitted to the Navy even though Junior was beyond the age of admission. Months later, because Orange Man is bad, Humper was forced to walk the plankafter he was caught once too often with enough illegal drugs to keep Snoop Dogg in outer space for three lifetimes.

      Re: “Achtung, schweinhunt” Frankie’s entreaties to read his Lady Faire’s (Liz Cheney) latest book or books — why not? It was time to stop hawking “Mein Kampf” too often to count.

      Just to touch all the bases, someone should advise Swastika Frank to look up the names of Republicans he wants other Republicans to vote for. Not that he’d ever contemplate switching his write-in vote, which always goes to Der Fuhrer.

      In summary:

      Nikky Haley

      Nickey Halley

      Count your blessings, all. But for the grace of God, you could have been born as ig’nant as “Deutscheland uber alles” Frankie.

      I’m glad we had this talk.

  3. DonRS

    The ANTI-TRUMP “Punching Bag Post” is doing its best to harm Trump – BOO HOO, IT AIN’T WORKING! The majority will celebrate his re-election to bring sanity back to our Federal Government!

  4. Tom

    Its all early polls and speculation. Let’s use a football analogy since it is mid NFL season. Trump winning a primary is like the Philadelphia Eagles winning big against their practice squad in their own stadium. But now take into account all of the people, Dems, GOPs, Indies, etc. and now you have a game more like last week when Philadelphia played San Francisco. Eagles lost. Too many little weaknesses and injuries to field a winning attack.

    As I have said before, and it is already happening in smaller elections recently held. If Trump is the nominee, and Biden is the other nominee with Harris, this Independent will split his ticket and vote for gridlock. It would be very interesting if Trump were president and had to deal with a Dem senate and legislature. And a Hail Mary won’t save him.

    And mark my words, GOPs will give in to funding Ukraine and Israel without significant changes to border security. If they do not, and they vote against funding both, then they will be held accountable in 2024 for Ukraine’s loss and our loss in the middle east. Putin and Xi, and now Maduro who wants to invade Guyana, are licking their chops!

    • doug

      Not s ure what the preceding post taught us other than reinforcing the recognition that the right to vote should never have been granted to goobers — at least to those bearing Swastika tats on their four cheeks.

      Now someone might chafe at my shining a spotlight on not-so-secret Reich followers, but I wouldn’t say it if I couldn’t show it.

      Returning to the subject of goobery and gooberese, is there anyone that has completed grade school who believes that he or she can “split” their presidential votes between Trump and Groper Joe Bidet?

      I’m particularly impressed by the confidence shown above that Groper Joe Bidet would let Israel be eradicated and allow a second Holocaust to be initiated in preference to being forced to harden border protection — especially when not just most Americans but even most Hispanics believe the border needs to be drastically hardened.

      But Tommy Boy, AKA a member of the Tweedle Twins of fluid-gender fame, thinks that if Bidet blocks aid to Israel that the House and Senate approved, and if Israel is fried as a consequence — well, he thinks that American Jews won’t absolutely burn down the Donk Party in a thousand places.

      And he thinks that blacks and Hispanics won’t perceive the obvious — that the Damned Party won’t also betray blacks, Hispanics and other minorities with a swish of Bidet’s wand. Is there anyone that Humper’s illegitimate father won’t backstab? Really, anyone at all? Please mail nominee names to this site, or to the site Media Mutters.

      Tommy Boy also thinks — or at least pretends — that Slow Joe BiteMe won’t be impeached and removed from office if he refuses to allow critical American aid to be sent to Israel.

      Famed bigot Joe, with his long history of race hate and contempt for minorities (remember when he opined that Obama’s major qualification for office was that he’s well-spoken and “clean”?), might wish Israel will be crushed, but that sentiment isn’t shared nationally.

      Who believes that Israel wouldn’t start lobbing nukes if the Israel-HAMAS war expands substantially, and who believes that Groper Joe, rather than Trump, would take the blame?

      Purely on a partisan basis, Republicans likely would relish a confrontation with the current White House. If Israel is extinguished, it will likely take Damned-o-crats’ party with it.

      If Joe Blow and his woke minions actually visit ruination on Israel, it’s a good bet Mossad will have the last word — not on the ashes of the Holy Land but within our own borders. And THIS country, for the most part, would cheer silently if not loudly.

      That assumes the entire globe doesn’t suffer nuclear annihilation first.

      Now I’lll turn over the mic to our resident Third Reich delegation, the Tweedle Twins, who are reportedly anxious to announce they’re unable to dialogue on any basis that requires logic, fact and truth.

      We still have unfinished bidness from a couple days ago, when the Twins were challenged to repudiate Hitler’s concentration camps, FDR’s detention camps for Japanese, Russia’s gulags, Shrillary’s advocacy for re-education camps, the theft of native American lands and shunting of tribes into reservations and many other instances of camps that killed scores of millions of people last century.

      The Twins are totally opposed to renouncing such examples of genocidal events perpetrated by their political clones.

      I’m SO glad we had this talk.

  5. frank Stetson

    Wow, Dan demeans lesbians. What a guy! Probably married to one. At least after a few years with him……

    Liz has ruined her career. Democrats applaud her but probably won’t hire her. Republicans are like Dan, she’s toast.

    She choose morals and patriotism as did many Republicans on 1.6.2021. She stuck to her guns while most other Republicans modified their stance to partisanship, patronage, and fealty to their dictator. Pence, Cheney, Romney, you know the list. Stood their ground and you made them pay for it in your fealty to criminal Trump.

    This book may be her nest egg, not sure where she goes from there. You won but I support her last hurrah with my wallet.

    Who will you joyfully destroy in your party next? I guess it’s Kevin time!!!

    • doug

      Notice the complete absence of substantiation or logic in the gibberish-laden post above, which at this moment the notseefied author has filed multiple times on this page.

      A traitor to her party, Cheney pledges to not vote for actual Republicans, who are guided by the party platform. But she’s prepared to vote for any number of DiRDs (Demnocrats in Republican Drag), AKA RINOs.

      I’ve analyzed the Liz Cheney phenomenon on this very comment board, based on confirmed truth and very reasonable conjecture. People can contest the speculative statements and for that matter the obvious truths, for whatever gain that they would cull from that practice.

      But I don’t want to crowd the not-see-boy here. So here’s the gist of my earlier post, which assiduously sidesteps the Orange Man Bad method of political punditry.

      Cheney saw her father relegated permanently to a black hole after he left office (inarguable). And she’s never demonstrated any particular talents or admirable traits that could nail her a plush administrative job — particularly in the prairie lands of Wyoming (incontestable). Her failed days of sucking up to Trump made it clear she wasn’t going to milk him for personal largesse BEFORE she turned her guns on him (incontrovertible).

      But there was one hallway to personal success open to Cheney, and she seized it. It was to ingratiate herself with the chattering class and power players in the Donk Party (indisputable), inasmuch as those in the GOP weren’t in the habit of bestowing great favors to people whose only qualification for favor is deep greed (speculative). So Cheney signed on, and you can count on her being summoned to media outlets for years to come (absolutely uncontestable).

      Cheney only ascended to elective office on her father’s soiled coattails. (uncontested). Before his elevation to the vice-presidency in 2000, she labored only in small, dark, shadowy bureaucratic dungeons (simple fact). She wouldn’t know how to serve the public if she surprisingly opted to try (speculative but obvious). She DOES know how to stab people in the back, and she has unsheathed that talent to benefit herself until she drops dead or is kidnapped by aliens (illegal or extraterrestrial) (who could possibly disagree?). Unlike her daddy, she is not known to have shot anyone in the back at close range, but she does demonstrate a propensity to thrust a knife (does a bear like honey?).

      This is effectively indisputable since we’ve been damned to see Pelosi appoint her to the J6 House Committee in place of the Republicans who had full historical and electoral rights to a committee seat (even the legacy media admit it).

      All this is to caution folks not to celebrate the disappearance of Cheney from the public sphere. She’s a barnacle on the American stage, and will remain so as long as it pleasures the puppeteers in charge of our gummint to tweak her strings (circle completed).

  6. doug

    A pretty good assessment by Larry, but missing some salient factors.

    * One factor is the Russo-Ukrainian war. America is finally coming to terms with the disaster we suffered in our Afghanistan and worldwide when Quid Pro Groper Joe Bidet surrendered in possibly the most disastrous wartime exit in history, from leaving $100 billion in war material behind, in abandoning Afghans who trusted U.S. assurances and in causing the death of masses of people and destroying U.S. credibility.

    When Groper Joe threw Afghanistan and non-Afghan warriors for freedom worldwide, it was a done and Americans just wanted to move on. Now, in the disaster of the Ukraine, whose ending was universally known from the get-go, people are remembering the immense catastrophe of 2021 and don’t want it repeated.

    Support for Ukraine is diminishing by the day. Every bad turn is a little win for Trump DeSantis and Ramaswamy, though mostly for Trump. This hot potato will be especially powerful after the nominations.

    * The Israel/HAMAS war may become just as politicallly potent after the primaries as the Ukraine. The Donk Party’s (AKA not-sees’) enormous pot of anti-Semitism is boiling over (check out Tweedle Dink and Tweedle Damn below). The news media’s and entertainment world’s facade of tolerance is peeling away, and their towering Jew Envy is visible to everyone. Depending on the poll, 40 to 60 percent of Donks support HAMAS against Israel, never mind its unbroken history of terrorism and anti-Americanism.

    * It isn’t provable at this point, but I’ll go out on a limb and predict that the U.S. population won’t knowingly give up its ethical core to please goosesteppers like the Tweedle Twins.

    * The squealing and squirming over the Donk Party’s and media’s persecution of Trump and his allies aren’t the only developments we’ll read and hear about in the next year related to corruption and treason. Expect waterfalls of revelations about the dirty machinations of all the Bidets, Kamalala Harris, the FBI, intelligence agencies and far more. Whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork. Whoever came up with the notion that imprisoning Americans over J6 would intimidate everyone else has some crow to eat.

    This process is already unfolding. Whether it has much impact on the GOP nomination hinges on when major dams (not to be confused with Tweedle Damn) will burst.

    * The Donk Party has been in overdrive this past year in its efforts to compromise elections. Here in Michigan, the secretary of state merrily goes about her way ignoring federal and state law, and with the governorship, attorney general’s office and legislature in the hands of fellow Donks, nothing can stop her. She’s actually prosecuting lawyers for filing lawsuits that attempt to open public records to the public. And she’s also incessantly bowing for bringing transparency to elections, LOL.

    * From what I read, Pennsylvania is suffering the same kind of dissolution of legal protections for the electorate. Other states are having the same kinds of problems. It’s been proven a thousand times that Donks countenance and even encourage dirty elections, and the call has gone out to undermine election integrity in every respect. If the trend can’t be stopped, kiss America good-bye.

    Hope that adds to the picture. Notice that it’s completely substantive, based on phenomena that are documentable, not on “Orange Man Bad. Der Fuhrer Gut! (good),” as you’ll find under the monikers of the not-see-fied Tweedle Twins FrankieStein and TommyBoy.

    • Frank stetson

      Doug says US left $100B in war materials in Afghanistan. He’s only off by a factor of 15.

      BUSTED again.

      Number 3.

      What a liar.

      He can’t prove what he says.

      • doug

        Lookie that. One of the Tweedle Twins is trying to sidetrack the unveiling of truth and reality on this site. He or she or it cherry picks one fact out of hundreds, and admits he can’t even prove that (if he could, he would). More impressively, he proves — by taking the Fifth — that he can’t rebut anything else I’ve posted and substantiated.

        Any way to distract attention from his Third Reich revival antics, apparently, even if it flops big-time.

        Meanwhile we still have unfinished bidness from a couple of days ago, when the Twins were challenged to repudiate Hitler’s concentration camps, FDR’s detention camps for Japanese, Russia’s gulags, Shrillary’s advocacy for re-education camps, the theft of native American lands and shunting of tribes into reservations and many other instances of camps that killed scores of millions of people last century.

        The Twins are totally opposed to renouncing such examples of genocidal events perpetrated by their political clones.

        I’ll offer them softer terms. Since repudiation and condemnation are too harsh to seek, what criticisms — even mild criticisms — would they level at the almost exclusively leftwerp phenomenon of caging innocent people in camps and killing fields?

        While I’m on a roll, here’s an additional query: Who are the worst racists who ever attained fame in the U.S. and why are you calling them out?

        These little conversations aren’t just fun but I get to practice inflicting terrific hurt on not-see twinkies in the process.


        • Frank stetson

          That’s three challenges on the fact of doug’s three lies. His defense; why, everything else is true, why focus on the lies

          Because Doug lies and he’s not able to refute his lies even if he says look elsewhere. Nope, doug, we know whats behind the curtain; more lies.

          Take a big man to avoid stepping up when he’s wrong. You da man.

        • doug

          From the NY Post: More examples of Squid Pro Groper Joe’s treachery.

          “At least nine Americans were killed in the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel over the weekend, the U.S. State Department confirmed on Monday. The rising death toll comes amid reports that American weapons left behind in Afghanistan ended up in the Gaza Strip and concerns that those weapons may have been used to kill Americans in Israel.

          “According to a Newsweek report that flew under the radar earlier this year, an Israeli commander warned that U.S. weapons abandoned in Afghanistan during President Joe Biden’s deadly withdrawal were seen in the hands of Palestinian groups in Gaza.”

          Since the outbreak Joe BiteMe has been even busier, trying to divert additional billions to Iran, which by all accounts is funding the wear. And you just HAVE to know that Joe, Humper, Nurse Jill and the rest of the Bidet Crime Family are siphoning money into their britches.

          • doug

            Let’s break it down for the admitted not-see-boy:

            I SAID “he proves — by taking the Fifth — that he can’t rebut anything else I’ve posted and substantiated.”

            Bull’s eye.

            I SAID: “Any way to distract attention from his Third Reich revival antics, apparently, even if it flops big-time.”

            Bull’s eye.

            I SAID: “Meanwhile we still have unfinished bidness from a couple of days ago, when the Twins were challenged to repudiate Hitler’s concentration camps, FDR’s detention camps for Japanese, Russia’s gulags, Shrillary’s advocacy for re-education camps, the theft of native American lands and shunting of tribes into reservations and many other instances of camps that killed scores of millions of people last century.”

            No response, so obviously a bull’s eye.

            I SAID: The Tweedle Twinbots are”totally opposed to renouncing such examples of genocidal events perpetrated by their political clones.”

            Bull’s eye. Even a flea’s eye.

            I SAID: “I’ll offer them softer terms. Since repudiation and condemnation are too harsh to seek, what criticisms — even mild criticisms — would they level at the almost exclusively leftwerp phenomenon of caging innocent people in camps and killing fields?”

            No response, so another bull’s eye.

            I SAID: “While I’m on a roll, here’s an additional query: Who are the worst racists who ever attained fame in the U.S. and why are you calling them out?”

            No response, ergo, bull’s eye.

            I pegged these wokies as not-seeboyz years ago, and they haven’t lost an iota of their Jew envy and barely literate barnyard squeals.

            These little conversations aren’t just fun but I get to practice inflicting terrific hurt on not-see twinkies in the process.


    • doug

      Another factor that we hear very, very little about (thanks to a media freeze-out in support of Bidet) but which could truly upend the November election.

      In 2016, leftnits — AKA Demnocrats — lost the presidency because Jill Stein and Gary Johnson each siphoned away millions of Donk votes. In that election the leftwat trio garnered almost 10 million more votes than Donald Trump, yet he won. It’s a quirk in our system.

      Along the same lines, George W. Bush in 2000 was elected president only because pundit Patrick Buchanan peeled off so many Donk votes from Algore in Florida. Adding to the irony, Bush only snared the Florida majority because voters were confused by ballot language — language selected by Demns locally and statewide.

      No one knows how many votes that Robert Kennedy Jr. will take out of play from the major parties. But so far, the balloting looks to be mighty close, and only a sliver of votes might be sufficient to determine the election outcome.

      We could ask the resident gnatsey nitwits for input, but the Tweedle Twins’ idea of discourse consists of flinging feces. Isn’t that right, Tommy Boy? Isn’t that right, misfit Frankie?

  7. Will trent

    Liz committed treason

  8. frank Stetson

    Doug is a fatherless bastard son of a wretched whore who wanders the threads of PBP looking to feel good by demeaning others without so much as a salient thought amongst the low-brow self-defecating names he assigns to any of his targets. Flatulence is his most used 50-cent word. That’s where his cleverness ends. IF you poke him on his facts, supported by evidence, he goes off the reservation whining away, crying like a baby, and lashing out with more name creations —- his forte in life.

    I have pushed back on three of his supposed pieces of evidence and he’s come back with names and nada. Zilch. Nolo Dinero. BUSTED. He sucks pondwater. From the muddy bottom. After it’s been stirred up. That is his way. The way of the worm. I will give him this. He has no issues with looking stupid.

    Feel free to come at me. Come at me on the issues. Support what you say. Or continue making up names like a third grader. If that’s the best that you’ve got.

    BUSTED on one: “even unions whose members suffer substantially from illegal immigration” is a lie being just not true.

    BUSTED on two: “their thoughts shifting sharply to pedophilia, as is demonstrated so shockingly here,” except they are not. Doug lies.

    Busted on three: “Doug says US left $100B in war materials in Afghanistan. He’s only off by a factor of 15.” Like under $8B, small arms. Good stuff if left probably disabled for use.

    While Doug has dithered into overabundant low-brow name calling; the last refuge of the failed, feckless, debater, in which I am a NAZI in his eyes, pretty funny all things considered, and most assuredly another DOUG LIE, amongst other Doug fantasies about my gender, sexual preferences, and even my Greatest Generation Uncle, one of seven sons to serve where Doug could just not go, Doug has not responded to his lies. He has neither defended his statements with facts, support, and sources NOR has he stepped up like a man and said: ooops, sorry, made a mistake, my bad. Libertarians are like that. They lose so much in the political arena that saying they got one wrong is a bridge to far. Get over it Doug — you win so few elections, you hold no major office. Libertarian. We tolerate you. You are completely adequate. You have been weighed, measured, and you come up lacking. Get used to it.

    He suggests “A Hamas-slurping nose-picker formulates a lie, offers no backing for it and demands to be refuted.” What is a “Hamas-slurping nose-picker” anyways? Actually the $8B is sourced everywhere, common knowledge as Horist calls those types of facts, do you really want a citation when you are off by 15 TIMES?. Try any major media outlet, use the Libertarian one… Also, I can not find a source discounting illegals in Unions. That’s because there aren’t any…. YOUR STATEMENT needs proof, l called you on it, and I cannot prove the invisible, the impossible. That’s why you love conspiracy theories, hard to disprove a total fabrication. Especially if, like Trump, Doug just piles more shit on top of his copious, yet often undecipherable, bullshit. Same with the pedophilia comment, which, although seems to be your own personal peccadillo, does not exist. THEY ARE UP TO YOU TO PROVE, you made the statements as if fact. Don’t got the balls to back up your words?

    And then he says: “And keeps on making the same demand, even though it couldn’t be more obvious it was manufactured in the first place for tactical reasons.” Uh, they are your words. Prove you are right. I accuse you of lying and have provided the evidence of that. Three times. And why would I be tactical at all — it’s a discussion on a anonymous website. Tactical? What battle are you in?

    Then he goes completely off the reservation and says: “pointed out on this comment board how the left always favors removal of people into camps: concentration camps, detainment camps, relocation camps, prison camps, re-education camps, native American reservations, internment camps, Cambodian-style execution camps, Russian gulags, Chinese camps for religious minorities, indoctrination camps and so on.”

    BUSTED —– prove it. You say Tom and I have pointed out on this board….. Go for it. Fourth BUSTED. Make me say, oooops, sorry, made a mistake….

    He also does a lot of deflection into other topics, other Stetsonian personal flaws, and outright bullying. Yada, yada, yada. But he never supports his lies when called out differing to the sniveling whining fake libertarian that he espouses to be.
    Try sticking to the issues and skipping the personal attacks of the low-brow, incoherent level —- I mean — nazi’s, pedo’s, etc. —- really simple stuff.

    Some of us come here to discuss, debate, even thrash a bit over the issues of the day as highlighted by Horist and others, mostly Horist. It can get testy, Larry has a personal problem with me, but I feel, in my heart, that he will reach an even keel and the debate can go on. Some say Tom and I are in love with each other, but truth is we disagree vehemently on a number of topics, have tossed a few personal invectives when things got heated, but the difference is we ATTEMPT to adhere to the rules and principles of honest discourse. Doug does not. And, often, he can not even support what he says with facts, figures, statistics, citations, and sources. He appears to just pull in out of his ass as it suits him.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson. Your obsession is showing I scrolled down your posting just to see if in the middle of your battling with doug you had taken a break with your obsession with moi. Looked promising until I got down to the last paragraph, LOL. You just cannot get the Larry Horist of your invention out of your mind. You say thing like “Horist and other, but mostly Horist.” in another pose you mention me and others and added “especially Horist.” On one level, I am flattered that you see me as special in your life. On the other hand making me such an important part to your life and relevancy is pathetic and a bit sick. I do not have a problem with you — personal or otherwise. I mostly ignore your writings — unlike you who posts repeated responses to everything I write. Doug seem to have gotten under your skin. He has drawn your fire away from me for the most part. But occasionally — like this post — you have to gratuitously bring in your Larry Horist pretend playmate — even though I was not part of the subject you are dealing with and which has nothing to do with my commentary. Your obsession to make me part of you psyche with gratuitous references and childish insults does not serve you well. .I am not sure I have ever seen anyone say that you and Tom are in love. That seems to be your invention. I have used the bromance term in a colloquial way and does not imply a loving relationship. And your posts seem to be getting more angry and irrational in general — not just with me. I think you would benefit from a little introspection .

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Frank, check your meds!!

  9. Frank stetson

    Joe, thanks, I am up to date. And sorry, but my uncle, my daughter, suggesting all sorts of things. Moderation in all things and this is becoming NOT. But the site reflects the man.

    Larry, thanks. But too long to read. Besides I was responding to your Liz article ;-). Let me know if you want to go beyond personality.

    And yeah, being called a nazi pedophile who puts people in camps and my Uncle, part of the greatest generation a loser because your dipshit site yells extreme free speech as your cover for being a spineless shit in search of a buck, yup, it takes a toll.

    But I am glad it was a colloquial bromance, just as you sucking Trump’s dick is a colloquial way of saying suck it. With all due respect. I have tried posting less to you, to lighten up a bit. Clearly you still hold a deep seated grudge.

    • Jim lucas

      Frank shut up. You are too stupid to participate in this discussion. And you are sucking Biden’s dick. Most of what you post are damned lies. So go drink a beer and jerk off. You have too much stress.

    • AC

      You down play Trump’s “weak spots”. In another time with another person hoping to run for elected office, they would not have a prayer.
      Anyone with a hint of just one of Trump’s legal issues would be struck from consideration by the Republican conservative electorate.
      But, no, as you say, his black hole size sufficiencies are mere spots.
      You hang allegiance to this man on some policies you believe he will follow. When in fact nothing he says can be depended on.
      This week he promised that if elected his first day in office (at lest) he would be a “dictator” and exact revenge on former staff gone turncoat and RINO enemies. How can that not bother you and those who may think Trump is presidential material in the party of Lincoln and all that is conservative in governing philosophy?
      The electorate in general and particularly those who vote Republican Ticket are politically uninformed, American Civics understanding deprived, two party democracy necessity ignorant, Constitution amendments illiterate, as well as context bind narrow minded. Apparently, we, the people can see division exists in the country. It’s a subject the media reports happening. Each mass shooting incident brings calls for change. But, the shootings don’t stop.
      Because terrible news is happening out there and to
      someone else the matter is merely a subject, nothing to do with me, personally. The thingbetween Ukraine and Russia is a subject. News of Israel and Hamas Palestine at war again is another subject. To the common person on the street not bearing any conscience when atrocities are committed far away, these are just subjects in the news.
      Subjects in the news become true issues when a happening hits us personally, close to home. The matter of choosing elected officials, presidents and on down is a year away and for most a subject in the distance. Therefore, the election 2024 is not an issue.
      Context blindness keeps subjects from honest consideration as true issues.
      What we see happening in this country’s people’s house, the HR, in Washington is an issue grade problematic situation beginning with the Republican caucus, Freedom caucus, and majority leadership.
      First, representatives mirror the electorate with contentious behavior, petty differences, widening divisions, and party centric agendas. Greater good in the world context seems foreign. Person, party, and self promotion over country is abundant and ugly.
      Second: Trump is tied up with his attention focused on legal and financial survival. Yet, he remains at the head of the Republican Party.
      That makes the Party like the proverbial headless horseman.
      How does it bode well for the country that the Republican Party as marginal majority in the HR and at equals in the Senate and its head and presidential heir apparent are In disarray, hardly functional. Then the icing on the cake is the insinuation that America is not so greaty.
      Now Trump’s rally cry (whine) is Make America Great Again Again.
      He will not, as he is unequipped, lead our nation to build on its present greatness among world nations.
      Tie your hopes to Trumps brand for the GOP at your peril, Larry. IMO at this time you and I are closer to 8 decades than 7 in years and should understand many more issues in contexts appropriate. So, what rises as critical is less personal achievement legacy and more promoting America’s greatness as sustainable in unity only.
      I hope unity is not only attained in a time of war, but greatness is more during peace time. Military strength on display is one element of a greatness equation. Would that armament technology was the last resort, not the initial solution. If you had served in one of this country’s armed forces “in country” active duty, then having been there would form your prospective/comtext.

      • Frank stetson

        Wow Larry, it seems as if a lot of people disagree with you but are pulling for you to right the ship and set a new course to a compassionate conservative candidate and constituency. Can’t wait for the Cheney enlightenment. We believe in you Larry. Be well.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson …. Are you okay? I do not keep score on those who agree or disagree with things I write. But based on you saying ” a lot of people disagree” with me, I did a quick count and found more agree with me than disagree on most commentaries — and even that is not a lot of people one way or the other. You have to judge the responses based on the commentary. Folks like Tom agrees with me on some and disagree with me on others. And those who do disagree usually it is on the issue –and they make intelligent points. You seem to have more disagree with you. And you like to go after folks personally — “especially Horist.” You are the constant critic and prone to ugly childish attacks. So what is your point? There are a few people who disagree with things I write. Wow! That is a revelation.

          • frank Stetson

            Horist — thanks for the update. Glad you are not obsessed or that I am under your skin, yech.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … you need to develop your own material. I mention your obvious obsession and you start throwing that back at me with none of the proof you keep demanding. — even though you do not offer much proof of you statements. You say you favor civil dialogue and then go on the most nasty childish rants and ad hominin attacks. And now you claim that my comparative brief responses are too long to react because I have said your postings are too long (and to banal and irrational) to read or respond to. You may be getting delusional. I never called you a Nazi pedophile. If you have been trying to post less to me, it is not apparent. Your problem is that PBP publishes what you write no mater how nasty or ridiculous — or how bad it makes you look. You seem to be using your First Amendment right to damage your intellectual reputation. Only in your mind does this Larry Horist hold a grudge against you. More delusion. A grudge for what? You being obnoxious, relatively uniformed and crass. I like your weird reference to Trump’s dick. Just so you know. I don’t and its not. LOL

      • frank Stetson

        Great response, I will take it to heart.

        Glad we can talk issues.

        Keep those cards and letters coming.

        And tell us again about how little oil we are drilling……

  10. Frank stetson

    Turns out Trump spent $1m this year of your money to paycan expert witness in his case that has nothing to do with his Presidency or the next one. He was not good.

    Donate today, the case goes on. Oh yeah, he’s guilty, the current case is about the penalty. Donate today.

    Will he take the stand? Not bloody likely. Pussy.

    • Jim wampler

      Like your daughter